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Funny / Hell or High Water

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  • During one of the early bank robberies, as they're about to leave, Tanner takes a $20 bill and puts it down the female clerk's shirt, saying it's "a little something" for being polite and cooperative.
  • Immediately after Toby has saved Tanner from being shot at a gas stop by a mouthy idiot, Tanner quickly injects the scene with a healthy dose of Mood Whiplash:
    Tanner: Are you trying to make me mad? This is Mr. Pibb. I asked for Dr. Pepper.
    Toby: It was all they had.
    Tanner: Only assholes drink Mr. Pibb.
    Toby: Drink up.
  • A bit of Cringe Comedy but Toby’s expression as he tries his hardest to sleep while Tanner is having sex with a woman in the bed next to him.
  • Hamilton's continuous heckling of Parker with racist jabs would be insulting if they weren't so terribly uncouth and just bald-faced attempts to get him riled (being delivered by Jeff Bridges helps).
    Parker: Y'know I'm half Mexican, right?
    Hamilton: I'm gonna get to the Mexican ones after I'm through Indian ones... But it's gonna be awhile.
    • At one point Hamilton tells Parker that Parker will actually miss the racist jokes after Hamilton retires. A moment later, after Hamilton leaves, Parker allows himself a little grin.
  • The diner scene in Post, which features one of the most salty and downright fierce waitresses ever committed to film. She takes a few lines to lay out that no, the Rangers will not be given options on their lunch orders, and that will be just fine, thank you.
    Hamilton: Well, tell you one thing... nobody's gonna rob this son-of-a-bitch.
