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Trivia / William Grubb

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  • Development Hell: Tomy T&F, a crossover between Will and Joey’s (trainlover476/Jasper Pie) Thomas Gag Series that started production around the late 2000’s, and didn’t see any sort of release until 2017, mostly from the two admitting that they were in over their heads when they came up with it and losing interest as the years went on. Even then it was incomplete and there are no plans to make a Part 2.
  • Old Shame: While he doesn’t regret making his older videos, Will has made it no secret that he’s not too proud of his older Thomas and Friends videos, lamenting that they were a good start to his career, but finds them cringey to watch now.
  • What Could Have Been: Many Thomas themed projects, including a Halloween special and the 3rd season of his Thomas and Friends Gag Series never came to be due to his shift from Thomas to pony-centric content.
