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Fridge / Tales of Xillia 2

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Leia is weak to shot-type artes. As painful as the memory is, it is a brilliant call-back to the previous game where Alvin shot her, when Jude was going through a down phase.
  • During the Bad Ending, there's a scene where Ludger is facing off against the King of Rieze Maxia, Gaius, and it looks oddly familiar. Then you realize it's basically the shot of Ludger and Julius facing off in the Opening. You have changed the path, now Gaius, who is the closest to a Big Brother Mentor to some of the characters, has taken Julius' place in this fight.
  • Could also easily count as Fridge Horror, but Alvin's 4th Character Episode has him go to a fractured dimension in the past, where he's still with Exodus and working alongside Presa and Agria. During this episode, Fractured Alvin shoots at Alvin, but Presa throws herself in front of him. Similar to the Leia example above, it feels eerily familiar to Alvin shooting Leia a year ago.
  • Julius' Fractured Dimension in Chapter 15. It's a seemingly perfect world, not just for himself and Ludger, but also for the Xillia party, for the NPCs of their respective Character Episodes, and even for villains like Rideaux and Bisley, all of whom are alive and well and successful... Then you notice that Elle is the only person who does not appear in this ideal world. And then you notice that while generic Elympion NPCs, including the Frères Apartments landlady, will address Ludger directly and mistake him as the Fractured Ludger, none of the named cast, not party members and not even Nova, will recognize him. Though Julius consciously accepts that Elle is important to Ludger and makes Ludger happy, deep down he still wants a life where it's just the two of them and their cat. No wonder he's fine with the results of the Bad Ending.

Fridge Horror

  • The idea of fractured dimensions. They overall are only different in one (minor) aspect and it can easily change how the rest of the world fares. But then one thinks how these people must experience things, when Ludger and his party arrive to destroy the dimension. Just thinking of certain dimension, like Elize heading off to Lady Driselle to see her father Jiao, after a long bout of absence, these people are living their lives and then suddenly... Poof! They're gone. Not simply dead, they cease to exist. Makes the already painful side of the dimensions worse.
  • Chronos' words to the party, about what makes them so sure that this dimension is the prime one. Made worse, if one considers Odin's words in the Epsilla Ruins. How he had fought a previous fractured dimension's version of the party, who were convinced that their dimension was the prime one and were removing this fractured one, but lost. What if this dimension honestly is nothing more than a fractured dimension?
  • Another one for Epsilla Ruins. If you explore the dungeon a bit you can find a hole you can crawl into to access some rooms you couldn't get to beforehand. One of those rooms contains four treasure chests each holding a new weapon for your four current party members. Pretty snazzy, right? Well once you get to the boss of the dungeon, you learn that he just recently encountered a fractured version of your party and defeated them and digitized them. By raiding those chests you've just scavenged from your own corpses.
  • In the ending where Elle dies, Ludger gets to meet Lara, his future wife and Elle's mother, thus there is a chance he would get Elle back abit not the one he would know but would he legitimately fall in-love with Lara or would Lara just be used to get Elle back and there won't be actual love between them as he hooks up with her to get Elle back? That would be a very sad and disturbing marriage if it is the latter.
  • Late in the game, there's a Spirius employee at a computer who will tell you she decrypted a complicated spyrix device control code at Bisley's request, but doesn't know what it was for. It's clear what that code was for by the end of the game; she directly contributed to Rideaux's death by enabling Bisley's agents to shut off his artificial organs, and she has no idea.
  • Xillia 2 has no party traitor, until you realize that in the Bad Ending Ludger is the traitor.

Fridge Sadness

  • Every ending, but especially the Elle Ending, for Nova, who has been Locked Out of the Loop for the entire game. She still has no idea that, in Chapter 15, Ludger is running out on her to either stop Julius from being sacrificed or going to kill him himself. Assuming there is no time at all between Chapter 15 and Chapter 16, she's going to learn both Julius and Ludger are dead at the same time.
