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Funny / Gamer Poop

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In general:

  • The way that the word "these" is pronounced in the phrase, "Let's get to bashing butts as well as DEEZ nuts!" is a pretty popular gag.
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    Fallout 3 and 4 

    Mass Effect 
  • Two lines that completely sum up the Mass Effect series:
    Shepard: Making hard decisions and owning females, that's what being a leader is about.
    Shepard: I'm Commander Shepard, but I guess I'm now your therapist.
  • Upon hearing there is a sechs tape of Liara and Ashley, Shepard does the most impressive double take ever by spinning his head 360 degrees!
  • Mark Meer speaking Shepard's most infamous GamerPoop line.
  • Even the characters are expecting running gags:
    Shepard: HEY. They're fine, Ash. They're SO damn fine. I think they're just stuck in those super-tight clothes.
    Ash: Shepard, I just-
    Shepard: Shh. [Puts a finger to her lips] We'll get them out of there safely, Ashley. Together. For Earth. I promise. [Starts to walk away]
    Ash: Shepard, wait...that's it?
    Shepard: Oh, right! We'll bang, okay?
  • This exchange from the second Mass Effect episode:
    Shepard: The Reapers aren't the problem anymore. Kids are. Damn kids playing around with cocks.
    Liara: On the internet.
    Shepard: Damn truth. Can you control your damn children? ... There was a boy, back on earth. Couldn't have been more than six or seven. I watched him screwing Reapers. DEAD Reapers.
    Garrus: Damn whore.
    Shepard: As the Normandy escaped the attack. It's nothing I haven't seen before. I had to join them.
    Ashley: What the hell?
    Shepard: Nothing wrong with me, is there?
    Garrus: Damn whore.
  • Likewise:
    Shepard: Let's move before the Reapers realize what we're up to.
    Anderson: Negative. There can be no retreat! No retreat! No stepping back. No stepping forward. And no destroying Reaper forces.
    Shepard: But first sign of any trouble, f*ck 'em all!
    Anderson: DAMN IT! Negative! No defeating the Reapers! NO DEFEATING THE REAPERS! Innocent people die!
    Shepard: And if they don't?
    Anderson: SAY AGAIN?!
    Shepard: (silence)
    Anderson: Exactly.
  • "But you stole a young child's plaything... and inserted it into your plaything." Made even funnier by the reveal of a Magneto action figure when the camera zooms out.
  • Liara neglects her waste disposal needs before the mission. The line sounds so natural, you'd think Ali Hillis herself voiced it.
    Liara: NO!
    Shepard: What is it?
    Shepard: How bad?!
    Liara: BAD!
    [Non-Standard Game Over]
  • Dr. T'Soni is a closet fan of Transformers against Matriarch Benezia's wishes.
    Liara: I've studied Transformers my entire life. My mother hid them from me.
    Shepard: What? Seriously? Fuck your mother. I know I did.
    Shepard: 0_0
    Liara: It must have been such a joke to her when I became Optimus PRIME! *transforms*
    Shepard: Oh, quit showing off.
  • Wrex does not take it well when he learns that Garrus molested Shepard.
    Wrex: I found out Garrus had access to your ass and destroyed it.
    Shepard: Uh oh.
    Wrex: I don't understand you, Shepard. I think you enjoyed it.
    *Shepard glares at Garrus*.
    Wrex: Shepard?
    Shepard: Yeah?
    Wrex: I was wondering... [...] Maybe you could teach the females how to take it like a champ?
    Shepard: WHAT?
    Wrex: It's time to step up, Shepard.
    Shepard: I don't think—
    Garrus: He'll do whatever it takes.
    Shepard: Kill yourself.
    Garrus: Shepard...
    Shepard: No. You don't get to be angry about that. More importantly, p*ssy's my friend.
    Shepard: Liara. We'll bang, okay?
    Liara: My body's ready.
    Shepard: And Garrus, hope you kick yourself in the balls on the way out the door.
  • Mass Effect 3 could've ended the same way episode six starts.
    Shepard: I wasn't going to ask, but... Catalyst, how does one last long in bed?
    Catalyst: No. You can't.
    Shepard: Why?
    Catalyst: I stop that from happening.
    Shepard: What? Bullshit.
    Catalyst: You won't last. I created the Reapers so that never happens.
    Shepard: You son of a bitch.
    Javik: Commander, throw it out the airlock.
    Catalyst: No. Don't.
    <As the Citadel opens, the Catalyst is thrown off and sent screaming>

    The Elder Scrolls series 

    Other videos 
  • From the GTAV video:
    Lamar: How am I gonna knock a bad bitch if I ain't got a penis?
    Franklin: WHAT?! *brakes sharply* Fuck, homie. Dat's sexy!
  • When giving Faith money in the The Wolf Among Us video, the "character reaction" box says, "You chose not to kill the prostitute to take back your money... like you always do in GTA."
  • From the L.A Noire Gamerpoop: "This is America." "Let's change the subject." "This is Germany???"
  • "Mrs. Slut, Gloria SLUT" "Heyyyyyyy—"
