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Funny / The Oblongs

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Misfit Love

  • Helga trying to "arrange an accident" so Milo's dad will have to lose his health insurance and take Milo out of private school - she practically channels Wile E. Coyote.
  • Milo tells his mom about his crush on a Hill girl, causing Pickles to reminisce about her romance with Bob.
    Pickles: Well... my advice is to follow your heart. When I was young, you know I lived in the Hills. But then I met your father, we fell in love, and moved here down to the Valley. And you know what? (Milo shakes his head) All my hair fell out and I started drinking.
    Milo: ...please tell me there's more.
  • Milo tries to see if Yvette is at home, only to get a recorded message from a hologram of Yvette. Seeing that Yvette is his crush and realizing that he is dealing with a hologram, Milo attempts to grope the holograms' breasts, only to be slapped in the face.

Narcoleptic Scottie

  • Milo's prayer to God for Scottie to get better, especially when he threatens to turn to The Devil if his prayer goes unanswered.
  • George Klimer saying under his breath that Bob will have to sacrifice two weeks of pay to be allowed to see the animal testing lab, then ignoring Bob's query when he overhears him.

Milo Interrupted

  • The aftermath of Biff and Chip walking in on their parents having sex in the kitchen in "Milo Interrupted".
    Bob: I hope Biff and Chip weren't too traumatized by our hot, Dutch love.
    Cut to Biff and Chip in the shower.
    Chip: I still see them!
    Biff: Scrub your corneas!
    Chip: I'm trying!
  • Helga speaking in demonic tongues after Jawless Peggy comes over and tells her that Milo sent her over (He told our secret!? Black SpeechTranslation 
  • Helga's crush on Milo is blatantly obvious as she tries to get him to remove his shirt while mowing.
    Milo: With all the rocks on your lawn? I could lose a nipple!
    Helga: Goodness! You're givin' me the vapors!
    Milo: I've smelled your vapors, that's my cue. See ya!
    • When Helga is desperately trying to keep Milo from stopping his visits due to her intruding on his personal space, he caves in the most on-the-nose way possible.
      Milo: Fine! I'll stay in this loveless relationship out of pity!
      Helga: Oh goody! (Trounces off with enough force to reverberate the school)
  • Bob keeps thinking that Milo is doing drugs, finally thinking he's got evidence when he hears him say "I've never seen so much crack!" Turns out, he's actually looking at Mikey's sagging shorts, letting his HUGE asscrack in sight.
  • Because Milo won't confess to doing drugs, Bob decides to give him a spanking. Or rather, he TRIES giving him a spanking.
    Bob: All right, bend over. This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you. (Milo bends over and Bob starts whacking him on the butt with his head). Ow! Ow! Ow!
    Milo: That tickles!
    Bob: (Bruised and dizzy) All right, I can see you're too high to feel pain. You just... go to your room and crash or... whatever is you hopheads do.
  • When Helga gets adopted by Miss Hubbard, Hubbard lays her hand on Helga's forehead, imploring God to cleanse "this vile heathen of her wicked, disgusting ways."
  • Turns out Helga's parents were on a ship that crashed in an ice floe and they were forced to eat the other survivors.
    Pickles: That must have been awful!
    Mrs. Phugly: You have no idea! Oh, here Helga, we made you a necklace from their teeth!

Heroine Addict

  • During Pickles' intervention over her thrill-seeking addiction:
    Pickle: Milo, be a dear and shoot Mommy in the head.
    Milo: Dad'll get mad.
  • The photographer hoping he doesn't get sued for photographing the Oblongs dressed as The Simpsons.
  • A parachuter brags that he's cheating death until he screams that isn't the case once he crashes into power lines, afterwards he's burned to ashes.
  • Anita's horrified response to Pickles deciding to quit drinking:
    Anita: NOOO I-I mean WHY?
    Pickles: Smoking and drinking go together, like porn and nachos.
    Anita: But the money you've spent here helped me pay for the first half of a very important operation.
    Pickles: What operation?
    Anita: Sorry. Boundaries.
  • When Pickles gives a speech at the school assembly on thwarting a robber, she's confronted by Jared Klimer:
    Jared: Hey, Obdong's mother, you're a weirdo!
    Pickles: Is there a question from that Billy Boots Jared Klimer and his little sister Blaine?
    Jared: You shut up, Mrs. Obdong! You think you're so big!
    Pickles: I don't think, I know.
    Jared: Oh yeah? If you're so tough, I guess you have no problem trying to street luge.
    Beth: My mommy can do anything, and you're a stinker!
    Pickles: Thank you, sweetie.
    (gasp! gasp!)
    Mikey: Sorry. Ashtma. (puffs his inhaler)

The Golden Child

  • George Klimer: Now, for your entertainment, the comedy stylings of Reynolds from accounting.
    Reynolds: (approaches mic) So-
    (is immediately hit with a bottle from the audience and knocked out)
  • Milo discovers that he can sell drugged sugar-water called "Manic" to anyone:
  • this gem:
    Board Directors: Hail Milo, Hail Milo, Hail Milo Hail Milo....
    Board Director: Hail Satan! (sees everyone staring at him) sorry, got swept up in the moment

Flush, Flush, Sweet Helga

  • The scene where Debby is handing out fake invitations to her birthday party, But when she gets to Milo, he doesn't even get a fake invitation.
    Milo: Just keep moving Blondie, that tricks not gonna work on me.
    Debbie: Like I care. I didn't even make you a fake one.
    Milo: What? Y'know its really not fair that you make fun of some people and not others!
    Debbie: Okay you big baby, you can have hers. (she says giving Peggy's fake invitation to Milo)
    Peggy: Great, now I don't get fake invited?
    Teacher: Debbie, you really should have brought enough fake invitations for all the unpopular children.
    Debbie: (Tearfully) Y'know, you try to do something really mean and cruel. And it just gets thrown back in your face!
  • When Helga is stuck in a sewer pipe, her friends try to comfort her by giving her a couple books on tape to pass the time.
    Peggy: Anyway, we brought you some books on tape. This one is really good: it's Mein Kampf as read by Jimmie J.J. Walker.
    (plays the tape)
    Tape : The Aryan Race is Dy-no-mite!
  • Earlier when the Valley people are complaining about the lack of water:
    Anita: We can't shave!
    James: Or shower!
    Nurse Rench: Or void our bowels! Our bowels!
    • Later, after authorities install a $100 vending stall in the Oblong's bathroom, Mr. Klimer attempts to use it... only to have the bill get rejected for creases. Nurse Rench even calls it "the great equalizer".
  • When the water goes out in the Valley, it cuts to a scene of Nurse Rench hosing off a pile of very bloody and dangerous looking medical equipment next to some poor bastard in a full-body cast. Rench says "Thought I'd never get that splinter out!"

Disfigured Debbie

  • The Bait-and-Switch gag where Peggy, Susie and Mikey appear to be repulsed by the deformed face of Debbie Klimer, but it turns out they're actually stating their disgust at seeing mice living in Helga's back fat.
  • When the family gets fed-up with Debbie's actions messing with their lives, Pickles doesn't seem to agree at first.
    Pickles: Try to be patient. The poor dear's been through a lot.
    Debbie: I made you a virginNote  daquiri, Mrs. Oblong. Hee hee, I said virgin. (hands Pickles the drink)
    Pickles: Bitch gotta go!

Pickles' Little Amazons

  • This bizarre little gem from "Pickles' Li'l Amazons" when Milo (dressed as a girl) tries to sell cookies door-to-door:
    Man: Well well if it isn't Mr. Denzel Washington come back to beg for my forgiveness.
    Milo: ...sir, I'm just a little boy in drag selling cookies.
    Man: This house is made of play dough. I've got four hundred honey bees in the parlor!
    (Pickles and the kids run away in horror)
    Man: Wait! Denzel come on back! Eskimo kisses.
  • On the bus ride home, the Debbies are singing. Loudly.
    Debbies: Debbie stole the cookie from the cookie jar! Who me? Yes, you! Couldn't be! Then who? DEBBIE stole the cookie from the cookie jar! (etc)
  • The moment the girls are kicked off the bus, a bear grabs one of the Debbies and runs off with her in its mouth.
    Troop Leader: Hmm, queer.
  • Pristine giving all her money to a homeless man out of fear that he'll sexually assault her...only to learn that he's gay and no one bothered to stop her from doing something so foolish.
  • And the Chekhov's Skill at the end of the episode, where the training Pickles had given her troop were useless when it came to wilderness survival, but vital when it came to the urban setting.

Get Off My Back

  • Bob repeatedly getting crushed by the gargoyle while the kids are playing with the spear gun.
  • Milo, to the two bullies: "Everyone says you two have sex with each other!"

Please Be Genital

  • After Bob gets his testicles stomped on by an exotic dancer, he's told he can't have sex for a few weeks. Pickles starts thinking Bob is having an affair, and tackles a nun she sees talking to Bob at during a funeral.
    Pickles: How dare you steal my husband!
    Nun 1: Me? I'm married to the Lord!
    Nun 2: Hey! I'm married to the Lord!
    Nun 1: Oh no you're not!
    (The nuns start fighting each other and roll into an open grave)
    Gravedigger: NUN PILE! (Dives in after them, followed by Pickles)
  • When Pickles gets home demanding to know who Bob's been with:
    Pickles: Don't screw with me Bob I bit off a nun's ear.
    • Which then leads to their deciding that two weeks isn't that long to wait. Two seconds later:
      Pickles: Gimme sex! Gimme sex!
      Bob: Aaaah! No means no. No means no!
    • And when Bob gets medically cleared, he tears off his shirt and pants with just his teeth.
  • Anita's Advice Backfire regarding the telltale signs of having an affair.
    Anita: Is he irrepressibly chipper?
    Pickles: He sure is.
    Anita: Stingy with the hugs?
    Pickles: You know, I always have to hug him!
    Anita: Is there a bounce in his step?
    Pickles: Oh my god, he has been bouncing!
  • And the Running Gag of Milo being incapable of sleeping without hearing his parents having sex, which results in his Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny! getting dulled to the point of his wearing a shawl and acting like an old woman (which Helga only likes because he's baking crumpets).
  • The doctor's phone message to Bob: "What's three feet tall and has seeeexxx? You, baby!"

My Name is Robbie

  • This little exchange:
    Dusty: What happened to your limbs? You look like a baby sea-cow.
    Bob: A sea-cow? Well, I may not have arms and legs, but I have the one body part that really matters in a man. And it's huge!
    Dusty: I'd like to see that.
    Male lifeguard: Me too. Note 
  • When Biff and Chip meet Dusty the C.J.-esque lifeguard:
    "Dusty? More like "Busty"!"
    "Nice one."
    "I was gonna say "Rusty", but "Busty" just came to me."
  • The ending, where Bob's artifical arms and legs are hijacked by a shark, who runs on land, beats up the beach-goers, and then engulfs the camera. All in the span of four seconds.
  • This exchange:
    Pickles: You quit your job to become a lifeguard?
    Bob: Of course. It's been my lifelong dream.
    Pickles: You've never mentioned it before.
    Bob: Maybe I don't tell you everything. For instance, did you know that for a short while, I was married to Phylicia Rashad?
    Pickles: That's not true.
    Bob: But are you certain, absolutely certain? I prove my point.

Father of the Bribe

  • Pickles drinking so much that her breath has become a flamethrower. She's good for welding, but not for driving.
  • The coach not knowing if he's teaching driver's ed or sex ed. When Biff tells him it's driver's ed, he puts away a covered jar that has a penis in formaldehyde in it (then, later, gives Biff and Chip a phamplet about chlamydia to read when they confess that they don't have a luxury car to drive).
  • Pickles cooing over Biff and Chip getting their driver's license, then ranting about how they'll be drafted to Vietnam and "...left to die in some Godforsaken rice paddy, and for what? FOR WHAT?!" before breaking down in tears. She then snaps out of it when Bob mentions that she now has two more designated drivers in the house.
  • Pickles' freak-out when Milo tells her her Chippendales' lighter was in the now-wrecked car.
  • Bob is driving Biff and Chip and stops at a Chinese ramen house:
    Bob: Maybe it's a good time to try out my Mandarin.
    Biff: Dad, we're gonna be late for Driver's Ed.
    Bob: Gong hai, bok choy!
    Chip: What is wrong with you?
    Bob: Sorry. My desire to wear a hat and speak Chinese is getting in the way of my duties as a father.
    Biff: Just DRIIIIVE!
  • When Biff and Chip have a drag race against Jared and Blaine. Biff and Chip's car ends up on the edge of a cliff; a bird lands on the hood and they gasp, but the bird flies off and the car stabilizes. Just as Biff and Chip breathe a sigh of relief, Jared and Blaine drive by and kick the car off the cliff while laughing.
  • Mayor Bledsoe doesn't want George Klimer to give him his bribe out in the open because he's worried about attracting attention. George responds by pointing out that the mayor already wears a Mexican wrestler mask.
