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Funny / The Witches (2020)

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  • Grandmamma explains that witches find the odor of children to be repugnant but that not bathing can mask the scent. Like in the original version, the Boy declares he'll stop bathing, but this time, Grandmamma snaps that he'll do no such thing.
  • In one of the film's creepiest moments, the Grand High Witch opens her speech by exposing her horrid mouth and snarling at her subordinates like a demon, before chastising them for being "GOOD FOR NOTHING VURRRMS!" Then after a long pause, she casually snaps back into her normal voice to continue her lecture.
  • The way the witches “applaud” in this version since they don’t have normal hands; they clack their pointer fingers and thumbs together. One would think they were at a beat poetry night at a cafe.
  • After explaining her plan about Formula 86 to them, the Grand High Witch is met with the above mentioned “applause”. She at first does the typical way a public speaker would do of quieting a crowd. And when that doesn’t work? She bluntly tells them to “shut up”.
  • After the trio of mice get to Grandmas hotel room and are hidden away in her purse on the table, a man enters while the mice are hiding to set up mouse traps. At the same time, Bruno sees he dropped a grape and tries to sneak out and grab it, with the Boy grabbing him and pulling him back as he tries to crawl out and eat the grape. When he tries to crawl up and eat the grape again, Daisy grabs his tail and pulls him back. He pretends to stop struggling, only to stretch out again as they both hold his arms to keep him from going after it, with him finally grabbing it and taking it back into the purse. The Boy and Daisy take the grape away and start playing keep away with it as Bruno moves between them before the Boy drops it and dives for it, with Bruno jumping on him and flattening him before Daisy pulls him off. The Boy gestures for Bruno to be quiet before the man puts a mousetrap with "Fresh Wisconsin Cheddar" out after Bruno finally gets the grape, only for him to drop it in awe of the cheese. All of this done in total silence, which adds to the hilarity.
  • Frankly Anne Hathaway hamming it up in an over the top Norwegian accent is just hilarious, especially during the Grand High Witch’s Villainous Breakdown.
    Grand High Witch: I’ll cut off your tails with rrrrusty scissors! I’ll clip your ears with toenail clippers! I’ll poke out your beady eyes! I’LL GET YOU FOR THIS!

  • When Mr. Stringer discusses the soup for the RSPPC dinner, the Grand High Witch demands that they prepare it without garlic. Thanks to her heavy accent, she pronounces it as "gor-lick", much to Stringer's confusion.
  • When the witches are transformed into mice, the Witch with the Snake lands on Mr. Stringer and, for no reason other than animalistic rage, bites him in the groin. Cue an appropriately shrill shriek from Stringer while the Boy, Bruno, and Mary commence a Monkey Morality Pose.
    • Said pose can be seen in the trailer and on the movie's poster, too.
  • Though a grisly way to go, the (newly-transformed) Grand High Witch's demise at the paws of her cat is played up for laughs, all thanks to her hilariously panicked reaction.
    Grand High Witch: Hades, precious! Remember who feeds you... no don't think about food!
