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Funny / The Beatles: Get Back

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  • When Michael Lindsay-Hogg comments after George Harrison's departure that the documentary has "ground to a halt":
    John Lennon: "Ground to a halt?" I think it's taking off.
  • Paul McCartney's childlike glee after noticing the cops on the roof during the Rooftop Concert scene.
    • To put it in a bit more context, Paul's glee stems from the fact that early on he suggested holding the concert someplace "forbidden" such as inside Parliament where they would be physically removed by the police and most everyone is horrified at the thought of it. Paul kind of got his wish.
  • Ringo Starr's most, uh...revealing moment (and George Martin's nonplussed reaction):
    Ringo: I've farted.
    George Martin: ...I haven't got it yet.
    Ringo: I just thought I'd let you know.
    George Martin: Thank you.
    Ringo: I was gonna sit here silently and look at you and then I thought, no, I'll tell you about it.
  • In a moment of creative frustration, the band takes a break and orders Mal Evans to go look for an anvil for a song idea Paul has. For a brief moment, Mal has this perplexed look on his face wondering where the hell he could find an anvil. One Gilligan Cut later, and he's got the anvil and he's got this goofy grin banging on it while the Beatles figure out the song "Maxwell's Silver Hammer".
  • Paul's daughter scaring Ringo by hitting one of his drums while he's asleep. Ringo's reaction is amazingly funny.
  • When George has left and they haven't persuaded him to come back yet, Paul is sitting at the end of a tense working day drinking white wine and being uncharacteristically silent and worried-looking. John comes along and starts making up deadpan nonsense for the camera, evidently thinking that somebody needs to be performing. Paul laughs appreciatively and, for once, doesn't try to top him.
  • Two policemen show up, trying to quiet down the concert and vaguely threatening arrests. They end up just sort of standing around on the top of the roof behind The Beatles. Before long, there are another couple of policemen just sort of standing around in the entryway area to the roof and the Beatles are adding in lyrics to their performance of "Get Back" about Loretta being on the roof and how she's going to get arrested. As the concert ends, the officers leave the building, sort of mumbling at people telling them to move along.
  • Six-year-old Heather McCartney imitating Yoko Ono by wailing into the microphone. John immediately recognises what she's doing and joyfully shouts out, "Yoko!"
  • John and Paul's variations on "Two of Us", coming to a head where they do a version where they sing the entire song through clenched teeth.
  • "And now, ladies and gentlemen, your hosts for this evening, the Bony Rolls!"
