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Film / Cynara: Poetry in Motion

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Right to left: Cynara and Byron
In the seaside English village of Baycliff, 1883 Cynara, a sculptor, meets Byron, who's a poet visiting from Paris. The two women soon fall in love, having a relationship while both also practice their art. In spite of the two's passion though, how long can the women's relationship endure?


  • Anachronism Stew: Byron smokes a filter cigarette in 1883. These were only invented in 1927.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Cynara and Byron only have a brief relationship, but part declaring they will love each other forever.
  • Butch Lesbian: Byron has long hair, but always dresses in a man's shirt, coat, trousers and boots, which was much more shocking in 1883, while pursuing another women without shame or hesitation.
  • Erotic Dream: Cynara and Byron both have explicit fantasies of each other before the women later act on their desires, having a passionate though brief relationship.
  • Falling-in-Love Montage: Cynara and Byron are shown while talking, riding horses, playing chess etc while they grow closer to each other, though both of them had clear attraction to each other from the start.
  • Hairy Girl: Cynara and Byron both have unshaved pubic hair, as shown when they are nude at length. This was standard for European women in the 1800s (and still is often).
  • Lipstick Lesbian: Cynara always dresses in elegant dresses, acting as a Proper Lady as expected from a well-bred woman like her (though her having sex with another women violates the 1800's feminine norms of course).
  • Love at First Sight: Cynara and Byron appear drawn to each other immediately. It doesn't take long until both have fallen in love, fantasize and then begin a relationship together.
  • Masculine–Feminine Gay Couple: Lipstick Lesbian Cynara and Butch Lesbian Byron have a passionate though brief relationship after they fall for each other.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Cynara and Byron are beautiful women, the two being entirely naked at length, which includes while they have sex.
  • The Muse: Byron (a poet) and Cynara (a sculptor) both inspire each other while they practice their art as they're falling in love.
  • Named After Someone Famous: Byron, though she's French, happens to be a poet with the same name that a famous English one had decades before.
  • No Full Name Given: Cynara and Byron's other names, assuming they have any, aren't revealed.
  • Sex Starts, Story Stops: Though the plot is solely about their affair to begin with, the rest halts as Cynara and Byron have a very long sex scene (around seven minutes) with them shown in various positions together fairly explicitly.
