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Fridge / 100 Percent Hero

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As a Fridge subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Fridge Brilliance

  • Shigeo helping his fellow participants gain points during the Entrance Exam serves as a delightful subversion for one of Hero Society's principles of how only the strongest and flashiest of heroes should be recognized while the rest should be cast off and ignored. Additionally, it also subverts the expectation of relying on only one strong hero to do all the work (ex. everyone depending on All Might).
  • All Might's design for Shigeo's hero costume has some semblance to his middle school uniform based on the simplistic design and black coloring for the appendages. The esper introduced himself wearing the same uniform worn during his climactic showdown with Suzuki so All Might would have based his new costume on what he wore during one of his greatest feats of heroism.
  • Mob falling in love with Momo has a bit of symbolism. As a boy who's always regarded his powers as being based on Destruction, he ended up feeling adoration for a girl who's powers are based on Creation. Making it a case for Opposites Attract.
  • Bakugou feeling absolute fear after his confrontation with an enraged Shigeo has another layer of meaning. Unlike the recent Battle Trial where Izuku used his new Quirk to fight back and how both of them were allowed to use their Quirks, Shigeo used his psychic powers without adult supervision to intimidate and humiliate the blonde while chewing him out for his pathetic beliefs. You know, like what Bakugou did to Izuku for the past ten years.
  • During the Sports Festival, Shigeo has an easier time giving his speech to the masses in comparison to how he choked during his Middle School Elections. Apart from only doing it at Mezato's insistence, the boy had zero idea on how a school government works or how he could promote a promising career as a council president. At least with the Sports Festival, Shigeo had some experience in regards to heroism thanks to his recent academia mixed with his own beliefs of how everyone is just as deserving of recognition for their talents and ambitions.
  • Hawks encouraging Mob to embrace his powers has new depths when you consider his Dark and Troubled Past. Like Mob, he was also blessed with an incredible power but was forced to suppress himself because of his impoverished life and Abusive Parents. Things didn't get better until he was found by the Hero Commission who cultivated his Fierce Wings and turned him into a popular hero. For Hawks, he saw Mob in a similar boat and wanted to help him embrace his powers so he can live a happier life.
  • Endeavor has his Jerkass Realization while alone in his dark-lit office with no one to turn to for guidance and his lunch with Shouto show that his flames have diminished significantly. With no one around him to feed the fire, his flames of hubris and ambition have begun to die down.
  • The theme of Chapter 28 involves two families strengthening their bonds with Mob playing a key role. The Todorokis are on the path of healing their tethered bonds now that Mob was able to free Rei from her guilt by healing her son's scar while also helping him and Endeavor with their respective issues. And due to his absence, the "Spirits and Such" family have been trying to stay strong by moving on with their lives in order to avoid having to think about Shigeo's disappearance. Ritsu and Teruki have even become sparring partners who train on a regular basis in the hopes of becoming stronger espers that Shigeo would be proud of.
  • Mob being able to help Mineta overcome his perversions when his classmates couldn't is another parallel to how Hero Society handles villains. Just like how Pro Heroes would beat up villains and throw them in jail without bothering to understand them better, the 1-A kids would resort to slapstick punishments everytime Mineta was caught sexually harassing his girl classmates only for the grape gremlin to start over without learning anything. It's only Mob expressing empathy towards Mineta while reminding him why his actions are wrong does the little goblin make an effort to stop his behavior and become a better person.
    • That's also another reason why Hero Society fails when it comes to helping villains or criminals. Their inability to self-reflect and acknowledge their own flaws and how they can be open about it with someone else.
  • Momo having an interest in gardening also ties to her Creation Quirk. Along with building a garden environment, she and her family may have also done extensive research on the flowers they were planting along with learning how to promote their development. It also gives her a reason to brush up on botany compared to her past studies involving inorganic chemistry.
  • While training at the Forest Camp, Air Whips are the first psychic ability that Shigeo thinks about not just to impress Aizawa but also because of it's practicality and how vital it could have been in previous adventures. Such as restraining Stain without getting too close or fighting All Might without having to rely on giant buildings.
  • During the Girl Only Slumber Party, Jirou is the first one to bring up Shigeo offering to talk to Shigaraki to help him with his issues. How fitting that the girl with Super-Hearing is the one who brings up Shigeo's willingness to listen to the villain and shares that news with everyone else.
  • Izuku's growing jealousy towards Shige makes sense since the esper has been living his fanboy dream the entire time. Being taken under All Might's wing, getting to live with him AND getting personal training? Check. Having an amazing power with no negative effects? Check. Standing up to his lifelong bully without hurting himself? Check. Being able to protect others and face off against menacing villains? Double check! It's salt in the wound for Izuku to see his first friend getting to live the life he's always wanted but never could obtain for himself.
  • The New Body Improvement Club proves to have the same spirit and mentality as the original. This includes sharing the same Fatal Flaw of involving themselves in dangerous situations in which they're completely helpless towards (the original Chads with Teruki and Shibata, the newbies with All For One) and have to rely on a stronger superbeing for rescue.
  • Another of the many similarities that both Touichirou Suzuki and All For One share is how their quests for power and domination corrupted the bonds they once shared with a loved one (Suzuki with his wife and All For One with Yoichi) and how they believe that they can reclaim them if they continue their dark agendas.
  • Mob healing All For One's face comes with the unexpected bonus of him not having to rely on Sensory Quirks to help him see the world around him. Whether intentional or not, this supports Mob's hope of the Fallen Emperor being able to live a better life without relying on his stolen Quirks.

Fridge Horror

  • What types of casualties or incidents occurred when Mob first unleashed 100% Confusion? Mob passed out before he could analyze the damage he did to the surrounding city and All Might was more focused on him along with the Sludge Villain that escaped. But what type of damage did the surrounding area occur because of the explosion? Did anyone get seriously injured that day?
    • For that matter, were there any side effects in Mob's home dimension? While nothing as huge as the Divine Tree came up, there's still the possibility of the psychic energy that resulted from the dimensional warp having some negative effects in Seasoning City that none of the heroes or government know about.
  • How lucky was Mob to have been discovered and informally adopted by All Might? Compared to the Number One Hero, not many of the main Pro Heroes (or anyone for that matter) would have shown the same level of kindness towards Mob while helping him adjust to his new reality. Mob's future could have ranged between being dumped into any adoption agency, being exploited by the Pro or the Hero Commission for his phenomenal powers, to being forced to live out on the streets with no one to trust.
  • Stain has a moment of Heel Realization where he wonders if he would have committed to his blood-fueled crusade if he had Mogami's Mind Rape powers instead of his Blood Curdle Quirk. Just imagine a Hero Killer with the ability to traumatize any unlucky hero with mental abilities on the same level as Keiji Mogami.
  • The Hunter Nomu that tried to capture Shigeo during the Forest Camp Raid came dangerously close to overpowering him meaning that the professor is getting closer to crafting stronger Nomu that are able to overcome his psychic powers. Which is bad news for the esper and for the Hero Hopefuls and Adult Pros who aren't near his power level.
  • The Hero Commission was exceptionally quick to order Mob's arrest and sentence him to Tartarus. Makes you wonder how many other teenagers or youths with dangerous Quirks did they sentence to Tartarus over the years.
  • What type of goals does the Red Specter have in mind for the My Hero dimension? And considering that the denizens of the World of Heroes have minimal experience interacting with the supernatural, it will be too late for anyone to detect it's presence or stop it from actively harming someone.
    • Who's to say that the specter will be the only entity to break into the new reality?

Fridge Sadness

  • Just like All Might, Shigeo was also a young boy gifted with an incredible power but was forcibly separated from his master (and loved ones) after an intense showdown with a fearsome, power-hungry villain. It adds another layer as to why the Fairest in the Land became so devoted in taking care of Shigeo during his stay in the new world.
  • The implications of how Mob's family and friends have been dealing with his disappearance mixed with realizing how their designated events transpired without him.
    • In Chapter 28, Mr. and Mrs. Kageyama broke down crying on the spot after Reigen informed them about their son's disappearance. How did they cope with losing their son for more then a year? How did that change their relationship with Ritsu along how they viewed his psychic powers? Did they blame Reigen and develop animosity towards him for his failure to keep their son safe?
      • It's mentioned that the Kageyamas never even met Reigen until after their return from the Hot Springs resort. So with no other understanding of how much of a positive impact the stranger had on Mob, the parents would no doubt feel nothing but resentment and hate for his failures.
    • Without Mob's help, Tome may have never had her alien encounter which would have resparked her love for the supernatural. And while she did become Spirit and Such's secretary, there may still be feelings of regret over not accomplishing what she wanted to achieve during her time in the Telepathy Club. That's not even getting into how she, Momozou and the Telepathy boys couldn't have reconciled due to Mob not being there.
    • Tsubomi ended up moving without Mob being there to confess his own feelings along with re-igniting their friendship afterwards. Given that the boy was one of the few, if only, person that she was comfortable enough to be honest with, Tsubomi most likely kept herself closed off from others fearing that she could never bond and make genuine friends.
  • Mob experiencing dread over his class' mass expulsion hits harder when you remember that this would be the second time he loses a large group of friends because of something that was beyond his control.
  • Throughout the story, Mob was able to inspire change and happiness in his friends through his special abilities that can only be described as miracles. How tragic is it that he gave his recently expelled friends another miracle by losing control of his abilities thus forcing a scenario where they have to be heroes again.
