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Characters / With Pearl And Ruby Glowing Heat Of The Heart

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Multiple stories

  • Central Theme: This collection is centered around romance.
  • Unreliable Narrator: A running theme in this fic is people lying onstage to make themselves look innocent, people unknowingly saying things that aren't true, people not having all the information about a situation, and more.
    • Chip Whistler outright lies to make himself look like the victim of False Rape Accusation when he really did rape Gloria.
    • Marinette and Adrien aren't by their own knowledge, but they're both unaware of the other's circumstances and get a few things wrong.
    • Luz thinks Amity's false accusation against her was out of malice rather than fear.
    • Chris pretends he isn't grieving or distressed about the missing Total Drama contestants and downplays how upset he was by the rumours about him.
    • Julian admits to a crime he didn't commit, but believes he did.
    • Bobby talks about how much he loves Billy, but leaves out the fact that he's a Stalker with a Crush.
    • Robbie claims he must have wanted or liked Mr. Richfield's assault.
    • Duncan Matthews claims to be sorry for the things he's done when he really isn't, and Callisto suffers from severe delusions.
    • Darnell is forced to lie to Buddy on the phone during his assault.
    • Amelia is a spy for the Ark.
    • The "Rigby" onstage with Mordecai is actually Doug; the real Rigby is being kept hostage in a trailer in the woods.
    • Nancy thinks that Mike is dead, but he's actually been sold off to the Ark.
    • Boo Boo avoids mentioning that she persuaded her male friends to rape a classmate for getting between her and a boy she liked.
    • Freakazoid tells the whole truth; Cosgrove assumes Freak was lying and tells the group so.
    • Sherlock suffered brain damage and now can't speak or write properly but can still think clearly; his partners think his thought processes are a lot more damaged than they are, and he can spot the traitors at the Palace but can't successfully tell anyone. He also suffers from Capgras Syndrome and is sure Dawson has been replaced.
    • Venomous has to admit to Boxman that he’s been lying about his identity for their entire relationship.
    • Sweetheart is Innocently Insensitive about race and religion and denies that Teddy's behaviour is a problem.
    • Spiffy and Fleabag's article gets several details wrong about Ace attacking Elliot and getting arrested.
    • Jasper lies via omission in order to make Lapis look like the bad guy. Peridot isn't even talking about Lapis and Jasper at all. Lapis tells the truth, but blames herself.
    • Lottie recounts how she misunderstood the situation with Tiana and Naveen, as well as her being unaware of how she harmed Tiana.
    • GIFfany thought she ruined Soos and Melody's relationship and downplayed how she was initially was handling herself afterwards.
    • The dialogue stand-in for Frosting and Icing is an ad about how wonderful Hot Chocolate Soldiers are, while the memory fragments show the company uses slave labour and tries to silence whistleblowers.
    • Naveen, Humperdinck, Topaz, Hiro Tanaka, and Phillipe argue over who's the father of the baby that Helga's carrying, unaware that it's actually Hans, who denies that the baby's his.
    • The camp counselor insists Marcus forced himself on Renee, when he didn't.
    • Harold doesn't narrate unreliably on the stage, but unreliably narrated his own life by adopting a habit of maladaptive daydreaming, and initially tells Perdita that he cheated on her with Helga when he was actually raped because he didn't know that men could be raped by women.
    • Tia and Davy regret their actions towards each other, but they attend on different days, so they don't know what the other person is thinking.
    • Ben told Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos to lie about what went on at Nauru, so they didn't come back for Uma, Gil, Harry, and CJ, who assumed they abandoned them.

The Nice Guy (Chip Whistler)

See With Pearl And Ruby Glowing Antagonists.

Yin and Yang (Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste)

  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Marinette's color is red, Adrien's is black, and at a few points they swap when they mention each other in their stories.
  • Daddy's Girl: Marinette is very close with her father who, when she's attacked, breaks down her bedroom door in order to save her from the intruder.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: Adrien, this causes issues when he's assaulted and nobody is around or paying enough attention to hear him scream.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Lila lies about Marinette coming on to her, which results in God's First Will thinking she's a "sapphist".
  • Plot Parallel: Both plots have equal weight placed on them rather than an A versus B plot, but they run to the same beats. Each of them has a negative experience with Chloe and another with Lila, both are stalked by God's Will First because of racial issues, each goes full-on Stalker with a Crush to the other, and finally they're both assaulted directly by the same person.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Both, to the other. Marinette repeatedly breaks into Adrien's bedroom, and Adrien sends nudes to Marinette online (in the latter case, neither knows who the other actually is, a la their secret identities in the show). Neither is presented as irredeemable for doing so, but nor are they presented as if they deserved it or it was a good thing to do.

TheGoodWitchApproves (Luz Noceda)

  • Body Horror: Magical body trauma is used as an analogy for Luz's betrayal, sexual abuse, and abortion, represented as Azura being turned into a monster, eaten alive and healed repeatedly, and being infected with a parasite that looks like a baby and melts gruesomely while screaming when she takes an antidote.
  • Broken Bird: If the way she's written Azura is anything to go by, Luz has been seriously damaged after Amity's perceived turning on her.
  • Crack Pairing: In-Universe example - within her fic, the Good Witch Azura is in unrequited love with the title character of The Duchess Approves, who Luz uses as a stand-in for Eda.
  • Freudian Slip: She switches to first-person narration at stressful points and at the end writes "criminal" instead of "monster".
  • Good Girls Avoid Abortion: Luz is Catholic and really doesn't want to get an abortion, but has to because being pregnant so young and after being put on numerous drugs is a risk to her life.
  • Her Code Name Was "Mary Sue": She uses Azura as a stand-in for herself, even slipping from third to first-person narration a few times, which becomes increasingly disturbing as Luz's own life goes off the rails.
  • Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: The fanfic involves the Good Witch Azura being dosed with "monowine" transformation potion.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: The "potions" Azura is given in the fic to make her wide awake for torture instead make her smarter, which helps her escape. ADHD is treated with methamphetamine derivatives, which the Ark apparently gave to Luz and inadvertently helped her focus.
  • Self-Parody: The chapter is depicted as a fic Luz wrote, structured with the same format as the usual chapters, and is melodramatic, gruesome, poorly spelled, and inspired to an uncomfortable level by real incidents Luz suffered through.
  • Show Within a Show: The author of a fic within a fic.
  • Stylistic Suck: Luz's writing abilities are... about what you'd expect from a traumatized 14-year-old.

Il Capitano Bugiardo (Chris Mclean)

  • Break the Haughty: Deconstructed. While people in-universe buy into this, the narrative, however, does not and Chris isn't presented as deserving of what happened to him.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Precisely how he intended to keep up pretending to be gay forever isn't clear.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Very, very deep down he cares about the Total Drama Cast and a few other people besides himself, not that he's going to admit it.
  • Mama's Boy: There's some mention of how the number one contact on his phone is his mother.
  • Meaningful Name: His name translates to "the Lying Captain"; he was the host of Total Drama and he lied about being gay to take the negative attention of the cast's kidnapping away from him.

The Dead Ringer (Julian)

  • All Love Is Unrequited: Believes this to be the case with Anneliese.
  • Broken Bird: Clearly mentally damaged, even after being released from prison.
  • Gas Lighting: Everyone believed he committed the murders and kept telling him so, to the point that he began to believe he did as well.
  • Insane Equals Violent: Fully averted. He's having a psychotic break and off the deep end, but he's still remarkably composed.
  • The Lost Lenore: A very strange version with Anneliese who... isn't dead and who he believes that he murdered.
  • Meaningful Name: He was constantly told that he killed Anneliese and Erika, and he still believes it.
  • Pretty Boy: Part of the problem when he was thrown in jail.
  • Uptown Girl: Was in love with Anneliese who was experiencing financial troubles herself, but was still quite a bit wealthier and from a higher social stratum.

Serpens Caput (Bobby)

See With Pearl And Ruby Glowing Antagonists.

Wrong-Side Romeo (Robbie Sinclair)

  • Dating What Daddy Hates: The guy in this scenario. This is why Mr. Richfield assaulted him.
  • Gayngst: More like Bials and Tribulations. A lot of his angst centers around his bisexuality.
  • Meaningful Name: He lives on the poor side of town and Mr. Richfield assaulted him for dating his daughter.
  • My Girl Is Not a Slut: Uses this as an excuse to ditch Wendy when he's actually afraid of her dad.
  • The Unfavorite: He comes across as one. Definitely has a contentious relationship with his father.

The Marked Carabastion (Duncan Mathews)

See With Pearl And Ruby Glowing Antagonists.

Perdition's Poacher (Callisto)

  • Composite Character: Kind of - she seems to be a combination of both comic canon and that of the considerably different Callisto that features in X-Men Evolution. She still kidnaps Warren and actually rapes him here, but she's rendered as much more sympathetic in this incarnation with much of her cartoon personality. The result? An unstable girl with religious delusions and a guilt complex.
  • Eye Scream: Warren injures her eye when fighting back, and maggots infest the wound.
  • Leit Motif: Nicole Dollanganger's "Poacher's Pride".
  • Messy Maggots: Maggots infest her injured eye.
  • Thoroughly Mistaken Identity: Impressive case; she thinks Warren is the archangel Raphael. Justified since she only thinks that because her disorder causes severe delusions.
  • Yandere: Towards Warren.

Thunder and (Greased) Lightning (Buddy Thunderstruck and Darnell Fetzervalve)

  • Always Save the Girl: Not a girl, but the point still stands. Buddy's willing to do almost anything first to stop Jake's assault on Darnell and then to save his life. He succeeds with the latter.
  • Blatant Lies: Darnell helps Buddy figure out the truth by working in lies that Jake doesn't know about, telling Buddy he hates "your stupid smooth jazz", which Buddy actually doesn't like, and claiming to have had an affair with "cousin Zeke", who was actually Buddy's Imaginary Friend.
  • Deception Non-Compliance: Jake forces Darnell to lie to Buddy that he's having an affair. Darnell starts working in lies that only Buddy would know are lies, such as claiming that the affair is with "cousin Zeke", who was actually Buddy's Imaginary Friend or that he hates Buddy's "stupid smooth jazz", which Buddy actually hates.
  • Implied Death Threat: When Buddy learns exactly what Jake did to Darnell, he implies that when he gets his hands on Jake, bad things are gonna happen to him.
  • Mistaken for Cheating: Not so much "mistaken" but deliberately misled. Jake forces Darnell to lie to Buddy at gunpoint, telling him he's having an affair (among other things). Luckily, Buddy figures it out before it's too late.
  • Netorare: Darnell invokes a lot of the typical dialogue beats of the genre, but doesn't mean them.
  • Quiet Cry for Help: Buddy works out the truth when Darnell starts telling Blatant Lies.
  • Relationship Sabotage: Jake is a fan of Buddy and doesn't want to kill him, so he tries to kill Darnell and break Buddy's heart to stop him committing the "sin" of being gay.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: Gender-inverted. While saving Darnell, Buddy tries to run Jake over with his truck and mentions that Jake doesn't want to know what's going to happen when he gets his hands on him.

The Star-Crossed Conductor (Amelia)

See With Pearl And Ruby Glowing Antagonists.

Parks and Rec (Mordecai and "Rigby")

For Doug alone, see With Pearl And Ruby Glowing Antagonists.

  • Adaptational Sexuality: In canon, they both showed interest in only women, but they are dating each other here.
  • Bed Trick: Doug has sex with Mordecai while disguised as Rigby.
  • Capture and Replicate: "Rigby" is actually Doug onstage, while the real Rigby is locked up in a trailer.
  • Doppelgänger: Like in canon, Doug impersonates Rigby. Unlike canon, he doesn't get caught in the end and the real Rigby is being kept in a trailer in the woods by Doug.
  • False Rape Accusation: Played with; Doug inflicts injuries on himself and impersonates Rigby to make it seem like "Doug" raped him.
  • Meaningful Name: They both work at a park.
  • Screw Yourself: Rigby's shown at the end with injuries which imply Doug has raped him, and Doug is still wearing his Rigby stage makeup when he visits the trailer he's keeping Rigby in.
  • Sex Slave: Doug is hiding Rigby away in the woods and is raping him.
  • Shout-Out: Their Palace names are a reference to Parks and Recreation.

The Primadonna Comare (Nancy)

  • Gold Digger: She admits that she really didn't love the Mafia member she was seeing and was really only after him for his money
  • The Lost Lenore: Nancy believes that Mike is dead and she is not taking it well. Subverted as he was actually trafficked by the Ark.
  • Mafia Princess: A double example as not only is she Frufru's cousin here and Mr. Bigg's niece, she was also involved with a member of The Mafiya.
  • Warts and All: She admits that, despite all his flaws, she really did love Mike.

The Goodest Guardian (Princess Boo Boo)

See With Pearl And Ruby Glowing Antagonists.

Mrs. Ashley Huggbees and In Sickness (Freakazoid! and Sergeant Mike Cosgrove)

  • Atrocious Alias: "Freakazoid" was deemed by Mary to sound like an insult, so he picked an entirely random name in a Shout-Out to the original episode. Cosgrove's name sounds strange on its own but he's planning to invite Mary Beth to the group under the name "In Health".
  • Cassandra Truth: Cosgrove refuses to believe how awful Mary Beth is and thinks Freakazoid is lying about her assaulting him.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Freakazoid alternates from happily bouncing around to tears and thinks Cosgrove being a cop makes him just like a platypus.
  • Decomposite Character: Dexter is Freakazoid's second brother here, Freak's name being given as Dougal.
  • False Rape Accusation: Subverted. Cosgrove thinks that Freakazoid is making up that Mary Beth raped him, but she really did.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: Cosgrove is a grown man with a fiancee and Freakazoid seems to be in high school.
  • Noodle Incident: The narration mentions that Dexter, Steph and Roddy could be there to stop Freakazoid from "throwing donuts again." This is not elaborated on.
  • You're Just Jealous: Cosgrove thinks that Freakazoid is jealous of Mary Beth when he tells him that she's a bad person.

The Psychologist's Dilemma - Id, Ego, and Superego (Beth Lestrade, Watson, and Sherlock Holmes)

  • Cannot Spit It Out: Justified; Holmes is brain-damaged and has lost the power to speak or write at all. That is, until Mirabel found a way.
  • Hard Head: Averted hard. Fidget beats Holmes unconscious with a gun, causing permanent brain damage.
  • Mistaken For An Impostor: Brain damage leaves Holmes with Capgras Syndrome, unable to identify Dawson.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Holmes is still perfectly compos mentis apart from the Capgras Syndrome, but lacks speech or sufficient motor control to write, so no one is aware of that. He can identify potential threats to the Palace, but can no longer tell anyone about them. Luckily, Mirabel managed to find a way around that.
  • Sherlock Scan: Holmes' ability to do this is still perfectly functional.
  • The Speechless: He can no longer communicate effectively.

Venom Smoke and Nature's Cure-All (Professor Venomous and Lord Boxman)

The Real World - North America (Clover), South America (Starlight), Africa (Melody), Europe (Bon Bon), Asia (Patch), Oceania (Bright Eyes), Antarctica/South Pole/Pangaea (Sweetheart), North Pole (Teddy), the Ambassador (Lancer)

  • All Jews Are Ashkenazi: Averted. Clover's family is Abenaki and practises Judaism.
  • All Muslims Are Arab: Averted. Bonbon is Afro-Iranian on her father's side and Bosniak on her mother's, and Patch is from Turkmenistan. Melody is partly Egyptian, but also heavily mixed with Chinese and African American heritage.
  • Braids, Beads and Buckskins: Referenced. Clover is offended that Teddy dressed up as a Native American for Halloween. Sweetheart doesn't see the problem, but the others do.
  • Happily Adopted: Patch was adopted from somewhere in Turkmenistan, where her adoptive mother is also from, and her family love her and are concerned for her well-being.
  • I Have Many Names: Sweetheart changes her nickname based on who she's with; Antarctica to fit with the continent-based names of the group, North Pole to Teddy's South Pole, and Pangaea when she comes in alone.
  • Implausible Hair Color:
  • Innocent Bigot: Sweetheart repeatedly defends Teddy (as well as others) against her friends' claims of racism. She also continues to hang out with him despite this. That said, she's ten years old and doesn't understand fully how bad what she's doing is. She realizes her mistake near the end. She's also said racist things in her own right, likely picked up from her parents and those around her.
  • Ironic Nickname: Pangea is the geographical supermass that consisted of virtually every continent on earth. Sweetheart chooses this nickname once all the other "continents", a.k.a. her friends, have separated from her.
  • "Just Joking" Justification: Teddy claims that all the bad stuff he did was just him kidding around. Sweetheart doesn't buy it.
  • Meaningful Name: Clover is Abenaki, Starlight is Brazilian, Melody is Egyptian, Bon Bon is Bosniak, Patch is Turkmen, and Bright Eyes is Chamorro. Sweetheart and Teddy are Caucasian Americans, and Lancer is the one who tries to make peace between them.
  • Pants-Pulling Prank: Teddy pulls off the bottom of Bright Eyes' two-piece bathing suit during a swimming contest.
  • The Peeping Tom: Teddy takes photos of Patch while she's changing clothes, leading to her wearing more and more concealing clothing until her parents notice something's up.
  • Taught to Hate: Teddy picked up racist and misogynistic views from his father, which led him to bully Sweetheart's friends and eventually assault Melody.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Implied. Melody shoves Sweetheart away from Bonbon when she goes to touch her. After defending their attacker for so long, it seems they've had enough of her. She seems to have done the same with Teddy.

The Columnist and the Photographer (Spiffy and Fleabag)

Erinyes - Erinys Alekto (Jasper), Erinys Magaera (Peridot), and Erinys Tisiphone (Lapis Lazuli)

For Jasper by herself, look at With Pearl And Ruby Glowing Antagonists
  • Aggressive Submissive: Jasper is a type b. She actively antagonizes Lapis and pushes her to react violently so that Jasper can experience sexual gratification. Presented as creepy here, not so much because of the kink itself, but because Lapis does not consent to take part in it and is also underage.
  • All Jews Are Ashkenazi: Averted. Lapis is heavily implied to be of Sephardic/Filipina heritage on her father's side.
  • Ambiguously Jewish: Lapis is definitely ethnically Jewish, thanks to Andy, but Peridot is Muslim and it's not clear if she subscribes to either religious belief.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Lapis finally has sex in order to blackmail Jasper after she threatens Steven.
  • Boomerang Bigot: Jasper calls her intersex siblings "hermaphrodites" despite presumably having the same condition herself.
  • Calling Parents by Their Name: Both Jasper and Lapis refer to their mothers (Holly Blue Agate and Peridot, respectively) by their first names because of their hostile or complicated relationships.
  • Discriminate and Switch: Peridot seems to be referring to Jasper as a "he" throughout her monologue, but in her final line it's revealed she's actually talking about a Camp Pining Hearts ship.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Villainous Jasper is covered in scar tissue from being pushed into a boiler by Lapis.
  • The Grotesque: Malachite is an innocent newborn who dies tragically from sirenomelia, a condition which causes fused and crooked legs and missing internal organs.
  • Internalized Categorism: Jasper uses slurs against other gay, trans, and intersex people, despite being those things herself; it's implied her upbringing left her with a lot of self-hatred about those factors.
  • Interplay of Sex and Violence: Jasper intentionally provokes Lapis into hurting her because she enjoys it.
  • Interrupted Suicide: Steven catches Lapis trying to kill herself and stops her.
  • Intersex Tribulations: Jasper was coercively assigned male at birth and it's implied she went through genital mutilation. She still produces fertile sperm, but the various hereditary conditions in her family may or may not have contributed to Malachite's birth defects and death.
  • Leit Motif: The Killers' Murder Trilogy.
  • Macho Masochism: Jasper liked Lapis fighting back and hurting her because it made her feel strong, and it's implied that's tied into feeling it validates her identity as a butch non-cis woman.
  • Mama Bear: Lapis blames Jasper for Malachite's death and attacks her while still hospitalized from the birth.
  • Meaningful Name: "Jasper" is implied to be Jasper's deadname and she goes by Treasure now, as "treasurer" is the meaning of the word "jasper" in Persian. Amethyst and Carnelian are named Amy and Cornelia. Lapis is Bobbie, as she called herself Bob in a canon episode when she tried to pass for human. Peridot is named Faridat (which means Peridot) Peri, shortened to Dot.
  • Mister Seahorse: Inverted. Jasper is trans/intersex and impregnates Lapis.
  • No Sympathy: Lapis is on the receiving end. Even as she's telling her story, other Palace members laugh at her.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: Malachite died days after she was born due to bad birth defects.
  • Parental Favoritism: Holly Blue didn't molest Jasper, though she did beat her, and used her as an enforcer over her sisters. This may also be why Jasper was apparently the only one of her siblings assigned male, though some others are intersex too, or possibly passing more closely for male at birth was why she was deemed the favourite; either way, Holly won't acknowledge Jasper's transition.
  • Punny Name: Peridot's human name is Dot Peri.
  • Parents as People: Peridot loves Lapis, but she's also pretty self-centered and too wrapped up in her own life to see that Jasper is abusive until it's too late, and she believed the police when Lapis was blamed for a bombing.
  • Psycho Ex-Girlfriend: Jasper fulfills the role to Lapis... kind of. She's possessive and unwilling to let go, stalking and attacking her when she tries to run, but they were never actually a couple.
  • You Fool!: Presumably because having a human woman calling people "clod" wouldn't sound right, Peridot repeatedly refers to people as "khra" or "khar" which effectively means "idiot" in Afghani.

The Scullery Wench (Lottie)

The Yandere AI (GIFfany)

Frosting and Icing (Hobo Cookie and Sugar Cookie Girl)

  • Camp Straight: As in the short, Hobo Cookie makes a pretty dress and does makeup for a girl he eventually happily marries.
  • The Kindness of Strangers: Donald finds Hobo Cookie when he escapes, gets him medical treatment, and it's implied he helps him get set up in the US.
  • Lost at Sea: Hobo Cookie escaped the cocoa farm on a boat and spent nearly three months at sea before Donald and his Navy crew saved him.
  • Made a Slave: He was forced to work in a cocoa farm against his will as a child. Later the company tries to force him to stay quiet.

The Knights of the Lake - Lancelot du Lac (Naveen again), Galahad (Prince Humperdinck), Lancelot of the Lake (Prince Topaz), Shiro no Kishi and Kuro no Kishi (Hiro Tanaka and Hiro Karuta), El Caballero Malhecho (Prince Phillipe), the Wicked Knight (Hans)

For Naveen see With Pearl And Ruby Glowing The Palace Part Three, and for Hans see With Pearl And Ruby Glowing Antagonists
  • And Now You Must Marry Me: Helga takes advantage of Humperdinck's lack of understanding of relationships to persuade him he has to marry her now she's pregnant.
  • The Baby Trap: Helga pulled this on all six of them, trying to extort money.
  • Beautiful Sexual Assault Victim: Philippe blames his own appearance for his repeated assaults and ruins his own face with a hammer to stop future ones, even though he was an infant when the first one happened and it's implied the actual motive there was to punish his father.
  • Bullying the Disabled: Humperdinck isn't really with-it and still thinks he's going to marry Helga, and his family were all horrified to hear he'd possibly got a woman pregnant, implying he has some learning difficulties and Helga took advantage of his resulting naivete. The other unintentionally do this, poking fun at him, when they think he's being sarcastic.
  • Chuunibyou: Possibly Kuruta; he's actually Japanese, but acts like a stereotypical anime character, annoying his also-Japanese roommate Tanaka.
  • Daddy DNA Test: Hans suggests one; unknown to the others, Helga already had one done and he's the father.
  • Gold Digger: All of them are wealthy except Hiro Tanaka, who Helga targeted in mistake for his roommate Hiro Karuta who is rich. Helga tried to extort child support money out of all six of them while letting them fight over who the real father is.
  • Innocent Bigot: Played with. Tanaka is clearly annoyed by his roommate's understanding of Japan (ie asking him about anime and vocaloid and using outdated honorifics) but Kuruta actually does seem to be ethnically Japanese. Either way, he's clearly not malicious and offers to pay for Tanaka to raise the baby. His friends may be a more straightforward case as they act similarly and do appear to be white.
  • Law of Inverse Paternity: All of the group except Hans want to be the baby's father. Guess who is.
  • Meaningful Name: "The Knights of the Lake" all fell into the Baby Trap by Helga and are all arguing over who is the father to her baby, except for "The Wicked Knight", who is the father.
  • Mistaken Identity: Helga assaulted Hiro Tanaka when she was going for Hiro Karuta because the latter changed his social media profile pic to one with both of them in it, so Helga had to guess.
  • Papa Wolf: All five of the non-winning candidates really want to be the baby's father and are already very protective.
  • Replacement Goldfish: It's implied Nemeny abused Phillipe because his father turned her down and she wanted either a substitute or revenge or both.
  • So Beautiful, It's a Curse: Phillipe blames his childhood abuse on himself having been a "beautiful baby", and when Lenore/Lenny confesses to him too he smashes his own face up in an attempt to prevent further abuse.
  • Student/Teacher Romance: Phillipe's music teacher had sexual relations with him.
  • Tarnishing Their Own Beauty: After Lenore/Lenny confesses to him, Phillipe, out of fear of getting abused again, takes a hammer to his face.
  • Teen Pregnancy: Gender-inversion referenced. Topaz and Hiro are teenagers, and are candidates for the baby's father.
  • Theme Naming:
    • Four of the names suggested for the baby - Bijou, Gem, Hoseki, and Joya - mean "jewel". Juul doesn't, but is spelled similarly.
    • The Knights themselves are all named after Lancelot's various names and titles, excluding Hans who is "The Wicked Knight," a name for Sir Meleagant who kidnapped Guinevere and was killed by Lancelot.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Phillipe was sexually abused by several people, the first time when he was between thirteen to thirty days old.
  • Troubled Abuser: The three princesses from his movie assault Phillipe and it's heavily implied something bad happened to each of them too - Cinderella has bruises, Snow White is found passed out on the floor and cries, and Sleeping Beauty tries to kill herself with sleeping pills.
  • Wham Line: From Phillipe, revealing just how badly his own beauty caused him to suffer.
    “The first time I was… oh, either thirteen or thirty, I can’t remember what my father said…”
    “How do you mix up the two?”
    “I didn’t say years.”
    “Holy shit, months?!”
    “Um, I… never said that, either.”

The Counselor (the camp counselor), Subwoofer (Renee), and Surround Sound (Marcus)

See With Pearl And Ruby Glowing Antagonists for the camp counselor.

Daddio of the Arts (Harold Shrinks)

  • Abortion Fallout Drama: Helga raped him and later aborted a pregnancy which may or may not have been caused by that incident. Harold mentions that he respects women's right to choose, but would have happily taken the baby if Helga had given him a chance to offer.
  • Acting Out a Daydream: In order to cope with Helga raping him and then getting an abortion, he pretended that George was his real child and acted out "raising" him.
  • Ambiguously Bi: He mentions that Perdita thought "George's Song" sounded like adulterous romantic love when she didn't know the truth, and he doesn't mention whether he would have been hypothetically interested in a man or not.
  • Adapted Out: George is a figment of Harold's imagination in this universe.
  • Imaginary Friend: George is Harold's imaginary son.
  • Mistaken for Cheating: When Helga raped him back in high school, he "confessed" to Perdita that he cheated instead of telling the truth because he thought no one would believe a 17-year-old girl could or would do that to a 19-year-old guy. Several years later, Perdita found the sheet music for his song based on George (who isn't real here), leading her to accuse him of doing it "again" until he admitted what really happened.

The High Tide Priestess and the Heartless Rake (Tia Dalma and Davy Jones)

  • Bungled Suicide: Davy swallowed a bunch of pills when he found out Tia was Prison Raped, but he just ended up in the hospital and needed heart surgery.
  • Cycle of Revenge: Tia cheated when Davy was away, he turned her in for her illegal dealings, then she hired Barbossa and crew to attack him. It's implied he's planning something else against her now.
  • Destructive Romance: They loved each other once, and are now trapped in a revenge cycle against each other.
  • Funetik Aksent: Tia's dialogue is heavy on the Jamaican Patois influence, as in the movie.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: It's implied that both of them do regret the things they've done to each other, but at this point are too far into it to stop and apologize for their actions.
  • Rape and Revenge: Tia was raped in prison when Davy turned her in, so she got Barbossa's crew to attack and rape him in turn.
  • Rape by Proxy: Davy may or may not have expected Tia to be raped in prison, and she definitely paid Barbossa and crew to assault him.

The Double Cross — The Southern Cross - Ginan (Ben), Acrux (Mal), Mimosa (Evie), Imai (Jay), and Gacrux (Carlos); The Northern Cross - Albireo (Zevon), Deneb (Uma), Gienah (Gil), Sadr (Harry), and Delta Cygni (CJ)

  • Adaptational Nationality / Race Lift: Ben is a Caucasian Australian, Mal is Syrian, Carlos is Venezuelan, Uma is Somali, Harry is Iraqi, Gil is Algerian, and Celia doesn't appear but is mentioned to be from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Bribe Backfire: Ben's family forbade the Southern Cross group from ever talking about how much they suffered on Nauru or else they would've been sent back. To sweeten the deal, they also offered them bribes of whatever they wanted; Mal used this offer to blackmail Ben into a Dub Con relationship with her.
  • Decomposite Character: Their parents are separate people from the animated Disney villains.
  • Emergency Food Supply Animal: Carlos angrily mentions that back in Venezuela they were so poor that "Mama had to cook-" He's cut off, but Mythology Gag context suggests he was going to say "dogs".
  • Every Man Has His Price: Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos were given whatever they wanted to keep them compliant with Ben's deal to not speak of their abuse.
  • Mistaken for Betrayal: The members of the Southern Cross promised to return to Nauru and rescue the Northern Cross, but the former weren't allowed to tell anyone the truth about their abuse, so the latter assumed they were abandoned when no one came back for them.
  • Reduced to Ratburgers: The kids are refugees from various places, and Carlos mentions his mother had to feed them something unspecified but unpleasant - see above.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: The pirate kids escape Nauru themselves and all sail off into the sunset together.
