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Drinking Game / Arrow

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If you're feeling suicidal:
  • Before Season 4, take a drink every time someone lies to Thea.
  • Take a drink every time someone lies to someone else.
    • Take another if lying blows up in said person's face, a third if it alienates the one being lied to in the process.
  • After Season 2, take a drink every time the word 'bloodlust' is used.
  • Take a shot every time someone lies to Tommy.
  • Take a drink every time an arrow is shot.
  • Take a shot every time Oliver is on the receiving end of a speech.
  • Take a drink to any form of reference to Lian Yu.
    • Take two if a character then reminds us that it's Mandarin for "purgatory."
  • Take a drink every time Oliver works out. Take two if he's shirtless while doing it. Another if he's using the salmon ladder.
  • Take a drink every time Felicity says something inappropriate.
  • Take a drink every time Oliver mentions The Island.
  • Take a shot every time there's a hospital scene.
  • Take a drink every time someone tries to make Oliver feel guilty.
    • Take another if they're being hypocritical in doing so.
  • Take a shot if there's a panning shot of Starling City before the actual scene starts.
  • Take a drink every time a gun is fired.
  • Take a drink every time someone says "I don't understand".
  • During Season 3, take a drink every time someone makes an idiotic decision that backfires horribly on them.
    • Take two if it's because of relationship drama.
  • Take a shot every time someone says "I/we don't have a choice!"
    • Chase it with another one if it's Oliver that says it.
  • Take a shot every time there is a scene with Oliver and the other team members in the base right after an action scene.
    • Take 2 if the scene starts with the group walking into the lair.
  • In Season 2, take a drink every time someone mentions Felicity's feelings for Oliver.
    • Take two if that character has no reason to actually know of said feelings.

For everyone else:

  • Throw back every time Oliver pulls a Stealth Hi/Bye.
  • Take a shot every time Moira meets with The Well Dressed Man.
  • Take a drink every time "failed this city" is included in a statement.
  • Take a shot every time Oliver kills the power.
  • Take a drink every time Diggle says "Afghanistan".
  • Take a drink every time a Mythology Gag pops up.
    • Take two drinks if the gag in question is the number 52.
  • Take a drink every time someone comes back from the dead (including hallucinations).
  • Take a drink every time Felicity babble elicits a reaction from Oliver that isn't just "Okay, moving on."
  • Take a drink every time Quentin Lance asks about "Our mutual friend."
  • Take a drink every time the Thou Shalt Not Kill trope is brought up. (Buy a grave plot if Sara's involved.)
  • Take a drink every time someone tells Laurel she's not as good as her sister.
  • Take a drink every time Laurel or Quentin take a drink. Extra points if you toast with "prochnost".
  • Take a drink every time you can see Thea's navel.
  • Take a drink every time Diggle makes his exasperated "I'm so done with this crap" face.
    • Take two if the source of said exasperation is the logical conundrums (or lack thereof) of a brooding badass.
  • Take a full swig every time someone is revealed as being alive to the audience and/or a character.
  • Take a drink every time Roy's contributions to Team Arrow are acknowledged, or another team member mentions him. (Best used in conjunction with a few other rules.)
  • Take a drink every time anything or anyone from The Flash (2014) is seen or mentioned.
    • Two if Barry appears.
      • Another if he's late for something.
    • Two if it's Cisco, Star Labs or Central City.
      • Another if Cisco and/or Star Labs is mentioned to have helped Team Arrow out with something tech-related.
  • Take a drink whenever Malcolm manages to escape being killed, even when everyone in the room has a reason to kill him.
    • Take two if a flimsy excuse is used to justify his survival.
  • Take Felicity's advice and take a drink whenever Malcolm lies to Team Arrow.
    • Take two if he gets away with it scot free.
  • Take a drink every time Black Canary uses her Canary Cry.
    • Take two if it ends up being basically useless.
  • Take a drink every time Oliver uses a convenient arrow he had in his quiver.
  • Take a drink every time Malcolm dramatically takes off his Dark Archer mask.
  • Take a drink every time Oliver angsts over relationship drama with Felicity. (Or in early seasons Laurel).
  • Take a drink for every time Damien Darhk grabs the Villain Ball and doesn't kill Team Arrow despite being perfectly capable to do so.
  • Take a drink, starting in Season 5, every time the team (especially Oliver) deals with their issues maturely.
  • Take a drink every time Oliver asks to "have the room" (i.e. have everybody leave so that he can privately talk with someone).
  • Take a drink every time Rene calls someone "Hoss"
