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Headscratchers / Arachnophobia

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  • So it is shown that the General mated with a relatively "normal" spider in order to produce a nest, but later on that spider has apparently became a "Queen" did the spider mutate or something? including turning into a tarantula and becoming venomous?
  • How were there only three deaths from the spiders in a span of what looks like a few weeks? Considering how many of them there were and the fact they seemed to bite anything that moved, shouldn't the entire human and animal population been wiped out in a matter of days?
    • Probably due to the location, we aren't exactly shown how far away the house is from the actual town, but they probably had a good few miles of forest and field to clear before they got to town, they probably captured the wildlife around the house and only made their way into the town when they had ran dry of other sources of food, the reason they never took out the family was probably because the Queen had made her nest in their basement, and only went full gear towards them, because of the exterminator spraying the place.
    • Spiders are cold-blooded, so they don't actually need to hunt every day. They probably wouldn't even have dispersed as far as they did, if not for new generations of spiderlings' drive to spread out so as to avoid cannibalizing one another.
