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Creator / William Grubb

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William Grubb is a online YouTube voice actor from California who is best known in a few fandoms.

He originally joined YouTube in March 2007 as MissOliverandBlossom and started with a series of videos called "T&F", which you can tell, its his own "Thomas and Friends" series. The series was made using Bachmann and Hornby models, and was a Gag Series where the characters got into bizarre situations.

William later faded out of the Thomas fandom, thus scrapping the planned projects he was going to do. He eventuality transition to the Brony fandom and took the name ''DaWillstanator''. His pony persona (or "ponysona") Thespio has gained fame after several collaborative projects with members of the MLP Analysis community, culminating in becoming the BLU team's Spy in the TF2 Analysis series.


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  • Disappeared Dad
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With close friend Joey (Jasper Pie). Formerly with Zak (Toon), until he was outed as a pedophile. Note that he was this with both when they were part of the Thomas & Friends fandom.
  • Large Ham: Perhaps the largest slice in the deli, both in person and in his various online appearances.
  • Nerd Glasses
  • Official Couple: With his wife Katie Patterson.


    Brony Fandom 
