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Funny / Peeking Through the Fourth Wall

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In an MSTing collection of fanfic reviews being reviewed by the Loud characters themselves, there's bound to be a moment that's worth a chuckle or two.

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    Main Series 

Episode 1 — Bunking In

  • The episode begins with Lisa dissing the community by saying they have "limited brain power," and Lincoln telling her to be nice. She then continues to diss the community for the whole "nice sisters, mean sisters" thing by saying that she cannot be nice because according to the authors, she is a "mean sister."
  • In the story the siblings are reading, Lynn Sr. says that there's "been a robbery on couches." The Louds deduce this as meaning that there have been robbers breaking into homes to steal only couches, and nothing else.
    Luan: (pretending to be the burglars) "Hey, Mel, I just found a big box of jewelry! The pawn shop'll pay a fortune for this!" "Put that back, you idiot! We're just here for the couch!"
  • After one of Luan's pie gags in the story (read: just throwing the pies everywhere in the room) Luna walks out of the bathroom after a shower. Lincoln then asks if she "got the cream out of her hair." Luan and Lori (the real ones) start snickering over this.
  • Lisa being so much of a Grammar Nazi that she decides to rig every window in the house with a miniature explosive and detonate one of them each time the story switches from past to present tense.
  • Lisa finally reaching her breaking point when she sees the following line in the poem that Lincoln writes in the story: "Me is Lincoln L. Loud."
  • Lincoln's not sure what he thinks of story-Lincoln, who is whiny and thinks his sisters draped in towels are real ghosts, but on the other hand, can play the drums and flute and do karate in his sleep.
  • When Lincoln asks Lynn Jr. if she'd let him sleep in his room in the story...
    Lynn (in the story): "Of course! Not after you let me stay at your room!"
    Lincoln: "Was that a yes or a no?"
    Lisa: "I don't know. I don't speak Cantbebotheredtoproofreadese."

Episode 2 — Substitute Roommate

  • Leni notices that the fanfic author's username is Bobbybooboobear and wonders if Bobby wrote it.
  • When Lincoln believes that it sounds "fishy" that Luan in the story didn't tell Luna she was going to summer camp, Leni wonders if there'll be fish at the camp.
  • When Mr. Grouse in the story complains about Lincoln and Luna playing ball "in a neighbourhood where you can hit people?", Lisa (the real one) points out that there aren't neighbourhoods where you can't hit people and Leni brings up Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.
  • When Lincoln in the story says, "I rather do quiet stuff!", Lisa (the real one) says, "And I'd rather hear you speak properly!".
  • The kids point out that Lynn Jr.'s response to Luna and Lincoln's jam session in the story seems more like fear than annoyance.
    Lynn (in the story): "AH! Is it over?"
    Lincoln (in the story): "What's over?"
    Lynn (in the story): "That loud music that sounded like it came from upstairs."
    Lincoln: "What?"
    Lola: "Since when is Lynn that scared of loud music?"
    Luna: "Yeah, she lives one door down from me. If she was scared of loud music, she'd have PTSD by now."
    Leni: "She'd have what now?"
    Luna: "You know, post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD."
    Lisa: "She'd have 'pits-duh', Leni."
    Leni: "Ohhh! That thing."
  • Lisa commenting that "3 AM in the morning" is redundant.
  • The kids pointing out that in the story, Lincoln went up to the basement as opposed to eating on the table.
  • Lisa commenting on how her fanfic self called Lola "princess". Lola says, "You should."
  • Lincoln pointing out how his fanfic counterpart hates Luna's affection and says, "I'm eleven, not six. No offense, Lola."

Episode 3 — Bad Blood

  • Lincoln drops a metric ton of Fridge Logic onto the Sister Fight Protocol, and the ensuing argument winds up breaking MrTyeDye himself, stopping the episode in its tracks.
  • Lisa points out how the author mentioned that Lincoln and Lynn were "wrestling violently", as if there's a nonviolent way to wrestle.
  • When Luan in the story says, "It's not the best way to break the ice by breaking glass. Get it?", the real Lincoln and Lisa point out that, no, they don't get it.
  • When Lincoln insults Lynn for having a big butt in the story, the real Lynn is proud of her butt and shakes it around. Everyone is grossed out except Lana, who wants a butt like Lynn's.
  • The author accidentally writes, "Rita" instead of "Lincoln".
    Lana: So Mom and Dad visited Lynn and... Mom?"

Episode 4 — Road Trip Rage

  • The impetus for Lincoln getting left behind in the story is that Lynn Sr. announces that they will pull over to use the bathroom quickly, but five minutes later, Lincoln is looking at the forest.
    Luan: "Pretty sure Dad said, 'Let's pull over and use it quickly', not 'Let's pull over, use it, and then take a minute or five to look at the scenery.'"
  • Luan keeps pointing out that the only thing Lincoln missed out on in the story was seeing an umbrella-shaped building.
  • Lisa complains about how many times Lincoln is described as "livid".

Episode 5 — Trustworthy

  • Lincoln and Luan berate the story's version of Lynn for stating a fact ("Look who's going to the Ace Savvy convention?") and using it as an insult.
  • Lily keeps trying to call the fic versions of the sisters mean, but she says, "men" instead.
    Luan: "No, no, Lily. We're girls, not men. And Lincoln isn't a man either. Well, not yet, anyway."
  • Lisa speaking in bad grammar.
  • Luan points out the weirdness of Lucy in the story being glad that Clyde bleeds real blood.
  • When Lisa points out that the author forgot the second "D" in "granddaughters", Luan says that maybe they'll find one on Lynn's report card, causing Lynn to slug her in the arm.
  • When Lynn claims Lucy wouldn't need a costume to look like a vampire, Lucy is proud.
  • When Leni in the story wonders if Rita is cooking and that's why she smells smoke, Lincoln (the real one) points out that Lynn Sr. is the one who cooks for them.
  • When the fanfic says that Lori "gave Lincoln some first aid", Lisa claims that the author makes it sound as if "first aid" is a magic elixir.
  • After the fanfic is over, the Loud siblings are sad because it involved a fire and serious emotional bonding (and possibly Izzy and El Diablo died), and they decide to go out for burgers. Lynn wants fire sauce, then adds, "Poor choice of words."

Episode 6 — The Night of Loneliness and Companionship

  • The Louds point out the ludicrousness of Lincoln being scared of Lily laughing and mistaking her teddy bear for a monster and Lily being able to roar like a monster.

Episode 7 — The Diary of a Loud

  • Lisa points out the oxymoron of Leni "choosing indecisively".
  • Lynn and Lincoln snicker when Lynn in the story says, "Who knew I had so many balls?!".
  • Luan wonders if the author even knows what a joke is after Lynn says, "I don't get the joke" to Lucy, and Lola laughs at her own "joke", when neither Lucy nor Lola actually made jokes.
  • When Lola in the story brings up the "diaper hitting the ceiling fan" incident from "Two Boys and a Baby", Luan says, "Well, you know what they say; sh—" but Lynn interrupts her.
  • Luan jokes that she "wood" never expect even Lana to be able to build a stage in two hours.

Episode 8 — One Angry Person

  • Lincoln complaining about a whiny, mean wimp version of himself.
    Lincoln: '"Oh, boy" is right. [Looks into the camera] Guys, I don't know how many times I have to say this, but… I don't hate my sisters. I don't hate living here. I love it, and I love them. [Turns back to the TV] Okay, let's just hope that sinks in.'
    Lincoln: 'Oh, no. Not this Lincoln again. (to Lucy) The Lincoln who does nothing but cry and mope because he thinks he's the biggest victim who ever lived. Where are authors even getting this from?! I don't do that! That's not what I'm like!'
    Lincoln: 'Are Lori and I just competing to see who can be more awful?'
    Lincoln: 'If I did all that, I wouldn't blame you for wanting to pulverize me. Hell, I'd want to pulverize me.'
    Lincoln: 'I know I've said this before, but this isn't me. This isn't my attitude. [Looks from side to side] You guys know I love all of you, right? Equally?'
    Lincoln: 'So I spend half the story treating my family like garbage, and I get rewarded with toys, video games and merchandise. What's the moral of this story, exactly? Check that: toys, video games, merchandise and breakfast. Check that: toys, video games, merchandise, breakfast and a homemade costume.'
  • Lincoln wonders if he's "turned Australian" after the story has him say, "Oi!".
  • Leni accidentally says, "compressed" instead of "complex".
  • Lisa and Lincoln wonder why Lincoln in the story stopped being upset after realizing he was in Lori and Leni's room.
  • Leni says, "First born, first serve" to Lori because Lori was born first and has to serve her first.
  • On the capitalization of the word "science".
    Lisa: "Apparently, all of my experiments are done for the benefit of a person named 'Science'. Either that or the author doesn't understand how proper nouns work."
  • After Lincoln gives Lynn a "viscous" response, according to the fanfic...
    Lisa: "Then, Lincoln's flesh melted into a thick, dense, sticky fluid. Because that's what 'viscous' means."
    Leni: "I thought 'viscous' was that weird frisbee they use at the Olympics."
    Lisa: "That's a discus."

Episode 10 — Whipped

  • After Lori expresses annoyance at Luna's kind gesture early in the story:
    Lori: Well, I don't know if I'd phrase it quite like that, but I do think other me has a point here.
    Leni: Hmm? How so? Don't you care for Lincoln, too?
    Lori: Of course I do. But when I decide to do something nice for him, I don't try to make a show out of it and announce to everyone how caring I am. I just do it.
    Lisa: "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their reward." - Matthew 6:5.
    Everyone gives Lisa a funny look.
    Lisa: What?! I'm not allowed to have interests beyond science?!
  • A few minutes later Luna and Leni in the story decide to take Lincoln to the mall for a "day of fun"
    Lincoln: You know, if you want to give me a "day of fun", I can think of a few other places I'd rather go than the mall.
    Luna: What, like a rock concert?
    Luan: Or a comedy show!
    Lynn: Or a basketball game!
    Lucy: Or a cemetery.
    Lola: Or a toy store!
    Lana: Or a petting zoo!
    Lisa: Or a science museum!
    Lily: Play-gand!
    Lincoln: Girls, girls, girls. You're all thinking about places that you like to go to. Try thinking of what I like.
    All of them stop and think for a few moments.
    Lori: The... video game... factory?
    Lincoln: Close enough.
  • The sisters in the story are intentionally clogging the toilet:
    Lori: Oh, great idea! Let's clog the only toilet in the whole house so nobody can use it!
    Lana: Well, to be fair, we'd probably be unclogging it right afterwards. You know, after we trick Lincoln into thinking he did it. That way we'd have a usable toilet and he'd still be our slave. It's a win-win!
    Lincoln: Will you listen to yourself?!
  • Leni being teased by an imaginary Leni about not having her driver's license.
  • Lana pointing out that you can't clog a toilet with your pee.

Episode 11 — Lynn's Bruised Hand, My First Fanfic, I Know it's Really Bad, and Stuffed Anger

  • Lynn pointing out that her fic counterpart is overreacting about a bruised hand.
    Lynn: (after Lynn in the story wants to go to the doctor) "For a bruise?!"
    Lynn: (when the real Lincoln suggests that the story Lynn is afraid of being put out of commission) "As if! I've been hurt way worse than that. There was the time I got hit in the face with a baseball and broke my nose, the time I skateboarded into a stone wall, the time I took a bad fall at a roller derby and my hand got run over, the time I tore my ACL playing soccer, the time I dove into the shallow end of the pool and cracked my head on the bottom... (five minutes later) ...the time I took a suplex the wrong way and almost broke my neck, the time I got tackled in rugby and busted up my elbow... I still have the scar from that last one, by the way. Oh! And the time that I..." (keeps rambling)
    Lynn: "Okay, no. I wouldn't spend days sitting in a stupid bush waiting for my boo-boo to go away. If anything, I'd just go home."
    Lynn: "Wha... it's just a bruised hand! I can still run, and jump, and throw, and do one-handed catches, and... it's a bruised hand!"
    Lynn: "Would've been better if I wasn't written as some kind of wimpy sad-sack."
  • Lisa pointing out that "There, you are Bun-Bun" sounds like Lincoln is reminding Bun-Bun that he is, in fact, Bun-Bun.
  • Lynn misplaces some of her possessions, including a ball which ends up in Lana's mouth.

Episode 12 — An Older Remedy for a Younger Heart

  • Lisa points out that the story was written with "all the subtlety of a hammer to the gonads", which makes Lincoln and Ronnie Anne snicker.
  • Lori pointing out that the fanfic's version of Lincoln apparently doesn't know what sunscreen is.

Episode 13 — In Memory of a Mascot

  • When Luna claims that the best pizza in The United States Of America is in New York, Lana wants to go there, and at the end of the story, they do.
  • The Louds point out that Maddie isn't as energetic as she says.
  • One announcer says that the game has been canceled and the second one just says, "So go home."
    Luna: "A little blunt there, eh, Announcer Two?"
    Lincoln: "Kinda sounds like what Lucy would say if she was making that announcement."
    Lucy: "You're not wrong."

Episode 14 — Nolan's Birthday

  • Lincoln is confused when Lana in the story claims she loves being purple. Leni points out that she gets melted grape popsicle all over her, but Lincoln says that Lana likes being messy, not purple.
  • Luan complains about her fanfic counterpart wangsting about Nolan being older than her.
    Luan: "Really? I'm gonna get all broken up because one of my friends isn't the same age as me? That doesn't even make sense."
    Luan: "Like what? What can a fifteen-year-old do that a fourteen-year-old can't?"
    Luan: "Ugh, this is ridiculous. Even if he was my best friend in the whole world, I wouldn't care if he was one year older than me."
    Luan: "We're really still going with this, huh? Forget "best friend": this kid must be my entire universe."
    Luan: "You know, it makes me wonder. How good a friend can he really be if I expect him to desert me just because he's not the exact same age as me?"
    Luan: "Excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall."
  • Luan thinks it's weird that Nolan kissed her story counterpart on the cheek despite being a platonic friend. Lincoln points out that platonic friends kiss in France, to which Luan says, "Well, this is America!". Fireworks then go off and "The Star-Spangled Banner" plays.
  • When Nolan invites the neighbours and the McBrides to his birthday party, Lola rhetorically asks, "Who's next? Bobby and Ronnie Anne?". Then, they do show up.
    Lola: "I was kidding!"

Episode 15 — Cringeworthy

  • Lily gets offended when Luna claims nursery rhymes are not a genre.
  • Leni gets "schadenfreude" and "Sigmund Freud" confused.
  • As a response to the fanfic using "mouse" as an insult, the Louds come up with animals for them to pretend to be. Leni chooses a hobo, because humans are animals.

Episode 16 — Model Brother

  • Lisa says that she expects to see some prose because of the author's lack of descriptions. Leni says, "But not too many cons."
  • Lisa complains that the story characters sound like Lucy. Lucy replies that Lisa's also stoic, leading to an argument that proves they're both Not So Above It All.

Episode 17 — Luck

  • When Mr. TyeDye asks what sort of mascot suit gets ruined by salt water, Epsilon replies, "The kind that is set in place conveniently for the sake of drama".
  • When Lola wants to use Lincoln as a good luck charm even though she always wins.
    Epsilon: (mimicking Lola) "I feel like acting a bit less confident in my skills today. So you gotta roll with the punches while I win another pageant I'd obviously win before. Okay, Linky?"
    Engineer: "Canon Lola would be insulted."
    Mr. TyeDye: "Canon everyone would be insulted."
  • The guys take out a "Fanfic Character Portrayed as a Jackass Meter" and it goes from "Ronnie Anne in A Night to Forget" (because she wasn't bad), to "Lynn in Anger Management", to "Everyone except Leni and Luna in Whipped" to "Chandler in everything else ever" to finally "Lincoln in Lincoln is Done."
  • Mr. TyeDye references the song "Barbie Girl", which Epsilon hates so much he runs away.
  • When Mr. TyeDye gets annoyed by the bad grammar, he remarks, "My Lisa is showing".
    • Sophia says that, "It sounds like things are really rough with your family right now", to which Mr. TyeDye responds, "So rough that she didn't bother to end her sentence with a period."
  • Mr. TyeDye calls Lincoln "The Flash" because he runs out of the house and only a few minutes later, the parents need to use Vanzilla. Later, when Mr. TyeDye points out that it took Lincoln five minutes to tell his "long story", Engineer says, "You did say he was the Flash."
  • When Lincoln hopes his family doesn't find him...
    Epsilon: "Because now that their heads were miraculously cleared due to my rant, they may recognize my whiny fanon persona and Lucy'll perform some satanic ritual to cleanse me... Wait a second. Maybe I do want that to happen."
    Kirby: "If that happens, I'm gonna watch while eating nachos."
    Mr. TyeDye: "May I have some too?"
  • Mr. TyeDye points out the ludicrousness of the "Luna is Lincoln's guardian" thing and eventually, he jokingly claims that Mr. Coconuts is.
  • Wild Kirby calls characters "Luny-Girl", "Lynny-Girl", and "Linky-Boi".
    Mr. TyeDye: "What's with you and using someone's gender as some kind of suffix?"

Episode 18 — Hughs and Kisses

  • Lincoln rolls his eyes at his sisters fawning over Hugh and says, "You said it," when Lily says, "Poo-poo."
  • Lily joins in on Lincoln scolding Luna for fawning over Ms. Dimartino.
  • Lincoln disapproves of Hugh in the story saying, "Get it away from me!" about Lily because it's weird expecting sexual advances from a baby and he called Lily an "it".
  • Lori finds the idea of "British standup" weird. While there are British standup comedians, you wouldn't call a German person operating on you "German surgery".
  • When Lincoln wonders why Hugh has a toy, the older sisters squirm, clearly thinking of adult toys.

Episode 19 — Snowmageddon

  • When Lana wonders why all Luan's sisters chickened out in the fanfic but Lincoln didn't, she claims she's braver than him. Lincoln admits that she usually is, until she needs a shot. Lana freaks out, thinking he said she needs one now.
  • Lana and Luan wondering why we bake cookies and cook bacon.
  • When Lincoln calls Luan in the story an evil enchantress, Lana says, "Be careful- If you look in her eyes, she'll put you in trances", referencing a song from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
  • Luan criticizes her fanfic counterpart for being an incompetent prankster, even when she's acting evil.
  • When the fic calls Lori "the Lori", they imagine her as a wrestler.
  • Lynn wonders why Lincoln in the story is so "muscle-savvy", going on about his "hammies" and his "glutes".

Episode 20 — Fury of Lincoln Loud

  • When Lori in the story claims that Lincoln is the reason things go wrong...
    Lucy: "You heard it here, folks. Lincoln is confirmed to be literally Satan."
    Leni: "So LINCOLN is who you pray to every night. Ahh, I understand now."
    Lola: "Lincoln apparently creates all of the other problems across the globe too."
    Lisa: "Stockmarket crashes!"
    Luan: "Electing Donald Trump as president!"
    Luna: "Chick-fil-A's anti-LGBT views!"
    Lana: "7 11!"
    Lori: "I think you meant 9/11, Lana."
    Lana: "No, I mean 7 11. Their overpriced Slurpees blow monkey chunks."
  • Ronnie Anne apparently knows more bad words than Lincoln.
  • When Lynn claims she can pick her nose with her big toe, Lana is impressed.

Episode 21 — Truth or Dairy?

  • Luan and Lola pointing out the awkwardness of inviting one's parents for 'Truth or Dare?'.
  • Lincoln says, "Which one of us is white?" about the white spot on the spinner. Luan says, "We all are!".
  • Lisa pointing out how the logistics of the bath scene don't work — Lana's behind the tub despite it being against the wall and yet she's still able to close the door.
  • Lola criticizing the "Truth" questions for not being embarrassing enough.
    Lola: (on a "truth" question being how Lori and Bobby met) "Really? That's the best you can come up with? Ask her if she's ever cheated! Tell him to read the mushiest message she ever sent him! Just because it's 'truth' doesn't mean you have to go soft!"
    Lola: "Of course [Lori] was [telling the truth]. She had no reason not to! That question sucked!"
    Lola: (when story-Lynn is asked what her first sport was) "Really? Really? What is this, Baby's First Truth or Dare?"
    Lola: "Who. Cares?! The point of a truth isn't to stump the other person! You're supposed to embarrass them!"
    Lola: (when story-Lisa says she's not going to take another "truth") "Why not? They're basically freebies anyway."

Episode 22 — A Second Chance

  • Lisa, Lana, and Lori talking about why "invaluable" means "valuable".
    Lisa: That advice would have been invaluable a couple of days prior.
    Lana: What are you talking about? I think it really would have helped him.
    Lisa: That's what I said.
    Lana: No it isn't. You said it wouldn't be valuable.
    Lisa: No, I said it would be invaluable. "Invaluable" means "valuable".
    Lana: That doesn't make any sense.
    Lori: Actually, it does. When something is "valuable", it has worth. If it's invaluable, it means that its worth is too massive to measure. It's like the difference between "ordinary" and "extraordinary".
    Lisa: [Gawks at Lori] Wha... you... how did you...
  • Ronnie Anne's response to Ronnie Anne being called a "certain someone" is "Who am I, Voldemort?".
  • Even Grammy starts aww-ing at Lincoln and Ronnie Anne.
  • Lori and Lana point out that the story said, "Frozen threats".
    Lana: "'Gimme some ice cream or I'll slug ya!'"

Episode 23 — The Sleeping Boy

  • When the Louds are wondering what Leni's handy object mentioned by the narration is, Luan suggests her "handyman" and takes out a handyman mini-figure.
  • Leni thinks "narcoleptic" means doing drugs.
  • Leni demonstrates all the different ways she can carry Lincoln.
  • Luan's joke that she knows the basics about chemistry "and the acidics".
  • Grammy asks for a goodnight kiss.

Episode 24 — Lincoln Betrays Lucy

  • Lola claims that if you don't tease your sister for dressing up as a horse, you've failed as a sibling, and later Lana claims that she has special privileges for teasing Lola longer than a week because they're twins.
  • Lana claims she feels dirty and "usually likes feeling dirty, but not like this".

Episode 25 — Melancholinc

Episode 26 — Class Night

  • Lincoln describes class night as "like prom night, but lamer".
  • Apparently, Liam doesn't believe in evolution and used to think the moon was a star and bats were bugs. Lisa is not impressed.
  • Apparently Lori didn't stop singing "boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider" until she was in high school. She tries to defend herself by claiming she sang it "ironically".

Halloween Special — Attack of the 50-Foot Sister

  • When Lucy disappears in the story, so does the real Lucy.
    Lincoln: That wasn't a request for a demonstration, Lucy.
  • Luan calls the the giant Lynn in the story a "brick skyscraper".
  • When they think Grammy is trying to kill them (it was really a prank), they say, "We love you!". At the end, he says, "Did you mean it when you said you loved me?".

Episode 27 — Loud House Jokes and A Town Hates a Boy

  • The main story has so many plot holes, Lisa thinks the perfume must warp reality.
  • Lisa pointing out that the "step on a crack, break your mother's back" rhyme is "cheerfully morbid".
  • Lincoln makes an Accidental Pun about a situation related to his scent being "on the nose".
  • When Rita in the story says, "Where's my baby?" referring to Lincoln, Lily (the real one) waves.
  • The main story has got to be the biggest example of Black Comedy the Louds have read up to this point. Among other things:
    • Lily tries to stab Lincoln in the story with a broken baby bottle.
    Lola: How did she break her bottle? I thought those were made of plastic
    • Lola in the story is completely unfazed by a knife getting stuck in her hair.
    Lola (in the story): Thanks, but I prefer a comb.
    Lincoln: That's how you react after almost being stabbed in the face?!
    • Lynn's earlier attempt to kill Lincoln in the story resulted in her flying out the window. She manages to escape injury by landing on Rita, only to end up drinking the rat poison Lynn Sr. used in his own murder attempt.
    Lori: Well Lynn's dead.
    • Finally, the last major attempt on Lincoln's life shown is foiled Clouseau-Style: He ducks just as a tank fires its shot, which ends up blowing up another assailant. Lincoln is barely perturbed by this.
    Lincoln (in the story): Very strange...
    Lori: A man just died in front of you, Lincoln. "Very strange" is kind of an understatement in this situation.

The PTTFW Christmas Special — Secret Santa

  • The very first joke of the Special
    Lincoln: Today, we'll be looking at a Christmas-themed story about us, from one of the top authors in the fandom!
    Lucy: I heard he once wrote a story about you dying.
    Lincoln: He what?!
  • After Ronnie Anne's Big Damn Kiss, Lincoln's sisters have a collective Freak Out. When Lincoln tries to get back to the story, Grammy has one as well.
    • The dual Squee from Lori and Leni being so high-pitched that it only affects Charles.
    • The freak-out involves Luan doing a sped-up version of "Make 'em Laugh" from Singin' in the Rain, Lynn banging herself in the head with a barbell, Lucy levitating and spinning her head in a circle, Lisa's eyes literally bluescreening, and Grammy reciting nursery rhymes.

Episode 28 — The Bestie Who Stole My Heart

  • Ronnie Anne apparently learnt about parrots' mating rituals from Sergio.
  • Everyone's disgusted response to Sergio in the story sleep-apologising to Frida for catching her having sex with Carlos.
  • Sid once texted Ronnie Anne at night to ask why they don't make chocolate butter.
  • Sid accidentally saying, "fascist" instead of "facetious".

Episode 29 — The Baby I Learned to Love

  • Lucy makes up a whole story about how when she was a toddler, her parents tried to give her pacifier away, only for it to keep coming back, and she never gave it up. She then starts sucking on a pacifier... only for Lynn to point out that it didn't really happen and the pacifier is Lily's. Lucy complains that Lynn is "no fun".
  • Lori points out that Lynn is a hypocrite in the story for saying Lincoln is a glutton, since the real Lynn learnt how to raid the fridge as soon as she could walk.

Episode 30 — Lincoln's Twin Brother

  • Lori and Lynn argue over anime and mimic the other's favourite anime characters mockingly:
    Lynn: Pfft. Of course you like that girly shojo trash. Ooooh, I'm gonna beat all those big scary monsters with the power of love and friendship and butterfly kisses!
    Lori: Well, it's better than the dumb macho shonen crap you watch. Grrr, power level this, power level that, I can solve every problem by punching it really hard!
  • Lana apparently once cried over snakes having no arms.
  • When the siblings talk about annoying things siblings do, Lucy brings up "bench-pressing us when we're trying to read".
  • When Lori complains about the angsty story, Lucy says that Lori is an "amateur" and she (Lucy) deals with more angst than this before breakfast.
  • Lincoln reveals that in second grade, there was a kid who called him "powdered sugar". Lori says that that isn't mean, and Lincoln agrees that he wasn't a very good bully.
  • When Lio says that he fears dying in kindergarten, Lori wonders if the drama dial in the story is stuck on 10.
  • Lily knows what an albino is.
  • When Lisa calls Lio a "cowardly lion" and says Lincoln is the same, Lincoln takes it, because it's better than being a mouse.
  • Luan's solution in the story to Lio being teased is to have him wear a cape. And it works.
  • The story's version of Luan pranks Lori and Leni by dyeing their hair black. Lori (the real one) says that it's weak and Leni would just enjoy it. Leni agrees and says that black is "the new... um... black".

Episode 31 — Hide and Seek

  • The Lana in the story says that she'd rather dig through the trash than sit in the living room. The real Lincoln says, "Then go dig in trash. What's stopping you?". The real Lana prepares to leave, only for Lincoln to clarify he meant the story's Lana.
  • The Lana in the story is not allowed to get dirty because Lynn Sr. would be mad. This leads to this conversation on the couch:
    Lana: Well, he can deal with it, as far as I'm concerned. To be dirty is to be Lana. When you scrub away the dirt on my face, you're scrubbing away who I am.
    Luna: That's pretty poetic, Little Lans. I'm impressed.
    Lana: Thanks! I thought that one up while I was takin' a whizz.
  • Lola says that even she, at age seven, is too old for Hide and Seek. Lana likes it, but Lola points out that Lana only likes it because it gives her an excuse to hide in a trash can.
  • Luan's comedy school came up with a version of tag where you use a rubber chicken.
  • Lola heckling the fanfic sisters' bad hide-and-seek playing, to which Lana responds that she didn't know Lola was such a "game snob". Lola responds by calling herself an "everything snob".
  • The Lincoln in the story calls Luna "young lady". Luna points out that she's older than Lincoln, so the twins teasingly call her "old lady" and talk to her like she's a senior citizen.
  • Lincoln wonders how Lucy can appear like she does... prompting Lucy to actually do it.
  • When the Lynn Sr. in the story reacts negatively to Lincoln saying he played Hide and Seek with the girls, Luan asks, "Did Hide and Seek kill his grandma or something?".
  • After the reveal that the fanfic sisters don't exist, Lincoln pokes Luan to check if she's real.

Episode 32 — How Many?

  • As it turns out, Lincoln's friends have some trouble keeping track of which sister is which.
    Stella: Clown wig? I thought she [Luan] usually wore all black.
    Zach: You're thinking of Lana. Luan's the funny one, Lana's the gloomy one.
    Rusty: No, you're both wrong. Lana is the dirty one. Lucy is the gloomy one.
    Liam: Lynn's the sporty one and Lisa's the brainy one. I know that much.
    Lincoln: Are you guys talking about my sisters or the seven dwarfs?
  • Stella and Lincoln lampshading the massive size of Lincoln's family. Lincoln flat out admits that neither him or any of his sisters would be shocked if they had a twelfth on the way.
  • Lily flirting with Rusty, but then kicking him in the shin when he calls her a baby.

Episode 33 — Will Lynn Tell?

  • Lincoln thinking it's weird how the audience talked back to Lynn in the story as they never talk back to him.
  • Lynn catches javelins and sleeps off concussions.
  • Lana wondering why she's being blamed in the story for the apple having a worm, but then adding that if she had her way, all apples would have worms.
  • When the story's Lynn mentions having a "cesta" only to be told there's no such thing, the real Lincoln jokingly calls his sisters "cestas". Lynn boos him, but Lincoln says, "Oh, boo yourself!".
  • Lincoln wonders why the angels and devils on shoulders never fall off. Lynn points out that in this story at least, they're versions of her and thus have good balance. Luna then suggests they could hold onto Lynn's hair and makes Baby Talk about it, which annoys Lynn.
  • The Running Gag of the sisters burying one another in the couch whenever they annoy one each other— first Lynn to Luna for calling her cute, then Lana to Lynn for calling her a pipsqueak, then all the sisters for arguing over who makes better roommates.
  • The real siblings note that the angel and the devil on fanfic Lynn's shoulders don't seem to be doing a good job:
    Lynn: "Seems like evil me has a lot more faith in me than good me. Dunno what that says about me."
    Lynn: (after the devil gets offended at being called a dunce) "Okay, time out. I am not that thin-skinned." [...] "Well, devil me isn't thin-skinned either!"
    Lisa: (because the angel keeps fighting the devil) "For an 'angel', this apparition is quite prone to violence."
    Luna: (when the angel says that pushing her story counterpart downstairs would get Lynn in more trouble) "Wha-that's your concern? What kind of an angel are you?!"
    Luna: "If she were a true angel, she'd say that doing the right thing IS getting in trouble."
    Lisa: "I think Lynn should thinking about getting the physical manifestations of her conscience replaced. They're clearly defective."
    Luna: (when the devil gets defensive) "Seriously, brah? Why are you letting her shame you? You're a devil. Own it."
    Luna: "You're far from perfect yourself, Angel Lynn."
  • Lana keeps getting Sidetracked by the Analogy— she's not sure if she's a rat or not (i.e. a snitch) since rats are cool, points out how the tree has fallen on her head instead of in the forest, and says, "Like a clumsy spider" when told Lynn is weaving a tangled web in the story.
  • Luna pointing out that Lynn in the story doesn't even need to tell the truth— if she heard that a branch knocked out Lana, she wouldn't assume it was because of an arrow.
  • In the story, Lucy asks who is sleeping in Lynn's bed, and on the couch, Lana jokes, "Is it Goldilocks?". She realises she does have golden locks, but wouldn't eat porridge as she thinks it's for old people.
  • Lana wonders if the reason Lynn in the story doesn't trust Lucy with her secret is because she thinks one of the demons will blab.
  • When Lisa calls frogs unintelligent, Lana pretends she Speaks Fluent Animal and that Hops swore at Lisa.
  • Lincoln suggests having Lola dig with Lisa instead of Lana, but then Lynn points out that she might blow her cover by whining about the dirt.
  • Luna pointing out that the Lynn in the story yelps whenever someone greets her.
  • The Lynn in the story being ridiculously determined to not tell the truth.
  • Lynn found out "the hard way" that sumo wrestling was for guys only.

Episode 34 - Business Over Brother

  • When the Luan in the story uses Lincoln as an armrest, the real Lincoln says it's rude to do that without asking. So Luan asks her younger siblings if she can use them as armrests, but Lincoln declines, Lily blows a raspberry, and Lucy hisses like a cat. Leni volunteers, without realising she's too tall.
  • When the Lincoln in the story complains about having to answer 200 questions on a test, the real Luan suggests imagining he's playing 20 Questions ten times over.
  • Lily offers to do fanfic Lincoln's homework, but the real Lincoln says that Mr. Bolhofner would probably notice if Lincoln had let his two-year-old sister do his homework.
  • When Lincoln points out that he's Luan's only brother, so her calling him her "favourite brother" in the story isn't very effective, Leni thinks Mr. Coconuts is another brother.
  • Lily having a Sweet Tooth is a Running Gag in this episode:
    • We learn that when the other sisters on the couch tried to be Luan's assistants, Lucy somehow left the birthday girl in a fetal position sucking her thumb, Leni had all the kids asking to marry her, and Lily ate all the desserts.
    • Her response to the story's Luan having Lincoln's homework destroyed is "Too faw, Wuan. E'en fo' cake."
    • When Lincoln offers cake, she runs around so fast that everyone else gets dizzy.
  • When it's revealed that the people in the story are serving five cakes, Lincoln jokes that they're inviting Kirby, and Leni makes a Non Sequitur:
    Leni: "I'm just saying, serving five cakes at once is like squeezing water from a boot and having it come out the other end. It can't be done."
  • Lucy suggests that the story's conflict could be solved by turning Lincoln into a vampire. That way, he could be Luan's assistant and do his homework at night, since vampires don't need to sleep.
  • Lincoln finding a moral to the story: "Have some faith in yourself. You're better than you think you are. And keep your grimy hands off my homework."
  • When Luan in the story is thinking of a way to apologise to Lincoln, Leni (the real one) suggests flowers, since they mean "I'm sorry" while chocolate means, "I love you". Luan asks what chocolate flowers mean, and Leni says that they either mean "Let's have fun tonight" or "I'm not mad at you anymore".

Episode 35 (The Godsisters, Game Crashed, and Fracture)

  • When Gregory in the first story calls Lincoln a loser, Ronnie Anne (the real one) suggests insulting him back. The girls then suggest some insults, including "Poo-poo head" from Lily and "Brobdingnagian troglodyte" from Lisa.
  • Lucy asks Ronnie Anne if she still "picks on" Lincoln. Ronnie Anne asks if putting hot sauce in someone's coke counts... then reveals that Lincoln did that to her.
  • Lucy saying that she would obey a "Keep Out" sign... but only because she wants to be a vampire, who can only come in if invited.
  • This line from Leni:
    Leni: "I may not be the sharpest light in the Chanukah bush, but I wasn't born tomorrow."
  • Sergio once changed Ronnie Anne's lockscreen to a gif of two cockatoos mating.
  • When Lincoln brings up that in the second story, he's essentially homeless, Luan berates him for being serious when they're meant to be being funny. She holds up a list saying that old white people rapping, gigantic mallets, anything in fast motion, the word "pumpernickel", and fake moustaches are funny, but postpartum depression, climate change, necrotising fasciitis, morning radio DJs, and homeless twelve-year-olds can never be.
  • When Ronnie Anne wonders if the reason the cat gang is so aggressive is because Cats Are Mean, Cliff gives an offended meow.
  • After the story's Ronnie Anne kicks Lincoln in the crotch, the real Ronnie Anne wants Lincoln to hit her to make them even. Lincoln refuses, so Lola hits her, then Lana hits Lola, prompting everyone on the couch to hit one another until they're all beat up. Lincoln heals them by changing the scene.
  • Lisa commenting that despite having broken her arm, Lola still isn't exclaiming.
  • When Lincoln calls the imaginary court in the third story a "kangaroo court" for the jury answering the question "How do you plead?", Lana imagines a court full of Australian animals.
  • Lincoln and Ronnie Anne putting notes on each other's backs that read "Uber geek" and "Dweebasaurus Rex" during a hug.

Episode 36 (What's Cooking?)

  • When Lynn Sr. says that the kids in the story aren't giving him time to "hang up [his] hat", Leni says, "You don't wear a hat, Dad".
  • Lynn Sr. says that everybody cuts or burns themselves while cooking. Leni says that she learnt that lesson "the hard way" when making her first dish — cold cereal.
  • When Lucy says that she wants her death to be like Virginia Woolf's (drowning with her pockets weighted down), Lincoln asks if he and the others should be concerned or impressed, to which Lynn Sr. replies, "Little of Column A, little of Column B."
  • When Lori in the story moans while eating her burger, Lana wonders if it's "so good it hurts", and Lynn Sr. feels awkward.
  • Lynn Sr. in the story says that the hamburger meat "isn't strong enough". The real Louds wonder what that even means, eventually imagining bringing a dead cow back to life and making her exercise. Lynn Sr. makes a joke about "beefing up", which everyone groans at, but Luan joins in offscreen.
  • Lucy's view of eating meat.
    Lucy: "So she becomes more powerful by consuming the flesh of others?"
  • Lynn Sr. says that his family wastes food. As if on cue, Luan throws bread at Lucy from offscreen.
  • Lana trying to explain that she's close to Lincoln by saying, "Me and Lincoln are just like that" and holding two fingers together. However, she can't offer an answer when Leni asks which finger represents her.
  • Lucy suggesting, as pizza ingredients, salamander tongues, crow talons, poison oak, spider larvae, and scales much to Lynn Sr.'s disgust.
  • Leni mishearing "soup or salad" as "super salad", and then commenting that the salad isn't that super.

Episode 37 — Scaring is Caring

  • When fanfic Lisa believes Lincoln decapitated Rita and Lynn Sr., she says, "Afraid so". The real Lincoln calls her out:
    Lincoln: "'Afraid so'? "Afraid so"?! That's something you say when the Flippee machine is broken, not after you just found out that your parents were killed!"
  • This exchange:
    Fanfic Lori: "Alright. Time to put Operation: Convince-Lincoln-to-not-kill-us-tomorrow-or-we'll-end-up-like-Mom-and-Dad-and-think-of-a-shorter-name-for-this-operation into action!"
    Real Lincoln: "Hey! Overly long operation names are my thing!"
  • Lisa thinks it's strange how in the story, the sisters are imagining Lincoln mounting their heads on the wall, since real-life murderers tend to hide the bodies. Lincoln responds with "That's your concern?!".
  • Everyone's stunned response when the Lola in the story tries to be nice to Lincoln by stripping him so he can read in his undies.
  • Lola revealing that Lana has grown to like baths... but only so she can shake herself dry like a dog.
  • In the story, Lana imagines accidentally knocking Lincoln out... with mud.
    Real Lincoln: "Knocked out? Sheesh, was there a stone hidden in that mud ball?"
  • In the story, Lisa does an experiment on herself that makes her feet bigger. She describes it as "discovering Bigfoot", which causes the real Lisa to wonder if she meant discovering herself. Luna replies with:
    Luna: "Mick Swagger says he discovered himself when he spent five months in India learning to play the sitar. I don't think this is the same thing, though."
  • Lisa saying that she's a scientist, not a witch when her serum in the story is described as a "potion".
  • Throughout the story, Lincoln's sisters imagine him saying, "Oh, that's fine", and then killing them. After the story, he says the same phrase after Luna reveals she ate the last grape popsicle, scaring the sisters.

Episode 38 — Linka and Chocolate

  • When Luke mentions that Lane in the fanfic must be booby-trapping the fridge, Lynn has a snicker.
  • When Linka accuses Lexx of being a bigger "chocolate monster" than her, Lexx says that he's a chocolate connoisseur and, unlike his siblings, he eats his chocolate slowly so that he can savour the taste — only to scarf down a leftover Butterfinger that Lane found.
  • The Running Gag of Lane suggesting that the story characters handcuff Linka.
  • Lane is confused over why Loni knows fifteen ways of tying a tie, but can't make scrambled eggs without starting a grease fire.
  • The reveal that Lynn once won a tug-of-war against all his gym classmates and his teacher.
  • After Loki in the story mentions a bucket...
    Lexx: "Lief's got one. It has a hole in it, though."
    Lynn: "Then fix it."
    Lexx: "With what?"
    Lynn: "Some straw."
    Lexx: "But the straw is too long."
    Lynn: "Then cut i—"
    Linka: (covers their mouths) "Nope. Nuh-uh. We're not doing this."
  • When Linka in the story dreams she eats a chocolate tree, the real Luke tells her to at least replant it. Lynn says, "Oh, who are you, the Chocolate Lorax?".
  • Also during Linka's dream, there's a chocolate statue of her. The real Lexx wants a chocolate statue of him, and when Linka points out that someone may eat it, he says he's too handsome to eat.

Episode 39 — Sir Hugs-a-Lot

  • When Lana wonders if the Lincoln in the story was preparing for a date, the real Lisa notes that if he was, it'd be troubling that he needed to check that he was wearing shoes and a shirt. Lily defends him by saying that sometimes, you forget your shoes.
  • Lisa says that Lily is very smart for her age and once even showed interest in Lisa's Rubik's cube... but then tried to eat it.
    Lily: "I was hungwy!"
  • Lincoln notes that it's odd how in the story, he went through so much mental preparation just to hug his sisters. Lana points out that you don't even need to wear shoes, or even a shirt, to do that.
  • When story Lincoln wants to hug Lola without her permission, the real Lana references Sonic the Hedgehog:
    Lana: "It's just like Speedy the Porcupine says: if someone tries to touch you in a place or in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's no good."
  • When Lori is jealous that Lana finds "big brother hugs" more special than "big sister hugs", Lana explains that it's only because she has six big sisters but only one big brother. Lisa adds that it's "simple economics".
  • When the Lori in the story squeaks, the real Lori says, "What am I, a mouse?". Lincoln jokes that he thought he was one.

    After Dark 

Episode 1 — Property Of Luan Loud

  • All of Mr. Grouse's commentary while he throws shade at both the story and the people he's reviewing it with.
    Mr. Grouse: Eh, that's the internets for ya. Every weirdo with an ISP can show the world how weird he is, and every other weirdo with an ISP gets to congratulate him for it. It's the age we live in.
    Mr. Grouse: (about Leni bumping chests with Luan in the story) Kind of like slammin' a couple of beanbags on an ironing board, isn't it?
    Mr. Grouse: (after hearing Lisa installed a spy camera in the bathroom) You people are a circus.
    Mr. Grouse: Is this what my life has become? Sitting on a couch with my neighbors reading someone's furry jailbait fantasy?
    Mr. Grouse: Eh? No, today's parents are fine. Your parents are a couple of jokes.
    Mr. Grouse: "Hey, Buddy, how did you spend your weekend?" "Oh, you know, I went over to my neighbors' house and read a dirty story about one of them turning into a cat and nailing her sister!"
  • The twins trying to be sneaky and sticking around to hear the story, by hiding behind the couch. Lori catches them before they start reading, though.
  • Mr. Grouse saying that when he was a teenager, if he swore his father would wash his mouth out with soap... and then he would punch his father in the balls.
  • During Leni's objection to the horny, cat-ified story Leni coming to school with Luan:
    Leni: "What?! I wouldn't let you take me to school like that! I mean, I guess I would, since I'd be thinking like a cat, but... no! No, I wouldn't! Cats don't go to school! Cats stay home and chase mice!"
    Luan: "And fuck their sisters."
    Leni: "And fuck their- no!"
    (everyone but her starts laughing)
  • Leni swiping Luan's panties (in the story) without her friends noticing, somehow. Then again, Mr. Grouse has an explanation for this... much to Luan's disdain.
    Mr. Grouse: "'Course her friends didn't notice. You've gotta have friends first! Heh heh heh!"

Episode 2 — Tryst of Fate

  • Upon hearing that the story Lori was "in the lion's den" and had to "face the music", the real Luna points out that she's never heard of a lion's den that had music playing.

Episode 3 — Diary of Luan Loud

  • Luna wonders where the story version of Lynn hid the basketball she took to church and wonders if it was up her rectum.
    Luan: "I guess then it'd be a buttsketball!"
  • Leni doesn't know what "eating out" means.
    Leni: "What? I like eating out, too! Who doesn't? Chinese is my favourite."
    Luna: "Pretty sure she's not talkin' about Chinese food, sis."
    Leni: "So, Thai, then? Or Italian? Or (Luna whispers in her ear) Oh... oh my God..."
  • Benny points out that the line "playing with Hitler" (referring to a cat named that) is funny out of context.
  • Lori claims that Bobby isn't that big, which grosses Luna out.

Episode 4 — The Edgy House

  • Apparently, Lynn Sr Can't Hold His all.
    Luna: (Response to the story calling Lynn Sr a mean drunk) "If by "mean" you mean "sleepy", then sure. Two drinks and he's out."
    Luan: "Two drinks? You're giving him way too much credit. I once saw him get wasted off a slice of rum cake."
  • When the story is revealed to be a school project that Lincoln is doing (but before the reveal), Luan takes a guess at Mrs. Johnson's next line
    Luan: "You all are now officially expelled from every school in the country" [Beat] "Make that every school on the planet." [Beat] "Every public place on the planet." [Beat] "Actually, let's just make it the planet. Off to Mars with you, buddy."

Episode 5 — Tongue Tied

  • At one point, a character begins to talk dirty over a sex scene. The character? GRAMMY.
  • Luna and Sam try to make the other as flustered as possible.

Episode 6 — New Jersey

  • When Lynn describes Clyde as "Lincoln's geeky friend", Margo notes that, since almost every friend of Lincoln's is a nerd, that doesn't really narrow it down.
  • Lynn once pretended she had a flat tire as an excuse for being late to practice, even though she's too young to drive.
    Lynn: "No, no, it was a flat tire on my bike."
    Margo: "You also said that you had a dead battery."
    Lynn: "Um... it was a motorcycle?"
  • When the Lynn in the story teases Clyde for having his glasses crooked, pretending it's a fashion statement, the real Lynn says that Dexter once tried to pretend his broken glasses were a fashion statement, and it actually worked for a little bit. Leni tries to give it a go, but Luna stops her.
  • When it's revealed that Lynn and Clyde are dating in the story, Luan points out that the author ships weird characters together, and Margo reveals that Lynn once shoved Clyde into a locker for being in the hall sans pass. Margo says that Lynn is a stickler for rules and once pulled a gun on someone for stepping over the line. Everyone gapes, until Margo reveals it to have been a BB gun.
  • Luan starts cracking jokes about Margo's nose. When she makes one at the end, Margo puts her into a torture rack.
  • When the Clyde in the story can't think of a retort for not letting Lynn in, Luan suggests telling her he was waiting for her to let her farts out. The real Lynn says that unlike Lori, she owns her farts.
  • Luan calling story-Lynn a bigot for assuming all nerds know one another.
  • When Lynn brags about her butt and has Margo slap it, Leni cites that as the reason she doesn't play sports.
  • Margo reveals that Lynn used to be nicknamed "Floofy Head" and they'd rub her hair for good luck.
  • When fanfic-Clyde tears off his shirt so he can shag Lynn, Leni says, "NO! I don't care how horny you are. You don't ruin a perfectly good shirt!"
  • When the story's Clyde is revealed to be hung, Luan says, "You know what they say about guys like Clyde!". Luna takes this the wrong way and berates Luan, but then Luan reveals that she just meant timid guys are bigger downstairs because they don't act like they have something to prove.
  • In the story, when Lynn is pleasuring Clyde by grabbing his member, Margo says that if she were him, she'd be wary, since when Lynn played the "Test Your Grip" game, the score was "OW OW MERCY PLEASE STOP YOU'RE HURTING ME".
  • Luna pointing out that the mention of Clyde's "weeping dick" makes his dick sound pathetic. She then adds that she'd say it was "erupting".
