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Fanfic / Fear No Evil

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All Might’s new successor was kidnapped by Humarise. All for One’s son was kidnapped by Humarise. Aizawa witnesses a reckless kid get kidnapped by Humarise. None of them know that they’re looking for the same person, even though they just teamed up to find him.

OR: The last movie was a great excuse to write fic about Izuku being kidnapped by the crazy cult that worships quirkless people.

Fear No Evil is a My Hero Academia fanfic written by katydid / chibikaty.

Has nothing to do with the film Fear No Evil.

Other TV Tropes pages for this author include Forgiveness is the Attribute of the Strong and Custody Battle.

Fear No Evil contains examples of:

  • All for Nothing: Botan joined the Humarise cult in a desperate attempt to keep her young daughter due to being unable to find work due to discrimination. The cult takes Botan's daughter, Beros away from her due to deeming her daughter too unclean to associate with her.
  • All Take and No Give: Humarise would lure desperate and isolated quirkless people with the promises of community, opportunity, and support. Then they would isolate their members from their family or friends, force them into diets and curfews, and forbid them from leaving. Both Botan and Toshinori joined the group out of desperation only to end up having everything taken from them.
  • Alternate Timeline: In this AU, Izuku encounters Humarise when he is still in middle school, and they take an interest in him because of his quirklessness and kidnap him.
  • And I Must Scream: Izuku while trapped in a float tank in the Room of Enlightenment.
  • Ascended Extra: Beros was the Disk One Final Boss with relatively little depth outside of being extremely loyal to Humarise and her physical threat. Here Beros is the missionary who attempts to recruit and later abducts, Izuku. Beros is the cultist Izuku interacts with the most and given a backstory of having a Quirkless mother and indoctrinated into the cult from a young age. A subplot emerges with Izuku finding out about her past from her mother and the promise of helping rescue Beros and Botan from the cult.
  • Berserk Button: All for One deliberately hits All Might’s by bringing up Nana’s death to taunt him. Aizawa narrowly stops them from ripping up an airplane mid-flight.
    • In retaliation, All Might brings up Yoichi's eventual betrayal and calls All for One out on his daddy issues.
  • Brainwashed: The cult uses brainwashing techniques on their captives. They brainwashed Beros from a young age to become their assassin and believe that her quirk taints her.
  • Breeding Cult: Humarise frequently pressures their Quirkless members to reproduce with each other in the hopes of making more Quirkless people.
  • Boomerang Bigot: Humarise is a cult of Quirked people hating Quirks and hating themselves for having Quirks to the point of worshipping Quirkless people for not having them. This self-loathing drives them to deem themselves impure like Beros. Then some get rid of their quirk with All for One's assistance. The more extreme ones, like Flect Turn, seek the annihilation of Quirked people.
  • Bystander Syndrome: Zigzagged. Izuku does everything right when he attempts to rescue Aizawa: he makes a loud commotion to draw attention to himself which forces the cultist to abandon their objective of kidnapping Eraserhead and another bystander calls the cops. However, no one intervenes when the cultists decide to kidnap Izuku instead.
  • Colliding Criminal Conspiracies: At first All for One and Humarise were working together with the shared goal of capturing Eraserhead and stealing his Power Nullifier quirk. But they both had different objectives for said Quirk. All for One wanted to keep the Quirk for himself while Humarise wanted All for One to give the quirk to one of their high-ranking members. Only to turn against each other when Humarise kidnaps Izuku and refuses to give him back.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: As payback for Bakugou exposing Izuku to Humarise for kicks, Izuku demands that he takes one of Bakugou's All Might merch as compensation all while subtly reminding Bakugou of what he did.
  • Covert Group with Mundane Front: On the surface, Humarise is an international charity and support group for Quirkless people. In actuality, Humarise is a cult that imprisons and brainwashes its members, with politicians and police deep in their pockets.
  • Cult: Humarise is a cult of doomsday conspiracists who fear Quirk Singularity will wipe out humanity except for Quirkless people. The cult worships Quirkless people, especially children, to a fetishistic extent thinking that being around them would purify them. They go as far as to kidnap quirkless under the pretense of protecting them from the world.
  • Cult Defector:
    • A young Toshinori joined the Humarise cult in hopes of finding community and job opportunities after being neglected by the foster care system. The cult tried to force him to conform by taking away his exercise equipment, force on him a diet to weaken him, frequently forced unwanted affection onto him, and tried to make him give up his dream of being a hero. Toshinori ended up fleeing after they tried punishing him with the Room of Enlightenment and he was rescued by Nana before the cultists could force him back. As All Might, he becomes extremely outspoken against Humanrise, denouncing them as a cult and repeatedly making investigations against them.
    • Beros' mother, Botan, turns on the cult to help Izuku.
  • Damsel out of Distress: Izuku escapes and defeats Flect Turn before any of his rescuers arrive.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Rody Soul copes with his kidnapping through sarcasm.
  • Dream Intro: The story opens with a young Toshinori desperate to run away from his captors, wearing only his pajamas, weak from drugs and hurt. He's desperate to get away from his captors, using their reverence of him and the taboo of causing physical harm to Quirkless people against them to escape. These captors were promised to be a source of community and support only for it to be a lie. Only for a lifeline to appear in the form of a pro-hero. Toshinori begs her to save him, please don't let them take him. The pro hero promises to save him and he is saved. All of this is implied to be a flashback as it fast-forwards to All Might passing One for All to Izuku.
  • Enemy Mine: All Might and All for One reluctantly find themselves working together with Eraserhead acting as their mediator as all three work together to rescue the same child.
  • Escape Artist: Rody casually escapes his restraints once the guards are gone, and helps Izuku with his own.
    Izuku: This was exactly the kind of entrepreneurial spirit that Izuku looked for in a fellow prisoner.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: All for One is desperate to save Izuku after he is abducted, even to the point of teaming up with All Might. All Might is able to figure out immediately that Humarise abducted All for One's child due to knowing All for One has an utter Lack of Empathy to even consider someone unrelated to him and what would make him desperate enough to work with him.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Beros deeply loves her mother and laments her quirk preventing her from being around her mother without tainting her. Never realizing the cult deliberately separated them to keep Botan as a reward for their pet assassin and maintain Beros's loyalty to the cult and Botan's compliance. This love becomes pivotal as a postcard Beros sent to her mother leads All Might, All for One, and Eraserhead to find where Izuku had been taken.
  • Everyone Has Standards: While he was a big enough of a dick to enroll Izuku on Humarise's mailing list because of him being Quirkless, Bakugou (off-screen) became horrified when this led to Izuku being abducted and (in his own way) was glad to see Izuku returned all right and asked for forgiveness.
  • Father's Quest: Izuku has three fathers looking for him, one biological and two adopted.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: Izuku calls Flect Turn out on how his tragic backstory is not that tragic. Flect blames his quirk for all his problems but he never tried to control his quirk.
  • Forgiven, but Not Forgotten: Izuku doesn't throw Bakugou under the bus for inadvertently getting him kidnapped by mailing his name to Humarise for kicks. However, he doesn't hesitate to subtly blackmail him into handing over one of his limited edition All Might merchandise as overdue compensation for the one he burned back in kindergarten.
  • Gaslighting: The police attempt to gaslight Aizawa into believing that he wasn't nearly kidnapped, there was no boy kidnapped in front of him. Then immediately contradict themselves by saving said boy ran away from home. Aizawa is not having it and immediately teams up with All Might to find the boy.
  • Gilded Cage: Humarise pretends to keep quirkless in this, but will punish and even torture them if they disobey.
  • Hanlon's Razor: All for One put a ton of resources into hiding Izuku's existence from Humarise such as bribing recruiters to look the other way, using his pet Mad Scientist to be his son's pediatrician and hiding his son's information on the Quirk Registry. All of it was undone by a middle school Bakugou deciding to be a dick to Izuku by signing him up for their mailing list.
  • Heroic Bystander: When Izuku sees Humarise cultist attempt to kidnap a drugged Eraserhead, he intervenes by attempting to pull the hero away from them, loudly screams, and makes a commotion to draw attention. Another bystander calls the cops, which forces the cultists to abandon Eraserhead...only for them to grab Izuku instead.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: All for One willingly worked with Humarise by giving them funding and helping them avoid legal detection because it deeply angered All Might and they would give their quirks to him to "purify" themselves. Only for Humarise to refuse to return Izuku to him when they abduct him and use that power to smuggle Izuku out of the country.
  • Hostage MacGuffin: Rody Soul is kidnapped by Humarise in order to force his scientist father Eddy Soul's compliance after Eddy attempted to help Izuku escape cult headquarters.
  • I Gave My Word: All Might promises Beros’ mother to bring her back home and save her from Humarise’s brainwashing. Later he must pick between this promise and going to rescue Izuku.
  • Inevitable Mutual Betrayal: In Chapter Nine, All Might and All for One fight because the former wants to save Beros and the latter kill her.
  • Invasion of the Baby Snatchers:
    • The plot is a parent's worst nightmare: your child is kidnapped by a cult and the police don't take it seriously because they either think he ran away or have been bought out by the cultists.
    • Botan's story illustrates the sad reality of why people join cults: Botan was a jobless, single mother who couldn't work both due to discrimination and having a child. Botan joined the cult in the hopes of having the support and being able to keep her daughter. Only for the cult to take her daughter away and indoctrinate her into their assassin while Botan is completely isolated as they try to mentally break her.
  • It's Personal: Toshinori deeply hates Humarise due to his history as a Cult Defector and dedicated many resources as All Might to take them down.
  • Kids Are Cruel: Bakugou unwittingly exposes Izuku to a dangerous cult just because Bakugou wanted to be a dick. That Izuku needed to hang out with people as useless as him.
  • Knocking on Heathens' Door: Humarise constantly harasses the Midoriyas with phone calls, pamphlets, and missionaries to proselytize Izuku into joining them or have Inko sign up Izuku into their programs. They refuse with Inko threatening to call the police on them. Only for them to escalate into them trying to harass Izuku on the streets.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Downplayed and played for laughs: Bakugou's karma after his contribution to this mess (other than a mention he was horrified at what it led to) is Izuku essentially blackmailing him for some of his most expensive All Might memorabilia in exchange for his forgiveness.
  • Like a Son to Me: All Might, Aizawa, and Eddie Soul all unofficially adopt Izuku.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: All Might never figures out that Izuku is All for One's son. Due to believing All for One's lies and denial, All Might believes that Rody Soul is All for One's son. Not even meeting Rody's actual father disabuses All Might of this belief.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Averted as All for One keeps his identity secret until the end of the fic.
  • MacGuffin Super-Person: Eraserhead is initially the target of both All for One and Humarise for his Power Nullifier quirk. All for One wants such a rare and powerful Quirk that it is his only real possible weakness under his arsenal. While Humarise regards it as an unholy holy power that can temporarily bless them by removing their quirks.
  • Multiple Endings: The fic has an alternate ending where Izuku develops the All for One quirk due to the strain of his captivity by Humarise.
  • Mistaken Identity: Neither All for One, All Might, or Aizawa realize they’re all looking for the same boy.
  • Mundane MacGuffin Person: Izuku is kidnapped by the Humarise cult because he is one of the few Quirkless children. Humarise fetishizes and worships Quirkless people, but especially children because they are seen as "pure." Izuku is forcibly smuggled out of Japan due to his genetics being closer to pre-Quirked era people which the cult is hoping to replicate and weaponize in their engineered plague.
  • Never My Fault: All for One refuses to accept responsibility for being indirectly responsible for his son's kidnapping or enabling Humarise's rise to power which enabled them to kidnap said son.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Although hardly a hero, All for One helped Humarise rise to power in order to mess with All Might. This backfired on him when they kidnapped his son.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: Rody can't escape without Pino due to their connection. He offers to stay behind but Izuku refuses to leave without him.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Humarise enforces a policy of hugging Quirkless people to purify themselves. They never consider asking Quirkless people if they want to be hugged or pressure them into participating to avoid their captors from doing worse to them.
  • No Sympathy: All for One's treatment of his wife Inko in reaction to Izuku, their son's abduction. It doesn't matter that Inko is distraught over their son's abduction, that she rather her husband come back home to help her find their son and deal with the loss. All for One hangs up on her without a word or explaining to her that he's looking for their son.
  • Odd Friendship: Aizawa and All for One bond over mocking All Might’s costume. Aizawa later comes to regret this, but All for One’s friendship is impossible to get rid of.
  • Oh, Crap!: At the end of Chapter Five, Flect Turn orders Izuku to be taken to the Room of Enlightenment.
  • Papa Wolf: All Might, All for One, and Aizawa form a Papa Wolf team in response to Izuku’s kidnapping.
  • Precision F-Strike: Izuku gives one to Flect during the final showdown.
    Izuku: Why don’t you come over here and try, asshole?
  • Police Are Useless: When Izuku is kidnapped, Humarise uses their contacts in the police force to hide the kidnapping. They fake a note stating that Izuku ran away to join them. Then they outright attempt to gaslight Aizawa into believing that he didn't see Izuku get kidnapped. All for One states Humarise kidnaps many quirkless members and uses corrupt cops to have it reported as running away.
  • Powerful and Helpless: All Might and All for One are the most powerful Hero and Villain in Japan respectively, yet helpless to stop Izuku's kidnapping.
  • Race Lift: Beros' race was never mentioned in the movie with Humarise being an international terrorist group, not helping matters. Here, Beros is explicitly Japanese due to the presence of her mother Botan.
  • Schmuck Bait: Beros reveals that All Might used to be quirkless and a member of Humarise to Izuku in order to tempt him into coming with her. Izuku is tempted for a moment before realizing that it’s a ploy to get him to a secondary location and refuses
  • Self-Harm: Exploited. Humarise has a big taboo of physically harming Quirkless people. First, a young Toshinori throws himself on Humarise cultists' weapons
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Bakugou only has an offscreen role until the last chapter. However, he sets off Izuku's kidnapping by Humarise by signing him up for the Humarise's mailing list.
  • Spotting the Thread: When Izuku spots an unconscious Eraserhead being carried into a van, he immediately spots that the people don't look like any of the heroes or sidekicks local to the area. Only to recognize one of them being the cultist that accosted him earlier. Izuku knows that Humarises can't be professional heroes so they aren't working with Eraserhead...
  • Stating the Simple Solution: When Beros tries to tempt Izuku by revealing information that All Might hidden from the public, Izuku undercuts her by resolving to ask All Might himself.
  • Struggling Single Mother: Beros' mother Botan was struggling to find work to support herself due to discrimination and was on the verge of having her baby daughter taken away from her. She joined Humarise out of desperation for support.
  • Talking the Monster to Death: Izuku uses Flect Turn’s psychological issues to defeat him.
  • They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!: Beros and all of Humanrise, never refer to Izuku by name. Despite Izuku trying to insist on using their name, they insist that he's too special to use his name and call him "Chosen One." As they call Izuku and other Quirkless people that, this illustrates how Humarise dehumanizes them through their worship of Quirkless and try to strip them of their identity.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Izuku gives several to Flect Turn.
  • Traumatic Superpower Awakening: In the alternate ending, Izuku develops the All for One quirk in desperation due to his kidnapping and injuries.
  • Unspoken Plan Guarantee: Izuku comes up with a plan to defeat Flect Turn's quirk in chapter six, but it is deliberately kept from the readers.
  • Unstoppable Rage: After Flect traps Izuku inside a float tank to torture him with sensory deprivation, he's consumed by rage and vows to destroy Humarise. In the alternate ending, Flect provokes Izuku into a rage by threatening a fellow captive, Botan.
  • Vehicular Kidnapping: A forcibly sedated Aizawa is nearly dragged into a van by Humarise cultists. Izuku managed to rescue him by calling attention to them only to be kidnapped instead.
  • You Are Too Late: Aizawa is drugged by Humarise and nearly kidnapped. Attempting to rescue him, Izuku kicks and screams at him to wake up to no avail. Aizawa barely regains consciousness just to watch Izuku be taken in front of him.
