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Film / Heart Condition

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A 1990 American buddy fantasy comedy directed by James D Parriott that has a racist cop (Bob Hoskins) getting a heart transplant from a black lawyer (Denzel Washington), who later returns as a ghost to ask for help take down the men who killed him.

The movie also stars Chloe Webb, Lisa Stahl Sullivan, Roger E. Mosley, Janet Dubois, Alan Rachins, Ray Baker, Jeffrey Meek, Eva LaRue, Ron Taylor, and Clayton Landey.

It was released on February 2, 1990.

Tropes for the film:

  • Literal Change of Heart: Jack Moony, a heart transplant patient, ends up stuck with the ghost of the donor, a black man whom the recipient hated because he was racist, and because the recipient a cop and the other guy a lawyer. This of course brings about an emotional change of heart as the movie progresses.
  • Noble Bigot with a Badge: Jack Moony. Subverted in the end though, because of a heart transplant from a black man, who ended up staying around to make Moony see things differently.
  • Spirit Advisor: Det. Moony receives a heart transplant from recently murdered lawyer Napoleon Stone. Stone's ghost then pressures Moony to solve his murder.
