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Characters / The Iron Teeth

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The goblin main character, Blacknail was an innocent goblin living the sewers when his human masters sold him. Bandits ambushed the wagon carrying him to an unknown destination. Saeter, a ranger in the bandit gang, adopted the little goblin and named him Blacknail. Thus began Blacknail's journey through the dangers of the North as he struggles to carve a place for himself.

  • Assassin Outclassin'': Blacknail fights multiple assassins in the city of Daggerpoint. He tends to win thanks to night vision, enhanced hearing, and a love of his work.

  • Non-Human Sidekick: Blacknail starts off as Saeter's sidekick.

  • Villain Protagonist: He is a bloodthirsty monster that occasionally tears out throats with his bare teeth and thinks nothing about people dying unless he has become attached to them.
