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Drinking Game / The Flash (2014)

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This is what happens you hammer someone who Never Gets Drunk.

Note: Unless specified otherwise, Eobard Thawne and Earth-1 Harrison Wells are considered the same character, and the name "Wells" refers to all characters played by Tom Cavanagh.

If you can go through alcohol like Barry:

  • Take a drink every time Barry uses his powers.
    • Take two if he breaks the sound barrier.
  • Take a drink every time a character uses the word "fast" or a synonym for it.
    • Take two if they're not directly addressing Barry's powers and just give the impression Central City is obsessed with speed.
  • Take a drink every time Barry speeds out of a room and papers fly or someone has their hair tousled from the sudden wind.
  • Take a drink every time we hear "I wasn't fast enough" or "I need to get faster." Warning: this could kill you.
  • Take a drink every time Wells acts Ambiguously Evil.
  • Take a drink every time Wells takes off his glasses or makes a small, barely noticeable smirk. That's when he stops playing Wells and becomes Thawne.
  • Take a drink every time Nora Allen's murder is mentioned.
  • Take a drink every time the Reverse Flash is seen or mentioned.
  • Take a drink every time Barry breaks a bone.
  • Take a drink every time Barry bleeds.
  • Take a drink every time Barry is told to run.
    • Two if it's Wells telling him.
  • Take a drink every time Barry is late for something (stolen from Arrow).
  • Take a drink every time Barry says the word "impossible".
    • Two drinks if anyone else says it.
  • Take a drink every time Cisco wears a fun or referential T-shirt.
  • Take a drink every time someone finds out that Barry Allen is the Flash.
    • Take two if Barry intentionally revealed this to them.
      • Finish your shot if they already knew he was the Flash and he's just confirming it.
  • Take a drink every time Henry Allen is seen or mentioned.
  • Take a drink every time the solution to a problem involves Techno Babble.
    • Finish your glass if can't stop yourself from laughing at the bad Techno Babble.
  • Take a drink every time a Mythology Gag pops up.
    • Take two drinks if the gag in question is the number 52.
  • Take a drink every time there's a Ship Tease.
  • Take a drink every time glass shatters.
  • Take a drink every time Barry grunts or makes an otherwise pained sound.
  • Take a drink every time a character is Locked Out of the Loop for anything.
    • Take another if the character is directly lied to as a result.
    • Finish your glass if the reason that they are is weak or non-existent (YMMV on this).
    • Take another drink if Joe or Barry are playing the Secret-Keeper.
    • Take another drink if it's one of Barry's love interests not knowing the Flash secret.
    • Take another drink if the the secret is damaging the romantic relationship
  • Take a drink for every Timey-Wimey Ball.
  • Take a drink for every Troubled Backstory Flashback Zoom has.
  • Take a drink every time Julian pisses somebody off
  • In Season 3, take a drink every time someone blames Barry for Flashpoint and its effects.
    • Take two if it's Cisco.
  • Take a drink every time there's a You Are Better Than You Think You Are speech. Even with Barry's alcohol resistance, this may kill you.
    • Take two if it's in STAR Labs.
  • Take a drink every time Barry stops to talk to an enemy before defeating them and they escape because of it.

If you are not a metahuman:

  • Take a drink every time Barry says the words "I'm so sorry" or "I'm so, so, sorry."
  • Take a drink every time the Flash meets with Iris.
  • In Season 1, take a drink every time Barry pouts when he sees Iris with Eddie.
    • Two, if it is because they kiss right in front of him.
  • Take a drink every time Cisco makes up a new name for a villain or metahuman, or if anyone references Cisco doing so.
  • Take a drink every time Earth-1 Wells stands up.
  • Take a drink whenever Wells suddenly enters in the middle of a scene to say something ambiguous and/or meaningful.
  • Take a drink every time someone looks like they're going to cry.
    • Take another if he or she actually does.
    • Take another if it's Barry.
    • Finish the glass if it's Barry whilst he's visiting his father at Iron Heights.
  • Take a drink every time Earth-1 Wells kills somebody who knows the Flash's secret identity.
    • Finish the glass when he kills someone who knows the Reverse Flash's secret identity.
  • Take a drink every time Snart manages to escape from the Flash or is sent to prison.
  • Take a drink every time Barry cuts or grazes his face.
    • Take two if a scratch which has almost healed is visible on his face in the next scene.
  • Take a drink every time Barry is seen wearing his Flash suit without his mask on.
  • Take a drink every time there is an episode featuring characters from Arrow.
    • Take two if Oliver isn't in it.
  • Take drink every time Barry uses his powers in a way that doesn't involve running.
  • Take a drink every time two characters excuse themselves from a group and proceed to have a private conversation.
  • Take a drink every time Barry is asked to make a promise or keep a secret.
    • Take another if and when he doesn't keep it.
  • Take a drink every time a villain or metahuman who has appeared in a previous episode, other than the season's Big Bad, is seen or mentioned.
  • Take a drink every time Joe laughs.
  • Take a drink every time Barry fakes a smile.
    • Two if he does it in front of Iris.
  • Take a drink every time Earth-2 Wells gets ticked off about being compared to Earth-1 Wells.
  • Take a drink every time Caitlin says, "You'll die, Barry!" or something along those lines
    • Take two whenever he doesn't die.
  • Take a drink whenever Barry races somebody as a way of fighting them
  • Take a drink whenever Doctor Alchemy introduces himself by saying "I AM...ALCHEMY."
  • Take a drink every time someone mocks Julian.
  • Take a drink whenever a mentor figure reveals their evil alignment, villainous identity, or true name.
  • Drink the whole glass if Barry isn't "the fastest man alive" appearing in the episode (e.g any other speedster is in the episode and they're faster than him).
  • Take a drink every time the Writers Cannot Do Math, especially as it relates to Barry's speed.
  • Take a drink every time Caitlin runs some tests.
  • Choose one season, and take a shot for every Idiot Ball moment (YMMV on this).

If you're in some online forum/discussion:

  • Take a drink for any of the following memes:
    • "Speedforce" as the answer to a user's question.
      • Two drinks if it's the Speedforce GIF.
    • "Dammit Barry!"
    • "It was me, Barry! I was/did X!"
    • "Not God. Grodd." (or any variant)
    • "Some would say X is the reverse."
    • "To me, X has been Y for centuries."
    • "You can't lock up the darkness."
      • What did you just say?
    • Any reference to a character being a kitchen appliance. (A reference to this post)
  • Take a drink every time you come across backlash online that questions the protagonists' morality or the show's heavy use of Timey-Wimey Ball.

If you're reading fanfiction:

  • Take a drink for every fanfic you come across featuring an OC who's a speedster.
  • Take a drink for every direct Arrow crossover fic you come across.
    • Alternatively, if it isn't a crossover, every time an Arrow character appears or is mentioned.
  • Take a drink every time a DC Comics character who hadn't been featured in the show by the time the fic was written appears or is mentioned.
  • If you really hate your liver, take a drink for every shipping fic you come across that is primarily Barry/Snart.
  • Take a drink every time Cecile uses her powers to invade others privacy.
    • Take another every time her powers evolve.
