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Drinking Game / Vampire: The Masquerade

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  • Take a sip for every blood point you drain.
  • Down your drink if you drain a human target of all of their blood. Down another if you lose a humanity/path point by doing so (keep a water bottle close, the morning is going to hurt).
  • Take a shot every time you feed off an animal.
  • Down your drink every time an older vampire manipulates you into doing him a favor for free.
  • Take a sip every time you enter Rötschreck or Frenzy.
  • Take a sip every time a player mentions the Antediluvians even when they're not supposed to know of them.
  • Down your drink if a player chooses to play Tremere. You're going to need it.
  • Take a drink in shame for every masquerade breach you end up provoking.
    • Fight with your fellow players for the honor of downing the entire bottle in one gulp if the Masquerade breach completely reveals the existence of Kindred to mankind.
  • Start drinking bleach if you witness the awakening of an Antediluvian.
    • If you are a Lasombra or a Tzimisce, and the awakened Antediluvian is the founder of one of those clans, then start drinking gasoline.


  • Down a glass of whisky or brandy at the start of the game if you're a TRUE anarch.
  • Take a sip every time someone, in or out of RP, implies that "communism would work with vampires".
  • Steal the bottle and run away if the subsequent debate puts an end to the game.
  • Take a sip when you're it in 9mm tag.
  • Down your drink if you play Lasombra, Assamite, Giovanni, Ravnos, Followers of Set, Tremere, Tzimsice, and Ventrue. You are going to need it.
    • If there are Elder Anarchs who are still thankful for the great aid Assamites gave them during the first Anarch Revolt in your city, skip this clause. After all, the First Anarch Revolt wouldn't have been as successful as it was if the Assamites didn't sponsor the Lasombra, Tzimisce and Brujah in their crusade to overthrow the elders.
  • Down your drink each time you kill a Cammie or a Sabbat asshole. You've earned it buddy.


  • Take a sip each time you have to "properly" introduce yourself.
  • Take a sip each time a Ventrue or Toreador is a dick to someone.
  • Take another if said Ventrue or Toreador is the prince.
  • Spit your drink if the Prince turns out to be a Brujah, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu or Tremere. Be very afraid. These types are either pawns of something greater, or they are as dangerous as the sun is for vampires. Perhaps both.
  • Down your drink if you play Assamite, Brujah, Gangrel, Giovanni, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Followers of Set, antitribu, or a bloodline. You're going to need it.


  • When a Vinculum is sealed, pour a single drink, and everyone has to take a sip from it until it is emptied.
  • Take a sip every time someone mixes up the Black Hand and the Sabbat.
  • Down your drink every time someone mixes up the two Black Hands.
  • Take a sip every time someone mentions Caïne's name.
  • Down your drink if you play Tremere. Why? Because you are going to die. Ever since the night it was founded, Sabbat recruited Cainites from other sects who joined just because it gave them a chance to butcher the Tremere. Telyav or no, you are still screwed, so try to make yourself useful. A word of advice: Stay the fuck away from the Gangrel, Nosferatu, Assamite, Salubri, and Tzimisce of the sect. They hate your guts more than others, and for damn good reasons.
  • Open a beer factory if you really end up saving the world.

Clan Specific

  • Assamite
    • Take a sip every time someone makes a racist comment.
    • Down your drink every time you end up diablerizing someone.
  • Brujah
    • Take a sip every time someone assumes you're stupid. Take two if they're right or if you prove them to be right.
    • Take a sip any time you want, you're a motherfucking vampire, you do whatever you want.
  • Follower of Set
    • Down your drink and laugh maniacally for each step you take down the Path of Typhon.
    • Down your drink in shame if you're outgambitted by your enemies.
  • Gangrel
    • Down your drink every time you end up fighting with the werewolves. You are going to need it.
    • Down your drink every time you end up fleeing from the werewolves. You are going to need it.
    • Start laughing in happiness and down your drink every time you actually end up surviving a encounter with werewolves. You earned it.
    • Roar in triumph and down your drink every time you actually end up winning a fight against the werewolves. You earned it.
    • Take a sip every time someone assumes that Gangrel are allied with the werewolves.
      • Down your drink if they are actually allied.
    • Take a sip every time you break the Masquerade because of an animal deformity. Stacks with the Masquerade rule on the General section.
    • Take a sip every time you frenzy and gain a animalistic feature, whether it's mental or physical.
    • Rob a liqour store if you start to look like you are using the Shape of Beast's Wrath ability by default.
  • Malkavian
    • Down two drinks at the start of the game if you intend to play a fishmalk.
    • Take a sip every time the other players facepalm or express their exasperation in some way.
  • Nosferatu
    • Take a sip every time you successfully troll someone into losing their temper.
    • Take a sip every time someone insults your looks.
  • Tremere
    • Take a sip every time a vampire tries to kill you for being a Tremere.
    • Take a sip every time you cast a spell.
    • Drink every time someone brings up Hermetic mages or mages in general, unless your campaign actual involves mages.
      • Drain your glass if that someone isn't a Tremere.
  • Toreador
    • Take a sip every time you create a blood bond.
    • Down your drink every time your clan curse kicks in at the worst possible time.
  • Tzimisce
    • Down your drink each time you enter an inhuman form.
    • Down your drink and giggle quietly (but in an indubitably evil manner) for each point in the Path of Metamorphosis you gain.
  • Ventrue
    • Take a sip every time someone uses "blue blood" as an insult.
    • Down one drink for every point of generation you have under the basic one for the setting.
