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Funny / Jigsaw

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  • When Billy rolls out on his trike and does his signature cackle, Ryan dryly remarks, "That's not creepy at all."
  • At the beginning of the Barn game, when the five are being dragged to the blades, Logan just lays on the ground unconscious, almost looking like he doesn't give a damn about the situation he's in. Rarely has that sort of Delayed Reaction been both dark and hilarious.
  • Ryan's delayed reaction to seeing Mitch's sliced-up corpse is also darkly hilarious.
  • While Hunt and Halloran are discussing Logan as a suspect:
    Hunt: C'mon, man, you're talking about a brother.
    Halloran: I got a brother, he's a fucking asshole.
  • Later on, when Hunt exhumes Jigsaw's casket and finds Edgar Munsen in his place.
    Hunt: Let's just say you can call off the search for Edgar Munsen.
    Halloran: Oh, COME ON!
  • When Logan and Hunt are arguing about why Halloran would want to frame Logan.
    Hunt: You called him a moron in the press. Twice.
    Logan: No, I said he was an impulsive asshole... twice.
