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Funny / Uncle Grandpa

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    Season 1 
"Belly Bros"

"Tiger Trails"

  • "I said Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, not Giant Realistic Flying Dolphin."

"Space Emperor"

  • How Uncle Grandpa handles the alien gladiator. By spanking him.
    • Belly Bag being punched repeatedly by the alien gladiator.
      Belly Bag: (bruised and beaten) "Uncle Grandpa, could you stop getting punched in the Belly Bag?"

"Funny Face"

  • Uncle Grandpa and his friend makes funny faces and there’s a live action face that makes them laugh.

"Moustache Cream"

  • Uncle Grandpa lets out a Big "NO!" that can flies through the air. Unfortunately, a man is proposing to his girlfriend when it passes by.
    • The evil mustache latches on Mr. Gus's face and turns him into... a hipster.
      Must... resist... mustache! Fight... incredible urge... for flannel!
  • A quickie illustrates the Lightbulb Joke, with many, many, many duplicate Uncle Grandpas. He fixes the lightbulb by having one of the duplicates take his nose off, and replaces it into the socket. Pizza Steve asks him how many Uncle Grandpas it does take to screw one in, and Uncle Grandpa responds by counting all the duplicates for roughly 15 seconds and then saying "One."


  • When trying to earn the perfect nickname for himself with the aid of Uncle Grandpa, Eric battles a man-eating plant, defeats a monstrous bush, grows muscles, claims a sword, and becomes a hero! What nickname does he get? ...Cupcake. .... because he likes cupcakes.

"Driver's Test"

  • Uncle Grandpa has a girl drive him crazy—as in she literally drives him like a car.

"Uncle Grandpa Sitter"

  • Uncle Grandpa creates a female version of himself to be his babysitter to show that he can handle being left in the RV by himself while the others go out for ice cream. Unfortunatly, said sitter turns out to be just as wacky and impulsive as regular Uncle Grandpa, meaning that he has to literally babysit himself.
    • The reason Gus and Pizza Steve wont take Uncle Grandpa with them to the ice cream store? Last time they did, the RV exploded. The same thing happened last time he was left alone at home.
  • Uncle Grandpa tells his babysitter not to blow up the Earth because then the RV will be destroyed, and Mr. Gus and Pizza Steve won't let him stay alone in the RV.

"Uncle Grandpa Ate My Homework!"

  • Uncle Grandpa flees from a mummy in typical cartoon fashion, shooting off the screen and leaving an Uncle Grandpa-shaped dust cloud behind him. The cloud eventually dissipates... revealing Uncle Grandpa standing in the exact same spot he was in seconds ago.
    Uncle Grandpa: Oops. I forgot to leave. *vanishes again*

"Uncle Grandpa for a Day"

  • Uncle Grandpa's ode to peanut butter in "Uncle Grandpa For A Day"
    • "Uncle Grandpa sings the classics". With such classic songs as "Dont Eat Pizza Steve", "I Like Balloons" and "Please Pass the Mustard" (that last one being a death metal song of all things). Then there's "Frankenstein is Trying to Sleep", which has a choir of Uncle Grandpas singing this loudly next to Frankenstein, who is trying to sleep.
  • The argument about who's driving the RV. When they rush into the driver's cabin, they see an empty jar of peanut butter with a note saying "Gone for more peanut butter."
  • The scene when Mr. Gus first appears dressed as Uncle Grandpa.

"Afraid of the Dark"

  • How do Uncle Grandpa and a little girl defeat the scary creatures? By turning into even scarier monsters and scaring them into submission.
    • "You're friends with a slice of pizza?" "I don't discriminate".

"Treasure Map"

  • The treasure map is filled with weird destinations; "Root Beer River" is actually a sewer, "The Lost City of Fish-lantis" is actually a subway, and "Captain Blowhole's Underwater Laser Light Show" is actually a bank vault. Later in the episode, there is a riddle that is "What has no beginning, middle, or end but touches every continent?" The correct answer is "spaghetti fish sandwich", not the ocean according to Mr. Gus.
  • While the guys find a coupon to cover their meals, they all end up having to wash dishes anyway because it turns out that Giant Realistic Flying Tiger racked up a huge bill by ordering a bunch of steak smoothies. When the guys see just how many steak smoothies, UG says "we're gonna need a bigger litter box" while GRFT meows (with subtitles) "I have a problem."
    • Prior to that, while the guys are being chased by the police (which you can see through the windows by the table the gang was sitting at), a waitress comes up to GRFT and asks if she wants anything (other than water) while she's waiting for her friends. GRFT initially declines, but when the waitress reveals that the restaurant serves steak smoothies, GRFT excitedly orders two smoothies (even holding up two of her toes for emphasis).

"Locked Out"

  • This exchange between Pizza Steve and Mister Gus:
    Pizza Steve: My brain is a lethal weapon.
    Mister Gus: Too bad it's never loaded.
  • At one point, Uncle Grandpa accidentally locks himself out of the RV. In his efforts to get back in, he resorts to traveling to the moon and stretching his arm to punch the RV door in from orbit. Or rather, he attempts to do so... only for his arm to reach its stretching limit, causing his fist to stop about a foot short of the door. He quickly figures out what the problem is and takes a step forward, just far enough for his knuckles to tap lightly against the surface of the door back on Earth. Cue mushroom cloud.


"Brain Game"

"Mystery Noise"

"Charlie Burgers"

"Uncle Grandpa Shorts"

"Perfect Kid"

"Big in Japan"

  • From Mr. Gus' funeral:
    Uncle Grandpa: We are not here to celebrate death.
    (A disgruntled Grim Reaper leaves the funeral in a huff.)

"Leg Wrestle"

  • "Alright, now I want a good, clean fight. No hitting above the belt!"

"Future Pizza"

"More Uncle Grandpa Shorts"

"Viewer Special"

"Bad Morning"

  • The premise of the episode, Uncle Grandpa wakes up literally on the wrong side of his racecar bed, due to Pizza Steve taking it for a joyride the previous night, with Uncle Grandpa still in it. This results in Uncle Grandpa turning into a angry, destructive jerk who constantly yells "BAD MORNING!!".
  • The gang turns Uncle Grandpa's brain around, causing him to do everything in reverse. At one point, he lets a fart in, which the closed captions describe as "!TRAF".

"Prank Wars"

  • Uncle Grandpa's mortified reaction when he finds out that Mr. Gus sent Pizza Steve off to a pizza eating contest as a prank.

"1992 Called"

  • Apparently, Uncle Grandpa discovered America in 1492.

"Bezt Friends"

"Food Truck"

  • When Uncle Grandpa is too exhausted to make his Burger Dawgs and Mr. Gus, GRFT and Tiny Miracle abandon Pizza Steve when they learn that he's spending the profits on a jet, he tries to use Uncle Grandpa's food replicator to make more Burger Dawgs. On the instructions, the first reads to only use a small amount and the second says to never use it at all. Pizza Steve lampshades that the latter should've been at the beginning.
  • The ending where they get rid of the insane customers by making the RV taste horrible. Pizza Steve uses his motorcycle to fill it with exhaust, Tiny Miracle sprays it with petrol, GRFT literally farts rainbows on it, and Belly Bag just throws Brussel sprouts.

"Hide and Seek"

"The History of Wrestling"

  • Pizza Steve's wrestling alter ego, The Best, is a rip-off of Ric Flair (who guest stars as himself) right down to the catchphrase, to the point where he's actually squatting in Flair's house for his interview segments and wearing his hair, until Flair shows up and eats him.
  • Uncle Grandpa being immediately hired a wrestler because he's insane.
  • Mr. Gus, as his wrestling persona Mysterious Gus, beating up an entire area full of angry wrestling fans.
  • Mr. Gus eating Hot Dog Person and using Beary Nice as a flail.
  • The way Beary Nice asks Hot Dog Person what he thinks of his blue jeans is pretty funny. Even after the horrors he experienced, Hot Dog Person can't deny that Beary Nice's jeans are indeed cool.

"Sick Bag"


"Aunt Grandma"

  • Mr. Gus and Pizza Steve kick back and watch Uncle Grandpa and Aunt Grandma fight. They say that somebody should break up the fight, but they just keep on watching.
    • During the fight, Uncle G and Aunt G end up in a vending machine in a kid's room. Even Uncle G is surprised that a kid somehow has one.


"Haunted RV"

"Internet Troll"

  • Uncle Grandpa uploads a video into the internet by shoving a VHS cassette into his computer's CD-ROM drive, breaking it. The video loads anyway. Later, Gus loads another video by breaking open a laptop and sticking the VHS inside. Again, it loads perfectly.
"Not Funny"

"Prison Break"

  • Pizza Steve's plan for him and Mr. Gus to escape prison is to hide in a laundry hamper being pushed outside. When Mr. Gus asks Pizza Steve what movie he got the idea from, Pizza Steve states that he got it from FernGully: The Last Rainforest, causing Mr. Gus to point out that that's not a prison break movie.


"Christmas Special"

"Dog Day"

"Tiger and Mouse"

"Pizza Steve's Diary"


"Big Trouble for Tiny Miracle"

"New Kid"

"Uncle Zombie"

  • When Uncle Grandpa lets Pizza Steve sleep in his bed to help deal with Pizza Steve's nightmares, Pizza Steve opens the window of the room while sleepwalking. Uncle Grandpa gets too cold to sleep and closes it. Pizza Steve then opens it while sleepwalking again, so Uncle Grandpa closes it again and nails it shut. Pizza Steve then opens it with a crowbar (still in his sleep), so Uncle Grandpa tears out the whole thing and puts in a solid brick wall to cover up the empty space. Pizza Steve, still sleepwalking, goes to where the window was, stops for a few minutes before realizing it's gone, and then opens the other window in the room.

"Uncle Caveman"

"Misfortune Cookie"


    Season 2 
"Duck Lips"


"Body Trouble"

"Shower Party"

  • "Party foul!"

"Uncle Grandpa Land"

"Taco Comet"

"The Fan"

"The Package"

"Are You Talking to Tree?"


"Guest Directed Shorts"

"Hundred Dollar Gus"

"Weird Badge"

"The Great Spaghetti Western"


  • The titular AI attempts to force the RV into a state of conformity, so the gang turn themselves back to abnormal and assault Pal with their combined powers of weirdness, causing him to turn into Weird Pal, a robot version of "Weird Al" Yankovic (who is also his voice actor before and after the change).

"Uncle Grandpa at the Movies"

"Relaxation Land"

  • How Uncle Grandpa enters his name in the sweepstakes wherein a trip to Relaxation Land is the prize. He turns down a pencil, and instead produces a TV remote from Belly Bag, and rewinds the episode back to the end of the title sequence, takes the show's title, and shoves it in the ballot box!

    Season 3 
"Lame Station"
  • The visuals in "Oatmeal Day" must be seen to be believed.

    Season 4 
"The Cake Mistake"
  • Uncle Grandpa's first attempt to restore Pizza Steve's cake reshapes it into Frankenstein's head, which groans before disintegrating.
