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Funny / Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

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  • "I'm trash, just not approved trash."
  • Anything to do with Greez. On a ship predominantly crewed by those with some connection to Jedi and the Force, he's the one trying to make sense of it all while juggling more mundane concerns like food, flying the ship, and absolutely not at all worrying about past gambling debts catching up with him.
    • Greez's first impressions with BD-1 are a good laugh:
      Greez: What is that? Get off my sofa! Get...get off my sofa! Go! Get outta there! Get out!!
      Cal: That is BD-1. He's with us.
      Greez: I don't care who he's with! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get oil stains out of potolli-weave fabric?!
      Cal: (deadpan) Not really.
    • He advises Cal to try piloting sometime. Just with someone else's ship.
    • Shortly after Cal takes down an AT-ST, Greez entertains the idea of him and Cal stealing one of those walkers and going for a joyride. Cal wondering if Greez plans to join him out in the field kills his enthusiasm for the idea.
    • One of Greez's "cant talk anymore" lines of dialogue is priceless:
    • Greez's explanation for the terrarium on the Mantis; apparently he can only appreciate nature if it's behind an inch of transparent glass.
    • Shortly after Cal manages to reach the safety of the Mantis on Dathomir after he accidentally damaged his lightsaber with undead Nightsisters hot on his trail, Greez comically complains about them crawling all over the ship as he takes off, hell-bent on trying to kill someone even though they are too late to catch their prey.
    • Greez lays down some ground rules to Merrin regarding the ship, many of which seem to amusingly imply that Merrin and Cal's Ship Tease is more than just tease. In particular, these two exchanges:
      Greez: Rule number one: if a stain should show, the couch is a no.
      Greez: Rule number four: if it gets too loud, you'll be flying in the clouds.
      Cere: Greez, come on.
      Greez: What? I was only gonna give them a stern talking to.
    • During an intense conversation in which Cere reveals that she gave up Trilla to the Empire under torture and led to her becoming the Second Sister over dinner, Greez spends an awkwardly long time seasoning his food while flicking his gaze between Cere and Cal.
    • Near the end of the game, the Mantis needs to avoid an Imperial blockade. Nightsister Merrin suggests a ritual to hide their ship, to which Greez asks what is needed. Nonchalantly, Merrin tells him one of his arms. After scaring him, she then pats him on the head and tells him to stop being so serious.
    • While en-route between planets, he asks if any Jedi out there in hiding will come out when the order is rebuilt. Specifically a legendary Jedi master famous for their pointy ears, green skin and short stature...
      Cere: Do you mean Master Yoda? Yes, he is very legendary.
      Greez: Wait, what? Who? No no, I'm talking about Master Yaddle.
    • Apparently, there's rare passive dialogue where Greez complains someone left a stinky… present in the fresher and didn't flush, then warns that whoever it was should at least light a scented candle next time.
  • While it takes place during the emotionally harrowing Order 66 sequence, there's something that makes one just chuckle at how Jaro Tapal indignantly says "Padawan, your lightsaber!" when Cal loses his first one, almost as though it's something which happens on a regular basis.
  • Right before the arena fight in Ordo Eris, Cal suggests to arena host Sorc Tormo that he should go down to the arena floor and fight him himself instead of cowardly sending out all the monsters and enemies Cal encountered before to do the dirty work for him. Tormo replies that he's too busy counting his credits.
  • One of the bounty hunters you can find is a Bounty Droid named... Chonk. He certainly lives up to the name, at least.
  • During the assault on Kashyyyk, Cal and BD hijack an AT-AT. You'd think this would entail Cal marauding around the walker, right? Well, that happens...right up until he gets into the cockpit, and then he deals with the pilots in a maneuver right out of a slapstick comedy.
    BD-1: (jumps onto the console between the AT-AT Pilots) Boo-weep?
    AT-AT Pilots: Huh? (They turn to look at BD-1)
    (Cal grabs their heads and smashes them into each other, Three Stooges style.)
    • And following the experience, which has included Cal and BD going to town on the Imperial troops with the walker's big guns, taking down another AT-AT, blowing up parked TIE fighters, and shooting down a massive Imperial transport (which crashed into their walker, forcing them to bail out after a crash landing), BD-1 whistles and beeps a query.
      Cal: (Chuckles) No, we are not doing that again.
  • When you unlock the ability to hack enemy droids with BD-1, he will let out a series of beeps and doots whenever you activate it. Most of the time it's a random series of sounds, but randomly, he'll instead play part of the theme of the Millennium Falcon from A New Hope. Other times, he'll whistle the Rebel Fanfare.
  • In a moment of pure Black Comedy, right before the final boss fight, Cere charges straight at Darth Vader. He swats her aside so nonchalantly, he doesn't even look where he's tossing her.
  • If you get hit in combat by a stormtrooper, he may yell, "I hit him! ... Why did I do that?"
  • Stormtroopers tend to have conversations with each other if they haven't spotted Cal yet, often ending on the perfect note for Cal to cut them down. For instance, this one on Zeffo:
    Stormtrooper #1: I'm just saying, I didn't see the skungus there, or I wouldn't have shot it.
    Stormtrooper #2: I'm sorry, what? I can't hear you through MY BUSTED EARDRUM!
    Stormtrooper #1: Quit whining. It'll get better.
    Stormtrooper #2: No it won't! I'm sure it's gonna be like this forever!
  • Like R2 and BB-8 before him, BD-1 is pretty much the quintessential Intelligible Unintelligible droid. That is, until Merrin joins the group.
    BD-1: (cheerfully) Beep-bop-beep!
    Merrin: I don't know what you're saying.
    BD-1: (sadly) Wooooooo...
  • In The Very Definitely Final Dungeon, Fortress Inquisitorious, one of the first Stormtrooper conversations that you can listen in on. The topic isn't the creepy nature of the Inquisitors, the stolen Force-sensitive list, or anything like that. It's about something much more mundane...
    Stormtrooper Commander: How do you put up with all the water dripping? I'd be running to the refresher every ten minutes. (Beat) Hey, you listening? There something wrong with your equipment?
    Stormtrooper: All good, sir. We keep our mics turned down. The water can be...distracting, sir.
    Stormtrooper Commander: Guess that answers that...
  • A bit of Black Comedy happens in the finale. As Cal is escaping from Darth Vader, he turns to hit the button to start the turbolift. As he's working on it, he actually does a double take that he's standing right outside the elevator.
  • In the New Game Plus you can have Cal wear his Inquisitor outfit. While not funny per se, it can make the beginning when Trilla and the Ninth Sister are looking for him hilarious.
    Second Sister: lecturing about how they're looking for a Jedi
    Cal, wearing an Inquisitor outfit: shifts around nervously
  • Some of the choices for ponchos and lightsaber colors can be hilarious when combined. Pink Poncho + Magenta Kyber crystal = the proudest Jedi you'll ever see.
  • Force-pushing astromech droids in the Empire's outposts will result in them doing R2's iconic scream.
  • Cal and BD-1 meeting for the first time is kind of funny with this bit of dialogue.
    (Cal has just opened his eyes from meditation and sees a mini bi-pedal droid standing before him.)
    BD-1: (Beeps)
    Cal: Hey... BD-1. I'm Cal.
    BD-1: (Chirps inquiringly)
    Cal: Uh, yeah, I'm okay. I'm just... Looking for someone.
    BD-1: (Beeps hopefully)
    Cal: No, not you. I'm searching for uh... A Jedi, I think.
