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Funny / We Have Always Lived in the Castle

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Because Helen Clarke was ungraceful by nature, she managed to make the simple act of moving into a room and sitting down a complex ballet for three people; before Constance had quite finished speaking Helen Clarke jostled Mrs. Wright and sent Mrs. Wright sideways like a careening croquet ball off into the far corner of the room where she sat abruptly and clearly without intention upon a small and uncomfortable chair.

"Don't touch my papers," Uncle Julian said, trying to cover them with his hands. "You get away from my papers, you bastard." "What!?" said Charles.

  • Merricat sometimes deliberately tries to scare people and finds it very funny, such as offering sugar to Mrs. Wright at tea, or asking for sugar at the store, knowing that they know what happened to her family.
  • Mrs. Wright gets so wrapped up in discussing the famous Blackwood murders with Uncle Julian that she temporarily forgets the suspected murderer is the same pretty, polite young woman she's been having tea with in the drawing room; she has to be reminded by Julian that she knows Constance. Meanwhile, Constance keeps piping up with helpful details of the time she (allegedly) murdered her family.
  • In spite of being thoroughly unpleasant, Cousin Charles occasionally behaves like the Only Sane Man in the household and ends up hilariously baffled by how calmly everyone else accepts the weirdness.
  • Merricat: I wonder if I could eat a child if I had the chance?
    Constance: I doubt I could cook one.

