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Funny / The Raven Cycle

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  • "Gansey! This is the countryside. Where bees live!"
  • A lot of Gansey and Blue's early interactions fall under this category:
    Gansey: How much do you make in an hour? I'll take care of it. And I'll talk to your manager.
    Blue: ...I am not a prostitute.

    All this time she'd been wondering how Gansey might die and it turned out she was going to strangle him.
  • The Greenmantles may be nightmarishly awful human beings, but it's absolutely hilarious seeing them bicker, passive-aggressively snipe at each other, and eat cheese like any other married yuppies while facing down hitmen, committing murder, and searching for supernatural forces of evil.
  • Ronan throwing Noah out of a window for fun in The Dream Thieves.
  • In Blue Lily, Lily Blue, Gwenllian informs Blue that her aura is, well, blue. A slightly-scandalized Blue wonders if she should be insulted since it's like naming a dog Spot.
  • In The Raven King, Helen finds out that Gansey bribed the Aglionby headmaster by promising to give him Monmouth Manufacturing in exchange for Ronan's ensured graduation. Her immediate reaction is to ask if Gansey and Ronan are sleeping together. It's such an out of left field assumption in what's otherwise a fairly grim conversation that Bathos is fully in effect.
