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Funny / Aventures

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    Season 1 
  • After discovering a spider infestation near a village, the group goes into it with a washerwoman to see what they can do. And Bob and Shin try to hit on her.
  • One villain holds a little girl as a Human Shield, Fred, the paladin inquisitor, just try to Shield Bash the problem. One critical failure later, the girl falls on the ground. He keeps denying that he killed that little girl every time it's brought up.
    Krayn: Worst paladin in the universe
    Fred: I healed your wolf so shut up.
  • Théo suffering from the spider's poison and only able to pronounce a few words: "Heart attack… Kill Bob and Elyren".
  • Mahyar had a lot of fun playing Rapier Man.
    Théo: You're seriously gonna fight using a little girl to defend yourself?
    Mahyar: Oww oh, I feel something, I think it's guilt - No, I don't care.
  • The penultimate fight with the mutated Rapier Man: Grunlek's arm dropping B.O.B into the mana well (where Shin has already fallen) and Théo being impaled, while Vlad is about to commit deicide.
    Fred: Krayn, do something!
    Krayn (as Grunlek is trying to stop his mechanical arm from gouging his eyeball): I can't!

    Season 2 

Episode 0

  • In the episode introducing the new changes in the game, Fred explains that the reputation system is based on what people saw or thought of them:
    Fred: That's why it won't lower with the little girl. Because nobody saw it. So there's no witnesses. And she's not dead.

Episode 1

  • Fred aka Martine introduces his new character with a heavy southern accent and a woman's voice after the other players discussed their characters' Survivor Guilt.
    Seb: How to break role playing in 2 seconds.
    Bob: Still, we managed to remain serious for a long time in spite of that stupid wig.
  • In the flashback introducing the characters first meeting with Viktor, the latter has been looking for them only to find them completely drunk and about to start a bar brawl.
    Viktor: I turn to the cook and ask her: "Are YOU the adventurer I'm looking for?"
    • Krayn, Bob and Seb roleplay their drunkenness, completed with slurred speeches.
    • Viktor's oddly specific strategy to calm the protagonists.
    Viktor: I shine my light, a soothing, smooth, slightly off-white light.

Episode 2

  • The players level up, and Mahyar presents their respective skill tree. Shin has to decide between the Path of Water or the Path of the Archer.
    Mahyar: Or you can follow the Path of the Archer: the sniping, shooting deadly arrows, chain-shooting,...
    Mahyar: No no, that's for the higher levels.

Episode 3

  • Viktor, with his usual slasher smile, bluntly asking if the situation is a trap in an overly long sentence.
    Viktor: Does the fact that you step back have anything to do with the fact that the gargoyle is about to free itself from the chains which have been loosely tied?
    B.O.B.: That's how you know the guy was Théo's mentor.

Episode 6

  • The group tries to set fire to the Church of Whispers: It ends with them torching the roof on fire, running away leaving shit on their doorstep with only one horse and asking their new ally to go on foot since Grunlek is too slow.
    Fred: Arcana just lost any respect she had for us.

Episode 8

  • Théo is Back from the Dead but the group fear it might be an impostor, what do they asks him to be sure?
    B.O.B.: What did you say to the druidess in her last moments ?
    Théo: (sigh) I asked her how she would like to die but you were the one who proposed it.
    Bob: And now I've got a second question, more important: Did the litt-
    Théo: No she's not dead!
    B.O.B.: Okay, it's him.

Episode 11

Episode 18

  • Théo reveals the true reason for Bragg's survival.
    Théo: We're going to learn that he's a hypochondriac.

Episode 21

  • When undead start rising from the ground, the group debates whether their bites carry The Virus. Bob refuses to even acknowledge the possibility, stating that if that were true, the Zombie Apocalypse would have already happened.
    Krayn: They've just arrived, cut them some slack !

Episode 22

  • Viktor trying to stop Shin from killing Maeda and when Bob bring up that he and Théo tried killing her at every turn he simply says : "Yes, but for me it was a matter of respect."
  • Heresy! Heresy everywhere!

Episode 24

  • Viktor tries to convince his companions that Death is dangerous and that allying with it is a grave mistake.
    Viktor: I think [Death] is really too powerful, it's like giving the A-Bomb to a madman. May I have the explosives?
  • Seb's "B.O.B.zilla!"
  • Viktor giving us what probably are the best last words any cleric ever said: "I don't really believe in God… I'm just mad."

    Season 3 


  • In the mini episode about what Théo was doing during the Time Skip between season 2 and 3, Théo has to roll a perception check. Mahyar is aghast at the result.
    Mahyar: That's impossible. Even in a trailer you manage to do a Critical Failure.
    Fred: Duhhhhhhh…
  • In Grunlek's, Mahyar explains he managed to gain the trust of a few farmers thanks to a little girl.
    Krayn: I'm not going to make her meet all my friends.
  • In Balthazar's, Mahyar set up the scene: B.O.B. wakes up in a box in a stable, a piece of meat on his chest, with only a sort of loin cloth on.
    Mahyar: You hear a little girl saying "Mister savage, are you well?"
    B.O.B.: Fuuuck, I really have to know how long it's been like that.
    • After Mahyar told him that his character's clothes are ripped:
      Bob: Do I still have underwear?
      Mahyar: I don't want to answer.

Episode 1:

  • Mahyar asks the players to describe their characters:
    • Krayn explain that Grunlek's missing eye has been replaced by a metallic one.
      Bob: Do you shoot lasers with it?
      Krayn: Not yet.
    • Fred is, once again, a bit too flattering when describing Théo.
      Krayn: The description kind of looked like a Meetic profile.
    • Bob sums up Théo's evolution.
      Bob: So you gained a butler, a beard, a better health and a tan?
    • B.O.B suffered some side effects of abusing his demonic powers.
      Bob: I just spent eight months lying in a stable box, eating mud and trying to gnaw the ankles of the lady who came to throw scraps of meat at me.
    • Mahyar presents Eden.
      Fred: Enough with it, it's the most durable Critical Success of all seasons!
      Krayn: I also had the most devastating Critical Failure, let me have her.
    • The group also has a field day with the names of their NPC companions : Bradok (who ends up being a fusion between Batman's Alfred and Chuck Norris) and Zulnote /Usulnote .
  • Mahyar explains the group is trying to meet the leader of the Explorer's Guild. Cue Seb:
    Seb: Is she named Dora?
    (They all laugh)
    Mahyar: I don't know what to do with this team…
  • When Théo suffers from a misadventure dice that breaks his stance, forbidding him to dodge or parry an incoming trap.
    Fred: Why did you make me roll that dice again?
    Mahyar: RP-wise Théo decided to go first by boldly declaring "an inquisitor doesn't slip".

Episode 2:

  • In the previous episode, after taking the lead, Théo was saved from a deadly trap by Grunlek.
    Théo: Thank you for pulling me out of the trap you put me in.
    Shin: But there's still hundreds of steps to test. Can you take the lead again please?
    Théo: No.
    • After that, they try to decide who'll go first... and decide to send Zul...
    Seb:He says he's an explorer and then the stairs is trapped. He's a bit bad at his job.
    • ...who quickly proves his inaptitude by being too preoccupied by potential traps that he didn't see that some of the stairs would collapse under him.
    Seb: Wait, he's rubbish this explorer. What the hell?
    Bob:(almost falling of laughter) He's rubbish! He's shitty.
  • B.O.B.'s animation for a Critical Failure: A little B.O.B. trying to create a fireball while laughing evilly, only for the still small fireball to explode in his face. And the consequences of said Critical Failure: B.O.B. gushing over Eden sniffing the stairs and not remarking the wolves approaching him. With Bob acting a full force Cuteness Proximity.
    B.O.B.: Look at the she-wolf sniffing the stairs! Isn't she cute? Yes, you are! Oh, yes you are!
  • Remarking that the last time both B.O.B. and Shin summoned their familiars was to have them perform a Suicide Attack, Bob has this to say:
    Bob: We're dicks to our Pokemons.
  • Mahyar emoting Icy's reactions after being summoned:
    Icy: 😄
    Shin: Wolves. Over there. Let's go.
    Icy: 😨
    • Icy thinking he is intimidating the wolves and Sorina's badass picture of him, with Mahyar suggesting at the end that he will think he could solo the Final Boss.

Episode 3:

  • Théo and B.O.B successfully pulled out their Combination Attack which was throwing a wolf while setting it on fire. Fred goes full Testosterone Poisoning while facing Shin.
    Théo: Virility! I am a man!!
    Shin: It was never questioned.
    Krayn: It's strange, this need for affirmation.
    • Mahyar describes the attack:
    Mahyar:You grab the wolf, who doesn't understand what is going on, he was just hungry.
  • Later, Théo proposes to heal Shin's leg.
    Bob: You really want to do that?
    Fred: Yes.
    Bob: With your own mana?
    Fred: That's why I'm here. But I'm nice this season.
    Bob: What? It's not him. Give us Théo back!
    Krayn: He's possessed again.
    Mahyar: He's possessed by a Paladin.
  • Shin having a 20% penalty to shoot a charging wolf since he was distracted by the whole flaming wolf throw.
    Seb: Just like that? Ok, can I have aids too?
  • Mahyar saying that Eden will do something that the group never does: A social test.

Episode 4:

  • Mahyar asks if Grunlek wants to say something to the group.
    Krayn: I only want to say two words to B.O.B.: Mental connection.
    Bob: Oh. (proceed to do the Skype call sound) Meanwhile, I'm going to wait for sir Vaalj, Vajl, Vaa...
    Fred: Vaginax.
    Seb: Manuels Vaal (Manuel Vals is a French minister)
    Mahyar: Not Vaginax! Val.
  • The numerous Double Entendre when Théo suggest going behind Val and holding him hostage.
  • The epic Poor Communication Kills between Bob and Fred in and out of universe.
    B.O.B: No! I meant he is being threatened, but not by us!
  • Bob is not happy that the enemy archer doesn't have to pass a check. Mahyar's answer?
  • Their attackers don't have much problem moving in the branches.
    Bob: We're attacked by the guys from Naruto!
  • Grunlek tries to punch Zul, only to do a Critical Failure.
    Mahyar: He ducks and say "You really thought I was an Explorer?".
    Grunlek: No.
    Shin: We never believed it.
  • Grunlek's critical failure animation where he just punch himself.

Episode 5:

  • Shin just got hurt by an enemy warrior.
    Bob: He's been Boromir-ized.
    Krayn: We have a Sean Bean in the team.
    • Mahyar explains Shin has just been impaled and that the enemy warrior is "using him as an umbrella."
  • Mahyar told Seb he couldn't show how much HP Shin had lost until he told him to.
    Fred: How badly are you hurt?
    Seb: You know in the Ninja Turtles? I'm at the "dudududut" point.
    • The description of the video (in which many criticals happened) says this:
    We certify the dice rolls are not rigged.

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

  • Mahayr ends the Previously on… with this line:
    Mahyar: But will [Sanguinus] be an ally or an enemy? It's for them to decide. After all, this wouldn't be the first time they make someone their enemy.
  • B.O.B., as a City Mouse, is not happy about their current situation:
    B.O.B.: I'm disfigured, I ended up on the top of a shitty tower with snow where we were attacked by maganinjas and a whole Guild, I went down and we walked for two days, I'm cold, I'm tired and now we have to cross a shitty river to go behind a shitty waterfall! Shitty country!
  • Théo ends up stuck in the river, with water splashing against his face. Grunlek moves to free his foot and...
    B.O.B.: Ten golds he doesn't manage to free him.
    Shin: Deal.
    Grunlek: You're betting with your own money, right? Not the group's?
    • A bit of Fridge Logic there: if they bet with one another, the money doesn't leave the group.
  • The group having two Critical Failures (one while crossing the river, one as they're observing their surrounding) makes Mahyar apologize for placing a river there.
  • Shin tries to be a Scarily Competent Tracker by tasting the dirt, only to find out that it just tastes like dirt.
    • And then he comes back to his companions, the GM mentioning some dirt on his lips.
  • Théo being the one advocating peace, saying that the figures Shin saw could be allies Sanguinus collected on his own.
    Bob: Since when are you following the plot?
    Fred: Since this season. But I changed.

Episode 8:

  • The group learns that the pile of corpses were in fact members of the Church of Blood and were used to power up their boss and that it's not uncommon for it to happen.
    Bob: And they just let themselves be drained?
    Mahyar: That's the principle of a zealot.
  • Théo manage to barely pass a social check.
    Mahyar: Your imposing armor does its job.
    Bob: Having World of Warcraft pauldrons pays off. Do you wonder how they stay in place?
  • One of their potential allies keep antagonizing them.
    Grunlek: Since we got here he's criticizing us but I don't see him questionning himself.
    B.O.B.: To be fair, we kind of razed half his family.

Episode 9:

  • The group has been given a Wind Stone, as Mahyar describes it:
    Bob: Does it makes fart? note 
  • Mahyar then says that the adventurers took hours to talk about their plan while, in the background, the map of Mirage has many badly drawn arrows that go in every direction and the players are all Milking the Giant Cow.
  • Since they are wanted men, Mahyar asks the players what disguise their characters are wearing.
    Fred: While I was thinking of donning a pretty robe and a small wig with a pretty lipstick,... anyway. Eventually, I changed my mind.
    Bob: (in a "hairdresser" voice) You would have been ma-gni-fi-cent, my dear.
    Bob: I look like the villainess in Snow White. Not when she's hot, after, with the apple, the lightning, all that shit (cackle evily).
    Krayn: So you're an archer disguising as a leper to enter a town?
    Fred: I admit, it reminds me of something.[...] Do you roll yourself in shit like Kevin Costner?
    Seb: Depends which shit, I'm very sensible.
  • The group then tries to convince a drunk guard to let them pass a bridge. And due to repeated (non-critical) failures, the party is stuck on it for a while with their various strategies failing, including:
    • Théo pretending to be a farmer, complete with hilariously bad accent.
    • Grunlek trying to bribe the guard by saying he could repair his sword an armor, only for the guard to completely ignore him.
    • Shin, disguised a leper, being held at swordpoint because the guard doesn't want to be infected.
    • B.O.B. pretending to be the leper's mother, telling the guard that he wanted to die in the forest where he lived and it's his condition for her to get the inheritance.
    • B.O.B. then ends up paying two gold pieces when the soldier was asking only 16 silver coins; the price didn't even got higher, he just did it for fun.

Episode 10:

  • Trying to talk to a guard, B.O.B. rolls a Critical Failure and suddenly combusts.
    Théo: Did we blow our cover?
    • Grunlek's reaction is surprising:
    Grunlek: (pointing at Shin) It's the leper!
  • Théo takes advantage of the fact that the guards are focused on Shin and B.O.B. to Neck Snap one.
    Mahyar: As far as diversions go, I'll admit, an old woman bursting into flames is surprising.
  • Théo has been hit by a halberdier at full force and is losing a lot of his blood.
    Krayn: Here lies Théo for the third time.
    Bob: Here sprays Théo.
  • Despite the first guard being a drunk, the rest are surprisingly competent and manage to knock Théo out.
    Fred: I think we're in the wrong leveling zone, like when you're level 20 and enter the Hinterlands.
    Mahyar: Guys, I think the only solution here is to use The Power of Love. Grab each other's hands.
  • Shin creates an ice javelin and launches it at the last guard remaining.
    Bob: Is there the same slow-motion effect like in 300?
    Krayn: But here it's a leper.
    Bob: It's less cool.
    Krayn: His hand remains on the javelin when he launches it.
    Krayn: Flawless Victory. For the two of us, I mean.

Episode 11:

  • B.O.B. has an idea to save Théo's life: Entering an "elemental stance" and restoring his HP. However, there may be a risk of giving Théo his demon.
    Seb: But isn't hat giving him your demon?
    Bob: Listen, worst case scenario, I transform him into an horcrux and if I die, I come back in him.
    Krayn: Théo's already beyond that.
    Krayn: While he does that, I'm turning toward Shin and say "Shin, is it me or is it having less of an impact each time? I'm feeling less... I'm less worried."
    Seb: I'm reassured. Théo's kind of the Krillin of our team.
    Bob: Yes! I haven't realised it yet but it's, what, the fifth time?
    Seb: I'm kind of circumspect, it's the first time I see B.O.B. do something like that.
    Bob: It's that or the mouth-to-mouth! You want to do it?
    Seb: No, thanks.
  • Théo comes back to his senses:
    Mahyar: So, you see B.O.B.'s face above you, what do you do?
    Fred: (sigh) That's my reaction.
    Fred: So "nice Théo" didn't work, we're back to normal.
    Krayn: Each times we resurrect him, he comes back with a different personality.
    Seb: At some point he'll come back as a Spaniard.
    • Théo being done with absolutely everything.
    Mahyar: What do you want to say?
    Théo: Everything will burn, houses, shops, orphanages, if it can burns, we burn it.
  • Théo brutally giving a "The Reason You Suck" Speech to Bradok for his lack of fighting skill.

Episode 12:

  • Fred dressed as a thug (complete with baseball bat) as Théo is incredibly blunt and bloodthirsty.
    Woman: And why shouldn't I call the guards?
    Théo: Because if you do, I'll kill you and go kill your whole family.
    • Doubled by him sabotaging any attempt of cover up.
    Grunlek: Gaston, stop harassing people! Sorry, it's his way to pick up woman.
    Théo: We are not real guards.
    • The group's desperate attempt to, despite that, keep a modicum of cover result in:
    Grunlek: (whispering to the woman) Shank him. He's pissing us off too, we'll hold him for you.
  • As Mahyar describe a guard patrol approaching he asks the players what they do:
    Théo: (To the thief who B.O.B. just made a proposition) Sheathe your sword.
    Stilka: I don't have a token of me with the weapon sheated.
  • Later when she revealed her name Théo respond in character: "I don't give a fuck".
  • Shin proves himself a Bad Liar again when he tries to improvise a fake name for Grunlek: Grayn von Krun. It fails almost immediately.
  • The fact that a woman the group encounters is a metal elemental.
    Bob: There should be a riff right now.
    Seb: We're a match, we could make liquid metal. The two of us could have a little T1000.
    • The classical/romantic music playing during his conversation with the woman makes it funnier.

Episode 13:

  • Théo is, as usual, Théo.
    Théo: You won't leave this room.
    Grunlek:...until we've talked, he meant. Obviously.
    • Cygne's primary interest is money.
    B.O.B.: The only difference between her and the thief outside is that she's—
    Théo: A capitalist.
    Mahyar: Yes.
    Théo: Hang her!
    Bob: I want to ask her a political question.
    Fred: "What do you think of Donald Trump?"
    Mahyar: "I think he has great morals."
    • They end the meeting by convincing her to not do anything about them and, as she exits the room, she tells them that, if they survive, she would need help in transporting part of her family's fortune and would hire them.
    Seb: Are you the grandaugther of the King of Nigeria?
  • After a Critical Success on their first merchant roll ended up with two healing potion instead of one and those potions are pretty much a complete (1 d6 +4 meaning it can heal from 5 to 10 HP). Fred's next suggestion is to ask if the merchant has the intendant's codex.

Episode 14:

  • Fred decide to stay in defense mode and cover Grunlek:
    Fred: Since my third death, I'm becoming more cautious.
    Mahyar: Three seasons, four deaths later: "Maybe I should start parrying."
  • Grunlek wants to try and grab the armor, as to immobilize it. Mahyar starts to explain that, since he never grappled an enchanted armor before, he's going to have a malus to his check. And then continue by insisting that since he's a dwarf, it'll be extra difficult.
    Krayn: What's the malus? Depending on its value, it'll be a bit or extremely racist.
  • Théo is blocking two armors' attacks at the same time while B.O.B. is trying to find a way to stop them.
    Mahyar: Théo, what do you say?
    Théo: Ouch, ouch, ouch,...

Episode 15:

  • The armors return into the walls, after B.O.B. stopped their alert.
    Krayn: I get in front of it and give it a few slaps while saying "Who's Laughing Now?"
    Seb: I step off its back or I would get crushed between it and the wall. [...] "Help me! It's dark in here!"
    Krayn: ...But you're already in the dark.
    Théo: I found the solution of this enigma so stop saying I'm stupid.
    Grunlek: You were the one who activated them when we wanted to sneak past them.
    Théo: I solve my problems.
    Bob: If there's Animated Armors in the corridor they intend as their escape route, these guys are clearly thinking like Inspector Gadget villains.
    Mahyar: You don't criticize Inspector Gadget's villains.
    Seb: It's Doctor Claw, please show some respect.
  • The group deduces that a magic door they discovered has been made to keep something from going out rather than preventing someone from getting in. Then they hear a sound that wasn't done by an humanoïd on the other side.
  • The party discovers a chest in the lair of the aformentioned creatures, and the group bickers about who will open it and risks unleashing the creature on him or activating a trap. B.O.B. in particular does a complete 180° on whether they should open it in one minute.
    Théo: There's a chest. What's in the chest? Maybe it contains a +1 sword.
    B.O.B.: No, no no no no. Honestly, it... I don't know if it's worth it, who would leave a chest with any treasures in the lair of a horrible creature... Maybe they left it here to use the monster as its guardian... Open the chest!
    Shin: Can I steal one single coin?
    Mahyar and Fred: Abu, no!

Episode 16:

Episode 17:

  • Bob repeatedly asking if their enemy has a malus (for fighting two people at the same time, for doing a spinning attack next to a wall,...) and Mahyar repeated "no" ends with:
    Mahyar: He is a master of space and time.
    Krayn: He clips through the wall.
  • Instead of threatening her, Balthazar chose to sit next to a woman in charge of the place and to talk with her around drinks without attempting to negociate a ceasefire (he specifically states that he lets his companions fight their opponent), drawing Théo's ire.
    Théo: Stop being useless![...] I'm going to make you eat your glass and shove the olive up your ass.
    • Fed up with B.O.B., Théo charges the woman, killing a hound an dodging another in the process.
    Fred: I'm going to charge her. As we know, hitting a woman with a shield doesn't kill her.
  • Shin throws Icy at the soldier's face only for it to splash like a snowball.

Episode 18:

Woman: I'll cover you in gold.
Théo: I am very tall.
Grunlek: No no, I'm smaller, so I'd have less.
B.O.B.: And I'm scrawny, I'd be getting screwed over.
Théo: I'll raise my hands.
Balthazar: Or my staff. (to Grunlek) I'm sure you could use your grappling hook. You say we're incorruptible, it just means we're more expensive.
  • The Imagine Spot of what the group's tavern will look if they take the bribe, only for Théo to be bored by the lack of violence and all to realize it would suck.
    Shin: Yes the customers in my vision didn't take off their boots and messed the whole place so no.
    • During the description, when Mahyar constantly insist on how much they're respected innkeeprs, Fred has an hilariously disturbed/What the fuck expression on his face.
  • Théo asking obviously threatening question to the lady.
    Théo: Is your life precious to the intendants?
    Théo: So if we would have accepted your bribe, where will you get the gold?

Episode 19:

  • Balthazar sets a carpet on fire to prevent the big guard from following them, but it's still just a carpet:
    Krayn: He could just use his halberd to move it.
    Bob: But it'll take time, it'll be a pain in the ass... He won't do it.
    • It should be noted that Bob is completely serious and later complains about them escaping his deadly trap.
  • Despite Théo passing a Sneak Check, a guard still remark that something is strange (Mahyar rolled a "confrontation" check and the guard had the best result):
    Bob: Théo passes his check and the guard still...
    Mahyar: I'm not here to make it easy, Bob.
    • Since the guard then passed his Defense check, he and Théo ends up touching each other's chest.
    Seb!Viktor: Théo, use your head.
    Seb!Théo: Yes, that's the answer! (He headbutts his enemy.)
    Seb!Viktor: You little shit.
    • The guard then managed to both evade Théo's headbutt and Grunlek's punch and calls for help.
    Bob: He's calling for help as he beats us.
    Mahyar: I didn't plan on giving him a name, but since he's doing that well I have to give him one.

Episode 20:

  • Mahyar narrates the Previously on…... and breaks into laughing when he mention that one guard ruined their efforts to the point he can't finish narrating.
    • In the episode itself, the players also can't hold their laughs at being held by one measly guard.
    Mahyar: So, Grunlek, what do you do?
    Krayn: I don't know, flee or surrender?
    Mahyar: You, the intruders, are attacking this guard who has family, kids...
    Krayn: I'm not going to kill him, just knock him out.
    Bob: We're going to kill his family too. We're professionals.
  • B.O.B tries to distract a guard by throwing him a helmet. Bob fails his roll and, always The Munchkin, tries to negotiate a Psychology bonus. Mahyar is having none of it and Krayn rubs it in:
    Krayn!B.O.B.: It's very important for yourself that you catch that, for your well being, you will feel better.
  • After Shin kills two guards without trouble:
    Bob: Waouh, you're an assassin!
    Seb: Yeah, I've got bonuses when in the wilderness, but it's when I'm in a dark basement... [..] I'm a Rogue!
  • Théo's repeated Check failures ends with him critically failing to Double Tap a woman.
    • The reason he rolled this check? Fred wanted to prove he failed all his rolls.

Episode 21:

Mahyar: You ask yourself what could be worse than those... four guards.
  • The effect of Shin's ice powers:
    Seb: Ice farto!
    Bob: The guy behind starts singing "Let it go, let it go".
  • Théo is so blazé about all those check failures he simply walks off and lock himself in a boring fight with a guard that ends with him telling the guard to just go home or they'll be here all night.
    Théo: I'm a Paladin of the Church of Depression.
    Mahyar: You want to intimidate him by attrition?
  • The other guard roll a one twice. They start considering him the real hero of Aventures.
    Krayn: Come on Mahyar, those guards are not normal guards, right? They are bosses of previous campaigns who retired.
  • Balthazar tries to create a wall of fire and fails, Shin succesfully freezes the ground in front of them on his first try.
    B.O.B.: I'm angry. I, a mage, can't bend fire to my will and Shin is a better elemental than me! I put more mana in this spell so it hurts because I'm angry!

Episode 22:

  • Mahyar describes Grunlek carrying Balthazart while the mage creates a cone of fire with his hands. The players then jokes that Grunlek could use B.O.B. as a jetpack or by spinning when surrounded.
  • The goup is running while the city burns.
    Mahyar: You smell the flames, you can even taste the fear.
    Bob and Fred: Aaahh.
    Fred: We are heroes.
    Mahyar: Fred said "Cause as much destruction as you can.".
    Fred: No. I said they could burn an orphanage, which has nothing to do with that.
    Mahyar: I stand corrected.
    Fred: You can't make an omelet without killing a few orphans.
    Bob: Exactly... what?
  • Bob talking to Seb while pointing and looking down (since his facecam is just above Seb's).
  • Fred refusing to save Sanguinus because he "obviously ended his plotline and now he has to die. And even if we save him, he'll just repeat the same sentence over and over again."
  • Bob calling out Mahyar that Sanguinus is a top tier level character and shouldn't have been defeated by a bunch of crossbowmen only for Mahyar to reply four adventurers got stopped by one guard in a hall.

Episode 23:

  • Mahyar having no idea of how a ship works makes for some funny lines when he tries to describe what the adventurers are doing.
    Krayn: It's a big boat and we're only five.
    Mahyar: Hey, they managed it in Pirates Of The Carribean.
  • The group somehow failing to see a ship charging them until it's only twenty meters away (due to Théo and Shin failing their rolls). Bob then question how a ship managed to catch up with them. They propose that, since Théo failed his Navigation check, then ended up doing a lot of unnecessary turns.note 

Episode 24:

  • Krayn's repeated questions about how a ship could turn so quickly or be maneuvered that easily is answered by Bob: Rule of Cool.
    Bob: It's an arcade ship, the wheel is right next to the handbrake.
  • The "Crack in the ship" token doesn't appear at the right size nor at the right place, making it look like an oil spill for a moment.
    Bob: We stole the wrong ship.
  • Théo boards the enemy ship, but realizes that he's completely outnumbered as soon as his feet touch the enemy deck.
    Théo: I'd like you to regroup on me, I just realized they're a large bunch, because once again I acted without thinking it through.
    B.O.B.: Your therapy is progressing! You're admiting it now.
    • Fred's face when Mahyar removes the fog of war to show the mid boss' support and when none of his friends are following him.
  • Sanguinus using Grunlek's blood to give the latter the extra reach to catch Shin, cue multiple period joke.
    Mahyar: Well you pass your roll so I couldn't remove 5 lifepoints even if I wanted to.
    Bob: Can we acknowledge how classic that is? Grunlek rolls a critical success and it's "That's clutch but you do it", normal success "That passes but you lose one lifepoint".

Episode 25:

  • The opening about Théo's fight with the boss who really want to make it a duel so he doesn't have to fight the whole gang by himself.
    Mahyar: Gentlemen- no, you Théo. Your enemy attack you, do a parry roll
    Théo: I don't get a pre banter before the fight?
    Mahyar: No.
  • During the fight itself:
    Théo: So it's just you and me, ok?
    Boss: Right, Just You and Me and My GUARDS!.
    Théo: Seriously? That's not fair
  • B.O.B. and Shin see creatures under the ships.
    Seb: I'll let B.O.B. speak with them, it's his area of expertise.
    Bob: Of course, a demonic fire creature trying to talk with sea monsters.
    Seb: It makes sense to me.
    Bob: Yes, it makes sense. But only if you're trying to cook spaghetti.
  • Grunlek tries to punch the boss, only to roll a hundred. His arm comes to life again, grab him by the collar and throw him at sea.
    Bob: It's like in that Buggs Bunny cartoon.

Episode 26:

  • Shin asks the elemental to save Grunlek, saying he's willing to pay any price.
    B.O.B: Oh damn, be careful because they're gonna ask you to give your firstborn.
    Shin: As long as I can reasonably pay it.
    B.O.B.: But it's not a big deal, you've got so many of them.
    Elemental: Fine, I'll pump it from you.
    B.O.B: What?! Another one that wants to suck your dick?!. And I can't find anyone for me!
    Shin: Why did you have to use this word? note 
    Grunlek: would have you preffered "suck up"?
  • Grunlek is slowly drowning.
    Krayn: Are there mermaids coming to save me?
    Seb: Dwarf mermaids.
  • Théo tries to convince the boss to surrender when B.O.B. hits him with his staff. Everyone remarks on how weird it is.
    Krayn: Where are we?! What happened?! They're not the real ones.
  • Despite them offering their help, Shin still wants to inflict Literally Shattered Lives on the elementals.
    Bob: The galls on those guys. They offer their help and want a payment in return? Preposterous!
  • Shin repeats the prophecy of season 1, but a bit more complicated than the first time. Just after he finished and before the episode ends, we get one reaction:
    Théo: What?

Episode 27:

  • When Théo finish the boss he gets a movement adventure roll
    Théo: Can I mount him... in a non sexual way?
  • When they have to pick their respective character's conviction, Fred chooses Justice, Bob Humanity.
    Krayn: Between Théo and B.O.B. we now have the origin of the Space Marines.

Episode 28:

  • As soon as the party arrives on the shores of Mirage Island, the heroes decide to indulge themselves in a Beach Episode, filled with Ho Yay.
  • For once, it's Seb who's fed up with Bob slowing the story down when the latter asks Sanguinus about his powers and backstory and visibly grows restless until he starts ranting:
    Seb: Stop talking, both of you, we have a boss to kill! Hurry up! "How, that's interesting. And how do you prepare pasta? Because I use whipped cream, some basilic, but I can't manage to get the meat to the right temperature." WE DON'T FUCKING CARE! Get on with it!
    Mahyar: [Beat] Then Sanguinus turns to you and asks: "And what is your recipe for mojito?"
    Shin: My secret ingredient is the ice that I use...

Episode 29:

  • Af they run, Théo's shield detect the Codices.
    Mahyar: You feel the heresy.
    B.O.B.: I'm here.
    Mahyar: Bigger than that.
  • When tree trunks and rocks come rolling towards them, Bob and Fred swap roles with Bob thinking in terms of video games tropes (disregarding both inertia and gravity) while Fred tries to argue for consistency.
    Fred: Did you ever watch Wile E Coyote And The Roadrunner?
  • Mahyar asks Théo for a physical check.
    Mahyar: A Physic check with a misadventure dice.
    Fred: A misa... you piece of shit.
    Mahyar: ... and a disadvantage.
    Fred: I'm not taking what I said back.
  • Thanks to Mahyar, Théo and Grunlek end up at the precise spot where a chunk of rock is about to land. Shin then rolls his dice
    Théo [to Grunlek]: Move over, let's leave him some space.

Episode 30:

  • Théo is against killing the Intendants, prefering to have them judged.
    Théo: We paladins are particulary just people, we care deeply for other's life and...
    B.O.B.: WHAT?!
    Shin: We never met this "Other".
  • The meek reply from Théo at the end of the episode.
    Light Elemental: I hope you won't oppose us, Son of the Light.
    Théo [With a timid voice] Yes, Ma'am.
    • Made funnier by Théo standing his ground against his friends just before that scene.
  • Just before The Stinger (which takes place after the first Live), this phrase appear on screen:
    "We found a vhs on a little girl's corpse."

Episode 31:

  • Théo gets an advantage simply for realizing Vlad might have had a point in his goal. Even he doesn't know why.
  • Bob explaining Fred the difference between him killing Arcana and him murdering the little girl: He doesn't care she was a collateral but at least he admits he directly killed her.
    Bob: Besides she is back now and my step-mom to boot.
    Fred: Did Icarus come with her sister?
  • Bob theorizes that Shin already had sex with Arcana before.
    Grunlek: So, if he had kids with her, that makes them your brothers and sisters-in-law, no?
  • B.O.B saying that his dad is fine with the Church of Light since they are agent of chaos.
    Shin: Théo, got a different opinion on this?
    Théo: Go fuck yourself.
  • Shin ending the video with a Pre Ass Kicking One Liner about the Light Elemental Icarus Meaningful Name only for Fred to snark post credit that it took too long and she dodged the arrow.

Episode 32:

  • Théo not attacking Arcana despite her being a melee fighter and a walking heresy reduces Bob to spouting angry gibbersh.
    Bob: But you're an inquisitor, she the walking embodiment of what you're supposed to fight!
    Fred: I'm not an inquisitor, I'm a paladin.
    Bob: (Frenrish)
    Mahyar: I have to agree, he's a paladin.
    Bob: You can't say that! He keeps changing every three minutes.
    Mahyar: I can do it when it suits me.
  • Théo ignoring Arcana Succubus charm.
    Arcana: Come on inquisitor, what do you want to do to me? (pouting)

Episode 33:

  • The group has to come up with a final plan if they want to save the world, Fred simply says he wants to attack Arcana. Even funnier since he spent half of the past episode refusing to fight her.
  • B.O.B.'s plan? To charge his father and tackle him to the ground which he claims will work because "it doesn't make any sense and he won't expect it".
  • Grunlek's plan is to grab the Codices and uses his body as a cage for them.
    Bob: Of course, this is a brillant idea! "oh, this bar of uranium is dangerous *nom*"
    Seb: "Why is my stomach glowing? And why am I losing hair?"

Episode 34:

  • Théo's plan to deal with Arcana is to throw a corpse at her to make her fall and he is disappointed when he sees the guy isn't alive.
  • Grunlek failed to convince Icarus's humanity that mankind could still do good.
    Mahyar: You even begin to doubt if mankind is worth saving.
    Krayn: Does mankind include dwarves?
    Mahyar: You even begin to doubt dwarfkind.
    Krayn: No! Not dwarfkind!
  • During their strat point:
    Krayn: What are the stakes here?
    Bob: We're all gonna die.
    Fred: Ending season 3.
  • Seb starts to doubt shooting Icarus it a good idea.
    Seb: I don't want to kill an innocent.
    Bob: But that's the only thing we've been doing!
    Mahyar: Thank you, Bob.

Episode 35:

  • Bob rolls a Critical Hit, which he says allows B.O.B. to grab Arcana's spear as she tries to empale him. Fred then points out that:
    Fred: Critical Hit or not, you've still got only 30 in Physical. She's gonna shake you off.
    • B.O.B. then trashtalks her.
    B.O.B.: You've been my mother-in-law for less than two hours and you're already pissing me off.
  • Théo jumps the chasm between the two islands... but forgets to take the weight of his armor into account and almost falls to his death.
    Fred: You pieces of shit! You're leaving me to die!
    Bob: Listen, you have 70 in Physical, you have higher odds to climb back up than I have to dodge Arcana's next blow.
    Fred: But I've been failing all of my checks for two episodes!
    Bob: But now you know it's serious.
    Krayn: Come on Théo, get a hold of yourself.
  • Grunlek doesn't participate in the fight, having fused with the Codices.
    Mahyar: Since you're basically an NPC now, I'm going to give you a whole lot of bonuses.
    Krayn: Bonus that I'll get to keep forever if I survive, right?
    Mahyar: I love the "if".
  • The truly enormous amount of salt on the group's part (especially Fred) when Grunlek tries to kill them.
    Bob: Smells like payback.
    Krayn: I'm really sorry, Fred.
    Fred: Indeed, we can see that at your face.
    • He then fails the Mental check needed to regain his senses.
    Bob: No, hitting Théo felt too good
    Seb: "Can I do it again?"
    • Enoch, thinking that Grunlek has taken too much damage, says that the vessel is too weak.
    Fred: You're the vessel. You're the one he said is too weak. I'm just saying it for our audience.
    Krayn: But I've only taken 8 points of damage. I'm still at half HP, you could've let me in.
    Mahyar: Don't worry, if you attack your friends, I'm giving you bonuses.

Episode 36:

  • Balthazar tries to launch the spear at his father, but fail.
    Fred: Sanguinus's gonna die below.
    Bob: It's like in Asterix, the spear lands at his side. "Someone declared us war!".
  • The whole group is falling from very high.
    Mahyar: You're split between the coolness of free-falling and the idea of dying.
    Bob:... of the landing.
  • The Critical Hit from Théo of all people at just the right time to save the party.
  • Their final plan goes without an itch, everyone succeed their rolls by a wide margin... except Grunlek, who does a Critical Failure on the normally very last step of their plan.
    Enoch: (panicking) Tell me this wasn't your plan!
    B.O.B.: No, it wasn't.
    Théo: We never have a plan.
  • Enoch slowly walking away when the group is talking to Grunlek, especially after his conversation with B.O.B.
    B.O.B: Stop fleeing and help us
    Enoch: Ok first I'm not fleeing...

    Battle for Castelblanc (Season 4) 

Episode 1:

  • Fred starts setting up the situation, and when he gets to describing Théo...
    Fred: As the only Paladin able to use magic, he gained a great deal of respect and...
    Bob: ... and that has nothing to do with the fact he was the GM's character in the last season, or the fact that he now has eighten wives, five manors, and a recently discovered limitless wealth!
  • While the group walks into the Senate, Fred uses the following analogy to describe the contempt with which the senators watch them:
    Fred: They look at you like a pile of shit just sprouted legs and began to walk in front of them.
  • They see Victoria, Théo's sister:
    Bob: They're reproducing! They're reproducing! Hide your kids, run away!
    Seb: Is her shield covered with children's blood?
  • The group is introduced as the adventurers of Castelblanc, Théo's hometown.
    Seb: And then Théo turns around and say "Don't worry, it's all under control".
    Krayn: We are lucky, we could have been "Théo's adventurers".
    Seb: Théo and his crew.

Episode 2:

  • The groups keeps hammering how dumb the Church of Light is to send only the four adventurers without any reinforcement to liberate a valuable strategic position occupied by goblins and necromancers.
    Mani: You have to understand, the paladins are functionaries and it's past 17:00.
  • One of the tokens representing the junk lying around in the tower is a nuclear warhead.

Episode 3:

  • Krayn's repeated insistance that he's punching the troll in the balls since they're at Grunlek's heigth.

Episode 4:

  • The cocatrix is guarding a massive chest and Mani just attracted its attention when he failed to sneak to the loot.
    Fred: So, the cocatrix is turned toward Mani, what do you guys go toward?
    Seb and Krayn: The loot!
  • To distract the cocatrix from attacking Mani, B.O.B. wants to burn her nest (with her baby inside it), Shin wants to push it off the tower to force her to go after it.
    Fred: Are you guys doing a contest of cruelty?
  • After cleaning the tower without the paladins help.
    B.O.B: I like Théo, really, but I think we should side with Kirov in this war because they [paladins] look like a bunch of fuckwits.
  • Victoria says they will stand guard to discourage Kirov from attacking while the party goes to the mages' Tower. Théo (who stays behind as part of the army) is as much of a Blood Knight as ever.
    Théo: Worst case scenario, we charge them. We have magic and they don't.
    B.O.B.: No but that wouldn't work, their army doesn't have little girls for you to bash in.
    Victoria: Hey, about that little girl, didn't you tell me she was alive, Toto?

Episode 5:

  • The group stops in the village of the Ermitage, a very small village nearby the mages' Tower. The village is empty, almost only old people are there, and they seems to think B.O.B. isn't real.
    Shin: You've still got scales on your face, right?
    B.O.B.: (laughs) Shin, if you think scales on someone's face are the weirdest thing you've seen living near the mages' Tower, you haven't been there long enough.
  • The lampshade of the Kleptomaniac Hero trope when the group takes more interest in a pendant than in their mission.
    B.O.B.: All of this is very nice, but I'd like to remind you that we're here to manage the spider.
    Shin: Exactly, so far we're looting the house of the guy who hired us.
    Grunlek: I'm securing his stuff.
    • Even funnier considering Shin's first reaction when asked to clear the old man's house was "How much?"

Episode 6:

  • B.O.B. has to cover Mani in magic to allow him to pass a barrier, of course it backfires and Mani's set on fire.
  • The reason only Mani has to be covered in magic? He's not made of magic.
    Seb: Can we point and laugh? "He's not special! He's not special!"

Episode 7:

  • It's complicated, used any time Time magic is talked about.
  • B.O.B. points out the advantage of having a part of the school drifting across time, there's always an empty classroom to use.
  • Shin's phobia showing up again.
    Tesla: We'll have to go the other side of the well
    Shin: Never.
  • The anchor point in time to make sure they don't lose themselves in the time room? Mani caught fire.
  • Mani uses the Info Dump as a distraction to pickpocket the fixed mages.
  • Instead of continuing to the next area, the group wants to open the last door they haven't examined. Fred begins by telling them it's closed, only for Mahyar to says he can unlock it, Fred insists he can't do that, only for Krayn to say he could just bash it open, and refuting Fred's arguments about the door's weight by pointing out he has a metal arm. Fred's reaction?
    Fred: Fine! You open the door and the room is empty!.

Episode 8:

  • Tesla says they have to go on the other side of the magic well/portal:
    B.O.B.: No! That's a horrible idea! Do you know how many people went in? How many came out?!
    Tesla: Look, it'll be fine, eleven mages came back from it.
    B.O.B.: Out of how many that went in?!
    Tesla: It doesn't matter.
    Tesla: Look, you'll all die- do it without problems.
  • Mani collecting clues which pisses B.O.B since he is looting the place he was raised in. Mani defends himself by saying that since the tower exists sort of outside of time, the theft haven't have happened yet, B.O.B. concedes the point, and Shin chimes insaying that if any "clues" are valuables, Mani has to share them with the team.

Episode 9:

  • Shin fears their past selves spot them, not because of time paradox but because he doesn't want them to see how their future selves sucks so much.

Episode 11:

  • They relive the fight with Rapier Man. The moment they hear the Shield Bash:
    Grunlek: Assassin!
  • The time magic possessed the little girl who is about to kill past Grunlek (who says it's unfair since it's Théo who killed her). B.O.B orders Shin to take the shot, Shin doesn't want to shoot a little girl and doesn't care if Grunlek dies, Grunlek realized he might die and suggest shooting the Rapier Man with his crossbow and take the whole world with him via time paradox and Mani wants to use Théo's shield to Double Tap the little girl.
  • Mahyar, still unconscious, drinks the group's last health potion (after Grunlek, Bob and Shin debating on whetther or not they should give it to past!Théo to Set Right What Once Went Wrong). Fred decides to accord him a "Pity bonus" of +2 to the roll, and the bonus ends up just barely enough to bring Mani back to his self.
  • Shin immobilizes the little girl (who is in her teens) by, as Bob's smirk and the group realize, pinning her to the ground, grabbing her wrists to prevent her from moving and straddling her.
    Seb: Do I have to roll to avoid alerting the cops?

Episode 12:

  • The little girl is still struggling so Mahyar keeps bashing her with a shield.
  • " I am Fu Su Lu, stop laughing".

Epsiode 14:

  • Mani passes out, again.
  • During B.O.B.'s frantic spiel to Tesla to explain to her what happened to them, he's half crazed and talk with a Motor Mouth... but then stops himself to compliment the archmage on her powerful spell that blasted the time anomaly into pieces.

Episode 15:

  • The mages accompany the group outside the tower to bid them goodbye. Bob notes the (relatively) low number of tokens.
    Bob: That's all of the mages that remain in the Tower?
    Fred: No, but the others didn't come.
    Seb: They don't like you.
    Bob: (laughs) And those who're here are halfheartly clapping.
  • Seb is intrigued by the position the horses are standing in.
    Seb: It kinda looks like they're plotting something.
    Bob: They're talking *neigh* and there's the subtitles under them. "Our plan with Fu Su Lu failed..."
  • Mani doesn't have a high opinion of the group.
    Mahyar: I saw the solidarity, it was fascinating, that tendency to sacrifice oneself for others. Well, to sacrifice ''me'' for others. If find it consistent with the history of the group. Above all, I remember the sacrifice of my spider for the mage tower quest. [...]
    Fred: That's right, you lost everything during this arc, you received all the blows, you lost your pet.
    Mahyar: No, I still have my dignity! Oh, Wait!...

Episode 16:

  • Mani tries to pickpocket card players.
    Bob: Since we're in his head can we all be like "No, no no no NO."
    • Of course it fails, and Mani has to run away for the rest of the episode, thus not assisting at Théo's return.
    • Shin attempts to soothe things out by giving a coin to a little girl to show they are friendly, the group joke that it's him giving alimony to one of his bastards. Bonus point for the girl trying to pickpocket Shin just as he gave her the coin.
    Shin: (gives her the coins anyway) Don't do that, kid. You can be better than this.
    Mani: (surrounded by angry players he tried to pickpocket) Shin, can't you do that to me too?
    shin: No. You're an adult, you're responsible for your own actions.
  • B.O.B insist on giving one of their health potion to Théo before they split up so when he inevitably fall in a plot intended trap where they can hear him through the magic necklace he won't die. Krayn isn't exactly believing it.
    Grunlek: But then we'll hear a glass shattering sound through the necklace and Théo going oh no, the potion.

Episode 17:

  • The group is helped by a band of dwarves.
    Fred: You see a female dwarf.
    Shin: Is it love at first sight between her and Grunlek?
    Krayn: You're gonna pair me with her just because we're both dwarves?
    Bob, Shin and Mahyar: Yes.
    Krayn: What kind of racism is this?!

Episode 18:

  • The band of dwarves bid them goodbye:
    Mark: Farewell, friends.
    Mani: I'm not your friend.
    Mark: Farewell, friends and asshole.
  • The last half of the episode is a debate both in an out of universe between Krayn/Grunlek and the rest of the group, with him wanting to take her with him in the cavers, and the others (especially Bob) arguing she'd feel better outside. Once they enter they end up in a massive hall.
    Krayn: Guards! Arrest these monsters!
    Seb: Welcome to Wolf Town... You must be a peasant, you've got no wolf.

Episode 19:

  • Bob goes on a tangent theorizing how did the dwarf king get "Stone sickness". A tangeant that goes on for a long time.
    Krayn: It's like when I'm on the phone with my mom. "The dwarf king got poisoned" and seven minutes later she's still at it.

Episode 21:

  • Shin returns, alone.
    Shin: So... Mani got caught. What's the sentence?
    Grunlek: He got caught in the Royal Library? That's a pretty hefty sentence.
    Shin: If it can help, he didn't even lockpick the chest, his tools broke in the lock.
    Grunlek: That's gonna be an amazing defense: "I didn't steal anything, I got caught before I could."

Episode 22:

  • They realize they could use the magical necklace to contact Théo and warn him about the enemy army's attack on his city. They just need the necklace... that's on Mani. In jail.
    Seb: We were right to give him our stuff.
    Bob: I thought we were just morons, but we're morons AND unlucky.
  • The group spend the latter half of the episode probing a drunk junkie's mind for information. Fred acts as the drugged dancer, the group as "mysterious voices" / her unconscious mind, with the Gollum voice.

Episode 23:

  • After beating the black market dwarves into submission with their leader asking what they want, Mahyar joked they just wanted to know where the bathroom was.

Episode 24:

  • Shin giving Grunlek "The Reason You Suck" Speech to convince him to just abandon the dwarves. Even better is that Fred reuse the same line when voicing Gargrine.
    Shin: You're kind of responsible for this shitshow, you refused the power and let the kingdom in the state that it is. You can't just wash your hands with what happenned and come back fresh like daisies saying I'm gonna save everyone.
    Grunlek: You're the one telling me about taking responsabilities?
    Shin: I'm a wandering knight who spreads love.
    B.O.B.: Oh God, no.
  • When the group asks the rules of the Deadly Game where the winner becomes the new king, Shin asks if they can participate (Dwarf only), B.O.B asks if the candidate can chose a champion (yes), Mani if it's necessarily to the death (no) and if he can be one of the Big Bad's champion (no and if he does Grunlek is gonna kill him).
    Bob: In the red corner, leading team Judas, it's Maniiii!
  • Mama Casse-Roc tries to persuade Grunlek to not risk his life in front of the court.
    Casse-Roc: Give me 24 to 72 hours and I'll get an elite guard to take over the portal and the archives, they'll be collateral but you won't risk your life!
    Seb: I hope she is whispering it.
  • B.O.B once again being really bad at explaining his point.
    B.O.B: All I want to say is you place charge there and you have all the poor district go [whistles] down.

Episode 25:

  • Just like in Fort Boyard, the latter half of the episode consist of the B.O.B., Shin and Mani guiding Grunlek through his trials, whiel arguing among themselves, confusion over how to describe things and what to do.

Episode 26:

  • Fred says that Mani and shin have to roll a Critical Hit if they want to pass the giant directly instead of in two turns. When they roll a normall success, Fred grants them the action anyway.
    Krayn: You said...
    Fred:' Yeah, but we've spend enough time on this map.

Episode 27:

  • The team plays Blood Bowl. One of their opponents, a female shapshifter (a Sand Virgin), tries to tacle Mani, only for him to dodge, for her to end up in the crowd of spectators, and for said crowd to beat the everloving shit out of her.

Episode 28:

  • B.O.B. had to roll a check to see if he could control the fireball he's been prepping throughout the inter-period. He fails, and ends up launching it into the crowd, potentially killing multiples dwarves including a close ally.

Episode 29:

  • The sheer escalation of the match, which has two giant golems wrestling in the middle of the field, spectators firing at the players, and meteors raining from the sky.
  • When the most powerful members of the party are downed or otherwise occupied, the fact that they win thanks to the combined efforts and successes of the Butt-Monkey of the group and the Joke Character.

Episode 30:

  • Fred admits he is surprised they succeeded as he tried making it hard on them, the half dead group noticed.
  • Granny Casse-Roc is half burned but doesn't hold any grudge toward B.O.B, even though he also killed four dwarves.
    Grunlek: From now on when someone killed the spectator during the games we'll say he did a Balthazar.
  • Grunlek gives his childhood friend Mark a pardon. Mani recalls his arrest in episode 21.
    Mani: Wait wait, you pardon Mark? Can you do something for me please it'll be nice, see there was a moment...
    Fred: True. As I said, Bob killed four people but it was during the games, Mani is gonna be exiled and forbid to ever lay foot in the city again.
    B.O.B: I'm an athlete, I just did a Balthazar.
  • Grunlek uses Mani helping as an argument as to why, even if they're treacherous, untrustworthy, and bastard, dwarves still need to open themselves to other races. All while eyeing Coldbeard, the treacherous dwarf.

Episode 31:

  • Théo calling them to deliver plot-critical information derail into him and Mani shoutign at each other for not being clear, lacking respect, not listening, and so on.
    Grunlek: Ok nevermind what I said about elves, kill them on sight my subject.

Episode 32:

Grunlek: Well, there's no crime if there's no witnesses.
  • A patrol is trying to shake them down for money. Grunlek tries to pretend they don't have much, Fred makes an "intelligence" roll to see if the guards fall for it. He rolls a 1.
    Grunlek: They even know how much our underwear is worth.
  • Fred gets upset when Grunlek states the easiest solution to stop a fleeing archer while he narrates the escape.
    Fred: Oh Mr. Eden-catch-him.

Episode 33:

  • Both Seb, Grunlek and Mani fails their roll to search a tent.

Episode 40

  • Krayn takes a jab at Bob for always trying to sound epic despite a pretty laid back scene.
    Krayn (in Bob's serious tone): There is bread left in the kitchen.
  • Victoria shows up and asks about the 15 plus corpses of Lorimar soldiers.
    Mahyar: No there was no battle.

Episode 43

  • Fred encounters a problem when he shows the items they want to dispatch.
    Fred: Put everything back in the chest, let me explain, Bob stop taking everything.

Episode 47

  • Seb asks if there are windows between the creneau and the merlon.
    Fred: Those are real words? I give you an advantage for that.

Episode 49

  • Fred describes Theo hitting nothing but air
  • Tesla non verbally saying to B.O.B she won't participate in the fight with the Light Elemental.
    B.O.B: What! Are you an archmage or are you nothing!
  • Ivanov is seriously wounded and can only be healed via healing potions, it takes a few minutes and coaxing for the groupto actually do it. Mani even using Ironic Echo about how Franz didn't care about saving his friend when he ask them to help Ivanov.
    Krayn: I mean roleplay wise do you look at this guy and go "nah we are gonna keep our potions".


Episode 5

  • Fred's reaction when he learns there are native approaching them after crashing on a planet:
    Fred: If they are Ewoks, I'll kill them all.
  • The ending with Fred doing a terrible pun about his critical hit, followed by a long silence where him and Mahyar just stare at the camera until the credits roll.

Episode 6

  • The group tries to find Apple. Key word being "tries".
  • And even when she manages to open her comlink and to contact them, the only thing 808 and Tyzen understand out of her phrase ("Trace signal *cough*") is that she's sick and they should find way to cure her.
  • Fred's frustration with the group's failures ends with him facepalming. Even worse when they are forced to surrender.
    Fred: I spent my life saying Episode VI was shit because the Empire lost against the Ewoks.

Episode 7:

  • At the end:
    Mahyar: (to 808) You see Gaar tied up over there, Apple tangled on the vines over there, you and Tyzen are surrounded by an army of Ewoks, you are trapped on a planet and you are looking for an ancient treasure. Oh yes, that was the main quest.

Episode 8:

  • The group building up the Ewoks as some sort of Memetic Badass to avoid the humiliation of having lost to them.
    Bob: Had [Mahyar] used a team of Peruvian guerilleros assassins, it would have been a fair fight. Mandalorians? No question. Bobba Fett and 6 clones? Easy. The whole Empire? No problem. Three Ewoks? We are goners!

Episode 9

  • The group indulges in some Comedic Sociopathy: With 808 in full Murderbot mode against the Ewoks.
    Apple: Tyzen, can you ask your robot to find our comlinks?
    Tyzen: No, I really like what he's doing right now.
    • Later:
      Bob: I placed my first charge on this treehouse which is an Ewok habitation, right?
      Mahyar: Yes.
      Bob: Civilian?
      Mahyar: Yes. With women and children.
      Bob: Excellent!
    • Even later Fred asks Bob to detonate the charge once they are out of the village, to which Bob answers that it was his plan too. Krayn convinces them that the Ewoks had enough.
  • Apple nonchalantly deactivating a robot dog to silence it; when Mahyar guilt trips Fred, he just brushes it as being a robot.
    Fred: It's just a robot.
    Mahyar: "It's just an Ewok", every time a NPC shows up that's your excuse.
    Fred: It doesn't have a soul.

Episode 10:

  • The group interacting with Mordeyn:
Mahyar: So, the old man has introduced himself to… Gaar, how do the Wookiee react?
Seb: I scream at his face.
Fred: I'm thinking of what to say to him. We're not going to tell him we have been captured by Ewoks.
Mordeyn: Tell me, why are you here?
Gaar: Because the pilot is bad at his job.
Tyzen: Hey, the pilot saved your lives!
  • After a brief recap of the story so far, Mahyar asks if they tell everything to the merchant or if they filter it.
Fred: Tell him we have a princess to rescue, but that she's really ugly.

Episode 11:

Apple: I used to be an adventurer... then I tried to heal my knee.
  • After she lost a knee when she tried to heal herself, Apple fails a relational roll when she arrives in a crowded town and scares the inhabitants away. A companion NPC questions whether she should lead the group.
Mordayn: Should we really let her go first like that ?
Gaar: Yeah, sure. She's our infiltration expert, don't worry. And a healer, but you already saw that.

Episode 12:

  • A Stormtrooper doing a Critical Hit. Yeah, that's rare enough in the canon to be included here!

Episode 13:

  • During their trip to their destination, Mahyar explains that they managed to patch themselves up a bit. And adamantly refuses Fred any rolls related to it:
    Fred: Come on, I'm a medic, trust me.
    Mahyar: No!
    • Although he does end up giving him a chance ti heal himself and Seb (in spite of the latter repeated refusal), then the risk dice showed minus 20% or 10% for critical failure. Fred still (barely) succeeds, and Fred even gets an advantage for his fair-play and Seb gets one for "letting" her heal him.
  • Apple getting absolutely no respect from anyone, not even the GM.

Episode 14:

  • Due to the way risk dices work, Seb ending up with 20% more chance of doing a Critical Failure, him succeeding anyway and the others sligh disappointment.

Episode 15:

  • When 808 connects to the ship's computer:
    Bob: It shows the Umbrella Corporation logo.
    Krayn: So we're good.
    Seb: Let's get out of here.
  • Later, 808 warns the party that whoever sits in the two chairs they found will be fused with the other person and could create two abominations they'd have to kill. When Mordeyn and Gaar sits… it opens a secret door.
    808: Oh. I'll search into my hard drive, take all the sci-fi stories that led me to this speculation, and delete them.
    • Even funnier is Mahyar's WTF face during 808's warning.

Episode 16:

Mahyar: (to Fred) You hear a sound kind of like a train engine.
Krayn: Choo-choo.
  • Later, Apple got herself stuck in front of a blaster cannon that will shoot her if she moves. Bob tries to negotiate an advantage about pulling her out of the way. Mahyar has none of it.
    Bob: But, with the robotic arm, the strength, …
    Mahyar: No! You don't get anything. You fail, she dies.
    Bob: Harsh.
    Fred: Can we talk about it ?
    Mahyar: You can talk while I prepare the explosion and dismembered limb tokens.
  • Later, when they continue to explore the ship, Tyzen finds something he doesn't understand.
    Krayn: But can I talk about it to the others, to see if 808 knows more than I do?
    Bob: But searching "I see a big shining blue ball", I'm like "It's a lamp, master Tyzen".
  • They hear what may be a Sith saying "And we could attain our objectives, master".
    Krayn: Is that a trade meeting?
    (They all crack up)
    Fred: We end up in an office.
    Bob: We've landed into Kinder's headquarters! And the Siths are going "Yesss, I can smell profit coming".
  • Fred's repeated insistence that Apple is an infiltration expert.
  • Apple being the one to listen to the Big Bad's speech. Bob points out that it's the character with the imagination of a goldfish listening to the big speech.
    Apple: "Naga" is the name of the ship?
    (Mahyar explains out of character where the Info Dump was in previous episode)
    Fred: But I didn't listen. Go on.
    Seb: It'd have been funny if you (Mahyar) stayed in character.
    Bob!Pinky: Gee Brain, what do you wanna do tonight?
    Bob!Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky — try to understand astral energy!
    Seb!Pinky: Narf!
    • Then Fred almost misses a sinister clue from said Big Bad, only catching the last part.
    Ardrynn: You are exactly what I needed.
    Apple: What?… Narf?

Episode 17:

  • Fred's reaction to another fail ? Hide behind his mic.
    Fred: Is there a funny jingle every time shit happens to me?
    Krayn:No. Canned laughs from sitcoms.
  • Later, Apple evades some traps by, according to Mahyar, doing some impressive acrobatic feats.
    Mahyar:But nobody's ever going to know you did them because you're alone in this room.
  • Bob complains that the Big Bad wasn't stunned by Gaar's Critical Hit.
    Mahyar: As Fred said, The Force makes coffee. The Wookiee doesn't.
  • Mahyar tells Apple that, if she wants, she can tap into the Dark Side to boost her chances of success.
    Fred: What are the consequences?
    Bob:Cool tattoos. Everywhere.
    Fred: No I won't do it, betraying strangers is fine, but not people I've known for a few hours.
  • The Big Bad of the season had to parry 9 laser bolts and rolled for each one (a Crit meant that he deflected 2 shots). Mahyar rolled 6 successes in a row (doing two Critical Hits in the process), blocking eight of the nine shots. And then barely failed his last roll by 1.
     Les Survivants 

In general:

  • While the story is very dark and gritty, the players' comments... often are not. Therefore, the videos contain a lot of Black Comedy and situations that cross the line twice.

Episode 0:

  • The players roll to choose their characters
    • Seb gets a hispanic criminal and amps up the accent and clichés he himself criticized in a Suicide Squad review. The other players beg him to keep doing the accent.
    Seb/Eduardo: It's kind of racist comment, homie
    • Fred rolls a video game nerd. His roleplay is spot on.
    Fred/Brian: I'm the Joueur du Grenier, I like retro gaming.
    Fred: This IS the Suicide Squad!

Episode 1:

  • Earlier, Fred's character, Brian, who by coincidence is pretty much just him but in a zombie apocalypse, tried to help a shocked survivor, and was the only one to stop for her.
    Brian: Hey, David, the firefighter! Aren't you supposed to help?!
    David: Nope.
  • Brian gets eaten while everyone else is making a run for it.
    Brian: It hurts more than when I purchased Fantasia for the Sega Genesis. [...] I hope your save files get deleted!
  • Fred, in spite of being out of the game after his character's death, sarcastically commenting the others' actions.
    Mahyar: Solidarity is being tested here.
    Fred: As we saw!
  • Mahyar botched simile of referring to characters as untouchable as an eel in a cotton field.
  • Eduardo threatens to shoot the tire of a car to prevent the other survivors to leave without the party, with the risk of exploding the bus and every other characters if he rolls a Critical Failure.
    Fred: The 14 survivors become the 14 dead in the next opening.
    Seb: You die.
    Fred: Play of the Game!
  • Krayn ruining Eduardo's final moment as the zombies pull him by his hair.
    Eduardo: I thought I paid my debt but not by a large margin.
    Krayn: You have hair?
    Eduardo:[…] I'm in the bus! I'm in the bus!
    Mahyar: I meant by the cotton.
    Krayn: The cotton of the eel of course.
  • Fred and Seb roll for their new characters. Fred gets Brithney Spares, yet another suboptimal character after the late Brian.
    Fred: Oops, I did it again...

Episode 2:

  • When Fred got Brithney Spares, the others started to joke that he should wear his blonde wig... And in episode 2, he does exactly that.
  • Fred's interpretation of Brithney Spares, a mixture of Hysterical Woman, Dumb Blonde and Valley Girl.
  • The party has to roll an Agility check, to see if they remain standign when the bus begins to swerve. David and Douglas (the ex-military and the firefighter), who are supposed to be some of the best characters of the campaign, do a Critical Failure.
    Krayn: You're not really firefighter and ex-army, are you? You're some kind of YMCA, right?
    Bob!Mahyar: "And then you clip through the bus and end up in the middle of the road."
    Bob: Can we land in a position like we're kissing?
  • Someone was infected and is transforming, Janet shanked his brother who didn't want her to harm him, the bus still swerves and Douglas tries to shoot the infected in the head. Cue Fred:
    Fred: The magic bus... Go on Proffessor.
  • Brithney comfort a little girl by singing her something.
    Bob: You're singing her Toxic. With you acting the clip. And she stops crying but only because you traumatized her for life.

Episode 4:

  • Thanks to Seb All or Nothing luck at dice, the toughest survivor dies after two CriticalFailure.
    Brithney: (seeing the zombie bites) Douglas... ok first give me your gun.
    • To top it off after being bitten Seb does a Critical Hit and clear the reamining zombies in one move.
    Brithney: I'm singing the American anthem to hype him up.
    • And then they all loot his corpse 10 seconds after his last breath.

Episode 5:

  • David giving Brithney the worst aid by slapping her wound so she shuts up.

Episode 7:

  • Bob cutting Mahyar when he says David is reassuring Brithney as he pulls out the rebar from her leg.
    Bob: No, what I say is ewww, that's nasty.
  • Nathan warns them of The Future, a group of raiders/looters that were using him to detect trap. Cue a hurricane of Back to the Future puns.
    Hoan: Are there patrols from The Future?
    Seb:... wait, That Came Out Wrong.
    Krayn: Nooo... Marty died driving!
    Brithney: Nathan, if you had the choice, would you go back to the future.
  • Due to a Critical Failure, the M16 exploded.
    Fred: Did Douglas ever cleaned his weapon?

Episode 9:

  • Fred's failing all his dice roll with Nathan killing him in the first seven minutes of the episode.
    Krayn: We barely had time to get attached.
  • Bob picturing Cool Old Guy Andrew in Leia's slave costume.
  • Fred attempt at making Andrew sound like a badass as he strangles a wounded but still heavily armed and strong.
    Andrew: I was teaching at Detroit!

Episode 11:

  • Andrew tries to give a good reason for the sentry to not kill him
    Andrew: I know the location of a treasure.
  • Seb's anxiousness when the group has to split up and him and Fred are together, as theirs characters die or get maimed easily.

Episode 12:

  • Andrew tries to send Janet to retrieve the key in an open area in front of armed enemies, when she refuses and try a safer plan, Andrew forces a man they just saved to retrieve the keys, which of course get him shot.
    Andrew: You're the only healthy member of the group.
    Janet: And I want to stay that way.
  • In one of the biggest lucky streak Fred ever had, succeeding every roll under 45, Andrew ends up saving the survivor and get the keys, he proceeds to rub it in.

Episode 16:

  • The group is joined by two women, a cop and her sister.
    Andrew: Are you from the Future?
    Line: What?
    Krayn: What's your favorite tense? Present-perfect? Past?

Episode 18:

  • Roger and Andrew are exploring to clean up the zombies around their camp, but a few bad rolls leave them in danger: after both players fail their perception check, Mahyar decides that Andrew was distracted by a joke from Roger and is grabbed by a living dead.
    Andrew: Your joke is killing me!
    • Then Roger misses when he fires his shotgun, which means Andrew's leg is both bitten and shot...
    Fred: Even the zombie doesn't believe it.
  • Meanwhile, Janet and Youssef don't fare much better.
    Mahyar: Janet confesses to you, Youssef. She's rather used to go out with Alex and, even though it doesn't really bother her that it's you, she still has her own little habits and quirks.
    [Krayn cracks up]
    Youssef: I'm not judging.
    • When Youssef tries to reach a horse, he finds himself surrounded by a horde. With no hope of rescuing her companion, Janet flees riding the horse.
    Janet: In your memory, I shall name that horse Youssef.
    Mahyar, while corpsing: Fucking beautiful!
    Janet: The mission is a success, I'm back with Youssef!

Episode 19:

  • They see a huge zombie approaching in the distance, it has also fused with a radio and other electronics:
    Bob: It's a techno-zombie!
    Seb: It's Doom! It's a Cyberdemon!
    Mahyar: No, it doesn't have a rocket launcher yet.

Episode 21:

  • The gang can't help but make a bunch of puns at the finale as they escaped the Big Bad.
    Janet: We left the Future behind us.
  • Fred loses two characters in a row (one after a Critical Failure and the other one who was in a deadly position before he got to him) to the amusement of the other players.
    Seb: You're going to break every achievements!
    Fred: Assuming direct control.
    Bob: It's like a bad Assassin's Creed playthrough. You're convulsing in the Animus and getting all of your ancestors killed!.
    • His second character is the old indian guy, who never uttered a sentence during the series and gets killed seconds after Fred starts to play.
    Mahyar: What are your Last Words?
    Fred [salty about the situation]: Ugh? I don't know...
    Krayn: These were also his first words.
    • When they have to go back to the "selection" screen so he can get his third character he jokes that it's like meeting Saint Peter twice in a couple of minutes.
    • Then he picks up his third character, which both the audience and the players were waiting for.
    Fred: And the little girl is alive.


  • Bob shushing everyone so he can listen to the plot, only for Mahyar to be quiet too since he thought Bob wanted to say something.
    Seb: Wow, you really you tamed Mahyar.
    Mahyar: It really scared me when you talked to me like that, Bob.
  • Mahyar actually planned for Andrew to come back as a zombie overlooking the players tied him up explicitly to prevent that.
    Seb: He untied himself! it's a zombhoudini!
  • At one point, the players remark that one of the elements of the background has fire put over it to hide, asking Mahyar to reveal it. It's an elk.
    Mahyar: That's the twist, the ones responsibles for all the fires are the caribous.

     Les Survivants second season 

Episode 1:

  • The characters they get are hilarious, Bob gets a failure of a humorist named Gerard Bouchard (cue the northern accented French joke),Seb gets Canigou note  the dog, Krayn gets The Smart Guy William, and Fred refuses to play the Biker, so he gets the Dirty Coward Alain Anderson who is the personification of The Load. Mahyar has to give a pity bonus to Krayn because Alain's malus would have meant his character had 0 in physics.
    Alain: We're screwed, Williaaaaaaam!
  • Alain has done nothing but complain since the beginning of the episode, gets bitten by a zombie.
    Mahyar: William, Gerard, you can't ignore what's happening.
    Bob: Yes we can.

Episode 2:

  • Even with one leg Alain keeps whining the others.
    • When a soldier tries to reassure him:
    Soldier: We are gonna do it Alain, we can make it.
    Alain: Not if you're that slow.
    • They realize that due to Jesica being far away, the only way for her to hear Alain telling her she's screwed is that he's shoutign at her.

Episode 3:

  • Everyone cares more about saving Canigou than Alain.
  • Mahyar trying his hardest to screw the team that counter him.
    Mahyar: No you did six, Crtical Success is five.
    Fred: But the dog bonus?
    Mahyar: I'm gonna so-so...

Episode 4:

  • Fred suggests using Canigou to get the crate in the most expendable way.
    Fred: You know those dogs they use to detect mines?
    Krayn: Yes and in some countries it's children.

Episode 5:

  • The group doesn't waste a minute pointing out how forced Jensen's story is.
    Fred: Jensen, that sounds like a quest.
    Seb: How do you know Norway, how do you know there is a bar named the Red Raven?
    Fred: Jensen you fell off a boat, impaled yourself, put stuff n a barn and found a car in the timespan of 20 minutes?
    Seb: After a boat accident you got squashed by a bus, that makes no logic!
    Jensen (Mahyar losing his temper): Oh! I'm dying here guys, I'm dying. I bleed everywhere calm down! Can I die in peace or not? Seriously I'm dying and there is those survivors busting my balls while I'm trying to talk.

Episode 6:

  • Fred's diplomacy shows up again.
Jessica: Nathanael if you don't calm down I'll ram your nose up your skull.

Episode 7:

  • As Nathanael, because of a critical failure, shoots himself while wrestling Jessica, asks why.
    Jessica: You were bitten so I wanted to remove your scythe but I was scared how you'll react if I just aks you. Now you can die in peace.
  • Fred lashes at Bob for not helping as he isn't aware what is happening.
    Fred: Who do you trust, the guy you met 3 hours ago or the guy you met 20 minutes ago?

Episode 8:

  • Krayn decides to see if he can repair the car and drive away as the zombie are banging at the doors. When Mahayr makes him a roll and Krayn admits he was joking.
    Fred: It's Resident evil, you see an engine you just repair it.
    Seb: You just tighten a bolt and it works.
    Bob: The engine is in two parts and you have to combine them.

2nd scenario:

  • Before the beginning of the fourth livestream, due to some technical issues, Bob, Krayn and Mahyar had their head in other places than their characters': Bob was in Mahyar's, Mahyar was in Théo's and Krayn was in Bob's. Take That! ensues:
    Krayn: Okay. So, I've got a question it's about the circumstances but now I have a second one that depends on the answer to the first one and I had three questions but now I have five.
    Bob: No. You get a disadvantage.
    Mahyar: Hey guys, I've got an idea: We attack.
  • While the crew is trying to figure out what is happening, Fred as Théo is preparing the town for the war. It should be noted that the GM explained in Théo's backstory that he became Inquisitor because he was too angry and hateful to be a paladin.
    Théo: (to the Big Bad) You're ruining my war!

3rd scenario:

  • At the start of both sessions, Mahyar makes the fatal mistake of asking the party how they look like. Ho Yay, WTH, Costuming Department?, Stop Hitting Yourself, apple perfume and Hilarity ensue.
  • Théo messing around with the "draw' tool:
  • When Mahyar spawned Eden's token, he enhanced it so much that it looked for a moment like if all the players were mounting a giant Miyazaki-esque wolf, and Krayn squees at the thought.
  • Théo refusing at first to heal an almost dead B.O.B., claiming that he doesn't have enough MP:
    B.O.B.: Théo, I am a mage, I can feel people's mana, but I don't need that to know that you are bullshitting me right now.
  • Seb saying that Dragonosys sounds like a Skylander name.

4th scenario:

  • The four encounter a bard from a race of immortals, Mahyar precise that the mean by which they gain immortality are unknown. Cue Fred's theories:
    Fred: The eat babies, No they fuck fetuses.
  • Bruce, the guest member is almost a Game-Breaker with time power and copycat ability, he plays a bard.
    Bruce: I want to suck the time off of him so he can die.
    Bob: What?!
    Mahyar: No, he can't do that.
  • At the beginning, Mahyar says that it's a one-shot: i.e. it should be done in one session. Only for Krayn to point out that most of their adventures ends up Off the Rails.
    Krayn: You said "should only last one Live" but when you gives us a plot that we should complete in two-three hours, it takes us six-seven.
    Mahyar: Don't worry, the plot today lasts only 30 minutes, so I think we can do it in four hours.
    Bob: Krayn, this time our objective is just to go buy bread at the corner of the street.
    Mahyar: So we're good for a few hours.
    • What is even funnier: the quest was just bring a crown to the bank, it still goes over the clock not because of a tough fight but because the group was ready to break the crown or have Shin use its power because they were not sure who was the villain. Mahyar is aghast
    Mahyar: What, there are not enough minuses on the map, is that it?!
  • When describing their character to the Guest Star, Fred gets a bit too flattering to his, saying Théo is strong, beautiful, smells good, and lead the party. Krayn and Bob point out that while Théo can be said to lead the group, it's only because the others are constantly trying to fix his mistakes.
  • Aldo's improvised song to soothe the guard of the bank, with the fainted Meryle on his shoulder giving him a "decorum bonus".
    Mahyar: From now, you put Meryle in your inventory.
  • Shin's terribly awesome pick-up line at Dalanéa the banker of the Sons of Knowledge:
    Shin: Hello, I have a deposit to do.

5th scenario:

  • During the test phase.
    Fred: Are the sound and image okay? Normaly, you should see a swatziska on the screen.
  • B.O.B. does a speech to the whole inn, ending it by offering everyone a drink.
    Shin: He's paying it himself.
    Grunlek: It's coming of his own pocket.
  • A kid, Madris, approach them and says that Shin is his father. Théo and Shin thinks it's a con, Grunlek is suspicious and B.O.B. (the half demon) is the most friendly to the kid.
    • Théo's reason to believe he is not Shin's son is because he isn't blue (not getting it was before Shin became elemental).
  • After a fail at interrogating a messenger resulted in the woman dropping unconscious, maybe even dead.
    Mahyar: So we'll skip a little what happened but you put your bloody armor and tools away.
    Théo: A year ago, i killed an elf woman, now we celebrate that.
  • After having a genie grants Madris a long and happy life, Grunlek proposes an idea to test if the genie was truthful: try to kill the kid.
    Krayn: If it worked and we try to kill him, we won't be able to, right?
  • Théo not getting the princess was a scam.
    Théo: Are you the princess's servant?
    Grunlek: There is no princess.
    Théo: If we beat the earth elemental you have to dress as a princess.
  • "I am inquisitor, I do not care for riches. Bring a second bag."
  • The whole slew of sex and Ho Yay jokes during the "Freaky Friday" Flip.
    Théo: You disgust me.
    B.O.B.: I know.
    • B.O.B smearing Théo's reputation while possessing his body while Théo just slaps himself in B.O.B.
    • Théo finally managing to pass a social check just when he's talking to a demon.
  • Théo launches a man the other side of a chasm.
    Fred: I'm a Paladin, I save people.
    Mahyar: You're trying to convince yourself, aren't you?
    Fred: Yes.
  • Mahyar describes their enemies, Technomages, as Steampunk themed.
    B.O.B.: Oh no! Not Steampunk, they have pocket watches, weirdly shaped hats and no respect for ancient artifacts or mages!
  • During the Final Battle:
    Mahyar: This is a tense situation, my friends. I don't know why I'm calling you my friends, I don't like you.
  • Théo going through the flame so he has a direct attack on the boss. Simply because he stopped giving a fuck.
  • After the end of the Live:
    Bob: Mahyar, did we go to a brothel and bought a prostitue named Princess for Théo?
    Mahyar: No.
    Fred: I'm only faithful to the Light.
    Krayn: And if we find one named Princess Light?

6th scenario:

  • Game Master Fred starts with a head up your ass test, since the campaign start at five a.m. Only Grunlek succeeds.
  • Grunlek bringing up that he is royalty, to everyone's shock. Shin and B.O.B. decide to milk it for all it's worth.
  • Various beggars asks them for money.
    Mani (Mahyar's character): I'm sorry, I don't have any money, but I'm sure the others do.
    Shin: Snitch "cough". But Grunlek, the dwarf here, is royalty, so I'm sure he has many coins.
    Grunlek: You know I'm the one responsible for the whole group's money, right? If I'm giving, I'm giving yours.
  • Théo explaining him and his supervisor needs the group and Mani to steal a scroll because the Church of Light can't get himself involved (telling Shin to shut up when he brought up he did that all the time). Basically asking them to do some wet work.
    Théo: Well officially stealing is wrong.
  • Mahyar's character has 9 points of armor and tries to attack their assaliants.
    Fred: If it's a hit, I'll nerf it later.
  • A brawl breaks into a tavern and, despite it beign a "friendly" brawl, Mani draws a shiv and the daughter of the owner of the tavern wants to join in.
  • Two other kids think they are Shin's childs.
    B.O.B.: Shin, we have to talk, it's called a condom...

6th scenario Second Live:

Fred: I didn't plan that you would burn the whole house down.
  • Shin having extreme PTSD over having do go down a well.
  • During the final battle, after the heroes almost burned the scroll by accident:
    Rendulus: You fools! Are you stupid?
    Grunlek, Mani and Shin: Yes!
  • Mani (Mahyar's character) is low on health and is about to be hit by a Critical Hit. Fred offers Mahyar a chance to parry the blow on one condition: Mahyar has to say, as the main Game Master of Aventures, that the little girl didn't die. Mahyar struggles for a bit then finally starts a tirade where the sword that strikes him represent everything evil with the Church of Light and then spend the rest of the battle showing to his cam a mock scénario of season 4 where Théo dies, again, and that the little girl is dead
  • After The Reveal at the end of the live, Bob increasingly going mad from the revelation and starting his own Wild Mass Guesses about Théo being the Mastermind behind every event that happened in the series from day one, which translates to B.O.B. spewing the same theory to a confused Mani in a bar doubling as a brothel.
    • Even better, right after the reveal, Bob's Internet stopped for a minute, making it looks like he Rage Quitted, or suffered a litteral HBSOD.

7th scenario:

  • Mahyar starts to explain it's a one-shot and that it'll be over around 1 am. Only for Bob to burst out laughing, soon followed by the others.
    Bob: You know what that means, we're not leaving until 5 am. He thinks we can do it in less than four Lives.
    Seb: I'll go make some coffee.
  • First confrontation: The group vs raptors. With constant Jurassic Park jokes and Shin becoming the Universe Cosmic Plaything and a literal Chew Toy for a raptor, the very first turn is so chaotic that it takes 40 minutes to resolve.
    • Théo gets his horse to charge a raptor who is holding Shin, reminding the players of the infamous little girl manoeuvre. Cue Bob and Seb doing a synchronized Facepalm when Fred claims he statistically can't fail all of his rolls and Mahyar envizioning, during a convention 2 years from now, the horse maintaining that Shin survived the shock.
    Seb: I'm not going to survive this live, am I?
    • Grunlek rescuing Théo and rubbing it in.
    Grunlek: Leave it to the grown up.
  • The party is buffed by a throne, which they suspect is the source of the problem. Grunlek, Shin and B.O.B. can't approach. 2 solutions are suggested, equally bizarre:
    • Throwing Wilfried the cat on the throne. Bob prophesizes the beginning of The Age of 4Chan.
    • Théo, as the only human of the group, removing his armor and attacking the throne in the buff with a pickaxe. They actually go with that suggestion, although Mahyar mercifully let Théo keep his briefs.
  • The Play of the Game dedicated to Jean Mineur.
    Bob: Fred, you're the biggest murder hobo in any Dungeons & Dragons campaign I participated but that was awesome.

8th scenario:

  • The group is hired to go after a rogue necromancer.
    Shin: What's the reward?
    Théo: The reward is having done a good deed and...
    Shin: How much?
    • B.O.B and Théo decides to make other demands since they would have killed him for free.
    B.O.B: One condition, I want to loot the tower.
    Théo: I want to burn the tower.
    Mahyar: Why do you think there is a tower?
  • Lumière (Théo's horse) proving more competent than its rider.
    Fred: I'm gonna give him my sword, my armor, and go eat grass.
    • Théo fails many, many of his rolls and is the Butt-Monkey of the Live.
    Fred: Am I Princess Peach? [...] I want to die.
  • Théo trying to intimidate the poachers only for everyone to cut him and give up.

9th scenario:

  • The group as Magical Girls. Enough said.
    • Their facecams are replaced by their 3d avatars.

  • The pose the GM makes to signal the players to put their headphones back on. It kinda looks like this: \d> <b/ <o>.
  • In the video explaining the "third" season, which will actually be a spin-off taking place in the Star Wars universe, what does Fred use as a picture to represent Mahyar? Palpatine!
  • In his Call Of Cthulu videos, Mahyar explains the concept of Sanity points. Saying that it can be gained back by having the other characters reassure the one who just lost it.
    Bruce: So if we turn toward him and say "Come on, he's seeing stuff again!", we can get him to lose even more Sanity?
    Walter: Mathilda! Mathilda! She's isn't coming. Bah, she's so unmannerly. I shouldn't have sold that whip.
    Bob: I made a critical failure opening my gifts!
    • The result of said Critical Failure? An eldritch tentacle exit the book and grab Walter's face, killing him. The rest of the party is left wondering who brought him this gift.
