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Funny / Prehistoric Park Reimagined

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There may be a lot of creatures in need of resurrection from extinction over the course of this story, but humor is definitely not one of them.

For appropriate moments in the spin-off Prehistoric Park: Extras, see the following link:

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     Novum Initium 
  • Unlike in Prehistoric Earth, where the possibility was barely, if ever, touched upon, the team is explicitly shown to be quite rusty working together over the course of their mission work in Novum Initium. Thus, the readers get treated to the glorious sight of Alice clearly doubting if Drew has any idea what he's doing, Jack suffering Amusing Injuries from accidentally pricking his hand on a thistle as well as later managing to both annoy Adrian via calling him 'tall, dark, and Asian' and end up in need of asking if Leon comes with a translator, and Adrian getting a Captain Obvious moment bitterly pointed out to him by Alice, among other delights.
  • The Ambiguous Gender of Arlo at the time of his initial introduction leads to this gem while the team is examining the still wounded and pained apatosaurus following the moment the carnivores are safely sent to the future and away from him:
    Jack: He needs help.
    Leon: How do you know it's a he?
    Jack: (Death Glare on his face) Do pronouns really matter?!
  • In a Black Comedy sense, the following exchange after the rescue of the first pair of ornitholestes:
    Alice: You couldn't have warned me that was the plan first?
    Jack: Oh you know me Ally. I just love to improvise.
  • Small does not automatically mean easy. Jack and Alice find this out the hard way while trying to rescue a small clearing's worth of small animals. The eilenodon and fruitadens keep snapping their teeth at them, the four present species of small terrestrial crocodilian likewise keep snapping their teeth and swinging their tails, and the small pterosaurs keep trying to fly away from the duo. In contrast, the mammals, opisthias, and even, ironically, the diablophis snakes prove considerably easier to get through the portal.
  • Jack's response to the sight of the allosaurus fragilis pack viciously eating a freshly killed apatosaurus? "I'm certainly not inviting them over for a family dinner!" Cue Face Palm from Alice.

     All Creatures Great and Small 
  • Not too long after being brought up to speed on the fact that some of the supposed 'apatosaurus, diplodocus carnegii, and camarasaurus' were actually brontosaurus, diplodocus hallorum, and cathetosaurus, the scene very abruptly switches from serious to funny when Drew then discovers, to his horror, that he's at risk of being late for the meeting in which he discusses the target for that day's mission with his team.
  • For a brief moment, it looks as if the rescue team could potentially allow a viable population of their target animal for this missionnote to be the very first thing they rescue, as an entire group of the animal in question is surrounding them while staring inquisitively at them without any sign of fear...but then they all of a sudden start running away without warning not too long after the team has made note of how unafraid of them the animals appeared to be.
    Drew: (immediately after mentally cursing over the lost chance at an early rescue) We can still salvage this.
  • Back at the park, while ornithischian keeper Cass Cheng is watching the stegosaurus herd, she manages to catch sight of the two younger juveniles play fighting to the point that they at one point very nearly trip up the single subadult female while she's in the midst of otherwise peacefully eating. Clearly, rambunctiousness amongst children playing isn't exclusive to humans or any other mammalian species.
  • Within the same scene, judging by how Mohinder's reaction to the sound of his colleagues in the sauropod keeper division arguing is to roll his eyes, glare in their direction, and then resignedly sigh while saying "Here We Go Again!" before heading over to resolve the dispute, it's not hard to tell that this isn't the first time he's had to serve as peace maker amongst the sauropod keepers. And even better? Due to how he's already this annoyed by his serving such a role after only a single full week of proper work as a sauropod keeper at the park, you really can't help but wonder either just how many arguments he's already had to break up and help resolve or just what his colleagues have argued about in the past to get him so annoyed at this point.
  • While sitting around a campfire that same night before setting a night watch and sleep schedule, the trio manage to bring up their past in school, how wildly different they were from each other in personality and overall behavior, and how insanely lucky they were to have ever even interacted at all, let alone become the close friends they currently are. As summed up quite well by Drew:
    Drew: God bless 8th grade biology.

     New Blood 
  • The very first line of the chapter, combined with the description of Drew having a 'shit eating grin on [his] face', allows for a very amusing image to start off on.
  • With a single line of dialogue from Kira the first mate, plus Captain Stavros's subsequent response, it's not hard to get an idea of a seemingly rather amusing dynamic between the two and the rest of the Ancient Mariner's crew.
    Kira: I am Kira Nagayoshi, first mate of the Ancient Mariner. (directs a half irritated and half amused sidelong glance at Stavros) And I'm the one who has to keep everyone on task when Captain Stavros is feeling generous with how we spend our time.
    Stavros: (chuckles unrepentently)
  • After a small paragraph or two of Jack and Alice peacefully enjoying the peaceful and serene sight of the ocean and a nearby island, cue Mood Whiplash with the following abrupt line from Drew:
    Drew: Enough sightseeing D-bags!
  • Back at the park, Khatin is just about to enter his office to get ahold of some useful material for him and his team to use to study some of the newly discovered species from the previous mission when he hears a very out of place, yet also strangely familiar, chirping noise coming from inside. Sure enough, when he opens the door all the way, he's not at all surprised to see a trio of escaped compsognathus on his desk for what is apparently not the first time.
  • Kyle and Nikolai are equally unamused when they find out about the compsognathus escaping again. And they and Khatin all find themselves only feeling even more so both when it becomes clear that 'another mass roundup' will be necessary and when the seven escaped compsognathus they see standing immediately outside the boundary of their exhibit end up scattering in all directions almost immediately after Nikolai takes a couple steps towards them with the intent to capture them right then and there.
    Khatin: Wonderful.
    Kyle: You said it.
  • The dead placodont that gets fished out of the water by Jack and the crew with the intention of being used as bait later on proves effective almost comically immediately after the idea is suggested when a combined flock of eudimorphodon and preondactylus descend from the sky and start trying to eat it. Cue Jack pulling out another Indy Ploy to prevent the carcass from serving its intended purpose too well before the gang even gets the chance to intentionally use it for something else.
  • Nemo the juvenile nothosaurus properly introduces himself to Jack and the Ancient Mariner crew by first poking his head out from the canoe Drew and Alice had been using earlier, getting everyone's attention with a hiss, and then playfully snapping his teeth at Jack when he tries to help him out of the canoe...only to then very clumsily slip over the side and fall onto the upper deck of the ship almost immediately afterward.
  • The escaped compies strike again. In Bethany's introduction scene back at the park, she ends up having to assist Adrian in getting four of them out of the mesadactylus aviary, even if only for the sake of preventing them from potentially trying to eat the pterosaurs' eggs.
  • The mastodonsaurus encountered by the rescue team prove hilariously difficult to get moving, noticeably managing to spend quite a long while getting the contents of multiple cans of tuna thrown their way (some of the tuna even hitting them directly) without at all registering the fact. When they finally do register that they're being given free food, it's with equally comical comparative ease that they are subsequently led through the portal via a trail of even more tuna.
    Jack: Finally.
    Alice: Yeah. I've met cows that were easier to get moving.
  • The escaped compies strike yet again when it turns out that four of them managed to stow away inside the jeep that was used for the successful strategy used to rescue the lophostropheus, nicrosaurus, ticinosuchus, and caviramus. And as a result, with the driver being one of the key keepers needed for the sake of herding the theropods and crocodilians, Kyle and the holding pens team are forced to wait until someone drops by to take care of the compies before they can handle both the land carnivores as well as the mystriosuchus and mastodonsaurus that were rescued not too long after the arrival of said carnivores. And to add insult to injury, the caviramus were able to be successfully led away to a holding aviary without any trouble.
  • Even after they've all been recaptured and placed in pet carriers, the compsognathus hardly seem at all phased by the fact. In fact, when they're seen in this state while Kyle, Nikolai, Khatin, and young technician Ramsey Gray are watching security camera footage for the compsognathus exhibit to figure out how they've been escaping, the little dinosaurs seem merely curious as they inquisitively chirp from within their carriers.

     Red in Tooth and Claw 
  • When the mission begins, Drew, Alice, and Adrian arrive at the Pleistocene Santa Cruz plains...right in the midst of a herd of macrauchenia! Cue brief mass confusion and panicking as the rescue team have to hurriedly get themselves and their jeep out from the herd. And not too long after the rescue team have finally gotten themselves out of the herd's midst, said herd goes right back to peacefully grazing as if nothing had happened...only to then get startled once again by the arrival of a pair of phorusrhacos.
  • Alice and Adrian have just managed to successfully get the park's first rescued pair of phorusrhacos (and the park's first terror birds in general at that) through the portal and into the safety of the future, and they then decide they'd best go ahead now and check on Drew, who had volunteered himself to handle a nearby pack of theriodictis while Alice and Adrian took care of the birds. Cue Drew yelling, "Incoming!" and then being seen hightailing it like mad towards Alice and Adrian while the entire snarling and growling pack of prehistoric wild dogs are chasing after him close behind.
  • Right as Adrian and Alice are reaching the end of a conversation they have, Alice points out how unusually talkative Adrian is being compared to how he seemed a man of few words during many of their previous interactions. Adrian's response is that he can be plenty talkative around friends. Alice promptly responds by asking him if this means he now considers her a friend. Cue Adrian briefly sputtering like a dork and being uncertain how to respond due to him having now potentially been a bit premature in labeling her as his friend after only a single long conversation.
  • You can just feel Drew's annoyance at having twice lost a chance at rescuing the two bachelor smilodon brothers thanks to a local arctotherium after an entire sleuth of them causes both the two brothers and an entire flock of gymnogyps howardae to flee from a notiomastodon carcass they'd initially been fighting each other over.
  • In a rather dark sense, the very much one sided attempts by a pair of phorusrhacos to hunt a small group of glyptodon. Understandably, the birds end up deciding that discretion is the better part of valor.
  • By sheer luck, Drew manages to encounter the exact same gymnogyps flock he'd earlier lost a chance at rescuing while on his own not too long after reuniting with Adrian and Alice. He even finds himself shaking in amusement at the sheer coincidental nature of the whole encounter.
  • Immediately after Drew has arrived home from rescuing all the herbivores amongst the mass group of animals that have just been rescued from a raging wild fire and climbed out of the holding pen and onto the catwalk surrounding the top rims of said pen, he gets greeted with the sight of a sheepish Alice and Adrian standing right in front of a surprised looking Leon, Jack, Kyle, Linda, Yolanda, Nikolai, and Colette. And when Kyle asks what just happened to cause what they've all just now seen come out of the portal not too long ago, Drew's response is simply "It's a Long Story." Cue Jack and Colette directing a perplexed look at each other.

     Oozing From the Pit 
  • Immediately after Drew starts eagerly marching over in the direction of some animal noises not too long after the successful rescue of a foursome of Jefferson's ground sloth:
    Alice: He doesn't slow down, does he?
    Leon: That's Drew for you.
    Alice: (rolls her eyes) Well we'd best not keep him waiting.
  • Immediately after Drew brings up the fact that the La Brea Tar Pits are the most likely source of a horrendously vile odor they catch a whiff of after the American lion pride's rescue, Leon and Alice stare blankly at Drew while waiting for him to realize the significance of what he's said. And not too long after he finally does and makes plans for them to immediately head straight to said tar pits to rescue animals from there, Leon and Alice belatedly realize that they're now about to head even closer towards the horrible smell.
    Alice: You said it. This had better be worth it.
  • In a rather dark sense, the 'this had better be worth it' line becomes somewhat funnier when, immediately after arrival at the famous tar pits alongside Leon and Drew, Alice ends up getting a clear view of just HOW MANY animals are struggling and panicking in the tar pits and obviously in need of rescue.
  • Alice makes no secret as to how flabbergasted she is at Leon's particularly nutty looking Indy Ploy involving the rescue of Diego the smilodon once Smokey the arctodus is out of the picture, and while Leon himself is directing a silent 'help me' look towards them.
    Alice: Who does he think he is? Indiana Jones!?
    Drew: Does it matter? Right now, he needs our help.
  • And once the trio have made it through the portal alongside Diego, a bewildered watching Kyle asks them if he even wants to know what just happened. Cue the trio looking at each other with clear 'which one of you wants to answer' looks on their faces, clearly well aware that they'll have a whale of a time explaining this.

     Return of the King 
  • Soon after Aaron's introduction, he and Jack both express excitement over the possibility of a large number of reptiles being added to the park's repertoire after two straight missions of focusing almost exclusively on mammals. Aaron's comment in particular sounds rather amusingly hypocritical over the course of a single sentence:
    Aaron: Lookin' forward to it! Those guys on the mammal team are getting too full-of-themselves man - let's remind 'em who really runs this joint!
  • Many of the small Mesozoic mammals featured prior to this mission have been described in seemingly fairly adorable fashion. The didelphodon, on the other hand...:
    Drew: (immediately after one of the didelphodon snaps its teeth at him) Mean little bastards aren't they?
  • In a way, it can be darkly amusing to see just how annoyed Jack is at Leon's Appropriated Appelation of the 'Dolittle' nickname.
    Jack: I give him that nickname to try to let him down gently, and instead it inspires him to cook up an unorthodox strategy to use as a crutch. Isn't that just wonderful?
  • Judging by the following comments he makes almost immediately after his close brush against the t-rex family and subsequently managing to have Kaa the dinilysia sent through the portal, it appears that he's not the type to let this close brush with death knock him out of his usual mood.
    Jack: (with a gleeful smirk) What are we waiting for? Allons-y, dear sister and Leon - we've got animals to save!
  • The Teeth-Clenched Teamwork between Leon and Jack in this story allows for some surprisingly decent comedy, from Leon getting visibly annoyed at Jack managing to beat him to identifying nearby animals, to Jack having to very reluctantly agree with Leon and Alice after the former manages to think up a workable idea for getting those same animals through the portal, and then Jack once again feeling annoyed when Leon ends up successfully rescuing one of the present groups of turtle species first.
  • The sheer mental image of Jack and Alice being forced to use a miniature fishing net to catch a small group of prehistoric frogs in order to get them through the portal (with Drew and Adrian later forced to resort to a similar strategy in order to rescue a large bunch of prehistoric freshwater fish).
  • Immediately after Jack has finished sending a frenzied float of brachychampsa through the portal and subsequently whooped and crowed about his success to Leon, he then gets read the riot act (complete with kick induced splashes in his face) from Alice, the Anger Born of Worry crystal clear in what she says. Bonus points in that Jack manages to notice the equal parts horrified, stunned, and angry look on his sister's face and briefly attempt to get her preemptively calmed down while having a good idea that things are not about to go very pleasantly for him not too long beforehand. And even Leon can't help but wince in sympathy just as much as he feels amused at Jack's expense.
    Jack: (upon noticing Alice's face and realizing what she's likely going to do in the near future) Now, I probably should have warned you, but...
    Jack: (once Alice finally finishes her tirade and allows him the chance to get a word in) Saved that snake the first time and that turtle just now though, so no regrets.
    Leon: (whispering under his breath) I'll take Jack over her any day of the week.
  • And at the same time, back at the holding pen, Kyle, Jack's four friends from the reptile/amphibian department, and the rest of the assembled holding pens team for the day are gaping in befuddlement at the sight of the newly rescued brachychampsa struggling to right themselves after coming tumbling out of the portal in a small waterfall's worth of river water, complete with Aaron, Maria, and Carmen both indicating that they're well aware of Jack's usual Indy Ploy tendencies as well as uncertain just how to react to this bit of craziness.
    Carmen: (looks uncertainly at Aaron and Maria) I'm not sure if I should be gasping or laughing.
    Aaron: (a numb look on his face) Ten to one Jackie did this.
    Maria: (thinks to herself while shaking her head side to side and sighing) What on Earth was I thinking when I signed up to work here?
  • The very next day, still in the Cretaceous period Hell Creek formation, Drew appears to be finally aware that there is indeed tension going on between Leon and Jack, as evidenced by his very blunt 'no arguments please' request towards them before the team splits up for that day.
  • After one Teeth-Clenched Teamwork induced argument too many between Leon and Jack, Alice finally reaches Rage Breaking Point; at which point she blows her airhorn right in their ears before then giving each of them a Dope Slap to the face. And no sooner has she done this when she reads them both the riot act, breaks up a second minor argument that starts to ensue between them in the process, and subsequently shames them into getting along at least long enough to finish the mission by bringing up the 'giant fucking meteor'.
  • After the arrival of the nine additional quetzalcoatlus at the holding pens as well as of the dromaeosaurus pack, one of the keepers amongst the assembled holding pens team for the day voices hope that the dromaeosaurus won't turn out as difficult to handle as the pectinodon apparently were, only for another keeper to respond by telling his/her colleagues to forget about the raptors before pointing at the quetzalcoatlus and asking which of them is going to have to handle them. And immediately after the keeper asks this, one of the quetzalcoatlus lets out an earsplitting shriek that leaves all the gathered keepers forced to cover their ears and wince from discomfort.
    Hugo: Just run me over now.
    Aaron: I hear you, man.
  • As scary as it is, Leon's ending up unwittingly volunteered to serve as live bait for the escaped torvosaurus also comes with a few unexpected gems in the lead-up (by virtue of him ending up getting himself sprayed with mist flavored after raw meat the carnivores at the park like to eat, leaving him a coughing mess in the process), the actual chase (via his silent Oh, Crap! upon realizing that he's indeed now been volunteered to serve as live bait, his This Is Gonna Suck laden Flat "What" seconds after that, and his bitter 'easy for you to say' in response to Drew telling him he's doing good and encouraging him to keep it up while he's actively running from the torvosaurus), and the scenes that unfold once the beast is successfully recaptured (via Jack's 'you should have seen the look on your face' and Leon's responding Death Glare).
  • At the very end of the 'episode', Leon is told in advance just what sort of animals are planned for the very next mission. and judging by his response, he is not going to enjoy this next mission very much:

     Alien Empire 
  • When the rescue team first encounter the proterogyrinus, Leon is initially willing to save the large carnivorous amphibians for later in the mission...only for Drew to then rush in and goad the creatures into charging through the portal before Leon's even finished his sentence of suggestion to do otherwise.
    Leon: (in a flat monotone) Or we could just do it now.
  • When we finally get a proper first look at Neith immediately after landing on and getting knocked to the ground from Leon's head...she's upside down on her back and viciously struggling to right herself while hissing in seeming rage at the indignity she's now been subjected to.
    • For bonus points, once Neith finally rights herself, she sticks around just long to hiss petulantly at them despite having an otherwise complete lack of interest in them before turning around and scurrying away back into the undergrowth as if nothing had happened.
  • Leon's especially frightened reaction to the sight of Neith abruptly lunging out of her burrow upon a luckless hylonomus during her second appearance in this chapter is admittedly enough to bring a slight chuckle to readers.
  • Right as Colette and Jack are in the midst of a moment of half companionable and half pseudo-romantic silence in which they're staring at each other, Duke ends up completely ruining the moment by virtue of letting out an amused squawk while watching then; at which point the pair both find themselves awkwardly making note that they'd best get back to work before parting.
  • Just like he did in Prehistoric Earth, Adrian starts speaking in a ridiculously exaggerated 'Australian accent' for the sake of 'getting into character' after he's assigned the duty of spraying meganeura with a water gun in order to capture them (and reminded of how he always loved playing as a 'sniper' character in Team Fortress 2 in the process).
  • The banter that goes on between Will and Matt after the successful identification of Felix the arthropleura's gender while Kaisumi and Alice initially watch, and then eventually join in. It's almost as if they're still living out their days in college.
  • For that matter, over the course of the work to identify Felix's gender, Khatin, Kaisumi, Alice, and Will are all taking part in tasks that very obviously require hard work and careful focus lest things go wrong in either hilarious or horrifying fashion...and then there's Matt seemingly taking part in the comparatively easiest task as he lies down underneath the glass table Felix is positioned upon like a mechanic under a car as he waves a flashlight around to see if he can find the arthropleura's gonopods (which, in the event that such are in fact present on the arthropod, will prove a dead giveaway for Felix being a male).
  • Once again, Drew returns at the end of a mission alongside an animal in a way that prompts Kyle to ask what on Earth ended up happening to bring about this kind of results, followed by Kyle engaging in his usual Face Palm when Drew responds with his usual nonchalant and carefree response.

     South of Heaven 
  • Right as Grime the eryops, his three fellow eryops, and the float of acheloma accompanying them are still in the midst of menacingly crawling towards the rescue team, Jack just walks straight towards them and blows his airhorn at them. This is enough to cause Grime to stop and direct a visibly confused look towards him as if baffled by the fact that he's both directly stood up to him and isn't running away before he then snarls and resumes his menacing walk alongside the rest of the temnospondyls...straight through the portal.
  • The Teeth-Clenched Teamwork between Kyle and Nikolai is Played for Laughs via a mixture of the sheer annoyance the two display in their words and actions towards and around each other and the seemingly long suffering reactions to as much displayed by Carmen, Aaron, and Maria.
  • The exact means in which the acleistorhinus, captorhinus, kahneria, and rothianiscus are rescued. Specifically, they end up rescued completely by accident as a result of the rescue team unwittingly trapping them inside their bags right as the little animals have just finished a fruitless search for food inside said bags and are about to leave.
  • While things do ultimately work out between them, the very first proper meeting between Leon and Yolanda gets off to a much less smooth start compared to in Prehistoric Earth. Specifically, they both end up colliding into each other while they're both on their way towards the Carboniferous Dome and initially too distracted (Leon by checking the park map on his phone and Yolanda by observing the beautiful day around her) to notice that they're on the verge of colliding until it's too late.
  • And immediately after they've gotten back on their feet (with Yolanda doing so with help from Leon), things end up getting amusingly awkward and dorky (complete with the both of them having mutually wide eyed and slightly blushing expressions on their faces) when they both remember how Leon had managed to direct a brief glance at Yolanda on the day of the brachiosaurus mission.
  • And almost immediately after they've gotten over the initial round of awkwardness by establishing that they're both heading towards the Carboniferous Dome, Yolanda finds herself mentally facepalming and thinking that a second such round is imminent immediately after suggesting she tag along with Leon. Complete with the following snarky mental line:
    Yolanda (mentally): Well done, Yolanda. That won't make things awkward.
  • When the ophiacodon arrive to try to hunt the combined herd of casea and cotylorynchus, it's looking as if there's about to be an epic sequence in which the rescue team has to either distract the ophiacodon in order to allow the herbivores to escape through the portal first or open the portal in time to accommodate the entire stampeding while being chased by the ophiacodon…only for the herbivores to instead end up hurriedly running straight over towards the rescue gang within a few seconds after the carnivores have just started menacingly circling around them, and with the carnivores ending up too stunned to even think to try to run after their would-be prey until said would-be prey is already too far out of reach.
    • This gets lampshaded quite humorously by Drew in the following statement right as the herbivores are still heading towards him and the gang prior to the portal's summoning:
    Drew (with a smile on his face): Well, that's surprisingly easy - I'm almost disappointed that there isn't more of a challenge.
  • The ophiacodon are implied to still be standing and staring uncomprehendingly at the empty space where their would-be prey was before Drew gets their attention with his airhorn and causes them to come at him for the sake of going through the portal.
  • And in the rescue that immediately follows, Jack manages to startle a varanops into giving off a surprised hiss by blowing his own airhorn at it from behind in order to trigger it (and the rest of its pack) into chasing after him for the sake of going through the portal. All topped off with Jack and Alice once again lampshading Jack's Indy Ploy tendencies immediately after all the varanops have gone through the portal and into the future.
  • Adrian briefly gets distracted watching Leon and Yolanda working with the pulmonoscorpius while he himself is in the midst of undergoing a briefing from Khatin before he and the young researcher trio engage in some planned attempts at doing further observations and studies upon the meganeura. How he gets brought back to focusing on the upcoming meganeura project? Matt very abruptly snapping his fingers near Adrian's ear and yelling "Earth to Sky!" From there, Adrian is understandably sheepish over having been caught off task, and Kaisumi can't help but briefly chuckle after witnessing both Adrian admitting that he may need Khatin to go over the planned actions for if the meganeura land on them over the course of the project and Khatin thanking Adrian for his honesty before then warning him to try to stay focused this time.
  • Leon has managed to more or less make significant headway in overcoming his nerves about working with scorpions. The megalorachne, on the other hand?
  • Right as Leon and Yolanda are still in the midst of a moment of post-rescue Ship Tease, Adrian and Kaisumi proceed to spoil the moment by letting out a meaningful 'ahem' and slight giggle in unison at the sight of Yolanda hugging Leon and Leon looking visibly happy about the fact. This is enough to cause Leon and Yolanda to reflexively split apart, blushes on their faces; which only causes the two moment killers to burst out laughing.

     Devils of the Deep 
  • Compared to the ones they undergo much later in the episode, the 1st couple of scuffles Leon and Jack get into are somewhat hilarious at the same time by virtue of just how much more lowkey they are in comparison to the ones they undergo later, just how irritated Leon gets, and the fact that Jack's comments against Leon aren't entirely unfounded.
  • Stavros proves himself to be not at all in the mood to deal with Leon and Jack's bullshit, complete with interrupting their very first scuffle with the following line:
  • Over the course of Kyle and Linda's efforts at figuring out what's causing the dimetrodon to act somewhat more aggressive than usual, the former is seriously considering all possible options as well as the information they currently have regarding the dimetrodons and their recent behavior. And when he finally reaches a proper final conclusion as to the reasoning behind the increased aggression...he very abruptly bursts out laughing, much to Linda's understandable confusion. Even Rommel seems to direct a perplexed look Kyle's way just like Linda does.
  • As irritating as it no doubt must feel for Adrian and Alice to so far have made very little progress in their efforts to train the teratornis duo into lessening their aggression, plus as somewhat saddening and irritating as it is when Adrian reveals (to the audience that is) that Drew apparently once again ignored his warnings against trying to have Leon and Jack directly work together without someone to supervise and rein them in, it is also somewhat funny just how difficult of a job the duo are having in trying to reduce the aggression of what is essentially a pair of vultures.

     Building Bridges 
  • In a humorous reminder of Drew's implied Challenge Seeker status, he seems almost disappointed after he reveals how Theodore had chosen for castoroides to be the target of this episode's mission specifically because it would make a good 'breather' after the last few crazy escapades the team has engaged in for the sake of rescue missions.
  • The following exchange between Colette and Yolanda while they're in a dunkleosteus viewing area and waiting for Jack and Leon's efforts at feeding the placoderms to begin:
    Colette: Do you think Drew's being a bit extreme with this? I understand that Leon and Jack need to prove they can work together, but...
    Yolanda: (in a playfully teasing tone upon noticing the particularly strong emphasis Colette has placed on Jack's name) Is that a bit of concern I detect? Ice Queen got a soft spot?
  • Much like in Prehistoric Earth's equivalent of this scene, Leon and Jack initially attempt stalling tactics to delay their work at feeding the dunkleosteus. Unfortunately for them, Captain Stavros is on duty at the sonar emittors attached to the dunkleosteus tank, and he's not in the mood for their crap. And so, upon hearing them agree to a 'best out of 71' deal for a 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' game to determine which of them will initiate the feeding, he just rolls his eyes and shuts off the sonar deterrents while also activating the sonar cue to signal feeding time. At which point the duo have just enough time to engage in a silent Oh, Crap! at the sight of the four dunkleosteus gathering around beneath the feeding platform they're on and for Leon to lampshade his and Jack's Butt-Monkey status before they hurriedly get to work on feeding the hungry fish.
    Leon: Why does this always happen to us?
  • Immediately after Alice has successfully gotten a subadult male Florida jaguar through the portal, she turns around to face Drew and Adrian with pride and asks them how she did. Cut to Adrian gaping open mouthed in awe at her before then closing his mouth, grinning widely, and giving her a double thumbs up.
  • Colette tells Nikolai and Kyle that Leon and Jack actually did a lot better at feeding the dunkleosteus then initially expected. But how do Leon and Jack feel about their efforts at this task in a scene that unfolds before this moment?
    Jack: (dripping wet) Well, that was a disaster.
    Leon: (likewise sopping wet) You got that right.
  • Kyle rather bemusedly (and somewhat irritably) lampshades the apparent Rule of Three in regards to the rescue of a smilodon species over the course of all three times so far that Drew and the rescue team have traveled to the Pleistocene period.
    Kyle: Does Drew have a smilodon fetish? It seems like every time he goes back to the Pleistocene, he brings some back.
  • On a similar note, Kyle and Nikolai are once again at loggerheads with each other, with their latest minor scuffle only being interrupted when Colette drops by to provide a status update on Jack and Leon, complete with the following amusing Callback to a previous line from Stavros back in Devils of the Deep:
  • Meanwhile, back at the aquarium, Leon and Jack are in the midst of a moment of bonding right before they start attempting to feed a large supply of shrimp to the titanichthys. Then comes the following amusingly Mood Whiplash inducing exchange of words:
    Yolanda: (after a meaningful 'ahem') Now that all this soul-searching is out of the way, boys, shall we get on with our titanichthys task? We've got enough shrimp to fill a restaurant and if we talk any longer, it'll start going bad - and I don't think our giant fishy customers would appreciate that.
    Jack and Leon: (in unison while smiling) Let's do it.
  • After the team agrees to the idea of Drew and Alice following the adult female Florida jaguar while Adrian stays behind to watch for when the remainder of the castoroides group comes back out of hiding, Adrian goes so far as to give a mock salute, which causes Alice to roll her eyes in mock annoyance before turning on her heel to follow after Drew.
  • Once again, we are reminded of Drew's Challenge Seeker side:
    Drew: (immediately after the two Florida jaguar cubs have run through the portal without prompting almost immediately after their mother has herself vanished through it) I was expecting a bit more of a challenge with the cubs. Still, I'm not gonna complain.
    Alice: Wise decision.
  • Not too long after the rescue team have returned home from the Pleistocene, they and Kyle have just enough time to engage in a brief discussion of how things went before Nikolai reminds them of more important things they need to immediately get taken care of in the following fashion:
    Nikolai: Well I'm sure it will be a fun story. (Points at holding pen where nine castoroides and a single adult male Florida jaguar are positioned, with the latter staring hungrily at the beavers) Once we've got the uncontained jaguar in a holding pen.
    Everyone else looks where Nikolai is pointing.
    Drew: Good idea.
    Kyle: Agreed.
