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Drinking Game / Roblox

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Roblox drinking game.

General Rules:

  • If you catch an online dater or Troll in the server, take a drink.
    • Take another drink if the moderators of the server are poorly handling the troll and/or ignoring the online dater.
  • Every time a line of number signs (Often called "hashtags" or "tags" by the community) appear in the chat, take a sip.
    • Make it a drink if something innocent you say, such as a number, still gets blocked by the filter.
    • Take two sips if an altered swear/slur bypasses the filter.
  • In the middle of the drinking game, if Roblox ends up removing something/announcing the removal of something, finish your drink.
  • Take a drink for every "FREE ROBUX!" scam you find on the site.
  • Finish your drink if a famous Roblox user is in the server.
  • Finish your drink if someone claims to be a YouTuber.
  • If someone mocks your appearance, take a drink. Make it two if one of your clothing items cost Robux, and was made by Roblox.
  • Take a drink if you see a player with bacon hair. note  Keep the hospital on your speed dial.
  • Take a sip for every game you find on the site that's based off of a preexisting work.
  • Take a drink for every free model in a low quality game.
  • Take a drink every time you see "Oof", "Go commit die" or any variants in the chat.
  • Take a sip for every "Simulator" game on the Popular page, finish the drink if there are two Simulators in the same horizontal row.
  • Take a drink for each "Su Tart" game you see in Roblox.
  • Take a sip for every "Piggy" inspired game on the front page.
  • Take a sip for every front-page game profiting off trends such as The Amazing Digital Circus or Friday Night Funkin'.
  • Take a sip for every front-page game following the leader of another front-page game like Blade Ball.

Specific Game Rules:

  • Games with their own page:
  • When playing Prison Life, take a drink if any of the following happen:
    • A cop tases/shoots you for no reason.
      • Take another victory drink if they die because of it, and become an inmate. Take a third drink if they leave the game.
    • You are about to escape the prison, but you get killed by a group of criminals for no reason.
    • If the inmates kill you while you are a criminal.
    • If the criminals kill you while you are an inmate.
    • Down the bottle if a criminal punches you to death when you are also a criminal.
    • Whenever one of the cops is deliberately releasing prisoners from the prison.
  • When playing Jailbreak, these rules apply.
    • Take a drink if the server has less than 5 cops.
      • Down your drink if the server has none.
    • Take a drink every time you get arrested as a criminal.
    • Take two drinks every time you get killed as a cop.
    • Take a drink if you get a keycard as a criminal/prisoner.
      • Take another if the cop that you stole said card from arrests you soon after.
    • Take two drinks if you see a Blackhawk or Bugatti being driven.
      • Drink to forget if you obtain one of these vehicles.
    • Take a drink for every robbery you succeed at.
      • Take two if you fail.
    • Take a drink if you die in the museum.
      • Take two if you successfully rob the museum.
    • Take one drink for each player involved if there are more than 3 people in a robbery you're participating in.
      • Take an extra drink for each player that dies during said robbery.
    • Take a drink for each robbery you bust as a cop.
      • Take one for each criminal busted if there's more than 3 present in the failed robbery.
    • Take two drinks for every time you encounter ear rape audio playing on someone's radio.
      • Drink to forget if there's an exploiter in the server.
    • Drink if you are robbing the cargo plane and you get stuck.
  • In Roblox High School, or any similar type of school game, if less than three showed up to class, take a drink.
    • Take a sip for every class you skip.
    • Take a sip every time you see a "hot boy/girl" who is actually a "bacon/acorn hair" who used the character editor.
  • If you're playing an obby:
    • Take a drink whenever you die.
      • Two if you were near the end of the obstacle.
    • Down the bottle if you find an obstacle unique to the obby.
  • If you're playing Obby Creator (or any Roblox game where you create obbies):
    • Take a sip when you see a person that hasn't built their obby yet.
    • Take a drink if you see someone that has a lot of likes and is in your server.
    • Take a sip for every obby built exclusively with pre-made parts/sections.
    • Take a drink if you see a featured obby that has nothing in it.
  • If you're playing Survive the Disasters 2:
    • Take a drink if two or more warning rounds happen in a row.
    • Take a drink whenever a boss round starts.
      • Toast if the boss is defeated.
    • Take a drink whenever you collect a memo card.
    • Finish your drink if someone becomes the last one standing.
      • Down another if it's you.
      • Down a third bottle and Rage Quit if everyone dies.
    • Take a drink when a bonus round starts.
      • Drink in shame if you die or get nothing during the bonus round.
    • Down the bottle if you lose a streak of 50 or more.
    • Take a drink if you see someone with a streak in the triple digits.
      • Take another drink for every milestone they hit.
      • Down the bottle out of sympathy if they die.
    • Finish your drink if you get a combination of disaster that is very close to (if not outright) impossible to survive. (i.e spike walls + missile launcher)
  • If you're playing Piggy:
    • Take a sip if you find an item.
      • Take two if it's an item you need to unlock the exit.
    • Take a sip for every player you kill as Piggy.
      • Take three every time you get stunned.
    • Take a sip if you die.
    • Down your drink if you get selected as Piggy.
    • Down your drink if a game of Traitor or Infection ends in under 2 minutes.
    • Take a sip if you vote on a chapter, but the other people vote on another chapter.
    • Take a sip if the same thing happens to selecting the game type.
If you're playing Framed:
  • Take a drink if your hunter dies.
    • Toast if you killed them yourself.
  • Take a drink if the undercover isn't even trying to be subtle (which is the entire point of the role).
    • Take another drink if they get killed, or if they always stay next to the cops, so shooting them is basically a death sentence.
  • Drown your sorrows if you get killed while escaping.
  • Take a drink if you kill your target.
    • Take another (sad) drink if a police officer kills you immediately afterward.
  • In the hunted man game mode, take a drink if you become the hunted man.
    • Toast if you win.
  • Down the bottle and Rage Quit if a player is attacking you for no reason in order to make you kill them, allowing the cops to shoot you on sight. note 
  • Take a drink if a cop camps you.
    • Two if they repeatedly shoot you and don't understand why you won't die. note 
  • Take a drink if you see someone try to shoot a cop. note 
  • If you encounter a show-off, drink.
  • Take a drink if there is a player with more wins than everyone else in the server combined.
  • On the train map, take a drink if the last "framed" has to jump off the train in order to win.
    • Down the bottle and laugh your drunken ass off if they miss the jump and lose.
If you're playing Parkour Tag:
  • If you're playing Banana Eats:
    • Take a drink whenever you complete a task.
    • Take a drink if you see the Banana, but they don't notice you.
    • Take a drink if you get killed. Drown your sorrows if the exits were open, or there was less than one minute left (in banana split mode).
    • Take a drink if the banana camps the cake.
    • Take a drink if you trip over a Banana Peel placed directly in front of a vent, or on top of the cake.
    • If you are the Banana:
      • Take a drink whenever you kill someone.
      • If you find someone hiding in a locker, take a drink.
      • Don't drink for the entirety of the next round if you kill all the runners. Make it three rounds if there was 7 or more, and make it five rounds if there was 10 or more. (Only possible if someone joins in the middle of the game.)
    • If you encounter a showoff who doesn't exit until the very last second, or until the Banana gets within three feet of them, Rage Quit so that they will lose.
  • If you're playing Build Battle:
    • Take a drink if someone builds something completely irrelevant or random.
    • Take a drink if you're extremely proud of your build.
    • Drink two entire bottles if you witness a "LEGENDARY" build. Note  Make it three if it's your own build.
    • During the RB Battles topic, if you manage to create a well-designed build that matches the aforementioned topic, but loses to a poorly-designed build either due to vote manipulation or alt accounts, drown your sorrows.
  • If you're playing Plates Of Fate: Note 
    • Take a drink if something happens to you or your plate. Take two if it's bad.
      • Drink a whole bottle and Rage Quit if it's the "[X amount of players] will become a ticking time bomb" event.
    • Take a drink if something redundant happens to you or your plate (Ex. You get a freeze ray despite already having one).
    • If you see a player who is suffering from downright rotten luck, drink out of pity for them.
    • Whenever you see someone with a custom decal for when they die, take a drink.
    • Take a drink if someone hogs one of the gambling games.
    • Take a drink if someone complains that "The Drop" is rigged.
    • If you see someone "Pie-Jumping", Note  take a drink.
      • Toast if they fall.
    • Take a drink if someone gets a sword.
      • Take a drink of relief if they don't go on a killing rampage.
    • If you get a virus, and the cure is unreachable, take a drink.
      • Drown your sorrows if the plate it's on disappears, meaning you have no way to cure yourself.
    • Take a drink if you or your plate are hit by the "[X amount of players/plates] will return to normal" event.
      • Drown your sorrows if it happens at a very bad time.
      • Toast if it happens at the perfect time.
    • Take a drink if someone creates and queues a gamemode combination that is effectively instant death (i.e one-stud hell, high gravity, and lava spinner).
      • Take another drink if it ends in less than one minute, or lasts longer than two minutes.
      • Down the bottle and Rage Quit if they queue it several times in a row.
    • Take a drink if a round lasts longer than twelve minutes.
      • Take another for every minute after that.
      • Down the bottle if it reaches twenty minutes.
    • Down an entire bottle if a rare, deadlier variant of an event occurs. (Ex. red handcuffs, pink helicopter)
    • Drink half a bottle if you die to a horizontal saw that covers the entirety of your plate.
    • Take a drink if you see a player who obviously doesn't know how to play the Sweeper gambling game.
      • Take two drinks if someone bets the minimum 500 coins.
      • Finish your drink if all of the squares contain money bags.
    • Take a drink if a betting round occurs.
      • Take another drink if it's cancelled due to not enough bets being placed.
      • Finish two entire drinks if someone wins the bet. Add a third if they placed a bet on themselves.
    • Take a drink if somebody grows their plate enough to take up the entire arena.
      • Take another if their plate is a sphere and everyone is crowded at the very top because of the invisible wall.
      • Finish half your drink if they die.
      • Drown your sorrows if you can't make it to a plate in time and fall to your death.
  • If you're playing Creeper Chaos:
    • Take a drink if someone creates a staircase. note 
      • Take a drink for every player who decides to play as a Creeper when the above happens.
      • Drink as much as you can in one mouthful if, despite all of this, the creepers still lose.
    • Take a drink if someone complains that the items don't save (which is deliberate, for balancing reasons).
    • If you see a player in diamond or obsidian armor fighting Creepers on the ground, drink.
      • Chug for five seconds if they die.
      • Toast out of respect if they manage to win.
    • Whenever you see a player who is using the Warhammer, take a drink for every creeper they kill.
    • Down half a bottle if less than five players survive.
      • Make it the entire bottle if only one survives.
      • Drink a glass of water instead if that one person was an exploiter.
    • Take a drink whenever someone makes a "car/plane."
      • Take another if it "crashes."
    • Take a drink whenever you see an exploiter.
  • For Loomian Legacy, Doodle World, or other Mon games.
    • Take a sip for every game that is a spiritual successor to a former Pokemon fangame
    • Take a sip if one of the Grass, Fire, or Water starters are used by Game Freak in a later gen
    • Take a sip if there are more than three starters. Two sips if the same selection includes a Grass, Fire, and Water.
    • Finish the drink whenever you find a shiny, legendary, or a mon with a rare trait.
    • Take a drink for every gym badge collected.
    • Loomian Legacy specific:
      • Take three sips for every Corrupt Loomian you encounter
      • Take a drink for every Gamma Gleam Loomian you encounter
      • Take a drink every time Lucas brings up food.
      • Take three sips every time an update takes longer than necessary to drop.
    • Doodle World specific:
      • Take a sip for every skin that references another work. You might want to have an audience on standby.
      • Take a sip every time Junipyro, Squonk, Hollihare, or Fluppy receives a skin in a seasonal event outside of their season.
      • Take a sip every time TJ brings up the fact he's not from this timeline.
      • Take a sip every time you encounter a Doodle with a tint or skin.
      • Take two drinks if you get a Stone Golem room three times in a row in a Runic Island run.
      • Take a drink every time you receive a rare item from a Runic Island room.
  • For "Find the"/Scavenger hunt games:
    • Finish your drink every time you find something whose difficulty is the highest in the game.
    • Take a sip for every obby you find that is too difficult for you to complete. Make it a drink if you manage to complete it.
    • Take a drink every time there's a reference to Juke's Towers of Hell. This will be bound to happen a lot for games using the JToH kit, so exercise caution.
    • Take a drink for every find game where most of the collectables aren't really that hidden.
    • Take a drink for every collectable that requires a glitch.
    • Take a drink for every puzzle you come across that requires a cipher.
      • Take another drink if it requires you to access an external website.
      • Take three if it's a full-on ARG. Down the bottle if you manage to successfully complete the ARG and obtain the badge.
    • Take a drink every time you stumble across an invisible teleporter. For older find games (especially those before the 2020s), change this to a sip, as invisible teleporters were more common back then.
    • Take a drink if you see a difficulty that is made up for the game (e.g. Markerous).
    • Take a drink for every find game that is based on Battle for Dream Island or any other object show, or simply uses object show-style objects as the collectables.
    • Down the bottle in victory if you collect every single thing in the game, minus event/limited badges.
    • Take two sips for finding a collectible that is easier than the difficulty said on the list.
    • Take a drink if you obtain three or more of the collectibles within 30 seconds. Keep an audience on standby if the game is notorious for this, or if you're playing an older game.
    • Take a sip for every "Find the [x] Morphs" game you encounter.
      • Take half of your drink if the game is noted to be of better quality than most morph-finding games (e.g. Find the Fridges).
    • For death mode: Take a sip every time you find something. For certain death mode, take a drink every time you find something. It'd be best not to try this at all, even with sips, as many find games have upwards of 100 or 200 badges, and some contain even more.
