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Funny / Bunnicula

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  • While explaining to Harold why he thinks Bunnicula is a vampire, Chester notices the bunny leaving the kitchen. After much dramatic pausing, he finds...A white zucchini!
  • Chester tries to warn the Monroes by doing a vampire impression with a towel as a cape. The Monroes just think he's cold and put Chester in a silly kitty sweater with mice in cowboy hats, utterly humiliating him.
  • Chester tries to keep Bunnicula trapped in his cage by wielding garlic and instead causes Mrs. Monroe to give him a bath. Afterwards this turns out to be a sore point for him to discuss.
  • Chester trying to pound a steak (rather than a stake) through Bunnicula's heart and Harold noting he got to eat the ruined steak.
  • Chester seeing a pet psychiatrist to deal with his problems with Bunnicula.

Howliday Inn

  • When they first meet Max, Harold notes that the bulldog's sweater makes him look like a quarterback. Chester's response is that if Max says anything athletic, he'll scream. Sure enough, when Max asks the two if they want to go for a jog, Chester lets out a blood-curdling scream and runs.
  • Harold feeling there can be no pity spared for someone who made a pet watch two days of afternoon television.
  • Harold is initially content to be told they're being boarded then realizes he doesn't know what that means and worried it is being beaten with boards.
  • Chester's terror at the thought of being boarded due to the word evoking Charles Dickens images.
  • Chester being forced into his kitty carrier after a failed escape attempt.
  • Chester declaring the toy mouse in his bungalow looks like it has a serious medical condition, adding its probably from eating the lousy food.
  • A lot of Louise's English mispronunciations (like saying Max is sadly misshapen when she meant mistaken).
  • Chester calling Lyle an all-American twit, then noting it's a shame he has to be a cat.
  • Chester saying a kennel named Chateau Bow-Wow is obviously chauvinist to dogs.
  • Harold thinking about the time he ate a plant, saying the incident was in poor taste, and the plant tasted poor as well, then describing how either a bad conscience or an upset stomach kept him up that night.
  • Harold once thought Mr. Monroe's electric razor was a bumblebee attacking him, snatched it out of his hand and threw it into the toilet.
  • Chester interrupting his tense and heartfelt description of his kidnapping by saying that Harold would have heard it happening if he hadn't been slurping his food so loudly.
  • Chester fainting when Howie, who he thinks is a werewolf, joins the family.
    • What makes it better is Chester's Tempting Fate. Beforehand, the cat expressed a relief that when he and Harold get back to the Monroes, they'll never have to hear Howard and Heather's howling ever again. Then Toby and Pete show up with newborn puppy Howie (Cue Chester's eyes bulging), explaining how they're going to take him in.
  • In the epilogue, Chester tries teaching Howie to meditate while Harold narrates. Unfortunately, Howie keeps going "Oooo" instead of "ommm". Chester then starts calling for Harold to help when Howie decides to eat one of the houseplants.

The Celery Stalks at Midnight

  • Chester's overall reaction to how he has, completely unwillingly, somehow been adopted as a surrogate father by a dog. Even Harold isn't above poking fun at him regarding Howie's inexplicable attachment. ("No one ever said it was easy being a father.")
    Chester: Harold, can't you do a better job of keeping the kid in line?
    Harold: I don't know, Chester, he's your son.
    • Towards the end of the book:
    Howie: Uncle Harold? […] May I curl up with you tonight? I'm a little nervous.
    Harold: Why, certainly. As long as you have your pop's permission.
    Howie: Pop?
    Chester: (glares at both) Spare me your feeble attempts at comedy, Harold. Good night.
  • The pets see something white on a fence and Chester, thinking it's Bunnicula, tells Harold to pick it up so they can carry it home. It turns out to be an aggressive cat called Snowball. When Harold makes a comment about Snowball possibly taking revenge later, Chester is dismissive and asks what kind of example he's setting for Howie. Harold has decided to set an example for Howie by sitting on Chester when he gets distracted by the next part of the plot.
  • The Running Gag of Harold commenting how Chester staking a vegetable with a toothpick (convinced that they're being turned into vampires themselves) makes it look like an hors d'oeuvre.
  • After they find out that Bunnicula has been selected as the most unusual pet in Centerville, Harold gives Chester (whose latest conspiracy just humiliated them) a Death Glare and says, "Somebody goofed. If you don't deserve that prize, nobody does."

Nighty Nightmare

  • Howie reporting on how the Monroes are doing preparing for their camping trip.
    Howie: Boy, this camping trip is going to be fun. You should see all the neat stuff they're doing in there, Uncle Harold. First Pete was showing his father how to sharpen his knife, and now he's teaching him first aid. It's lucky Mr. Monroe is right-handed.
  • When Pete insults his brother by claiming anyone could be a Bobcat Scout, Toby agrees, saying Pete used to be one after all.
  • Harold reflecting on "Peace on earth, good will among men and the unopened bag of marshmallows."
  • Dawg going up next to the fire to inspire a joke that he's a "Hot Dawg".
  • After Spud has to have his name called twice to get his attention, Chester sarcastically asks if it's supposed to be comforting that Spud knows the area as well as his own name.
  • Chester and Harold make Howie leave by saying there's a phone call for him (in a cabin with no phone) and he comes back claiming there really was. Chester finds this alarming.
  • Chester's sheer terror upon finding out Bunnicula has reproduced.

Return to Howliday Inn

  • Chester asks if Harold has ever had a premonition and Harold says once he felt that he was going to fall asleep and then he did.
  • The tabloid story Chester is reading, which implies a woman faked a psychic vision for an excuse to see a cute dentist.
  • When Harold sees the open cat carrier, rather than realize it means they're being boarded again, he assumes the open door isn't a reference to an open mouth and gets paranoid about oral surgery.
  • Chester and Harold tell Howie about all the bad things that happened in just a week the last time they went to Chateau Bow-Wow. An unimpressed Howie says a movie has all of that and more in just two hours and a movie you have to pay for.
  • Harold snarking that Chester's definition of reality is different than the one in Webster's Dictionary.
  • Chester denies that cats could get mixed up in mass hysteria, saying they're only hysterical on their own.
  • As Chester talks about what a brave individual it will take to sneak into Dr. Greenbriar's office, Harold says Chester isn't going to flatter him into it.
    Chester: I was referring to myself.
  • Harold says that his questioning of Felony and Miss Demeanor (the literal cat burglars) just had them giving replies like "Mind yer own business" and "What're you, a police dog?"
    Chester: Gosh. What kind of questions did you ask?
    Harold: Nine out of fifteen were about the weather.
  • Chester says they need a plan. Howie mishears him and fetches a plant.
  • Hamlet's old owner's whole ventriloquist act and how it involves poking fun at his own baldness with appropriated Shakespeare quotes, which is why Hamlet said he was a great Shakespearean actor.
  • All of the animals remind nursing home residents of their old pets. The Weasel reminds one woman of a fur coat her husband gave her.
  • Weasel starting the poorly named group Weasels Into a More Polite Society, or WIMPS.

Bunnicula Strikes Again

  • Harold talks about how gross the Flesh Crawler books Pete and Howie read are, then clarifies he means the taste is gross because of the glue.
  • Chester getting the three of them sprayed by a skunk.
    • When Pete says Chester needs a b-a-t-h, Chester says he's getting out of h-e-r-e and takes off.
  • Howard has a hard time getting himself to say "Do it for Cute Whiskers" to another cat with a crush on Chester.
  • Chester watches Harold and Howie beg for food, and then sneers, "Subtlety, thy name is dog."

Bunnicula Meets Edgar Allan Crow

  • Harold wondering if he should bite Pete now or later as Pete reads insults about him in his letter to M.T. Graves.
  • Harold quipping Chester has been out of his mind so long that he’d need a map to find his way back.
  • Harold recounts how Chester saw an omen in a bowl of oatmeal…which Harold then pointed out was, in fact, a raisin, leading to the immortal response:
    ”So? Raisins can’t be omens?!”
    • Later, Harold lets Chester have this much: as omens go, a flock of entirely silent crows suddenly deciding to roost in your backyard has just a bit more gravitas than a raisin in a bowl of oatmeal.
  • Chester boasts that he's too smart for M.T. Graves, only to whack his face on the door as it closes due to looking away from it. Harold asks if his nose is hurt and is told, "By dose is fide.”
  • Chester proposes his latest conspiracy and says, “I rest my case.” Harold wishes "Oh, if only Chester did rest his case; if only he would ever rest his case.
  • Chester claims that they're experiment fodder for M.T. Graves, and Howie jokes that “I heard Mrs. Monroe say she had to get her jeans altered because she was getting fodder.”
  • Harold worrying about whether 1) Bunnicula has turned into a bat, and 2) how the Monroes’ pot roast smells excellent.
  • Chester’s reaction to hearing he’s the inspiration for Graves’ latest book, "The Excellently Weird Adventures of Charlie the Cat from Galaxy Nine."

The TV Series

  • In "Sunday Bunnday", Bunnicula comes home after a long party, he eventually returns to the Orlock, reached by Chester!
    Chester: Looks like I owe Harold an apology after all!
    Harold: I still can't find him! (Bunnicula looks down and turns to ash in reaction to this)
  • Harold points to Chester that Bunnicula is inside a shark in the episode "Beach Blanket Bunn"
