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Funny / But Really Really Fast

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    In General But Really Really Fast 
  • For the "JoJo's Bizzare Adventure But Really Really Fast" series, the narrator has Eye Catches to summarise the Stands as they are introduced. It initially started off simple and straight-forwardnote  but as the parts went on, Stand abilities become more and more convoluted such that the Narrator resorts to lampshadingnote , vaguely describing jokesnote , overly long, condensed textnote  and by the end of part 5, outright refusing to even explain themnote .

    Death Note But Really Really Fast 
  • The first criminal that Light kills has some choice words to say.
  • Ryuk's only lines in the entire video are "WILLEM DAFOE"note , "RINGO"note , and "QUARTER LIFE HALFWAY TO DESTRUCTION."
  • Light going "WHAT" every time L outsmarts him.
  • Soichiro Yagami continually dismissing L's claims that Light is Kira, while he distorts with every word said.
    Soichiro: Hello L, we need to find Kira.
    L: He's your son.
    Soichiro: NO, HE'S NOT!
    [Later on...]
    L: The guy who was following your son just died, your son is definitely Kira.
    Soichiro: NO, HE'S NOT!
    Naomi: Surprise— HUEHGH! (dies)
    L: The wife of the guy who was following your son just died, your son is definitely Kira.
    Soichiro: NO, HE'S NOT!
  • Light desperately trying to ward suspicion off him.
    L: (after the previous conversation, extreme close up) Fine, I'll take matters into my own hands. (appears in front of Light) I am L.
    Light: WHAT— I mean, I am an unrelated third party, hmm, yes, tell me more.
    [Later on...]
    L: I have deduced that there is a second Kira because their M.O. is slightly different.
    Light: MASAKA-- I mean, I am an unrelated third—
  • Misa's first line: "I have obtained the book but my character is a bit of a dumbass."
  • Light getting cut off every time he proclaims he is "THE GOD OF THE NEW WORLD".
  • Near's very first appearance has him calling himself "L but with white hair".
    • Light's response: "oh my god are you serious"
  • Just...everything about the Gambit Pileup scene:
    Light: I win because whatshisface (Mikami) is gonna write everybody's name except mine!
    Near: I knew he was gonna do that, so I did this. (replaces the notes in the book with other notes)
    Light: I knew you were gonna do that, so I did this! (pulls out two more Death Notes)
    Near: I knew you were gonna do that, so I did this. (waving around a Death Note)
    Light: I knew you were gonna do that, so I did this! (erratically swatting around a Death Note)
    Near: (multiplying Death Notes) I knew you were gonna do that, so I—
    Light: WHAAAAA— (he and Mikami explode)

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Phantom Blood But Really Really Fast 
  • In Jonathan Joestar's and Dio's introductions, there are tidbits of information displayed next to them.
  • The narrator barely finishes reading the title cards before another character speaks.
    Narrator: Seven years later...
    George: I'm dying now!
  • Dio puts on the Stone Mask to change himself into a vampire... only for him to yell incoherent gibberish as he does so. The subtitles make it even funnier, reading "HUEHHGHHEGHHERHHGHGHHRHGGHRGHGH".
  • "And then Jack the Ripper came out of the horse."
  • Jonathan's continued exasperation at not being able to fight Dio, all because there are new obstacles on the way, or other people wanting their share of killing Dio. Take this, for example:
    Slow Kick Guynote : [While delivering a flying kick towards Dio] Um- actually first, I'm going to attack you with one of my famous "slow kick" (trademark) attacks.
    [Slow Kick Guy freezes the moment he touches dio, and falls onto the ground, shattering into pieces.]
    Incidental Character Speedwagon: I guess that's just how it be sometimes.
  • After Jonathan finally goes to battle dio head-on, his calling of his attack.
    Jonathan: I will now attack Dio with my luck pluck sword supercharged with magic sunlight. Overdrive Overdrive Overdrive Overdrive Overdrive Ovrddrbllrlblbllrlbl--
  • dio calling on his Eye Beams, which prompts a Flat "What" out of Jonathan as Dio's head flies backwards off of his body.
  • Erina narrating what had happened after the boat exploded when Jonathan sacrificed himself to (try and) take dio with him:
    Narrator: Except what ACTUALLY happened is DURING the explosion dio STOLE Jonathan’s body and somehow ALSO hid in the coffin in a SEPARATE COMPARTMENT that was DEFINITELY THERE THE WHOLE TIME and slept for A HUNDRED YEARS under the sea and invented STANDS which are the physical manifestations-
    • Made funnier by the choking actually being real: Erina's voice was way too high for Viva’s vocal range.

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Battle Tendency But Really Really Fast 
  • The video starts right out of the gate with an act of Tempting Fate:
    Incidental Character Speedwagon: [smashes the stabby blood mask with a sledgehammer] And thus ends this villainous legacy forever!
    Narrator: Four-* [Trips over everything]
    Incidental Character Speedwagon: [standing in front of the unearthed stone pillar] Well, that’s not much a good look. [turns to Strazio, looking exactly the same as he was in 1889] Hey, you’ve aged well AAAAAAAAAH-
  • Joseph Joestar's first encounter with Straizo goes as well as you expect.
    Joseph: The next thing you will say is "Actually I was a bad guy this whole time!" and then you will be shot by my gun.
    [Joseph pulls out his tommy gun while he says this.]
    Straizo: Actually I was a bad guy th— what?
    [Joseph empties his whole magazine into Straizo, who writhes in agony for a moment.]
    Straizo: Thankfully as I am now a vampire, I am immune to gunshots, so all that did was annoy me really.
    Joseph: Fire in the hole!
    [Joseph throws a grenade towards Straizo.]
    Straizo: Oh my god.
    [The grenade blows up in Straizo's face.]
  • Incidental Character Speedwagon declaring that Joseph must defeat Backwards Ribcage Guy, with Joseph asking how... and then a Flat "What".
    • Immediately after that, he demonstrates his backwards ribcage powers:
      Backwards Ribcage Guy: I have discovered using my backwards ribcage that you have magic sunlight powers.
      Joseph: ...ew.
  • The aptly-named "Column Fellows" exiting their column, with Column Fellow #1note  going "Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi" and Column Fellow #2note  spazzing out while playing the trumpet.
  • Once Joseph and Caesar climb out of the "oil pit of shame", Joseph states that they are now Fire-Forged Friends and that he is VERY TIRED.
  • After Suzi Q (AKA the lady Joseph will have sex with later) gets possessed by Column Fellow #2, Joseph regrets openly announcing his plans to have sex with her and vows to not make such regrettable statements in the future, before immediately turning around and expressing pleasure at the fact that Lisa Lisa (his mother) is naked in the bath.
  • Joseph, Column Fellow #3note  and Caesar start talking over each other when the former two are racing after the stone, causing the subtitles to devolve into pure gibberish.
    Joseph: The special rock will go over that cliff, but I need to slow down before I reach it, but Column Fellow #3 won’t need to because he’d survive the fall because he’s a suuuuperman!
    Column Fellow #3: I got the rock and am now falling!
    Joseph: I kick the ground to get snow in your face, and then I grabbed on to this icicle! Uh oh, that didn’t work! I grab onto more as they’re falling and connect them after using my magic sunlight powers because magnets even though I was falling for two minutes straight!
    Column Fellow #3: [after getting snow in his face] I stab you, so you have to come down with me, so we fall, and I win, because you definitely won’t survive this fall and I will because I’m a suuuuperman!
    Caesar: [after Joseph grabs an icicle] Don’t worry, I will help you too by connecting even more icicles because I predicted you would do that because you’re just that dumb.
    Joseph: We did it!
    Stroheim: Holy shit!
    [Column Fellow #3 bounces around like a pinball]
  • After Caesar dies, Joseph points out the opening spoiled his death 19 times.
  • Column Fellow #1 comes out of the horse... as a blind unicorn.
    Joseph: Am I having a fever dream?
  • Joseph finds Column Fellow #3 cheated in his battle with Lisa Lisa and calls him out on it before learning something important:
    Joseph: Column Fellow 3 you CHEATING WENIS!
    Column Fellow #3: My name is Kars, you cock!
    [Sound of a car horn]
  • After Column Fellow #3 lops his hand off, Joseph launches into an incredibly long rendition of his catchphrase before taking a deep breath and screaming in pain, as if he just realized his hand had been chopped off.
    • It then Smash Cuts to Kars screaming as he hurtles into space, implying that the scream was also part of his prediction as much as it was in genuine agony.
  • Joseph interrupting his own funeral causes a mass synchronized "WHAT THE F—" from those present. Followed by his explanation of his survival being so outlandishly unlikely that hearing it causes Incidental Character Speedwagon to drop dead on the spot from a heart attack. What's funnier is that the heart attack sound effect is the same as the one in the Death Note video.
  • And Joseph's final act of Tempting Fate...
    Joseph: And thus ends this villanous legacy forever!
    Narrator: Four-*
    [Jump Cut to Joseph visiting his grandson in jail]
    Old Joseph: Oh-

    Pikmin But Really Really Fast 
  • Olimar's Motor Mouth during the entire thing.
  • All of Olimar's logs use Alternative Calendar stardates utilizing special typographic characters. They gradually descend to become even more ridiculous as the video continues.
  • Olimar's main concern after his spaceship is hit with an asteroid is to panic that his house of cards has toppled, before mentioning his spaceship isn't doing too well either.
  • Finding a ship part despite not having the ship's radar, and then finding the radar immediately after.
  • When Olimar discovered the Yellow Onion/Pikmin.
    Olimar: [In an overwhelmed tone] Stardate male-symbol female-symbol: I have discovered a yellow... [Voice fades off as he goes offscreen, and comes back later to pull a Pikmin out of the ground) ...Helmet screams throwing them is easier and I don't know why-
  • All following logs are said in an increasingly stressed and slurred voice, which adds a lot to the hilarity.
  • Olimar starting to take his future financial crisis into account.
  • When trying to record his log while being attacked by a Burrowing Snagret, Olimar gets interrupted by it snapping him up as he screams.
  • Worries about finances resurface.
  • Once his spaceship is rebuilt, Olimar focuses on starting his house of cards again.

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders But Really Really Fast 
  • Joseph tries to get Jotaro out of his cell by throwing Avdol at the bars.
  • Jotaro describes Star Platinum in the beginning:
    Jotaro: If I get out I will kill you with this funky purple dude who keeps conveniently giving me everything I want- soda, RC car, gun- [Shoots self with gun, with Star Platinum catching the bullet] Okay, not doing that again, that was a little stupid.
  • Joseph's Hermit Purple is summed up as "punch a camera, see a naked man".
    Jotaro: How'd you figure that one out?
    Joseph: Trial and error!
  • Holly and Jotaro somehow never noticed the star birthmark they shared.
  • The description for Holly Kujo's stand, which is killing her because she doesn't have the willpower to fully manifest it.
    Narrator: Holly Kujo's Who Cares: I can't possibly explain this without sounding sexist.
    Description: 😬
    Don’t worry future parts are less sexist
    This was written in 1989
  • Jotaro keeps messing up his Pre-Mortem One-Liner.
  • After freeing Polnareff, Jotaro comments that with the way their trip has been going, they're going to either have a team of 30 by the end of it or they'll never see a forehead squid ever again.
  • The stand screen for Strength.
    Narrator: Yes, the orangutan is the user
    Yes, the orangutan has a name
    Yes, the boat is the stand
  • Jotaro defeats Polnareff by accidentally punching Kakyoin into him.
  • Not even the narrator is quite sure how Devo's Ebony Devil works.
    Narrator: No, no, I mean, he gets stabbed, right, and he gets angry, and the anger makes him possess the doll??
    • The fact that Polnareff immediately defeats both Devo and Ebony Devil within seconds of each other through Silver Chariot stabbing them repeatedly while making amusing pain noises, captioned as "HHGHGHKCKKGHKCK" both times.
  • The stand screen for Yellow Temperance admits that having "Kakyoin" be an imposter was a bit of a cop-out after the "Kakyoin's a traitor" cliffhanger. It also features a picture of "Kakyoin" making a goofy face rather than Yellow Temperance's default appearance.
  • Whenever Polnareff shouts "The enemy!"
  • Emperor's stand screen.
    Narrator: GUN.
  • Enyaba is Obviously Evil, but Polnareff falls for her insistence otherwise.
    Enyaba: Hello, welcome to the worst town ever, I'm not evil, don't mind the zombies.
    Polnareff: Nice lady. Nice lady, right? What a nice lady!
    (Enyaba growls in anger)
    • There's also her stand screen, which pops up right before Star Platinum inhales her Stand and leaves her unable to breathe properly.
      Narrator: Enyaba's Justice: See where incorrect breathing GETS YOU!
  • Rather than explain the power of Lovers, the narrator notes that Jotaro was left alone with someone he wasn't allowed to punch and that this can only end well.
    • The Crusaders' response to discovering Lovers' power:
    Polnareff: Uh oh.
    Kakyoin: Uh oh.
    Jotaro: FUCK.
  • After Lovers is beaten, Jotaro punches Steely Dan into the horizon. The next user after that gets even less screen time than he originally did.
    Arabia Fats' The Sun: Lol
    Polnareff: Lol
    Kakyoin: Lol
    Jotaro: Lol
    (Steely Dan zooms past and crashes into Arabia Fats' car offscreen)
  • Jotaro, who grows up to be a marine biologist, says "The sea sucks, nothing ever happens in the sea."
  • Oingo and Boingo's attacks, summed up in a single scene.
    Jotaro: Hey so we need to defeat 9 Egyptian gods
    Joseph: So you mean we need to defeat 8 Egyptian gods?
    Jotaro: Yes, we need to defeat 6 Egyptian gods
    Joseph: Got it!
    [Jotaro and Joseph leave, and then Oingo and Boingo spin their way across the screen.]
    Oingo and Boingo: Oops- OOPS- Oops- Oops- *explosion*
    • Later, the gag is repeated when Hol Horse teams up with Boingo.
      Hol Horse: Hello child together we are invincible and we will defeat the (falls over) oops
      Boingo: (falls over) Oops
  • Jotaro and Polnareff meet back up with Joseph and Avdol after the two parties are done dealing with Set and Bastet;
    Jotaro, Polnareff, Joseph and Avdol: You wouldn't believe what we just had to deal with! [excluding Jotaro] It was weirdly sexual!
    Jotaro: [turns to Polnareff] What?
  • When Terence T. D'Arby takes Joseph, Jotaro, and Kakyoin to play a game with him, Polnareff gets a bit impatient and decides to burn the whole building down because it's been two seconds.
  • Cream's stand screen.
    Narrator: A SNAKE HEAD EATING THE HEAD ON THE OPPOSITE Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii—
  • The video plays out DIO picking up Polnareff and moving him down the stairs while in time-stop in real-time. Even better, his incoherent gibberish returns from the "Phantom Blood" video as he plays his prank.
  • Polnareff's summary of his situation to Joseph's group:
    Polnareff: So, everyone's dead and DIO's confusing.
    Joseph: Sucks! But sounds about right.
  • Jotaro's fight with DIO:
  • Joseph getting revived by Jotaro.
    Joseph "Weird Al" Yankovic canonically exists in the Jojo universe!
    Jotaro: ...Okay he's back.
  • "Hey, remember when this story was about vampires? Yeah, me neither."

    TOY STORY But Really Really Fast 

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond Is Unbreakable But Really Really Fast 

    Five Nights at Freddy's But Really Really Fast - BLUE VERSION 
  • According to Phone Guy, this version of Freddy Fazbear's has backwards gravity, and the entire place runs on 2 AA batteries.
  • The doors are intended to keep Mike safe from the restaurant's "deadly not deadly deadly not fuzzy not animals".
  • The lore is represented by sheets of paper that have the word "lore" printed on them in various sizes.
  • When Mike stumbles across the game's lore in Night 3, MatPat shows up to explain it.
    MatPat: As you can see, if we zoom in right here, we find the lore. There it is! I found it! The lore's right there! With this, we can deduce that the game is set in the year 19euzeehhneh, and that this is actually chronologically the seventh game in the series. But hey, that's just a guess!
  • The strange call in Night 5 is re-contextualized as being a message from Freddy Fazbear himself. It starts as a spoof of Markiplier's usual video introduction before Freddy encourages Mike to open the doors as he may or may not be getting something out of the lore if he does. He also outright says to Mike's face that he will not be giving a single straight answer, as that's what the sequels (or prequels?) are for.
    Freddy: HELLO everybody my name is FREDDY FAZBEAR and WELCOME to FREDDY FAZBEAR'S PIZZA...
  • Freddy does his infamous Toreador March when the power finally goes out, and... it's an off-key version of the song played on piano. The closed captioning even refers to it as a "bad rendition of toreador march"!
  • The description of the video, in its entirety:

    Five Nights at Freddy's But Really Really Fast - RED VERSION 
  • The first thing we ever see is Mike muting phone guy. It only gets more ridiculous from there.
  • The video features a nightguard who is decidedly different from the one in the Blue version—namely, he's a technical player who knows how the game works, and has had it with everyone's nonsense due to, presumably, having played the game dozens upon dozens of times, and knowing lore he absolutely shouldn't know in-universe and that not even the Phone Guy is aware of.
  • The subtitles for Mike sipping his drink mentions that the sound effect was "edited slightly because the original sounded kinda disgusting".
  • Night 4 has Mike get so focused on telling the lore to Phone Guy that when he finally finishes and checks the doors, the light isn't working because an animatronic snuck into his office. Mike's solution is to keep his monitor raised until 6 AM while Bonnie makes creepy breathing sounds behind it.
  • It's subtle, but Mike closes his left door before antagonising Freddy repeatedly at the right door by slapping him while Freddy can't make a move to respond. Listen closely: you'll hear Foxy on the other side of the going "Yar har!" followed by a muffled thud as he runs straight into the closed door, followed by a disappointed "Ow."
  • During Night 6, Mike talks to Freddy about how he only tries to enter the office through the right door unless the power goes out, then asks Chica if that's the same with her. After Chica says she's afraid of the dark, Mike clarifies that he meant only trying to enter the office from the right.
  • Due to setting Night 7’s difficulty on 20/20/20/20, Mike rapidly narrates everything that happens while monitoring the animatronics. Naturally a hoot on its own, but this part in particular stands out:
    Mike: [Repeatedly closing, opening and lighting up the left doorway] Bonnie's here. Bonnie's gone. Bonnie's here. Bonnie's gone. [Turns around] Having a good time, Freddy?
    Freddy: [Standing in the right doorway and very much disgruntled] No.
    Mike: [Turns back] Of course not.
  • Foxy’s only appearances are either him peeking from the Pirate Cove’s curtains, or him yelling "YAR HAR" before banging into the left door due to Mike’s fast reflexes. The first time this happens, you can even hear him going "Ow!" right after he hits the door.
  • Once again, the video's description in its entirety is "what's in the box scott".

    Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan OVAs But Really Really Fast 
  • "CAMEO!"
  • The way the episode begins. Koichi asks Rohan about helping him with Italian linguistics since he's planning a trip to Italy. Rohan's response? To smash the table in half and excitedly talk about his adventure in a confessional.
    Rohan: ITALY? That reminds me of the time when I just so happened to-
    Koichi: Oh no not this again.
  • Rohan reacting with a lot more surprise in At A Confessional than he did in the source material.
    Man at the Confessional: Father, I've come to confess!
    Rohan: [Exiting the confessional in a panic] GOD DAMN WHAT THE HELL HOLY SHI- uh... [Re-enters the confessional] ...Go on?

    Beggar's ghost: HOW DARE YOU TRICK ME!
    Other ghost: I'm angry too even though I was kind of complicit!
    Rohan: [Running out of the confessional, angrily] What the hell are you- [Re-enters the confessional again, this time calmly] On second thought, maybe I'll stay in here for a while.
  • The "Good birdie!" sound clip from Wii Sports playing when Gunpei hits his head on a golf club and dies in Mutsu-kabe Hill.
  • Naoko's daughter attempts to "get" Rohan, but he nonchalantly knocks her over and uses Heaven's Door to get her to leave him alone, stating he's not in the mood for an adventure. Funny? Yes. In line with the general vibe of Rohan throughout Thus Spoke as an observer rather than the protagonist? Double yes.
  • Mikitaka shows up for the third "CAMEO!" Rohan immediately accosts him demanding to know who the alien is and demanding that the video not cut away from him before he can. The video cuts away.
  • Apparently in this rendition of Millionaire Village, the mere act of picking up a teacup alone is enough for Izumi to get punished for a breach of etiquette with the death of her loved ones.
    Izumi: (picks up teacup only for the Mario "wrong" sound to play)
    Ikkyu: You have incurred 981 infractions. You must leave the premises immediately, respectfully.
    Izumi: Uhh...what are the chances I could-
    Ikkyu: Your whole family and everyone you love has died.
    Izumi's phone: Your whole family and everyone you love has died!
    Rohan: Alright, stop that, Heaven's Door. [Accosts Ikkyu with his Stand]
    Izumi: HUEHGH! [dies]
  • Beforehand, Izumi warns Rohan that Millionaire Village takes manners very seriously and not being perfect will lead to them being refused entry. What's the very first sentence out of Rohan's mouth when the very wide-eyed Ikkyu shows up? "Whose child is this?"
  • The fourth "CAMEO!" scene with Okuyasu.
    Okuyasu: Would ya like to come have a sleepover?
    Rohan: Sure why not.
    Okuyasu: Would ya like to fix ma dad?
    Rohan: NOT IN THE MOOD!
  • Yoma's obsession with training in The Run is taken up to eleven here.
    Mika: Dinner's ready! Hey, is that really necessary?
    Yoma: Muscle good!
    Mika: Okay, but food good too-
    • Then, during the treadmill competition, he takes off his shirt, bulks up and starts speaking his own language consisting entirely of fitness-related terms (with translations provided).
      Rohan: How about another treadmill contest, first to grab the stop button when the treadmill hits 25 kilometres per hour wins!
      Rohan: Why do I always have to come across the weird ones?!
    • Rohan, after seeing Yoma smash the window behind them, reaches for the remote a little too early and...
      Yoma: [Breaks Rohan's hand] LEGS FOR DAYS (AGAINST RULES!!)
      Rohan: I mean I'm still gonna brag about this later but TRIP OVER A PAPERCLIP AND STUB YOUR TOE, DICKWEED!

    SQUID GAME But Really Really Fast 🦑 
  • Viva Reverie's spider avatar is one of the four symbols to choose from in the dalgona game, instead of an umbrella.
  • The manager getting overexcited about all the money going into the pig.
  • Game 1 is called Red Light, Green Light as in the English dub, but the Young-hee doll still says "무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다" as in the original Korean version.
  • The narrator describes the night massacre that occurs between the dalgona and tug-of-war games as this:
    Narrator: Game 2.5: Oh god this isn’t a game they’re just stabbing each other!
  • It's absolutely comical to witness Jun-ho's very transparent attempts at disguise. He originally wears a bandana in his casual clothes, but when he steals a Pink Soldier's circle uniform, he keeps the bandana. When another Pink Soldier dies, he wears that person's square mask over his circle mask. And when it's time to access the higher-ups, which involve the Front Man and VIPS, he thinks it's the best idea to wear a black waiter mask over those two masks!
    • Later on, Jun-ho decides that now is the time to bail out, but how he justifies it is unusual:
      Jun-Ho: Looks like I’ll have to scrap my "find my brother" plan since maybe telling literally anybody about this secret organization is probably a bit more important.
    • And then, between finding out that the Front Man is his brother and getting shot by said Front Man, he greets him like an old friend as if nothing bad happened.
  • As for the Front Man, his voice is altered in many uneven pitches, making his line delivery hilarious.
  • Sae-byeok's and Ji-yeong's emotional interaction in the marbles game is summed up in the best way:
  • This interaction between Gi-hun and Il-nam.
    Il-nam: Wait, did I just win the game?
    Gi-hun: You d— uh— noooooo... (sprite distorts)
  • Mi-nyeo's Taking You with Me on Deok-su is depicted here as Mi-nyeo saying "This is what we call a pro gamer move!" and then suplexing Deok-su off the bridge complete with the Smash Bros. KO effect.

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind But Really Really Fast 
  • The very first thing we see follows on from part 4's episode, with Koichi sailing through the air with his luggage by his side after Jotaro threw him all the way to Italy.
  • The opening is an entire sea of "Grazie!" From the guy who pickpockets two girls to Giorno when he takes the wallet back to the girls who thank him for it back to Giorno when he butterfly's some money to him to Leaky Eye Luca as he brains a guy after telling him about Giorno.
  • Giorno deals with Leaky Eye Luca in the most casual way imaginable after robbing Koichi blind:
    Giorno: If everything goes according to plan, my frog will be arriving here any second now
    Leaky Eye Luca: GIORNO GIOVANNA!
    [Gorno nonchalantly dodges Luca's shovel as Luca tries to rob him and grab his DIO photo]
    Giorno: I mean minus the part that didn't quite work out.
    [Luca hits Giorno's frog and explodes]
    Giorno: Oh don't think too hard about that photo it makes less sense the more you- ...Ohhh noooo. [Picks up some money] However will I cope with this unfortunate situation?
  • Bucciarati's Stand, described as thus:
    Narrator: Bruno Bucciarati's Sticky Fingers: Zipper Man
  • Koichi not only points out how he didn't notice a light fixture turning into a snake but also all the other rapidly changing weird stuff in Giorno's looping his "Not sure how I didn't notice that" line.
  • Polpo's dialogue is done entirely in Auto-Tune, as is his Stand Black Sabbath...whose only lines are "WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE THAT GROOVY THING?" and "EVERYONE WANTS TO SEE THAT GROOVY THING"
    • Polpo outdoes everyone in sheer length of their hastened, run-on sentences, technically having only two lines from how much unbroken rambling he gets. In fact, Giorno doesn't even wait for him to finish before leaving.
  • Jotaro decides to hang up on Koichi by saying he thinks he hears his wife calling, thus leading to Koichi asking why he's never seen Jotaro's wife. Jotaro's next response after that? Claiming Koichi's breaking up and snapping the phone in half.
  • When Bruno introduces the group to Giorno, they're all having their own idle conversations. Mista establishes the kind of guy he is by abruptly shouting "A CIRCLE!" with zero context. The context being that just a week ago, he was trying to describe what Rolling Stone looked like.
  • Additionally, Leone Abbachio's Moody Blues:
    Narrator: Leone Abbachio's Moody Blues: [Tape recorder playback] Leone Abbachio's Moody Blues
  • Bucciarati's fight with Zucchero;
    Zucchero: [via the fly] TELL ME WHERE THE MONEY IS, BUCCIARATI!
    Bucciarati: I've figured it out!
    [The deflated outer layer of the yacht unpeels, revealing Zucchero and Soft Machine]
    Zucchero: [trembling] I don't wanna know where the money is anymore, Bucciarati... [head gets lobbed off with Sticky Fingers]
  • The infamous torture dance scene is present, but it's hilariously poorly depicted due to Viva Reverie's style being completely unsuited to such detailed flourishes and movements. Viva-as-Narrator is also forced to describe the scene as "And then this happens."
  • Mista takes an instant disliking to a window.
    Mista: Hate that window.
    Giorno: Mista what?
    Mista: [Zooms over to the window and shoots it] Fuck this window
    Giorno: MISTA!
  • Also, Sex Pistols has a Running Gag to carry on:
    Narrator: Guido Mista's Sex Pistols: When a mummy GUN and a daddy GUN love each other very much
  • During Trish's introduction, Mista gets struck by lightning straight out of nowhere. While it seems like a random joke, if you pay attention to the video time, it happens at exactly 4:44. Mista was reacting to the timebar!
  • Team Bruno are tasked with protecting Trish, while the Hitmen are tasked with getting her:
    Narrator: Trish is Trish
    Ghiaccio: POLPO'S DEAD!!
    Prosciutto: Polpo's dead?
    Formaggio & Illuso: Polpo's dead!!
    Formaggio: Then where's Trish?
    Ghiaccio: FIND TRISH!!
    Pesci: WHO'S TRISH?
    Narrator: Trish is Trish (pay attention)
    • Sorbet and Gelato aren't there and are replaced with a big wooden "MIA" sign.
  • As time goes on, Mista keeps getting shot with his own gun in increasingly pointless and improbable ways. Only two of them can't be blamed on him just panicking.
  • Polnareff's "The enemy!" joke is carried over to Narancia, and it's still funny.
  • Narancia's Aerosmith description is of the reused footage of a certain plane crash from Parts 2 and 3. The captions also add "Not another one of my lovely planes :("
  • "Naran-shoe!"
    Narrator: Formaggio's Little Feet: small narancia
  • The Boss' message to the team is not only in ALL CAPS but in the Papyrus font too! Additionally one of the fake file names is actually a working Youtube link leading to an alternate version of this episode where Giorno and Fugo have their manga colours and the "GOLDEN WIND" title drop at the end is changed to "VENTO AUREO".
  • Illuso's Stand gets its own Call-Back to J. Geil's Hanged Man. The kicker is how strained Viva sounds as she recites it, as if she's been waiting for ages to complete the joke:
    Narrator: Illuso's Man in the Mirror: Technically not a haNGED MAN
    • And just before this:
      [Fugo vanishes into a mirror which Giorno notices]
      Giorno: ...Abbachio?
      Purple Haze: [Popping up out of nowhere] BLEGH
      Giorno: [Panicked] Abbachio??
  • "I want the key, I want the key, I want the key! I don't know what it does, but I want the key! ...Wait, I'm dead!"
  • Turns out everyone affected by Prosciutto's Grateful Dead not only grows old but now has a penchant for backgammon, including a rapidly aged baby and Prosciutto himself. He even thinks backgammon is underrated!
    Narrator: Prosciutto's The Grateful Dead: Backgammon time, baybeeeeeee
  • After Pesci is dealt with, the gang decides to head to their next stop...with Melone not far behind.
    Melone: This looks like a good place to Di Molto!
    Narrator: Melone's Baby Face: I hope you don't mind but I'll be doing this one OFFSCREEN
    • Sure enough, the majority of the battle against Baby Face takes place offscreen, with the one portion shown being depicted as Giorno and Baby Face flipping the fuck out at each other in the background while Narancia, Fugo and Abbachio wait for Mista to start the car.
    • And Melone's death is wrapped up as such:
    Melone: How dare they kill my literal bastard child, no worries I'll just go ra- (CONSENT WAS NOT INVOLVED!) some other lady. (realizes that a snake bit him during the censor) Oh, that's not fair...
  • The entire Ghiaccio segment is a riot:
    • After Giorno and Mista discuss getting a CD from a lion statue, Ghiaccio appears on top of their car the second Giorno says "Venice" and...
      Mista: ...Giorno, I have lost a finger.
      Giorno: Why is a yelling man on our car??
      Narrator: Ghiaccio's White Album: -1° Kelvin
      Ghiaccio: [Somehow on the Stand screen] THAT'S NNNOT HOW THAT WORKS*
    • Ghiaccio gets repelled twice and Mista thinks they're in the clear.
      Mista: Whew, that was a close one!
      Ghiaccio: CLOSE TO WHAT [Suddenly on their car, causing the two to crash]
      Narrator: Ghiaccio's White Album Gently Weeps: Stop hitting yourself >:)
    • Mista shoots back only to get his bullet repelled back at him by Gently Weeps so his response? To keep shooting. Only after Giorno cheers him on does Mista find the resolve to- oh, never mind, Giorno already killed Ghiaccio.
  • As another Call-Back, this time to Part 2, a brief shot of Joseph Joestar, Caesar Zeppeli and Lisa Lisa plays as team Bruno make it to Venice.
  • King Crimson skips time as Bucciarati and Trish enter San Giorgio Maggiore. How's this represented? By an outside shot of the video being skipped ahead by ten seconds on YouTube! Oh and The Boss's Stand summary screen gets skipped as well, and of course the whole lot needs a pause to read:
    Narrator: The Boss' King Crimson: Time skips- forward by ten seconds and he can see what happens in that ten-second period before it happens, and, like, anything that happens in that ten-second period doesn't affect him, even though he can kinda influence things during it, like- I mean it kinda makes sense if you think of it as like, anything that would've happened in that ten second period DID happen, EVEN if he was involved, which is how he can cut off Trish's hand, but otherwise nothing affects him -except for when it doesn't. ...whaaat
  • Bucciarati is about to save Trish, but the Boss gets him first:
    The Boss: Bruno!! What do you think you are doing!!
    Bucciarati: Saving the day! [Grabs his Cell phone from his chin] Giorno! The boss-
    [Bucciarati gets timeskipped and a hole punched through him]
    Bucciarati: ...On second thought I'll catch you later.
    [Another brief skip with King Crimson Karate-chopping a huge gash into Bucciarati's shoulder]
    Bucciarati: ...I'm a little tied up in something [Hangs up] Alright adrenaline let's see how long you can keep me going! [The Boss gets pulled into Giorno's magic brooch; one time skip later Bucciarati's riding a zipper to safety with Trish in tow]
  • Bruno declares his motorboat the Traitor Boat and invites everyone to come along. Except for Fugo. It seems Narancia is about to stay with him, but...
    Narancia: AHH METAPHORS [Dives in]
    Fugo: ...Wait-
    Narancia: TRISH IS MEEEE
    Narrator: Narancia is Trish
  • The gang is riding the boat on a river in Venezia and there just happens to be a man doing absolutely nothing on the sidewalk:
    Narancia: [Looking around] The enemy...?
    Mista: [Also looking around] Enemy.
    Narancia:: Ene- [Notices the man]
    Both: [Pissed] THE ENEMY
    [Narancia and Mista jump over and kick the shit out of the man]
    Abbacchio: [Jumps over and starts kicking too, deadpan] ...The enemy
  • Clash and Talking Head happen:
    Narancia: There is not a shark attacking us!!
    Bucciarati: Good to know.
    Bucciarati: I didn't think there was but I'm happy we have confirmation
    Narancia: GR- EXACTLY!!!
    Narrator: Squalo's Clash: Is a shark
    Tiziano's Talking Head: IS A SHARK
    Squalo: This part of the script was written during pride month [Gets shot] HUARGH!
    [The restaurant does not explode as Narancia doesn't hunt down the enemy]
    Narancia: WHERE ISN'T THE ENEMY? [Doesn't find Squalo and Tiziano] I DON'T NOT KNOW WHERE THE ENEMY IS!
    Squalo: Wait does that mean he knows where we are?
    Tiziano: No, my ability makes it a triple-negative and he-
    [Tiziano sees Narancia with Aerosmith very much ready and Talking Head very definitely speared on Narancia's knife]
    Tiziano: E- he... Oh nope, it's- wait does that make it a quadruple negative-?
    [Both get hosed down by Aerosmith]
  • Notorious B.I.G. is yet another plane mishap in JoJo. And Viva takes the time to mock it:
    Narrator: I just had the best idea let's go fly a plaNE in an EPISode of JOJO'S BizARre AdVENTturE
  • For a brief moment you can just about see Notorious B.I.G. wiggle at the exact same time Trish does as she's talking, because she's currently the fastest-moving object in the immediate vicinity. Nice.
  • Trish's Spice Girl manifests and punches the plane in half, with her Stand Cry fittingly changed to:
  • Doppio finally appears just as the gang hits Costa Smeralda:
    Doppio: La la la, having a nice vacation here in Sardinia!
    Fortune teller: Hello young man would you like your for- [Skipped to death]
    Doppio: Loving the weather!
  • Doppio is given King Crimson's Epitaph to help him deal with Risotto Nero and:
    Doppio: (uses Epitaph to screen the next few seconds on his hair)
    Narrator: [Distorted] Vinegar Doppio's Epitaph: I don't know if this counts but uhhhh
    [And then Risotto cuts his foot off]
    Doppio: Okay I didn't understand that first part but apparently my foot's getting chopped off!
    The Boss: WHAT
  • Right after a brief stopover with the gang, it cuts back to Doppio just in time for:
    Narrator: Vinegar Doppio's Epitaph: I don't know if this counts but uhhh
    [And then Risotto cuts his foot off]
    Risotto Nero: Argh, it was my foot actually!
  • Abbachio dies. Also the "Cosmermeslelda" stone turns to "Ouch" just as King Crimson puts a hole in him.
    Bruno: ...Oh goddamn it
    Narancia: Check out how hard I can cry! *PPWWSHHHH*
  • Abbachio may be dead, but he managed to use Moody Blues to engrave the boss' face on a nearby stone! At last, the gang finally has something that can lead them to the boss' true identi- Oh wait, nevermind, he scrubbed every trace of his identity off the internet. Even Bruno has to admit that it would make a lot of sense to do that.
    Giorno: And I thought I was antisocial.
  • When Polnareff contacts the gang for the first time, he states that his name is irrelevant. This leads to his name actually being labelled as "Irrelevant" in the captions.
  • After getting smacked in the face by Bruno, Secco drops his "Inarticulate gremlin in a leather suit" shtick to talk to Cioccolatta in a very calm, articulate manner to alert his master to his observation about Bruno being unaffected.
  • Giorno finally has Ciocolatta right where he wants him and has Mista go for the kill:
    Giorno: Good shot Mista! Now shoot him down!
    [Mista opens fire and his shots naturally come back and KO him]
    Mista: WHY
    Giorno: Alright hold on I'll do- [Climbs the vines holding Ciocolatta's helicopter in place, only for Green Day to punch him away] UEHGH [Makes some more vines] I'll just- [New vines rot away immediately] AHH [Flip kicks a piece of the rotted vine which bounces off of the rotor and knocks Ciocolatta out of the cockpit] There, that worked.
    Ciocolatta: [Into his cell phone] SKIBBIDIBOPNNDADA
    Giorno: Now to- wait are you dead- (beat) He's not dead. Yeah, impressive right, stick it to the man! Wait I might be getting my metaphors mixed up, too much meta- or is it just too meta, I should probably just make this beetle explode out of your head already [Does so]
    Ciocolatta: UEGH BEETLES SUCK
    Giorno: [Level 3 Hyper Combo noise] SLANDER!!
    • What follows is both hilarious and awesome because naturally, it's Viva reverie's rendition of the famous Seven Page MUDA! And it's just as brilliant as it always was. And Giorno follows up on his battle cry with "THROW A WRYY IN THERE FOR GOOD MEASURE!" then it gets funny again when not only is Ciocolatta blasted into a garbage truck, but two pianos fall on him...along with piano keys falling down to the tune of "Il Vento D'Oro".
    • The vines sprouting and grabbing Ciocolatta’s helicopter are accompanied by a faint "TREE".
  • Bucciarati may have made Secco deaf but made himself deaf too! What follows is a threat turned bad as the two repeatedly shout "WHAT?" at each other, unable to hear what the other is saying. Bucciarati just punches through Doppio to get to Secco (along with the same STYLISH! popup that Josuke got in Part 4).
  • Turns out the team's mysterious new ally is Polnareff and he has a flashback! And so does Doppio/Diavolo.
    (A little over 12 years in the previously)
    Diavolo: Got a feeling these arrowheads I found buried in the sand have an equal chance to lead to excellence or serious injury, let's go ask nearly every person in Egypt about them until I find one who somehow knows what they are!
    Enyaba: Hello, welcome to my vase and plate shop what are the chances you could sell one of your extraordinarily valuable and powerful arrowheads and kickstart a hilariously expansive butterfly effect?
    Diavolo: Oh, I only need the one you can have all of these [Slams the rest on her counter]
    Enyaba: oOOOHHH
    Narrator: Exactly 12 years in the previously
    Polnareff: So here's the plan! You go searching for the man who we in passing heard sold the arrowheads on one half of the world and I go searching on the other half of the world! Splitting up like this will surely help us find the culprit in no time!
    Jotaro: Dibs Japan
    [Cut to Polnareff fighting Diavolo near a cliff]
    Polnareff: I've found you, foul villain! Give up now or else I will- [Timeskipped into pieces and falls on the rocks below] Owiiie!! I'll be honest, not sure how I'm gonna get out of this one! ...Oh well I'll figure something out.
  • Bucciarati brings "Trish" with him and..
    Polnareff: Bucciarati, who's that?!
    Bruno: This is Trish, she's part of our team!
    Polnareff: "She"?!
    Doppio: Yeah, "she"!
    Polnareff: Oh, pog, sorry-
    Polnareff and Doppio: WAIT A MINUTE
  • And now "0 years in the previously, give or take a few minutes" as Doppio finally unmasks himself as Diavolo!
    Diavolo: I hate bringing attention to myself but I still enjoy prettying myself up, so sue me
  • And as Diavolo takes care of Polnareff, he ends up ruining poor Viva's King crimson explanation!
    Diavolo: What's this? A wound? Looks like all I need to do is blind you like this, then you won't be able to tell I skipped time!!
    Narrator: What?! So then my King Crimson explanation doesn't make sense after all!
    Narrator: Diavolo's King Crimson: NEVER MIND
  • Polnareff begins to die and remembers his old friends, Iggy, Avdol, Kakyoin and Judgement...and then wonders why the heck he's thinking about a minor villain's Stand, of all characters.Explanation
  • Chariot Requiem causes everyone to fall asleep and then swap bodies. This extends to the Narrator...who is now Okuyasu.
  • Oh and before we forget, MISTA IS TRISH.
  • The gang find out Bucciarati is Diavolo and shoot him down. At this point, Narancia (in Giorno's body) starts setting up his coffin:
    Narancia: I can't believe we just defeated Diavolo! I would like to take this opportunity to say that I'm so happy to be alive, and that I can't wait to go home and that I'm so happy to be alive!
    [King Crimson starts erasing time]
    King Crimson: Hold on! I should- wait, so if I want to, hold on- [Breaks some iron bars above] And then I take- Hup... [Grabs Narancia and tosses him upward...and misses] Oops, uh, wait one more go, hup!! [Tosses again, nails it and hammers Narancia-Giorno's body down] That'll do
  • Diavolo and Bruno destroy Chariot Requiem by punching the golden sun behind their heads which somehow destroys Chariot Requiem. Sadly this means while the body-swapping is undone, Bucciarati goes to heaven since his body's kinda dead now. He ascends to heaven as a golden ghost and:
    Giorno: Wait, Bucciarati!! You- You were the Golden Wind* the whole time!
    Bucciarati: Sure, if that helps you sleep at night
  • Gold Experience Requiem's punny Bilingual Bonus:
    [Diavolo punches Gold Experience, releasing its Requiem form]]
    Gold Experience Requiem: GOOD MORNING!*
  • Diavolo repeatedly going "AS THEY SAY FIRST/SECOND/THIRD/FOURTH/ETC. TIME'S THE CHARM!" and trying to destroy Gold Experience Requiem...and failing, leading to an endless recursion of Diavolos trying and failing.
    Narrator: Giorno Giovanna's Gold Experience Requiem: NO
    • The description does happen to describe the Stand's power in practice, but the actual meaning of it is the narrator still being frustrated at her King Crimson explanation being invalidated and refusing to even touch the fate-defying quantum headache of Gold Experience Requiem.
    • The result is Diavolo suffering one very dramatic GER punch to the tune of, what else, "Spiralling Shape".
    • Diavolo seemingly survives...only now G.E. Requiem's locked him in that death loop. Cue him getting stabbed, beheaded and having cars and pianos and exploding ships dropped on him, forever. The subtitles describe this sequence as "[everything.]"
  • Meanwhile, one week prior, Bucciarati is told to hunt down a man who killed an old guy's daughter.
    Bucciarati: We're not assassins.
    [Father drops a big bag of money down]
    Bucciarati: ...Alright, we're conditional assassins.
  • Just the fact that most assassinations done by the protagonists are described in-universe as the victim "exploding." Sure, that's the effect Viva uses, but it's just funny to hear the characters point it out. Bonus point for this particular moment for Fugo and Bucciarati's follow-up.
    Bucciarati: Remember Luca, the shovel guy? Yeah so he just exploded and I'm gonna go investigate the murder suspect.
    Fugo: You're gonna lick him?
    Bucciarati: Of course I'm gonna lick him what do you take me for?
  • After a run-in with Scolippi and his Stand Rolling Stones, Mista throws himself out of a window right onto Fugo's car and triumphantly shouts "I KILLED FATE!" He's even briefly heard saying it during Koichi's first call to Jotaro, with the former being understandably startled by all the noise.
  • The episode ends with Giorno showing Polnareff a picture of his father (said father being DIO). Naturally, Polnareff flips out (which is to say, he literally flips backwards while screaming "WOOOA-").
  • In the VENTO AUREO Easter Egg, the link that leads you to said easter egg is different. This link leads you to a second Easter Egg, where Giorno and Mista (after defeating Diavolo and becoming Passione's leaders) have no idea how to reward you for finding the second Easter Egg. Giorno suggests pride, but this results in him and Mista arguing, with Mista stating that the viewer gets a reward and Giorno stating the viewer likely cheated. Giorno says he'll use Gold Experience Requiem to make Mista unshoot his gun, or whatever it does, since only Gold Experience knows what it does and it thinks it's funnier not to tell. Polnareff shows up stating he's hungry, leaving Mista alone, saying he'll see the viewer in Purple Haze Feedback, before asking Viva as her Spiderbat avatar if they'll be doing that.
    • This also heavily implies that Viva's Spiderbat was just chilling on the ceiling of Giorno's quarters at the end the whole time. Considering her size relative to Mista, how did no one notice her?

    Five Nights at Freddy's 2 But Really Really Fast — SILVER VERSION 
  • The player isn't terrified the way they were in Blue Version, instead splitting the difference between baffled and unsettled in a manner that is unexpectedly hilarious due to their new role as unwilling Straight Man to the game's antics.
    • When told their job is to keep an eye out for 'villains':
      Player: I have at least two questions.
    • Upon realizing the layout of their office:
      Player: ...May I have a door or three?
    • After Phone Guy says "probably" and "maybe" five times in as many sentences.
    • Seeing the Withered Animatronics for the first time.
      Player: DHH THERE IS NO GOD.
    • Spotting JJ in her hallucination location causes the player to be so deranged that they begin speaking in what sounds like autotune.
      Player: WHY is there a CHILD under my DESK?!
    • Being visited by RWQFSFASXC (AKA Shadow Bonnie) does not result in the expected freakout, but instead genuine confusion.
    • Eventually, the events of Night 6 produce a result everyone who's ever done Night 6 can definitely agree with.
  • As the video goes on, it keeps returning to Freddy... Who is very annoyed, because people keep invading his personal space, and he doesn't much like it.
  • Every now and then, the video takes a break to air the kid's show Where's The Lore?, very much a poke at the absurdly lore-focused community. It even announces that they've found the lore with airhorns. It also brings up the Purple Guy, who seems to be making fun of theorists.
    • Purple Guy, aka "Mr. Lore," is illustrated with the same haggard, curved shape as certain characters from back in the Death Note parody, meaning that he's got to have at least L levels of poor posture.
  • This video's phone guy doesn't even bother to hide out outrageously terrible the job is, sticking the word "Probably" to the end of every sentence and outright stating that the player will die if he doesn't wind up the music box.
  • When Withered Bonnie sees through the player's disguise on Night 5, the player reaches his Rage Breaking Point and starts screaming at all the deadly machines. It is glorious, and probably something many players have started screaming at their screens once or twice.
    W. Bonnie: ...Bonnie knows you are not Freddy
    Player: Oh yeah?? OH YEAH?? Well Bonnie can shut the FUCK up!! When I move over to go check the goddamn vent to see if the OTHER Bonnie is in there, I don't like it when my preoccupied ass is forced to suddenly shift into 4th gear on a goddamn CHILDREN'S CROSSING!! (to BB) And ohhh I have some fucking words for you, you little smug ass! Ha ha, this is all SO funny isn't it?? (to W. Foxy) Oh and YOU could you just PISS OFF for ONCE in your goddamn LIFE, "Ohh but I'm not alive I'm a robot!!" I know what you are you piece of shiiiiiit!! (on the music box and by extension the Puppet) And ONE MORE THING, this thing!! I love when I spend 99% of my time here as a night guard thinking about THIS DAMN THING!! This stopped being scary days ago, now I'm just FUCKING MAD—
    • Also during this rant their accent starts to change into Scottish for some reason.
  • The description of the video is once again a gem:
    what's in the box scott. my stance has not changed. I will not yield
  • The fact that all the animatronics, upon seeing the Player's Freddy mask, all say "Hey Freddy!", including both Freddy animatronics!

    Five Nights at Freddy's 2 But Really Really Fast — GOLD VERSION 
  • Much like in the RED video, this nightguard is a technical player. But unlike the RED nightguard, the GOLD nightguard is so knowledgable about the gameplay that they can outright explain the mechanics of the game, down to the individual RNG cycles. They're also a lot more aggressive, demanding the lore from the Phone Dude.
  • The video eventually devolves into a furious rant about the Lore and how vague it is, and apparently the player has just given up on caring about the lore because it's so vague. Of particular note is him arguing that the game might not be a prequel on Night 4.
    Phone Dude: But everyone already agrees it's a prequel! Of course it's a prequel!
    Player: (Venomously) It's only a prequel until the day it retroactively stops being one.
    Phone Dude: No but, but the lore—
    Player: The lore is not immutable!
    Phone Dude: But Game Theory said—
    Player: (Suddenly facing directly towards the camera) WHAT IF GAME THEORY WAS WRONG. (Beat, shines his flashlight at the hallway, revealing Withered Foxy standing there)
    W. Foxy: YAR HAR (the player throws his flashlight at him) OW!
  • Night 5 begins with the player with his Freddy mask on, playing cards with BB, Toy Freddy, Withered Bonnie and both Chicas as Toy Bonnie strolls into the room. Phone Dude calls in soon after, leading to this exchange:
    Player: Hold that thought. (to the animatronics) What's that over there?
    (all of the animatronics turn to look; the player whips off his mask to wind up the music box and check the hallway with his flashlight while they're distracted, then puts it back on right before they turn back)
  • At the start of the video, Freddy warns against jumpscares. It turns out there aren't any, and the nightguard is furious. He was all tense and worried for nothing!
  • The thing that nearly costs the Player their 10/20 run? Toy Bonnie's penchant for hovering in the vent too long, which causes him to pull up the monitor, lose his flashlight to BB, then just miss winding the music box. All because Bonnie was a little slow to say hello.

  • From Viva's twitter: The BRRF!JoJo gang plays Among Us. Hilarity Ensues.
    • As the cast discusses who could have killed DIO, Incidental Character Speedwagon pipes up:
      Incidental Character Speedwagon: I think it was DIO who-
      Joseph, Caesar, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Josuke, Okuyasu and Rohan: Shut up, Incidental Character Speedwagon!
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure But Really Really REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY FAST has the characters put on a production consisting of every chapter's plotline told in even shorter increments. Hilarity Ensues.
    • Jonathan is a bit too easygoing for the ordeal and ends up unable to catch up after one costume change.
    • DIO is a bit too good at it meanwhile and ends up doing things too fast for the others to keep up with. He also needs to keep a parasol with him because the sun is still out by the time he has to show up for Stardust Crusaders.
    • Joseph doesn't have time to change to Old Joseph and tries to keep Jonathan off set as if Jonathan is the well meaming, senile elderly family member.
    • Kira shows up in his old and new attire at the same time, meaning there's two of him. No one bats an eye but him.
    • Jotaro uses his time stop to change outfits.
    • The Gang Stars get a small musical number-esque introduction that takes up most of their allotted time. The rest of that time is taken up by Josuke and Okuyasu wandering on-set, mistaking Giorno for a high school student and pondering about how it's "pretty pog" that he doesn't have to go to school. Diavolo then tries to crowbar himself into things and gets into a screaming match with Gold Experience Requiem.
    • Jotaro stops time to see whats coming up next and prepares his Part 6 attire, only to be interrupted by DIO demanding to know what the point of this was. Jonathan then wanders in one last time, showing he's unaffected by The World's powers because he shares a body with DIO. Once the three's Time Stop wears off, Jonathan is startled by Diavolo and Gold Experience screaming.
    • Jolyne only gets a half second to scream in confusion because at the time the video was uploaded, her anime adaptation wasn't done yet, let alone her But Really Really Fast video.
  • Giorno Eats King Crimson is, well, Giorno eating King Crimson. This gets him put on trial with Phoenix Wright as his lawyer. Hilarity Ensues. Again.
    Giorno: So, King Crimson. -Suddenly Shouting and through a radio filter- Tasty and delectible! Good with fries! AAUGHGGUHGGUHGUH-
    • Giorno trying to explain his "crime" about eating an image to Phoenix, who isn't enamoured in the JJBA world at all. Still goes along with it.
    • Giorno accidentally slipping up he's a mob boss in court, thus causing him to get thrown in prison. Luckily, Jodio is there to bail him out...for 15 million.
    • Giorno casually explaining to Jodio that this timeline is non-canon.
      Jodio: "This timeline?" What are you talking about? How could you even know this timeline isn't canon?
      Giorno: Because I'm about to make it non-canon.
      Jodio: How?
      Giorno: (unveils a DeLorean) Lets just say I've got connections. (jumps in the car and proceeds to hit 88 miles an hour in under 3 seconds)
      Jodio: Rip in Pisces, my guy.
    • Just the mere fact that Jodio of all JoJo protagonists, got a speaking role in a Viva Reverie vid before Jolyne, Johnny or Gappy.*
  • Giorno Explains King Crimson is initially a self-explanatory video, primarily about Giorno attempting to explain the complete details of the infamously confusing King Crimson... Only for Rohan and Koichi to derail the video by asking a series of increasingly ridiculous questions.
    • Koichi asks the seemingly very silly question of "What if Diavolo had a spear?" that ends up being very confusing, due to trying to figure out how it would interact with the time skip. This proceeds to cause a three minutes long argument on the properties of a spear that doesn't exist. Giorno eventually screams at Koichi to stop talking about the imaginary spear, since there’s no way to determine the qualities of a spear that isn’t real.
    • Koichi's following question isn't much better. In fact it's so out-of-pocket that Giorno outright gets a bulge lens effect on his face.
      Koichi: Can Diavolo walk through walls?
      Giorno: WHAT
    • Rohan throughout the video acts as the biggest thorn in Giorno’s side. As a veteran manga author, he starts poking holes in the broken logic of King Crimson almost from the start of the video. At several points, his rudeness, ability to find plot holes, and impossible-to-answer questions pisses Giorno off enough that he threatens to throw Rohan out (and at one point just straight up pointing a gun at Rohan to get him to shut up...briefly).
    • Despite being constantly thrown off-guard with questions that he couldn’t possibly predict, Giorno somehow always has slides to represent the scenarios. Viewers have joked that Giorno being wrong or unprepared for bizzare questions is enough to trigger GER, rewinding time so that he can answer the questions.
    • When Giorno is about to discuss Polnareff's attack on Diavolo in the flashback, he's interrupted by an alternate version of himself from the original manga who talks about the differences between the manga and the anime. (referred to as "Blugiorno" in the subtitles due to Giorno's original blue outfit)
      Giorno: How the hell am I talking to a parallel-dimension version of myself.
      Blugiorno: There was this funny pink man and- Whatever, it's not important.
      • And considering the "funny pink man's" ability...there's what happens when both Giornos attempt to square off.
      Giorno: You- Alright, if you claim your precious manga is the definitive version of this universe why don't you come up and do this talk for me?
      Blugiorno: Alright, maybe I will!
      -Both Giornos scream and disappear out of existence before reappearing with two GERs behind each of them-
      Giorno: I don't think the universe liked that one!
      Blugiorno: Yeah, nevermind; you're on your own!
    • "Thank you all for coming! I hope you all now have a better understanding of how King Crimson works!" "We don't!" "Uuuuuuuugh-"
  • What if the Stardust Crusaders took another plane? Suffice to say, it puts a ginourmous hole in DIO's plan and forces Enya and the rest of the minions to try making a new plan. Hilarity Ensues.
    • Cameo trying to ask what about the other person they had should the Joestars go on another plane.
    Enya: You mean the baby?
    Cameo: IT WAS A BABY?!
    Mannish Boy: (in Arabia Fat's hands) Googoo gaga piss off.
    • The major point being why the plan was supposed to be on-foot: Almost none of DIO's henchmen would be able to use their Stands while airborne or to reach the plane; Hol Horse’s bullets wouldn’t be able to reach it in time, no one is strong enough to toss Anubis straight at it, Midler would've had to plant her Stand in the plane before it took off, Boingo is only able to predict that someone will die in a quirky and non-specific way, Dan, Nena and Mariah wouldn’t be able to get close, Imposter Captain Tennille, ZZ and Alessi's Stands are things that cannot be used in the sky, N'Doul wouldn't be able to use Geb through several tiny droplets of water, and even Pet Shop wouldn’t be able to withstand the velocity.
    • Kenny G immediately gets told to shut up when he tries proposing a plan.
    Steely Dan: Go back to drawing mazes, you nerd!
    Polnareff: I just remembered my life's mission!
    Enya: WHAT THE FUCK?!
