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WMG / The Beatles: Get Back

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WMG: What was the reason George left the band?

While it's obvious that it's because he was feeling unwanted and/or left out, what was the incident that made him start considering it? If the jam with the guys where John and Paul just chatted with each other was just the tipping point, then could his argument with Paul earlier in the episode been what caused it? None of his song ideas being picked after the freedom that The White Album (their most recent album at the time of the sessions) gave him? All of the above?
  • How Paul and John blow off his songs, how John in particular was quite nasty about "I Me Mine". Note that the "Whatever it takes to please you, I'll do it" comment came after Paul mentions not letting George do a guitar response on "Hey Jude", which pissed George off. And of course there's also how he was limited to one song per side.
  • Peter Jackson has said he believes a main reason was actually a rough patch in George's marriage to Patty Boyd, which George felt was not helped by spending so much time away from her working with the band. But, as there was no footage shot in the documentary that showed this, Jackson felt it would be cheating to include it in the film.
