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Fridge / Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

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Take moments specific to the Phoenix arc, Dual Destinies, Spirit of Justice or Investigations to those pages, please.

A reminder for editors and viewers: Fridge pages are for post-viewing discussions. Spoiler tagging here defeats the purpose of the article. You shouldn't be reading the following entries if you are worried about spoilers.

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    Fridge Brilliance 
  • Phoenix's "hobo" persona is basically his version of Diego Armando's Godot persona from Trials and Tribulations, if you think about it: Both men have Trademark Favorite Drinks note , had their lives ruined by Sociopaths note , spent roughly half-decades in obscurity note , started wearing special headgear note , became vigilantes of sorts note , but ultimately found peace note . Also, a single young girl is involved in both their fall from grace and their redemptionnote . Tellingly, some of Phoenix’s new talking sprites mirror Godot’s.
  • At first glance, Kristoph trying to sabotage Apollo's and Phoenix's case in "Turnabout Succession" just looks like an Evil Is Petty way of getting the last laugh after his original conviction in "Turnabout Trump." However, if you think about it, he has plenty to lose pragmatically too: He Might as Well Not Be in Prison at All thanks to his in-prison perks (e.g., his Luxury Prison Suite) and his connections (it's confirmed that the legal community still respects him as a lawyer, even if said conviction tainted his image as a person), and more than one game have revealed that killers in this franchise don't always get the death penalty (though multiple murders certainly make you more eligible)... and a second conviction would probably ruin all of that for him.
    • Also, his first conviction would be for second-degree murder, while the poisoning would arguably be first-degree. Since the death penalty is tossed around in the Ace Attorney series, it's possible that a more serious conviction would change his sentence from prison to death.
  • "A lawyer is someone who smiles no matter how bad it gets." A running theme throughout the Phoenix arc. Now take a look at Nick's portrait animations. The majority of the time, he's smiling. "The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over." At the end of the game, it's very clear that even though he lost his badge, Nick never gave up. He was still fighting in other ways. Not once did he ever acknowledge that it was "all over". Despite what he says, it seems that he's still an attorney at heart...
    • It ends corrupted at the end when Kristoph ends up Laughing Mad. As Klavier points out, Kristoph is stuck in the past. It was over for Kristoph, he lost everything, and what does Kristoph do? He laughs. Kristoph is trapped in the worst of his times, stuck smiling, stuck laughing.
  • When you see speak to Nick throughout the game, he seems to have changed greatly in the last seven years. However, when you see things from his perspective in the final case, it's clear that he hasn't changed that much at all. And then it hits you. He's been playing poker for seven years, so he must have developed an incredible poker face. He even expresses surprise when Zak says he can't tell if Nick is serious or joking, which seems to imply that even he doesn't realize how good he's gotten with it.
  • Trucy's name: break it apart and you get "True See". Now, what can she do in the game again? She can tell when people are lying, to a certain degree.
  • Two things, both to do with the first poker game between Zak Gramarye and Phoenix Wright. How Phoenix could beat such a seasoned player, who had previously only lost to someone who literally had a super-power that allowed him to pierce through others' lies. Nick wings his way through every trial he's ever been involved in. He's a master of bluffing, and that's how he won.
    • Secondly, the question of why Zak tests people in such a way in the first place, just a little before Apollo said it outright: it's not whether his opponent won or lost, but how they played the game. Their play style gave Zak a way to get their measure.
      • On top of that, Zak makes a point of mentioning that he's only ever lost twice now; once to Phoenix, and the other time to his mentor. This simple fact mirrors Phoenix's own situation: he's only ever lost two cases, once to Edgeworth, the reason why Phoenix became an attorney to begin with, and the other time was this same case with Zak. End result: Zak disappears and Phoenix is disbarred. Both men faced their second defeat ever on account of each other, with disastrous results for them both.
  • The ending of the last case when Kristoph is found guilty only due to the jury system being introduced may seem like a giant Ass Pull from a Western perspective. But that changes completely when put in the context of what was happening to the Japanese legal system at the time. Japan made the decision to introduce a jury system in 2004. The last time juries had been used in Japan was 1943. The system was set to go into effect in 2009. However, in the lead up to the introduction of the jury system, many Japanese citizens expressed concerns about the wisdom of the jury system with 80% of Japanese citizens "dreading the change and [not wanting] to serve as jurors." Apollo Justice came out in Japan in 2007 in the middle of an all-out PR blitz by the Japanese government to get people to accept the jury system. And in that last case you know Kristoph is guilty but you just can't prove it! The villian is going to get away with murder! But what's this? The jury system sweeps in to save the day! The jury system succeeded where the old system couldn't! All glory to the jury system! In other words, the entire ending of the game, and, for that matter, the purpose of the game is to serve as pro-jury system propaganda.
    • On the other hand, the strength of the jury comes from its weakness of relying on emotional anecdotes rather than proof. Phoenix picked the perfect case to take advantage of what could potentially have been a disadvantage for the defense in some types of cases.
      • On yet another hand, the jury not requiring as much proof as the Judge may seem like a disadvantage, but remember, that's to convict a witness. The Judge's standards of evidence to convict a defendant are much lower than, say, a sane normal person who can tell things don't make sense. Thus, until the police start arresting actual murderers, the Jury System will make the defense's job much much easier.
      • For that matter, many found the third case extremely frustrating. It was blindingly obvious that Daryan Crescend was the murderer, but because just the right evidence wasn't on hand, it took forever to pin him down. However, it was deliberately like that. The trial was made to make extremely clear just how flawed the current system is, and how the Jury System is much better! Just think, had the Jury System been in effect, the jurists could have figured out Daryan was the murderer just as quickly as the player did and, unlike with the current legal system, they could have him arrested without decisive evidence.
      • Actually, the revelation of the Jurist System (TM) wasn't all that much of an Ass Pull to begin with. While we can argue about themes and whether or not the Jurist System (TM) was actually better than what they had before, the idea that the System (TM) purely as a plot device came out of nowhere is, in itself, ridiculous- it received a great deal of foreshadowing, with Phoenix's secret mission that he was often away on during the game, and it was outright stated many a time during the final case that it was being watched by a jury- it was no big secret that came out of nowhere to save the day, it was well-established from the beginning. While everything else still stands, the idea that the Jurist System (TM) was ever an Ass Pull to begin with.... doesn't.
      • Heck, there's foreshadowing of this sort of thing way back in the second trial of the first game: The only reason Phoenix was able to continue cross examining Redd White, in spite of him owning the Judge, was the gallery, i.e. a group of normal individuals with no stake in what's going on, armed only with common sense.
  • The setup of the third case might initially seem ridiculous, with the prosecution’s reasoning that, through an incredible stroke of luck, a 14 year old blind child somehow shot a seasoned bodyguard dead with his own gun, all without getting injured from the recoil. Klavier is smart enough that you’d think he’d have a better argument than that. But then it hit me: how many times has Phoenix himself been up against a case where all evidence points to his client, despite them always turning out to be innocent in the end? This is just that scenario in reverse!
    • Speaking of, Machi being the defendant sounds absolutely insane and unreasonable... unless you pull back and realise that in any other case, Machi would likely be the twist villain BECAUSE of how implausible he is as the culprit. Actual culprits in the series have included people with no clear ties to the victims (such as Frank Sawhit or Redd White), people who at first had no ties to the murder itself (such as Dee Vasquez or Godot, or Kristoph for this game), people who were apparently physically incapable of the murder (such as Acro and the deceased Dahlia), or people who just flat-out seemed unlikely due to their personalities at first (Mimi Miney when she isn't breaking character, or again Acro, or Matt Engarde before he breaks character). Machi actually meets a number of those culprit criteria, while meeting none of the typical defendant criteria (being a friend of the attorney [which btw makes up 8/14 of the cases in the trilogy that a friend or future friend or Larry is your client], or actually seeming to be capable of the crime).
  • Phoenix's involvement with the Misham case goes much further than his disbarment. Kristoph poisoned and betrayed Drew (by sending him the kiss of death under the guise of monetary reward). Due to his experiences with Dahlia Hawthorne, Nick can't forgive people who are cowardly enough to use those tactics - and, given that Kristoph tried to kill two neurotic agoraphobes and tried to make it look like a murder-suicide, Nick likely considers him the epitome of dirty cowardice. No wonder he spent seven years looking into it - the whole thing is personal on many levels.
  • Not long after the game's initial release, there was some complaining about how cocky and out of character Phoenix seemed to be during the flashback case in 4-4. But the fact is, he had every right to be. Phoenix had just beaten both Dahlia Hawthorne and Godot and had finally surpassed his mentor in the process. In other words, he had just closed the book on basically every piece of unfinished business in his entire life. Plus, for the first time, he was the one up against a newbie. Sure, Godot had technically never prosecuted before, but he had already been set up as being a challenging opponent by Luke Atmey, and he also had years of experience being a defense attorney under his belt. In contrast, Klavier was a rock star who randomly decided to become a prosecutor. No experience, no reputation, no grudge against Wright... it was natural for Phoenix to be feeling good about himself during the trial. Of course, that just made the whole diary page debacle that much more depressing. To be fair, said complaining has essentially ceased, possibly because people came to a similar conclusion.
    • In addition, only a prosecutor who is really searching for the truth could ever defeat Phoenix Wright in court... and unlike Payne, Edgeworth, the Von Karmas or Godot when Wright initially faced them, Klavier Gavin began his career as a prosecutor searching for the truth. It only makes sense for Wright's ultimate defeat to be from a prosecutor such as him. The only other time when Wright had been defeated in court was by Edgeworth who had chosen to become a prosecutor who wanted to search for the truth.
    • Meanwhile, the real mastermind behind Phoenix's disbarment was a fellow defense attorney. It probably never occurred to Nick that there might be someone just as bad as Manfred von Karma on his side of the court, so Kristoph backstabbing him must have come as a complete blindside.
    • Further, the hero being exceptionally able at one thing, developing hubris, and it all bringing his downfall is one of the oldest tropes in the book. It's Greek Tragedy 101.
    • And even with all that in mind, Phoenix being cocky actually... isn't that out of character. In the original trilogy, his internal monologue is incredibly sarcastic and derisive towards just about everyone he meets - not even Mia is immune to his sass at times! There are three reasons why his attitude doesn't come across as cocky in previous games. One, he's always, always the underdog, so when he does get to celebrate, it feels as if he's earned it. Two, as the underdog, he also has fewer opportunities to gloat - but make no mistake that he takes them when he gets them (remember the case in the first game where he calls himself "Sherlock Holmes II?"). And three, he's the perspective character, so his triumphant statements match up with the feelings of the player; but in Apollo Justice, the player knows, going into the trial, that Phoenix will make a mistake that will get him disbarred.
    • Klavier Gavin bucks the Running Gag of Phoenix's rival prosecutors attacking him, sans Edgeworth, where this could be substituted by Manfred von Karma's taser. Unless one interprets the flashback case in a way that Klavier unknowingly attacks Phoenix's career.
  • They probably brought back the "poisoned coffee" thing from Trials and Tribulations so that you'd be surprised when they put a new twist on it where it wasn't the coffee that was poisoned.
  • Guy Eldoon's blond hair looks like noodles. The fact that his eyebrows are black foreshadows the fact that the blond hair isn't real. It can also be assumed his eyebrows were supposed to look like strips of nori you get in a bowl of ramen, to continue the noodle theme.
  • During the first day of the last trial, Vera keeps staring at Klavier. Trucy thinks that it's because Klavier is handsome, but the real reason is that Klavier looks like "the Devil" who gave her the diary page forging job. This is actually similar to what happens when Apollo meets Klavier and Klavier thinks Apollo is checking him out.
    • Vera might have a touch of the 'power', since it's never explained why she called her client "the Devil" when their only meeting consisted of them bonding over Troupe Gramarye and her good luck charm. Maybe she saw the tiny skull face tell on the back of his hand?
    • Around that same time, Klavier starts sweating bullets when he hears that there was a request for evidence forgery around the time the 7 year old letter was received and that Vera likes Troupe Gramarye. He asks to know what, exactly, the request was. This is because he suspects that it was the piece of forged evidence he remembers from 7 years ago in a case involving Troupe Gramarye.
  • Symbolic name that isn't immediately obvious: Misham contains the word "sham."
    • "My sham", no less.
      • Vera and Drew Misham. "Vera drew my sham."
  • Some fans tend to make fun of the name Apollo for the title character unless you have read the Oresteia, an ancient Greek play wherein the character Orestes is defended in the first ever court presided over by the goddess Athena and defended by, you guessed it, the god Apollo who won the case and earned himself the title, god of justice among other things. For the ancient Athenians, this made the god Apollo the first ever defense attorney. And suddenly the name Apollo Justice becomes a brilliant, high-brow wink to the well-read gamer.
    • Not only was Apollo the first defense attorney, but the first defense attorney ever with a jury system. And the crime Apollo defends Orestes for? A child's murder of a parent.
    • And on the Japanese side, too: Apollo's Japanese name, 'Odoroki Housuke' is one of the worst, most unnatural sounding puns in the Japanese versions of the games- until you realize something. Apollo is an orphan, most likely even a doorstep baby, given his last name... So Apollo Justice/Odoroki Housuke might not even be his real name. No wonder it sounds unnatural.
      • In fact... considering the fact that Apollo, right out of the gate, starts making ridiculous Justice puns like "here comes Justice"... does that mean he picked his last name himself? Is there such a thing as Fridge Hilarity?
    • This is supported even further by Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies, since the new defense attorney is named Athena.
    • Jossed with Spirit of Justice revealing his father's name was Jove Justice.
    • Actually when you think about it Phoenix is a pretty odd name too, but we all know in the rejuvenating sunlight a phoenix will rise from its ashes, in this particular case that Phoenix needed the help of the sun god Apollo.
  • When you listen to it closely, the prologue song and the song for Drew Studio sound a lot like each other. If you think about it, this make sense. The beginning opens with (probably) Drew (or Vera) drawing the scene of Phoenix playing cards with Shadi. In case 4-4 you actually find out that Drew (again, or Vera) actually had drawn that scene. Listen to this first and then this.
  • Case three involves an item that can be used to create a never named deadly poison, and then case four comes along revolving around a "rare and hard to get" poison.
    • Or it would be so, if it wasn't stated to not occur naturally. Unless it's synthesized from components found in said item?..
    • Said poison has an incredibly small lethal dosage, works on a delay of about fifteen minutes, and the judge mentioned the very strict over enforcement of it is because it was used in some truly horrifying cases a number of years ago. Atroquinine is the poison used in the Dahlia Hawthorne cases.
  • At the end of the last case, Vera Misham surviving being poisoned by a super-deadly poison that nobody has ever survived exposure to before seems like a 'And then everything was perfect' sort of Deus ex Machina ending, especially considering that she wasn't exactly a picture of good health to begin with... until you realize a vital detail: She's spent the last 7 years unknowingly wearing poison-infused nail-polish, and it's virulent poison that is insanely lethal. Even though she didn't start biting her nails until she went to court, microscopic amounts of it would have been absorbed through her pores, and for a poison that potent, microscopic amounts count for a lot. Thus, following in the footsteps of the Dread Pirate Roberts, she's built up a resistance to that particular poison - not an immunity, but just enough so that when she's finally directly exposed to it, she can survive. It's also likely that the constant exposure is responsible for her poor health in the first place.
    • Even then, it would likely be a 50-50 chance of survival if she got a direct dose - in the bad ending, her condition worsens from the ingested poison and she died the next day.
  • During the last case, Zak ripping the real diary page and keeping it from Phoenix at first seems completely idiotic, since it puts him on the run (not the best position to help Trucy). But then you realize that Zak didn't know Magnifi had committed suicide—with that page in place, it points to Valant as the murderer. So he inadvertently got Phoenix disbarred to protect his partner.
  • Why Kristoph didn't admit to murdering Drew Misham, even though he was already charged with murdering Shadi Smith. As has been implied throughout the series, first-degree murder warrants the death penalty, and probably nothing else. The murder of Shadi Smith was second-degree, meaning that he would be in his fabulous jail room forever. But the murder of Drew Misham was premeditated, just intended for seven years earlier, meaning he could get the death penalty.
    • Had Kristoph actually admitted to the Drew's murder, he'd be simultaneously be admitting to first-degree murder, another attempted murder via Vera's poisoned nail polish, making a request for forged evidence, and pulling the strings behind Wright's disbarment. It wasn't that he was afraid of being charged with the death penalty. He was afraid of being revealed as a fraud and at the same time clearing Wright's name and revealing that he had intentionally ruined him.
  • Trucy and Maya have a deeper connection than simply being young Genki Girl assistants: Both of them have a parent that went into hiding after a big court case. Said parents came back under a different alias for reasons benefiting their children, only to die afterward. Also, both of them have an older sibling that became a defense attorney.
  • In "Turnabout Trump", Kristoph mocks Phoenix when Phoenix speculates a fourth person was in on the crime scene (other than Phoenix, Shadi Smith, and Olga Orly). Naturally, Phoenix is correct. This also happened in the DL-6 incident in which Yanni Yogi was accused as the murderer of Gregory Edgeworth (the only other suspect being a young Miles Edgeworth), in which case the real criminal, Manfred von Karma, did not arrive on the scene and commit the murder until later. While it's probably a coincidence, "Turnabout Good-Byes", in which the DL-6 incident is featured, is considered to be case "1-4". Turnabout Trump is case "4-1".
  • Apollo's Chords of Steel are actually kind of a smart little character trait, once you realize they're probably genetic; his mother's a famous singer, so she's got a powerful voice too. This also explains why Apollo prefers Lamiroir's performances to the Gavinners - He even call her music "nostalgic" at one point.
  • Have you ever counted how many cases Phoenix worked before getting disbarred? Including "Rise from the Ashes", you have five in the first game, four in the second, and taking out Mia's two cases in the third game you have three. Factor in the Gramarye case that got him disbarred and you have five, then add four to get nine, then three is twelve plus one? You get thirteen.
    • !Objection! Case 1-4 and Case 3-2 actually featured two trials for two separate crimes. *slams desk* Therefore the Apollo Justice case was really Phoenix's fifteenth case!
  • When Kristoph ordered the forgery, it was well before the poker game. There was a letter sent to the Mishams about how Kristoph deposited $100,000 in their account to buy the forgery. Zak plays poker with Kristoph, Kristoph loses. Kristoph has suddenly wasted $100,000 on a man he can no longer represent. While money was never brought up as a motive, part of it could had to do with wasting money on something he couldn't return or get any true use out of.
    • While it's is plausible that part of the reason for Kristoph's actions was this, his primary reason, which he alludes to in-game, is actually the fact that Zak went with a "third-rate lawyer" like Phoenix, over him because of a card game. Kristoph believes in being first-rate in all things. Having a third-rate lawyer being chosen over you certainly isn't going to make you look first-rate. And if Phoenix actually won the case (which he just might have if it hadn't been for the forgery), that would've made Kristoph look even more incompetent. So Kristoph actually may have been sabotaging Phoenix to preserve his own image.
  • Kenjiro Tsuda voiced Kristoph/Kirihito in the Gyakuten Saiban 4 trailer. This is probably just coincidence until you realize that there was someone else he voiced who tried to kill someone over losing a card game and has a younger brother who looks up to him...
  • In the first case, Apollo gets from Phoenix through Trucy a forged piece of evidence to get Kristoph convicted. In the fourth case, we find out that, seven years ago, Phoenix got from Kristoph through Trucy a forged piece of evidence that would have the former disbarred. A message from Phoenix telling Kristoph that he's found out everything, perhaps?
    • Practically confirmed by Kristoph flat-out asking, "Is... this your idea of revenge, Phoenix Wright? Revenge for the events that took away your attorney's badge seven years ago!" at the end.
  • Usually, the final case of an Ace Attorney game has a different prosecutor than the mid-cases at some point, so at first, it seemed odd that Klavier prosecuted Turnabout Succession. It actually makes sense, since usually, the final prosecutor is meant to be tied to the story, and with Kristoph as the killer in the case, who would be better to be involved in the trial than his brother?
  • Klavier is regarded as one of the more helpful prosecutors when he's up against Apollo, but one has to remember that he wasn't that way when up against Phoenix. He was given the knowledge of the forged diary page, but spent seven years wondering about the why and especially how Kristoph had known about it. After seeing what the aftermath of the trial did to Phoenix, he spent the time focusing on his band and didn't prosecute another case that whole time until 4-2, where he outright told Alita Tiala that he was on the side of truth and not her. Klavier's Character Development happened offscreen during those seven years.
  • At the start of case 3, Apollo comments on just how much Trucy spent impulse-buying various Gavinners merchandise, and how it seems out of the ordinary considering how cheap (or simply strapped for cash) Wright seems to be at this point, considering it didn't look like he was too rich in case 2, less than a month ago. Well, they DID just save a mobster's son, and while the Kitakis may be earning the money for Wocky's operation legally, who's to say they wouldn't blow some of that illegal cash they were more and more disinterested in on Apollo's paycheck?
  • It actually makes sense Phoenix would be the one to present the jurist system - after all, in the second case of the first game, the gallery of the courtroom is the only reason he is able to keep Redd White on the witness stand and ultimately prove his guilt; the onlookers inside raise enough uproar to stop the Judge from calling a 10 minute recess (prompted by Edgeworth to give him time to coach White and patch holes in his testimony). Phoenix basically uses the jurist system in that case already!
    • And the jurist system comes back in DD in a hidden way- Athena calls on the gallery to help her getting Means to confess his guilt once and for all.
  • About halfway through the first trial, after Olga Orly reveals that she and Shadi Smith had set up Phoenix to get caught cheating, she says that if Wright had been caught, it would've meant "A seven-year legend, destroyed by one little card...". This is even more meaningful on a second playthrough, after you realize this is exactly what happens to Kristoph Gavin by the end of the game. Given that he managed to take Wright out of the equation seven years ago, he had been the single best defense attorney on the courtroom scene for that entire seven-year span, using underhanded tricks and forged evidence to build up his reputation as the "Coolest Defense in the West". It was actually that same exact card, the 5 of Hearts, that proves that the murder weapon had been switched out, which lands Kristoph in a cell and sets up the events that will bring the hammer of justice down on him and clear Wright's name. That little card did ruin a seven-year legend, just not the one Olga had intended.
  • Phoenix's Reminiscence theme in this game is called Forgotten Legend. A keen listener might recognize some notes from the track. Of course they are familiar. They are from Elementary School Trial.
  • Kristoph's given name in Japanese is Kirihito (霧人), which is hitokiri (homicide) (人霧) spelled backwards in kanji. But character names above the speech bubbles are written in katakana and his given name isn't mentioned... until Phoenix calls him by his full name and immediately brings up the possibility of a fourth person at the crime scene. Thus, in the Japanese version, the moment this pun is brought to the player's attention is the same moment Phoenix goes on the offensive and plants the suspicion in Apollo's mind. Clever, Phoenix, clever.
  • Wocky Kitaki's Japanese name was basically "North, north, north" and Alita Tiala's was "south, south" which sounds ironic for supposed lovers, but was to show how different they are. Kitaki is someone who is associated with something antimoral as a profession while Alita is associated with a moral profession. However, while Kitaki is someone who tries to act like a tough gangster with gangster values, he is actually someone who couldn't hurt a fly and was in trouble due to running out early to a gunfight with a knife. Alita is much more passive as she merely didn't tell Kitaki that he still had a bullet in his heart and ended up becoming his fiance so she could inherit his money when he died. While Kitaki was upset with Pal Meraktis when he found out that he still had the bullet in him, it was Alita who had killed him, specifically because Pal was going to reveal that Alita knew about the bullet as well instead of being mad at Pal for putting Kitaki in a dangerous position. Kitaki wears gangster clothes and has Delinquent Hair while Alita is dressed in a way to remind you of an angel. So despite both appearing to be one thing, they are actually their respective opposites, with Kitaki being a wannabe gangster who is naive about it and with other people, while Alita is a nurse who hid important news from her fiance so she could make a lot of money when he died. Thus, both are opposites who go into the opposite directions, hence "north, north, north" and "south, south".
  • Another reason why Kristoph hates the concept of a jury so much (aside from it being possibly able to convict him, and snobbery) is because of demarcation. The reason why extremely good defence attorneys like Kristoph and Wright are famous and necessary in-universe is because the burden of proof is so stacked against the defendant that you have to use The Perry Mason Method to win. But with a Jury, all it takes is one person not being certain of the defendant's guilt to acquit; under a sane legal system, defence attorneys of their caliber are no longer so desirable or remarkable.
  • The MASON System's recount of Phoenix's story involves a Timey-Wimey Ball where evidence from the future is used in the past, but it makes sense since Phoenix states that it's more of a game for the jury to play; in order for the story to make sense chronologically, it would've involve plenty of planning beforehand on Phoenix's part that would likely overwhelm the players in understanding, so he abridged the story in order to make it simple.

    Fridge Logic 
  • Regarding Lamiroir: so we know that she was blinded in the accident and and lost her memory, which is why she knows English. But then how the hell did she end up in Borginia? Unless Magnifi sent his own daughter to a distant country to hide her death.
    • Actually, that is pretty much exactly what happened. As you can see, Magnifi was very much a Jerkass.
    • It's also just possible they were, well, IN Borginia at the time.
  • Some have wondered why Thalassa Gramarye gave up her son, Apollo Justice in the first place. If you compare Lamiroir's and Apollo's ages from their profiles, they are listed as 40 and 22 respectively- Which means that Thalassa had him when she was 18 years old. It was stated that she left Troupe Gramarye to marry another performer, but he died a year after Apollo was born. Now imagine being 19 years old with a 1 year-old child, with no way to support it (as she can't perform and watch over him at the same time). Now from what we've seen of Magnifi, he probably wasn't too thrilled that his daughter ran off with someone else and had a child and would have refused to support Apollo, leaving Thalassa with no choice but to leave him at an orphanage. "But why was it different with Trucy?", you might ask. The things is, Zak was part of Troupe Gramarye. Magnifi approved of him as he was his favourite apprentice and when his daughter and his preferred apprentice married and had a daughter, of course he would have no objections as Trucy would be born into the Troupe with parents that he himself "chose", which would be realistic considering his manipulative behaviour.
    • Spirit of Justice finally answers this point: Apollo, Thalassa and her husband were on Khura'in during one of the latter's music exhibitions. However, a fire was started, which not only killed Apollo's father, but also ensued such chaos that Thalassa accidentally lost Apollo, and never found him before returning to the Troupe. Magnifi had nothing to do with it.
      • "Accidentally lost" is such a weird way to phrase "thought he also died".
  • It's stated why the export of Borginian cocoons is prohibited is due to despite being a miracle cure for Incuritis, slightly changing the process for turning it into a cure results in a deadly poison being produced instead. It's never stated if said poison is still able to be produced even if it's in its cure form, which would possibly negate the events of Case 3 if a harmless cure was able to be legally shipped to Japanifornia.
    • It's possible the cure either turns to poison (though not the same poison, possibly) if it's not used within a narrow period of time, or the cure doesn't have a long shelf life and is unable to make most journeys outside Borginia, or jostling the cure around too much renders it useless in some way. Surely sactions would be brought against Borginia for hiding the cure unless there was a very good reason for it, like the cure cannot be transported in that form and what it's pulled from produces a very lethal poison if done wrong. The real question is why Borginia doesn't have a small group of officials who fly with cocoons out to medical facilities to perform the extraction process themselves before it's needed if any of that is true.
  • How does Apollo not recognize Ema Skye when he's such a Phoenix fanboy he checks the exhaust of every car he sees? Ema was involved in the case where evidence was shoved in the exhaust, Apollo should at least know her by name!
    • She was a minor at the time; she might have had her identity hidden outside the case.
  • The beginning of Case 3 ends with a scene showing Machi lying face down and Le Touse's body on top of the concert stage tower. An obvious plausible interpretation is that Machi stumbled upon the murderer trying to arrange Le Touse's body on the tower platform, so they knocked Machi out and sent him up with the body where he wouldn't be found for a while, giving the murderer time to make a quick getaway. This stage tower has no obvious control system attached to it (unlike the ones, say, at construction sites) and is almost certainly controlled from offstage. Importantly, this means that Machi cannot have raised the stage tower, and thus also heavily implies that he was not the murderer.

    Fridge Horror 
  • With the third case: the victim, Mr. Le Touse was shot during the second set, but Apollo and Ema don't find him until the third set of the concert. The Fridge Horror part comes when Apollo finds him alive. That means Le Touse was there, lying on the floor bleeding to death for that entire time. Also consider, what if Apollo and Ema had found him earlier? They may have found a way to save him before he died...
  • Crosses over with Fridge Tearjerker: At one point, Machi confesses that he turned to crime because he needed a lot of money, but wouldn't say for what. Given the kind of person he is, it would have been most likely to help pay for Lamiroir's eye treatment.
    • Then there's the fact that since Machi committed a crime punishable by death in his home country, he can never go home.
      • Not necessarily. It's reasonable to assume that Borginia has laws that forbid delivering two separate punishments for the same crime, like most modern real-life countries do. So, if Machi gets punished by USA's legal system for smuggling the cocoon, it would probably be illegal for Borginian law system to also punish him which is implied by Apollo advising Machi that confessing right now is his best option in order to stay out of a Borginian courtroom.
  • Retroactive Fridge Horror occurs after playing Dual Destinies when you discover that black psyche-locks hide secrets so deeply entrenched in a person's heart that the person themselves don't even remember or realize they're lying. Considering Phoenix never actually breaks Kristoph's black psyche locks, it makes you wonder exactly what horrid psychological experience Kristoph underwent to drive him to murder Zak Gramarye and go so far to punish Phoenix, just because Phoenix got chosen as Zak's lawyer over Kristoph. Clearly there's more to it than what's revealed in this game.
    • He's just a petty little baby whose ego was hurt. That's his reason why he did all that.
      • If his wounded ego was really the cause of those black Psyche Locks — which indicate a secret so deeply carved into a person's self that the locks, if broken, can actually cause harm to the person's soul and/or heart — then that's even more Fridge Horror: It means there is absolutely nothing and no one in all the world more important to Kristoph than his own pride. And this man was a defense attorney! With a younger brother who clearly loved him!
      • There's a way the information from Dual Destinies can work with what's presented in AJ: Kristoph's final breakdown. How he "went Super Saiyan" while screaming Nick's surname, looked disheveled afterward, and then laughed himself mad when Vera's "Not Guilty" verdict was read. That's what happens when someone's Black Psyche-Locks are removed by force.
      • There is another explanation for the psyche lock. Given Capcom's few retcons in the AA series, there may have been a different (and more darker) reason than having a traumatic psychological experience. The black psyche locks could represent the darkness, anger and evil that resides in Kristoph's heart. Vera called Kristoph a devil for a very good reason. It was more than just his ego that was hurt that day, he felt humiliated and reviled to be rejected by a client (over a game of cards no less) and having been replaced by the renowned attorney Phoenix Wright. (He could hold a severe envy of Wright.) The trial of Zak Gramarye was said to be the most important trial ever revolving around the famous Gramarye troupe and any who'd defend them would warrant quite the publicity. Kristoph was denied his pride, his fame (and fortune) that he harbored such a resentment against Zak and Wright. Though its debated, Kristoph would had used forged evidence to win him the trial (hence maybe why Zak rejected him in the first place because he could have cheated) against his OWN BROTHER KLAVIER! Coupled with his anger, he also grew paranoid, he's been stalking every single person who has ever been on that case because there was a high probability someone would find the truth. He found Zak after 7 years under the name of Shadi Smith and as stated above, he awaited for the right opportunity to murder him considering Zak was gone for 7 years. He even planned to kill Vera by poisoning since she originally made the forgery and knew Kristoph. Its scary how far Kristoph would go so far to cover everything up. It shows you what kind of an evil person he is.
      • Kristoph is extremely prideful. So much that he thinks Phoenix Wright, who solved the DL-6 and SL-9 cases, and defeated Edgeworth and the von Karmas, was only a third-rate attorney. When he was ditched in favor of that "third-rate attorney", he decided to ruin the lives of everyone involved - not only Phoenix, but also his former client, the one Kristoph ordered a forgery, and the one who made that forgery, and eventually tried to have the latter three killed. Why does he have black psyche-locks when asked about his motive? Because his motive is envy. To reveal his motive is to admit Phoenix is better than him, and he's incapable of admitting that. It's scary to see what envy can do to some individuals.
      • To add another layer on top of this, it's very reasonable to assume that Kristoph has an inferiority complex regarding his younger brother. Think about it: Klavier was a prodigy that not only became a prosecutor at the age of 17, but also the frontman of an extremely popular band. So to him, this case was not only a huge opportunity for fame, and money, but also to show the world that he was better than his brother; And then, he was denied that chance.
  • After you learn just how evil Kristoph Gavin really is, one pops up in Chapter One: Kristoph was trying to set up Olga Orly for the murder. If Phoenix hadn't joined in and the case continued uninterrupted, there is a very good chance Orly would have gotten a Guilty verdict and possibly a death sentence for a crime she didn't commit.
    • Further Fridge Horror kicks in when you realize this, and then wonder if Kristoph Gavin had done things like this in his own trials before. It would not be out of character for him at all.
    • Becomes slightly lessened when you see that in case 4, Kristoph was sentenced to prison, meaning that it's likely that Olga would've gotten the same punishment that Kristoph got.
      • Not necessarily. Unlike Kristoph, Olga knew the victim- so a prosecutor would have an easier time arguing first degree murder for her potentially
  • The sheer toxicity of atroquinine. Being lethal at 2 micrograms means being in the company of toxins such as the poison dart frog toxin — and atroquinine is synthetic, which means someone created this nightmare in the lab... for purposes unknown. Unless the writers made a mistake and the lethal dose was supposed to be in grams, not milligramsnote , atroquinine is the most toxic artificial material in the AA universe.
