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Drinking Game / Mad Men

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A man with his good Old Fashioned

Roger: [as Don pours himself a drink] I bet daily friendship with that bottle attracts more people to advertising than any salary you could dream of.
Don: That's why I got in.
Roger: So enjoy it!
Don: [drinks] I'm doing my best here.
Roger: No, you're not. You don't know how to drink. Your whole generation, you drink for the wrong reasons. My generation, we drink because it's good. Because it feels better than unbuttoning your collar. Because we deserve it. We drink because it's what men do.

Standard Version

  • Every time a character cheats on their current spouse or steady, take a drink. If it's Don, make it a very small sip.
  • Any time a character sleeps with their actual spouse or steady, take two drinks.
  • Every time there's a flashback to Don's secret past, take a drink.
  • Any time Don talks truthfully about his past, take two drinks. If he does so when not under duress, finish the drink.
  • Every time the ad agency changes its name, take a drink.
  • Every time the number of agency partners increases, take a drink.
  • Every time someone goes in their stocking feet while in Bert's office, take a drink. If someone refuses to take off their shoes before entering, finish the bottle.
  • Every time someone smokes pot in the office, take a drink.
  • Every time Sally and her mother argue or grumble at each other, take a drink. Whenever they actually get along, finish the drink.
  • Every time a character (man or woman) goes on a Soapbox Sadie rant, take a drink.
  • Every time Ginsberg goes on a ... well, a Ginsberg rant, take a drink.
  • Every time Pete complains about not getting any respect, take a drink. If he's justified in doing so, finish the drink.
  • Every time someone quits or is fired from the agency, take a drink. If they return, take two drinks. If a partner overrules the dismissal before the person's even left the building, take three.
  • Every time a deceased character appears in a vision, hallucination or dream, take a drink.
  • Every time an actor that was also in L.A. Noire appears, take a drink.

Simple Version

  • Pick any character. When he or she drinks, you drink. Book a hospital bed in advance if you pick Roger.

Very Simple Version

  • Take a shot every time someone lights a cigarette. Have an ambulance on speed dial.
