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Drinking Game / My Hero (2000)

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  • Take a shot whenever George sniffs.
  • Take a shot whenever Thermoman or anyone else uses a superpower.
  • Take a shot whenever someone says "Zneet".
    • Take two shots whenever someone says the full greeting "Zneet Znadders Zneet."
      • Down your drink the one time Tyler says "Zneet Znadders Nudingzneet".
  • Take a shot whenever Mrs. Raven is mean.
  • Take a shot whenever Piers says "I am always here."
  • Take a shot whenever Ella says "Come along, Stanley."
  • Take a shot whenever Tyler's delusions come up.
  • Take a shot whenever Arnie and Mrs. Raven flirt.
  • Take a shot whenever Cassie has a vision.
