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Characters / Seraphic Blue

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Beware! Almost every character is a Walking Spoiler, so all spoilers are unmarked!

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    Main Characters 

Lake Llandovery
Lake is a troubled young boy who was given to an orphanage since his birth by his father after his mother died. He takes up the job of Devil Sweeping, killing the Devils that plague the towns, villages, and other cities.
  • Anti-Hero: Though he is the main body of Seraphic Blue and the protagonist of much of the game, he takes quite a bit of pleasure from slaying Devils.
  • Ax-Crazy: Turns out his reason for being a Devil Sweeper was to find an "acceptable" way to vent his frustrations.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Downplayed. He hides his bloodthirsty nature from his peers, but he's not exactly happy with that fact.
  • The Chosen One: As Seraphic Blue's main body.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: His Dead End Hazard deals massive damage, but drops him to critical HP.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Downplayed, as Lake is not evil, but has violent tendencies and some of his Personal Skills are darkness-based.
  • Decoy Protagonist: He's the first fully playable character in battle and is Seraphic Blue's main body to boot, but he dies long before the final battle. The protagonist role goes to Vene after this.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Combined with Even Evil Has Loved Ones. He was Ax-Crazy at the start of the game, but he refused to overcharge Ilyena for his Devil sweeping payment. He was also immediately repulsed by Ende's psychopathy.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Somehow, his status as a human/Sera-Human hybrid is supposed to trigger Gaia's Rebirth, but Vene did instead, because his soul merged with her body.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Played with. He uses a sword which he kills Devils and other Gaia Cancers with it, but he's also the Decoy Protagonist.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He dies protecting the party from Georg's suicidal attack, though he at least passes on his powers to Vene.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: At the beginning, where he was mostly a Jerkass, he at least had a soft spot for Ilyena and Vene. Later on, he mellows out a lot and eventually gets along better with his father.
  • Morality Pet: He has one in Vene, who he protects when she saves him from Ende. At the end of the game, Lake serves as one to Vene, who returned to her nihilistic mindset.
  • Spirit Advisor: He and Ewan serve as this to Vene after their sacrifices.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: By the end of the game, he of all people is telling Vene not to give up on life.
  • Tsundere: After learning why Ewan left him with Ilyena, he slowly softens up to his father. By the time he confronts Georg in the LAJ, he points out that Ewan is a far better father and human being than Georg ever was.
  • Unstoppable Rage: He flies into one when Ilyena is nearly killed protecting him, causing him to rampage in the LAJ before beaten by Gertraud/Georg.

Vene Ansbach
A young girl in the care of the CMGC, who keep her cooped up from the rest of society. Eventually, she's freed by Ewan and the OHG, only to lose her memories in a battle to save Lake.
  • And Then What?: She feels she has nothing to live for aside from her duties, causing both friends and foes to question what happens to her after she saves Gaia.
  • Anti-Hero: Despite being Seraphic Blue, Vene has the same thoughts with Lake and just nihilistic as villains.
  • Amnesiac Dissonance: Vene is much happier and nicer when she loses her memories. Later, Lake and Ewan tell her to embrace this side of herself.
  • Broken Bird: The ending shows that for Vene, recovering from depression is a gradual life-long task.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: The bad guys purposefully save her for last to kill because they know her nihilism will prevent her from saving the world anyway and that their master Er's power scales to hers. The same applies for the good side as well as Vene, Lake, and Ewan are important figures under Gaia's Providence as one of a kind beings.
  • The Chosen One: As Seraphic Blue's wings. After Lake dies, she becomes the complete one.
  • Combat Medic: Vene can learn all healing spells and can deal decent damage with her bow. In the endgame, she gets an upgrade to her two physical skills while gaining the most powerful healing and support skills.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: She deals the finishing blow to Er, who is basically a Physical Goddess with capped stats.
  • Driven to Suicide: Being taught that life is meaningless can do that to a person. Despite her efforts to find hope in the ending, Vene often lapses back into despair and resorts to drugs or attempted suicide, though her friends are trying to prevent that with counseling.
  • 11th-Hour Superpower: Subverted. Right before the final battle with Er, Vene learns some extremely powerful skills from the Destined Wings Sphere, including a full party auto-life buff.
  • Emotionless Girl: Unfortunately, suppressing her emotions ends up releasing Er from her imprisonment, nearly leading to the destruction of Gaia.
  • It Sucks to Be the Chosen One: Sadly for Vene, her status as Seraphic Blue's wings causes her adoptive father to psychologically abuse her into suppressing her emotions.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: One of the few things that separate her from Er is that she's capable of forming actual bonds with people like Lake, Ewan, and Doris. This literally made all the difference between Gaia's salvation and destruction.
  • Moral Sociopathy: Downplayed. Siegbert specifically raised her to be desensitized to death, emotionless, and focused on saving the world. While he succeeded to some extent in molding her into this mindset, Vene still shows empathy towards Ewan and Lake and feels genuine rage towards Ende for arranging their deaths.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite claiming to be apathetic, she was vengeful enough over Ewan and Lake's deaths that she personally used Lansard's BFS to kill Ende.
  • Reincarnation: Of Syria, Lake's mother.
  • Straw Nihilist: She admits that she has the same mindset as the villains, but feels duty-bound to save the world anyways.
  • Took a Level in Cheerfulness: Deconstructed. Although Vene musters the will to live long enough to save the world, she doesn't instantly become a happier person because her nihilistic mindset is very deeply ingrained. Not to mention that she discovers that she only has a year to live.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Her access is unstable and after the final battle, she only has one year to live, due to using Seraphic Trance to defeat Irmgard at the start of the story, thus causing her to become depressed again. However, she's shown to survive this condition despite all odds.

Nixon Cromwell
One wouldn't guess it, but Nixon was once a ruthless bounty hunter before becoming a humble pastor in Hawick. He cares for abandoned angels in his church and later joins Lake and Vene to learn more about the angels' true nature.
  • The Atoner: After his reckless life as a bounty hunter causes his wife and daughter to leave him, Nixon gives up on that life and becomes a pastor that cares for abandoned infant angels. Unfortunately, things don't end well for the angel children...
  • Badass Preacher: Despite becoming a preacher, Nixon still knows how to use his gun and isn't afraid to point it at those who try to harm the angel children he cares for.
  • Combat Medic: Nixon is the only character other than Vene to use max level healing magic. While his mentality is lower, he has more offensive options and power.
  • Crisis of Faith: He learns that the Sera-Humans are far from angelic and were willing to abandon infants on the ground to eventually mutate and die horribly. This despair causes him to believe that there is no god and to burn his church down. At the end of the game, he still doesn't believe in God, but rebuilds his church in the worship of a hypothetical good God.
  • Deadpan Snarker: When a White Wings researcher keeps pestering him for the angel children, Nixon responds by asking God out loud if he heard what this idiot said.
  • Faith–Heel Turn: Discovering the truth about the Sera-Humans causes him to denounce his religion and join Georg's army in order to exact revenge on Fezzite, though he eventually rejoins the party.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: Some of Nixon's skills have religious motifs.
  • Mana Burn: Versatile Gun does TP Damage.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: All the child Sera-Humans under his care turn into a Cancer Devil, Sara, who he is forced to Mercy Kill.

Ewan Austin
The leader of the OHG and Lake's father.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He saves Vene twice. Once by freeing her from Siegbert and another time by helping her flee from Georg and Ende.
  • Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You: Thanks to the Black Leos, Ewan couldn't take his son Lake along with him and had to leave him at an orphanage so that his enemies won't learn of him. He even went so far as to make Syria's grave purposely a simple wooden cross so people would not hunt down Lake or learn of the significance of who died there.
  • Defector from Decadence: He eventually gave up on the CMGC's methods and started the OHG instead.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: He uses the same weapon set as his son Lake, though he's not the protagonist.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: When Morgan tries to blow up CMGC headquarters to take out the party, Ewan forcibly turns himself into a Lucifer and fuses with Morgan to delay that action until everyone can escape.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Downplayed. He often engages in reckless plans, but usually not to the point of being Too Dumb to Live.
  • Lima Syndrome: Ewan originally captured Syria as a hostage to use against the CMGC, but ended up falling in love with her and sympathizing with her plight.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: To Lake, who recognizes him upon their first meeting. Lake did not took it kindly.
  • Morality Pet: Near the end of the game, his spirit helps motivate Vene to give life a chance.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: In the past, Syria was pregnant, but they couldn't find a doctor while being fugitives. Ewan decided to send Syria back to Georg in the hopes that he'll provide for his daughter, only for Georg to disown her and leave her to die.
  • Spirit Advisor: After he dies with his son, his spirit enters Vene so that the full power of Seraphic Blue is preserved.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: As a result of him being one of the wings keeping Seraphic Blue stable, he himself becomes unstable and gets DSHIS, Donald has been giving him specific medicine to help keep him alive.

Minerva Fezzite
The queen of Fezzite, who meets Lake when he ends up getting transported to Fezzite.
  • Hypocrite: Despite her stated mission of observing the darker parts of society, Minerva is aghast at the idea of letting a prostitute join the party, though Hausen calls her out on it.
  • Odd Friendship: As the game goes on, Minerva develops a bond with Foxey, who she initially despised for being a prostitute.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: She's one of the few Fezzite authorities that want to improve coexistence with the Ground.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: She's actually the queen of Fezzite, though she's still inexperienced and leaves the political tasks to her advisor and acting queen, Daisy.
  • Situational Damage Attack: Queen's Judgment can only do damage to enemies that have 100% defense against any element.
  • Squishy Wizard: She's the second least durable member of the party, but she can also use some of the strongest spells in the game.

Minerva's bodyguard.
  • BFS: His swords are so big that they're in a separate weapon class from Lake and Ewan's blades.
  • Friend to All Children: After he gains amnesia, he's shown playing with children in a remote village. Minerva decides that it's better that he lives his new life rather than jumping back in the fray.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: When an autonomous bomb straps onto him, he jumps off the airship to prevent casualties other than himself. He lives, but loses his memories.
  • Made of Iron: Exaggerated. Hausen survives a point-blank explosion from a bomb powerful enough to obliterate an entire fleet of airships. He doesn't even lost a limb, only gains amnesia.
  • Mighty Glacier: His role in battle due to being an extremely durable robot. In the story, he's actually durable enough to survive being strapped to a bomb.
  • Older Than They Look: He's actually over 100 years old and served as a partner to the Gaia's messengers, Benedicta Fezzite and Katherine Rio.
  • Ridiculously Human Robot: He's actually a robot, which explains why his age and ability to survive a bomb.
  • Undying Loyalty: To the Fezzite family, that also included Katherine Rio who inherited Benedicta's spirit, it is that loyalty Hausen held which is how Katherine survived and only lost just her leg in an incident that would have otherwise claimed her life.

A prostitute in the Chaos area of the city of Envy, who saves Lake from a bunch of cannibalistic gangsters.
  • Blow You Away: Her strongest attack is a wind elemental physical attack.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She often takes jabs at Lake and Minerva during downtime at parts of the story, the former at his first introduction to her, and the latter due to her status as nobility.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Even she, a resident of Chaos would not supply drugs to "respectable people".
  • Fragile Speedster: Downplayed. She's still somewhat more durable than the mages of the party while having the highest base speed of the party.
  • Hooker with a Heart of Gold: Once she meets Lake, she decides to accompany him to make something better of her life.
  • It's All My Fault: As a child, she learned that her parents were killed by loan sharks because of the absurd interest rate they placed on the initial loan for trying to pay for her dance classes.
  • Sterility Plague: She caught a disease from one of her clients which caused her ovaries to be removed to save her life.
  • That Man Is Dead: Subverted. She abandoned her birth name after the death of her parents given that she indirectly killed them according to her.
  • Tragic Dream: She wanted to foster her talent for dancing, only for her parents to get killed because of loans they took to pay for her classes. This causes her to become a jaded prostitute. However, she decides to become a dance instructor in the ending.

Yangtze Utica
A warrior monk from Teng Ring village, who aims to get Doris back to Fezzite and reunite her with Vene.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Being an actual monk who fights with her fists, she's as literal as this trope gets.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Yangtze is definitely one of the nicest and most disciplined characters in the game, but threatening Doris in front of her is unwise.
  • Combination Attack: Using her strongest attack in battle is a prerequisite for Doris to use her own.
  • Crazy Enough to Work: Her plan to get Doris back to Fezzite is to hijack one of Georg's airships and hope Fezzite doesn't shoot her down. Averted when her effort only gets Doris captured by Morgan.
  • Mama Bear: To Doris. When Morgan threatens to torture the poor girl, Yangtze emits enough killing intent to scare him off.
  • My Greatest Second Chance: She wants to protect Doris to make up for her failure to save Menchun from a Devil attack.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: She delivers one to Doris's mother for her treatment of her daughter and her shallow obsession with social status.

Doris Stendal
A Magus Superior from Fezzite Academy, who ditches the academy due to constant bullying. She ends up on Three Streak Peak, where she joins Yangtze and Lansard.
  • Abusive Parents: Her mother was a one hell of a control freak who tormented her to death.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: Combined with Tall Poppy Syndrome. Thanks to her condition, her mother hates her for being born and later exploits her talent for money. Meanwhile, her classmates look down on her for the same reason while being jealous that she's higher ranked than them.
  • Big Sister Worship: She's rather attached to Vene for being the only student to be kind to her, though this is downplayed when she sees Vene Mercy Kill a cat. Later on, she's inseparable from Yangtze.
  • Combination Attack: Her strongest unique attack, Lady Nova, requires Yangtze to use Maiden Nova first.
  • Extreme Doormat: Lampshaded by her headmaster. Despite being abused by her mother, Doris still gives her money from the academy.
  • Idiot Savant: Her tardive DHSIS caused her to have slight mental retardation, which resulted in her extreme talent in magic.
  • Regenerating Mana: Supplementary Technique allows her to recover 25% of her max TP.
  • School Bullying Is Harmless: Averted. Three of her classmates tried to rape her and drive her to commit suicide, only for Doris to kill them in self-defense, worsening her already grim school life.
  • Squishy Wizard: She's slightly more powerful and squishier than Minerva and will be the first to max her magic attack.

Lansard Cheyenne
The bounty hunter who killed Disastia, the strongest Cancer Devil to ever appear. Lansard joins Yangtze and Doris at Three Streaks Peak when the three of them are trapped in a cave by an Orochi.
  • BFS: His weapon of choice, which is why he's a Mighty Glacier.
  • Foil: He's a bounty hunter like Lake, but he chose the job out of a genuine desire to help people while Lake chose it to satisfy his lust for violence. Subsequently, this leads to him having a Heroic BSoD upon learning that Devils were once humans while Lake isn't bothered by this revelation. He uses a broadsword while Lake uses a regular sized sword, leading to him being a Mighty Glacier while Lake is more balanced between power and speed. He originally respected his father until he learned the latter was an assassin, in contrast to Lake who hated his father until he learned more about the latter's tragic circumstances.
  • For Great Justice: This was originally his reason for hunting Devils until he realized he was killing former people. Later, he gets to fight for justice for real when fighting to prevent Khaos.
  • Informed Ability: Despite being the one who slew Disastia, he doesn't seem much stronger than any individual party member. This is justified because he dealt the finishing blow after the Cancer Devil spent years fighting hordes of other mercenaries. This however in the optional bonus battle with Disastia can be shown with a Limit Break skill that breaks the cap to over 100k.
  • Living Legend: He was the one who dealt the finishing blow to Disastia a decade before the game's events, where the catastrophic Disastia War took place.
  • Mighty Glacier: He's like a more offensive oriented version of Hausen, with a good variety of elemental sword skills.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: In slaying Disastia, he unknowingly killed Kane's sister Aisia in front of him, causing the Kursk family to join Er in destroying the world.
  • The Stoic: In the present, he's not that talkative with the rest of the party. Though he seemed more Hot-Blooded in his flashbacks when he was more idealistic about his job.
  • Walking the Earth: After his battle with Disastia, he wandered aimlessly due to his disillusionment with his path in life. In the ending, he continues to do so, but with Virginie as a traveling companion.

Georg's top bodyguard, who has a disturbing resemblance to Lake's mother, Syria.
  • The Dragon: She served as this to Georg up until he discarded her.
  • Expendable Clone: She's a clone of Syria, the 28th one specifically, who is abandoned once Georg captures Vene to extract her Kernel Soul to implant into another cloned body.
  • Heel–Face Turn: While she's never liked Georg in the first place, she is only able to oppose him after he gives her permission to do whatever she wants.
  • Jack of All Stats: She has decently high stats all around while being surpassed by other party members in various fields. However, Virginie can also use Offensive Trance to turn herself into a Glass Cannon.
  • Meaningful Name: Georg named her "Virginie" because he abandoned his daughter after she became pregnant.
  • Redemption Demotion: Sadly, she doesn't keep her stats or Contractual Boss Immunity upon joining the party.
  • Sixth Ranger: She is an enemy during most of the game, but eventually join the party as the last party member.
  • Spanner in the Works: Georg's rejection of her causes Virginie to help the party infiltrate the LAJ.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Strangely, she's about 4 inches taller than the original Syria.
  • Undying Loyalty: Combined with Exact Words. She can't disobey Georg despite hating his actions, due to being created by him. However, once he tells her to leave and do whatever she wants, she does exactly that and opposes him.
  • Walking the Earth: With Lansard in the ending.
  • Woman Scorned: Once Georg abandons her, her loyalty to him turns into extreme hatred.
  • Younger Than They Look: She's only a year old biologically.


Benedicta Fezzite

  • Big Good: As one of the messengers of Gaia, she's the one responsible for guiding humans to save it.
  • Driven to Suicide: In her life as a human, she killed herself due to not gaining her parent's affection. After Ende puts her into a Heroic BSoD, she loses all hope and tries to take the world with her, though the party manages to save her.
  • Heroic BSoD: Ende puts her in one by brutally killing a child in front of her. This causes Benedicta to distort the space around Darmstadt and nearly destroy Gaia. She also had one much earlier during the Disastia war, which caused Ende to be born.
  • Older Than They Look: Since she was brought back as a messenger of Gaia, this is a given. Additionally, she's actually Katherine's predecessor, but came back as a child to symbolize her yearning for her parents' approval.
  • Trauma Button: Ende taunts her about her family situation in order to make her too distracted to stop him.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Her family always despised her for not inheriting their intelligence. Ironically, she turns out to be a late bloomer after her parents die, meaning she'll never be able to make them proud. Worse yet, Ende purposefully rants about her past in order to break her, leading Benedicta to turn Darmstadt into a bizarre place covered in a blue dome.

Katherine Rio

  • Big Good: Despite being reincarnated from Benedicta, she became a separate messenger of Gaia.
  • Cool Big Sis: Inverted. She seems to be older than Benedicta, but in reality, Katherine was born after her.
  • Founder of the Kingdom: Katherine and the Rio Explorers created the floating lands that make up Fezzite.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Creating a nation of Sera-Humans means defying Gaia's Providence, which causes many Sera-Human babies to get DHSIS.
  • Noodle Incident: The accident that killed her parents and caused her to lose one of her legs. It was also the very same incident that caused her Soul Knowledge to awaken.
  • Reincarnation: As the first Sera-Human, she inherited Benedicta's spirit.

Ofa (Original Vene Ansbach)

  • I Cannot Self-Terminate: When Ende turns her into the Gaia Cancer Wilhelmine, she tells the party to finish her off.
  • Spirit Advisor: She's encouraging to her clone, despite also having memories of Siegbert's teachings.
  • Tragic Monster: The reason she was cloned was because she contracted tardive DSHIS due to her existence as Seraphic Blue's wing.

Daisy Mason
Queen Minerva's advisor and the acting queen of Fezzite, as well as a member of the Faction of Coexistence.

Owen Baltic
The chairman of the CMGC.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Like Daisy, he also participates in the fight against the LAJ. He also managed to break out of Morgan's confinement and survive Ende's attack.
  • Everyone Has Standards: He's appalled at Siegbert's treatment of Vene as well as Morgan's support of it.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Thanks to his authoritative nature, he initially antagonizes the OHG and looks for any excuse to take Seraphic Blue's members away from them. After Morgan's coup, he's far more cooperative.
  • Inspector Javert: To the OHG, since he distrusts that group for not being part of the government.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Downplayed. He's at least far saner than Morgan, though he butts heads with the OHG initially.
  • You Remind Me of X: Why he behaves the way he does towards Doris, he had a Niece who suffered from the same condition she did (Tardive DSHIS) who passed away, he couldn't be there for his Niece due to his work.

Gerard Alencon
Ground Governing Department Executive
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: He changes his stance on humanity after a village saved him.
  • Break the Haughty: Back then, he thought he could take down an extremely strong Lucifer by himself, only to be defeated by the monster and saved by humans.
  • Broken Aesop: He thought the village that saved him was proof of humanity's generosity, but he has no idea that they ended up being destroyed by their own greed.
  • Fantastic Racism: Gerard regarded humans as insects at first.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: He's unaware that the villagers who that saved him would start a conflict over whether or not to report his existence to White Wings. This in turn caused the Fezzite government to destroy the village to prevent info about Fezzite from being leaked due to the attention of the bloodbath of Vamoose

Ilyena Campania
The orphanage matron that took care of Lake.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: After the party is shot down by the LAJ, she takes a mercenary's slash meant for Lake, though Langer manages to save her in time.
  • Orphanage of Love: She runs one, which might be why Lake is unwilling to charge her much for his devil sweeping.
  • Parental Substitute: To Lake.

Langer Hals
A doctor in the town of Turku who worked for Roseburg Pharmaceuticals.
  • Back from the Dead: Katherine resurrects him so he could save lives in the future, as she sees him as a talented doctor.
  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: He gets the letter from George with a down payment first and then gets the job after arrival. After being saved by Katherine, he decides to use his skills more selflessly.
  • Only in It for the Money: The reason he took up the offer from Georg to develop the Neo Devils is because he could attain enough wealth to afford a comfortable home and caregiver until his death rather than rot either wandering, being some hermit, or living in a nursing home. In his eyes, it's the "Peace of Mind" which can be attained through money that is what people are missing rather than happiness.
  • Punny Name: His name is a pun of Langerhans cells.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: The citizens of Turku ostracized him for previously working for Georg, which made him susceptible to being hired again.

Donald Houston
An old man who is a researcher working for the OHG and the first to discover Gaia Cancers. Formerly an advisor to the CMGC before he joined.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Donald is heavily responsible for the whole creation of Seraphic Blue as he and other researchers at the CMGC discovered that a offspring between a Human and Sera-Human could release an immense amount of energy that could eradicate the Gaia Cancers all at once. However it was highly unethical given the means to try and figure out how to bring Seraphic Blue into existence as it involved capturing and experimenting on Ground denizens.
  • Mysterious Stranger: He first appears at the beginning of Chapter 2 discovering Lake at the side of a river in Fezzite. Little is known about him save he is an old timer who gives Lake a map of Fezzite until he is revealed at the OHG in further detail.
  • Redemption Equals Death: In the ending, he takes a slow acting and agonizing poison alongside Margot.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: After 300 people died in the experiments, he and the other researchers decided to do the obvious method which was natural conception, which was something risky due to DSHIS being a major risk factor and not considered due to the aforementioned risk.
  • The Atoner: His resignation from the CMGC despite still being capable and switching to support the OHG, which would become a rival to the CMGC.

Margot Montelimar
The proprietor of Margot's Haven of Wild Dreams, a Black Market in Chaos of Envy.
  • Black Market: Sells various services, including Raw Body creation, advanced stealth and disguise technology, and various kinds of drugs atop being a skilled doctor.
  • Lesser of Two Evils: The Leaders of Envy condone her behavior as she keeps the denizens of Chaos' activities out of the Main Districts where the real money is made to keep the city running and the corpses from piling up.
  • Redemption Equals Death: In the ending, she takes a slow acting and agonizing poison alongside Donald.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Her raw body creation service was used by Leona and Joshua to fake their deaths.

Fyodor Voronezh
A scientist working for Roseburg Enterprises, who joins the OHG after he realizes his folly.


A malicious, powerful and nihilistic entity who engineers a plot to be freed from her imprisonment by using her minions that allow her to become a Physical Goddess of evil to lead the Gaia Cancers in destroying the world.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: She represents the nihilism of everyone in the world, and not just her original self.
  • Arch-Enemy: Almost all of her dialogue is with Vene, since she's focused on tempting and eventually hijacking her counterpart so that they can enact Khaos together. She's also this to a lesser extent towards Lake and Ewan, since she wants them dead at all costs so that she and Vene can monopolize their power as Seraphic Blue.
  • Ax-Crazy: Her love of carnage and death could rival her minion Ende's, as shown when she celebrates the War of Liberation in Darmstadt.
  • Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work: The heroes can't touch Siegbert because he's still working with the Fezzite government, but Er ends up killing him by removing his barrier in the collapsing laboratory.
  • Be Yourself: A villainous example. She constantly goads Vene into abandoning her hated duty as Seraphic Blue and states that constant hatred for life is her true state of mind.
  • Big Bad: She is the one in charge of the actions of the Gaia Cancers, Ende, and the Kursk Family, and her plan drives off the entire game's plot.
  • Bishoujo Line: In the Final Boss fight, she starts as a metallic blue Vene with wings, but after taking enough damage, she reverts to her normal appearance, albeit with the same wings as her previous form.
  • Break Them by Talking: Her most dangerous aspect isn't her godlike combat potential, since Vene has enough mastery over Seraphic Blue's powers to overcome her. What really makes her dangerous is that she knows exactly what makes Vene tick, allowing her to lower Vene's already miniscule morale and make Gaia's Rebirth impossible.
  • Chaos Is Evil: Due to being the goddess of nihilism, she despises the very concept of creation, and wants to plunge it into Khaos.
  • The Chessmaster: It's heavily implied that she used her connection to Vene to keep surveillance on the party, allowing her acolytes to stay one step ahead and set up Ewan and Lake's deaths to become more powerful enough to break free from her strings. This is especially evident when Ende immediately and conveniently teleports to Ofa's room the moment Vene tries to receive the rest of her spirit, showing that the villains don't even need Kane to keep an eye on them.
  • The Corrupter: Not only is she capable of corrupting anything related to Gaia's Providence, she also attempts several Breaking Speeches on the other two Venes in order to push them further into despair and encourage their negative emotions, thus making the failure of Gaia's Rebirth more likely. Given that she is the master of Ende and the Kursk family, and all of Gaia Cancers, she's indirectly responsible for goading humans and Sera-Humans into a world war as well.
  • Create Your Own Villain: Siegbert Ansbach's emotion numbing of Vene caused the latter to spawn Er as another personality to concentrate all her negative emotions into. This results in Er becoming an outright Humanoid Abomination with the power to destroy the world.
  • Dark Messiah: She embodies the ideals of nihilists and Omnicidal Maniacs like the Ende, Kursk family, and especially Vene, to the point of being a goddess of evil.
  • The Dreaded: Once Owen and Gerard uncover the secrets of Siegbert's journal, she becomes this to both humans and Sera-Humans, due to being the controlling force behind the Gaia Cancers, having power equal and opposite to the complete Seraphic Blue, and being the embodiment of nihilism.
  • Elemental Powers: She has access to all the elements and also has a skill that allows her to cast two spells in one turn.
  • Enemy Without: Ende distracts the first and the second Vene in order to give Er a chance to survive without fusion, thus allowing her to exist independently of the other Venes. In a bit of an inversion, the glossary considers her to be the real Vene.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: As the embodiment of despair, she doesn't expect her other selves to ever overcome their inner demons. Any good moments in their life is simply a Hope Spot to her.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Despite this game being unvoiced, Er tends to give long and dramatic monologues when gloating about death and destruction.
  • Evil Laugh: She's very fond of this, even after explaining her plans to Ofa, she does this.
  • Eviler than Thou: Zigzagged. She's a greater threat than Ende, who is the general of Gaia Cancers and her right hand, due to being more focused, more powerful, and slightly more mature. This results in Ende willingly subordinating himself to Er in order to accomplish their shared goal of destroying Gaia. However, that same focus means Er doesn't indulge in the same Bad Boss actions as him, making her barely A Lighter Shade of Black.
  • Faux Affably Evil: When she's not being an outright Jerkass, she acts friendly and understanding to Vene's suffering in order to tempt the latter into giving up on saving the world. Justified in that she's also Vene and therefore knows the best way to bring up their worst thoughts while making it sound appealing.
  • Final Boss: She manages to become this despite not being Gaia Cancers like her minions, and she must be defeated in order to save Gaia from her reign of terror.
  • From Bad to Worse: The Gaia Cancers have been slowly destroying Gaia since before the start of the game. When Er shows up, she makes the Gaia Cancers' Practitioner her subordinate and uses her power as Refuse Seraphic Blue to accelerate the destruction of the planet.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Downplayed on the nobody part. As a split personality, she has no physical presence in the world without Vene, but she can communicate with her allies to cause indirect destruction. Thanks to Ende's attack on Ofa, Er manages to be freed along with dark powers that scale to Vene's complete Seraphic Blue powers. She then becomes the world's biggest nightmare and nearly succeeds in destroying it, but fails and dies.
  • Fusion Dance: Combined with Grand Theft Me and Split-Personality Takeover. Her goal is to manipulate and merge with Vene so they can destroy Gaia together.
  • God of Evil: She is the embodiment of chaos, nihilism, and pretty much everything bad, as shown by how her followers refer to her as a Voodoo Goddess.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Siegbert indoctrinated Vene into thinking that life is suffering and death is salvation and Er embodies these ideals, along with other purists and nihilists.
  • Graceful Loser: She's a surprisingly good sport about losing the Final Boss battle, but only because she knows that Vene's current mental state will keep her from activating Gaia's Rebirth. Though she ends up disappearing before she can see Vene momentarily rise above her nihilism.
  • He Knows Too Much: Ofa tried to save Siegbert from the collapsing laboratory with a barrier, but Er quickly dispelled that barrier to kill him off. This is partially out of revenge and partially so he couldn't spill the beans about her.
  • Humanoid Abomination: According to Siegbert, her infrared images are similar to that of a Gaia Cancer.
  • I Control My Minions Through...: Agenda and power. Ende and the Kursk family follow her because of their shared omnicidal agenda and because she has the potential to become a god-tier threat. As such, she never antagonizes or threatens them to serve her and has a hands-off approach to leadership. At the same time, her hands-off leadership means she doesn't control them enough to prevent any infighting among them, and she likely doesn't care as long as they fulfill their purposes.
  • I Need You Stronger: The initial stage of her plan is to get Lake and Ewan killed, thus forcing Vene to absorb their powers to continue the mission. Since Er scales to Vene, this effectively triples her power too.
  • Improbable Age: She's 22, yet is still the Big Bad of the game and controls the much older Gaia Cancers. Though she averts Young and in Charge because Ende and Kane are younger than her.
  • Jerkass: She's as nihilistic as Vene while completely lacking compassion. She has somewhat more restraint than Ende, but that's not saying much. Despite how she and her counterparts share the same nihilistic views, both Vene II and Ofa find her insufferable.
  • Knight of Cerebus: There is NOTHING about her and what she does is Played for Laughs. AT ALL. While the game is plain dark, Er makes the story much more gradually serious.
  • Knight Templar: Thanks to her extreme nihilism, she manages to be both a Card-Carrying Villain and this trope at the same time. She admits to being the embodiment of negative emotions, as well as believing in death equals salvation as much as her comrades do.
  • Like Father, Like Son: While Vene inherited Siegbert's nihilistic views, Er inherited that along with his sadism. The destruction of Gaia is her way of putting Siegbert's teachings into practice.
  • Literal Split Personality: She was originally Vene's repressed emotions, but have become manifest into the world as the result of Ende and the Kursk Family's actions. They deliberately allowed Lake and Ewan to fuse with Vene so Er can grow in power. She becomes an Anti-Element on Gaia's Providence, a direct antithesis to Vene.
  • Made of Evil: Vene pushed all her negative emotions and reluctance to be Seraphic Blue into a split personality so she could maintain her dignity as Seraphic Blue. Unfortunately, that split personality couldn't be controlled and eventually came to embody the nihilism of others as well.
  • The Man Behind the Monsters: Downplayed because Er is a Humanoid Abomination. Since she's in charge of Ende and the Kursk family, she's also in charge of all Gaia Cancers by proxy.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name is supposed to mean "R" for refusal, since she's the side of Vene who completely refuses her role as Seraphic Blue.
  • Near-Villain Victory: If it weren't for Ewan and Lake's efforts to connect with Vene to activate Gaia's Rebirth, Er would have gotten the apocalypse that she wished for.
  • Nightmare Face: Her very last CG at the end of her battle gives us this horrifying gem.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Unlike Ende, she doesn't mess around for fun and is far more focused on destroying everything. After she finally arrives on Gaia, she almost immediately directs the Kursk family to corrupt the Souls' Home into Aisia's Heavens in order to initiate Khaos, her ultimate plan to end all of life on Gaia.
  • Obviously Evil: Thanks to her color scheme and tattered clothes, it wouldn't take a Sera-Human to figure out that she's Vene's Evil Counterpart.
  • Offstage Villainy: Before she physically manifests in the world, most of her communications with Ende and the Kursk family are not seen in the story. Instead, the game mainly shows her interactions with Ofa and Vene II.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: All she cared about is to destroy everything in Gaia and to exterminate the entire existence.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Before her arrival on the world, Er resides in a mental void in Ofa's body where she gives the marching orders to Ende, Kursk Family and the Gaia Cancers. After her arrival, she spends the rest of the game resting in the Death Seraph Eggshell.
  • Palette Swap: Her sprite is a purple Vene.
  • Physical Goddess: By the end of the game, she's so ridiculously powerful that Vene has to be given abilities that would be considered game-breaking in any other RPG just to stand a chance. Then again, the fact that she scales to Vene means she may have gained all that power the moment Vene gained her game breakers.
  • The Power of Hate: Vene's negative emotions, along with countless other nihilists' emotions, ended up creating a being more powerful than the Gaia Cancers.
  • Rage Against the Heavens: While there's no actual god-figure present in the story, Er states that she wants to destroy God and Mother Nature. She also said that she will "break apart the heavens".
  • Red Baron: The glossary calls her the Death Seraph and Voodoo Goddess.
  • Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: Vene merger with Ofa was intended to purge Er and the party initially believed they succeeded. Unfortunately, Er found an opening to escape and physically manifest in the world.
  • Satanic Archetype: She tempts Vene into giving into her nihilism, leads Ende, the Gaia Cancers and the nihilistic Kursk family, looks like a corrupted angel, and becomes a God of Evil. She was originally part of one of the wings of Seraphic Blue, essentially making her an angel who fell from grace.
  • Screw Destiny: She represents the dark side of Vene who refuses to follow her destiny as Seraphic Blue.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: This also counts as a Leaking Can of Evil because she can communicate with Ende and the Kursk family despite being trapped in a mental void in Ofa's body. She was released by Kursk family at the climax of the game.
  • Self-Made Orphan: She kills Siegbert Ansbach, by removing the barrier that Ofa had cast on him.
  • Shabby Heroes, Well-Dressed Villains: Inverted. She wears the exact same clothes as Vene, but her clothes are tattered in order to show off her unhinged and self-destructive nature.
  • Smug Super: She's the smuggest and strongest being in the game. Though part of her arrogance comes from her belief that Gaia will be destroyed whether or not she falls in battle.
  • The Sociopath: She has no empathy for the people she's supposedly trying to "save," can put on an act of politeness to manipulate Vene, and only feels happy when others are dying and suffering.
  • Straw Nihilist: She's basically the goddess of this trope to other straw nihilists, who count on her to destroy Gaia. This is already evident before her role as the Big Bad is established, since most of her dialogue with the other Venes is about the futility of trying to save the world and trying to find meaning in life.
  • Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum: She's an embodiment of this desire.
  • Superior Successor: The Gaia Cancers are powerful, but she ends up being the greatest threat to the planet at the climax of the game.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Not only does Enden der Welt hit for 99999 damage to all party members, but during the final phase of her fight, she raises her stats to 100000. Luckily, this allows Vene to use Seraphic Finale to finish her off.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Justified because her powers are related to Vene. She started out as a split personality of Vene while the latter still only had a third of Seraphic Blue's power, and which was enough to interfere with Gaia's Providence and communicate with fellow nihilists. Once Vene II gets all of Seraphic Blue's powers, Er manages to surpass the Gaia Cancers in power.
  • Villain Has a Point: She might be a Made of Evil Omnicidal Maniac, but she's not wrong when she points out Vene's hypocrisy in trying to save the world while having nihilistic ideals.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Averted. She dies thinking that she won via her Xanatos Gambit.
  • Xanatos Gambit: She knows Vene's mental state isn't so different from her own, so she's confident Vene will fail regardless if the heroes wins the final battle. Luckily for all of humanity, Vene finds just enough good in her life to save Gaia.

Despite looking like an ordinary child, Ende is actually the sadistic Practitioner, chosen by the Gaia Cancers to lead them against those who impede their efforts in destroying Gaia.
  • Asshole Victim: The party has no pity for him when he's defeated by his allies, to the point where they agree with the Kursk family's insults against him.
  • Bad Boss: While it's not surprising that he'll sacrifice Unwitting Pawns like Georg and Morgan, he displays callousness towards his less sentient brethren and happily sends them to die in order to take advantage of his race's Kill One, Others Get Stronger property. He was also looking forward to seeing the Kursk family go mad from Disastia's overwhelming power, only to be usurped when they master the Cancer Devil's powers.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: His general demeanor is that of a schoolyard bully picking on people who can't fight back against him. After getting dethroned by his allies, he throws a tantrum and eventually uses his dying breath to mock the party one last time.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: He goes on a rant about how Kids Are Cruel and concludes that he's the ideal form of cruelty.
  • The Corrupter: He was the one who found and recruited the grieving Kursk family. Downplayed with Georg and Morgan, who were already corrupt authority figures before he met them.
  • Creepy Child: Considering he's a Humanoid Abomination and an Ax-Crazy Sadist, this is an understatement.
  • Defiant to the End: Up to his last breath, he refuses to give the party any useful information both out of spite for them and because he's still dedicated to destroying Gaia.
  • Demoted to Dragon: In the context of the timeline, he was originally his own boss until he met Er, though he apparently has no problem playing second fiddle to her. Unfortunately for Ende, the Kursk family demotes him to an expendable minion.
  • Detect Evil: A villainous example. He can sense negative emotions, allowing him to easily find and recruit people who are just as twisted as he is.
  • The Dragon: To Er, until he's disposed of by the Kursk family who take his place.
  • The Dreaded: He's not as powerful as Er, but the Fezzite government is still terrified of him because of his ability to directly control Gaia Cancers and summoning them to cause destruction.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: While the Kursk family is definitely not good, Ende fails to see how their love for Aisia would give them the willpower to control Disastia's power. Due to being born as a Gaia Cancer, he has no idea how to comprehend positive emotions.
  • Faux Affably Evil: When he first meets Lake, he tries to talk to the latter as if killing in cold blood is a fun hobby that they both share, only to unleash a Gaia Cancer when the latter refuses. Afterwards, he occasionally tries to act chummy, but mostly acts like a Smug Super.
  • For the Evulz: While being evil is part of his job, he occasionally does unnecessary things out of boredom. However, this bites Ende in the ass when he decided to risk giving the Kursk family more power than him in an attempt to make them lose their minds.
  • Gone Horribly Right: He recruits the Kursk family believing that they'll be useful in his quest to destroy Gaia. Unfortunately for him, they're competent enough to upstage him and steal his powers to destroy the world on their own terms.
  • The Heavy: He's the Practitioner of the Gaia Cancers for most of the game and is the leader of those who want to destroy the world. This is eventually averted when the Kursk family betrays him and takes away his status as Practitioner. And regardless, if he didn't let them overthrow him, he already unsealed Er, who would have eventually eclipsed him anyway due to her power as Refuse Seraphic Blue.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: He started as the greatest physical threat to the heroes, but the Kursk family steals his powers and downgrades him to an Elite Mook at best.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Despite his appearance, he is technically part of the same race as the Gaia Cancers.
  • Jerkass: Ende is the biggest jerk in the game. Due to his Gaia Cancer instincts amplifying his evil emotions, he surpasses Er in maliciousness, since she at least has a warped definition of mercy. He's also far more immature and obnoxious than every other contender for this trope, to the point where the Kursk family couldn't stand him despite sharing similar goals.
  • The Man Behind the Monsters: Downplayed due to being Er's subordinate and a Humanoid Abomination. That said, he has the most direct control over the Gaia Cancers and can summon major ones at will until he loses his Practitioner powers.
  • Mind over Matter: He can float and he has the ability to levitate people, which he uses to throw them from great heights, as shown by him killing a child.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Unsurprisingly, in several languages, his name means "to end," which is exactly what he wants to do to Gaia.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: At the beginning of the game, he sics a Gaia Cancer on Lake, forcing Vene to exhaust her wings to defeat it. This causes Vene to lose her memories, but also gives her a chance to temporarily enjoy life without all her emotional baggage. As a result, Vene manages to find the strength to save Gaia, partially thanks to a Gaia Cancer meant to destroy it.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: When he beats the party at Laurentia, he makes a rather graphic description about how he'll dissect Lake and force Vene to eat his remains.
    Ende: "The stomach that is filled with plenty of chyme... The gall bladder that is packed with bitter juices... The liver that's redolent with a bitter taste... The urinary bladder that's filled with pee... And the intestines that are filled with shit... I shall mix them together and stuff them into your mouth. Heh. You'll then puke them all out, won't you? Buueeeeeegh! On the spur of the moment you'll shit and pee yourself... I'll then mix the puke, shit and pee, and smear them all over your pretty face...! I'll thrust my fingers deep into your mouth! I'll force everything down the depths of your throat! And then you'll puke again! I'll make sure you keep puking until you die of madness!"
  • No Honor Among Thieves: He abandons Morgan and Georg in their times of need, but they were among the worst humanity and sera-humanity had to offer. Karmically, he's betrayed in the same way by the Kursk family, who deem him no longer useful.
  • Obviously Evil: He's a half-naked pale green kid with various cancerous growths on his chest and a Slasher Smile on his face.
  • One-Winged Angel: Once the Kursk family usurp him, they force him to morph into an Eldritch Abomination.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: He manages to level the White Wings city with little effort. Fails to destroy the lab after he is supplanted as the Practitioner and the fact that Disastia's core would be destroyed as well.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Surprisingly averted. Despite being sacrificed by the Kursk family, he refuses to tell the party anything that might allow them to undermine his betrayers, since he still wants the world destroyed.
  • The Sociopath: Like Er, he's sadistic and feels no guilt for the destruction caused by the Gaia Cancers. He also has less impulse control and tends to do things to amuse himself without weighing the consequences, making him a low-functioning example.
  • Stupid Evil: If he didn't risk giving the Kursk family too much Gaia Cancer power For the Evulz, he would have at least been able to remain as The Dragon to Er's.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Averted. He knows the Kursk family wants to betray him, though he severely underestimated their determination to reunite with Aisia and decides to entertain their request for Disastia's power out of Suicidal Overconfidence.
  • Villain Ball: Giving the power of Disastia to the Kursk family was not Ende's brightest move. He also allowed Er to become more powerful than him, meaning she could easily dispose of him if she felt like it.
  • Villainous Friendship: Subverted with Georg. While both enjoy each others' sadism and evil, Ende ultimately sees all of his allies as disposable pawns.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He telekinetically throws a child off the Roseburg Enterprises building in order to traumatize Benedicta and force her into a Heroic BSoD. This was so brutal that Kane was in tears from being Forced to Watch, despite wanting revenge on humanity.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: He's on both the giving and receiving end of this trope. For most of the game, he's sending his fellow Gaia Cancers (or turning his pawns into them) to die against the heroes, which lets him take advantage of their Kill One, Others Get Stronger property. He tries to do the same thing to the Kursk family, only for them to steal his practitioner powers and force him into a boss battle against the heroes. Er herself doesn't have any objections to his fate and happily accepts the Kursk family as her newest top enforcers.
  • Young and in Charge: He was born during the Disastia war and is, therefore, younger than the Gaia Cancers that he commands. This is subverted when Er is revealed to be his boss.

Kursk Family

"Reject the beginning! And learn it's non-existence!"
"Gaze upon the end! And learn its existence!"
"The beginning is but the end, and the end is but what it is."
"That is entirely similar to what "He" saw in "His" dream."
"And so here I pray... For love to reach the unborn children"
This family initially acted as Ende's underlings and helped him manipulate various organizations (OHG for Kane, CMGC for Joshua, and Roseburg Industries for Leona) to kickstart the War of Liberation. Eventually, they betray him and take his powers to establish Aisia's Heavens to destroy the world.
  • Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work: Few tears were shed (other than having to fight some tough bosses) when they stole Ende's powers and left him to die.
  • Create Your Own Villain: Fezzite's solution to disposing of DHSIS babies caused this family to join the Gaia Cancers.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Unusually for most villains, these guys deconstruct this idea by pointing out that no one can objectively weigh human lives. Thus, they believe antagonizing both the surface and Fezzite for Aisia's death is justified.
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: They all pose as unimportant characters working for three different organizations, only to be revealed as Er's minions. This is especially true in Joshua, who gets barely any cutscenes as Curtis Hamilton.
  • Dragon Ascendant: They all started as Co-Dragons to Ende, who sensed their hatred and recruited them. Eventually, he makes the stupid mistake of fusing them with Disastia's core, allowing them to upstage him, though they more or less subordinate themselves to Er, their "goddess" of evil.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Despite their hatred for the world, they're disturbed by Ende's excessive cruelty.
    • Kane too. He may be an unrepentant murderer but even he holds Ende in utter contempt after witnessing him kill an innocent girl by throwing her off a skyscraper. It's implied the girl reminded him of Aisia, since her presence made him temporarily tone down his Jerkass attitude during the Darmstadt battle.
  • Faking the Dead: Kane's parents, Joshua and Leona, used raw clone bodies to fake a suicide. Later, Joshua (as Curtis Hamilton) and Kane fake their deaths at CMGC HQ.
  • Family-Values Villain: Unlike some of the NPCs, Joshua and Leona believe in loving their children unconditionally. Additionally, Joshua fights the party first because he feels that as the patriarch, he has a duty to protect the rest of the family.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: They used to be a normal family until Ende took notice of their negative emotions and recruited them. Eventually, they steal Ende's role as Practitioners and become Gaia Cancers.
  • Guest-Star Party Member: Kane is playable until he fakes his death at the CMGC headquarters.
  • Ignored Epiphany: Kane sheds tears over a girl who was killed as a result of his side's plans, but this doesn't stop him from continuing to destroy the world. If anything, he and his family rationalize it by thinking that no one will be alive to suffer such a tragedy again.
  • Kill One, Others Get Stronger: By the end of the game, Kane has almost all the power of the slain Gaia Cancers, including his parents due to the law of Conservation of Energy; all Gaia Cancers derive their power from the same source.
  • Light Is Not Good: Despite becoming Gaia Cancers, they still look like angels.
  • The Lost Lenore: The daughter of the family, Aisia, mutated into Disastia and died in a long war with humanity.
  • Love Makes You Evil: They're unable to move on from Aisia's death, causing them to join Er and Ende's forces in destroying the world.
  • The Man Behind the Monsters: This is downplayed for the same reasons as Ende after they steal his Practitioner powers.
  • Mercy Kill: They believe existing is suffering in itself and plan on saving future life by destroying Gaia, thus keeping them from being born.
  • The Mole: Joshua (as Curtis Hamilton), Leona (as Heidi Birmingham), and Kane infiltrated the CMGC, Roseburg Enterprises, and the OHG respectively.
  • Motive Rant: Leona somehow manages to explain her family's entire philosophy despite being mortally wounded in her boss battle.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite bragging about his desire to take revenge on humanity and kill everyone, Kane cries over a girl who got killed by Ende because she resembles Aisia, showing that he's not the Card-Carrying Villain that he plays himself up to be.
  • Only Sane by Comparison: They're comparatively less sadistic and more stable compared to Er and Ende, but they still want to destroy Gaia out of a twisted sense of mercy.
  • Pet the Dog: Leona helps Fyodor move past his insecurities and Joshua kills one of the Six Year Commemorator targets painlessly, despite having no reason to do so. However, they also reveal information to these people that revealed their identities.
  • The Power of Love: Their love for Aisia gave them the willpower to control Disastia's Core, which is why they retain their human forms and mind unlike Georg and Morgan.
  • Put Them All Out of My Misery: They want to end their sad lives while taking the planet with them.
  • Straw Nihilist: While they acknowledge there is some good in life, they consider all the bad in it enough of a risk factor to invalidate it.
  • Think of the Children!: Exaggerated to the point of banning existence. Part of their reason for destroying all life is so that unborn children won't have to live in a Crapsack World. They are really antinatalists.
  • Yandere: Other than usurping Ende, their main reason for fusing with Disastia's core is to be "reunited" with Aisia.

Siegbert Ansbach
"It is but a sin to believe in stereotypical happiness. Everything is but despair."
The head of Team Ansbach, a group in charge of raising Vene to save the world.

  • Abusive Parents: Not only does Siegbert psychologically abuse Vene, he also neglects his son at best and beats him up at worst. Even kicking his stomach. He also wants Vene and Er to fight each other for his entertainment, though Er proves herself more than he can handle when she kills him.
  • Admiring the Abomination: He considers Er his daughter and lets her live because he thinks the future will be more interesting this way.
  • Asshole Victim: As he's dying from getting his barrier dispelled by his daughter Er, everyone basically tells him it's "Game Over" to let him know that his modus operandi of treating everything like a game has bitten him in the ass.
  • Crazy-Prepared: His computer is decked out with all kinds of security to protect Er's secrets. Up to and including a limit of password inputs before the data is deleted.
  • Diplomatic Impunity: Subverted. Although not directly a diplomat. He has government protection due to his status as an important researcher, so nobody can touch him because of his involvement with Seraphic Blue, much of the government lets him get away with what he does, the only one who stood up to him was his own son; Fritz.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: He treats everyone and everything like a plaything. Guess who kills him? The Big Bad, Er, whose existence he caused.
  • Hate Sink: His Psychopathic Manchild attitude towards child-raising, kittens, and the fate of the world definitely puts him here. It only gets worse when the story reveals how responsible he is for creating and enabling the Big Bad For the Evulz. It gets to the point where the only character who actively endorses his actions is Morgan.
  • It Amused Me: He sees raising children as a one of the greatest games imaginable.
    "A child is like a piece of white canvas. On that canvas, we adults can create any artwork that we desire. And there are plenty of ingredients for that. Values, interests, tastes, future careers and lessons in life. All those are defined by us adults. Excitement and elation arise in defining who our children will grow up to be. And ensuring our children's presence is felt is the fruit of quality and quantity. Don't you find raising children to be the most refined game in the world... as opposed to games that are well-known but are mere "child's plays"?"
  • Karmic Death: You'd think he'd see his death at Er's hands coming considering he's entirely responsible for her evil in the first place.
  • Kind Hearted Cat Lover: Invoked and defied. He murders cats as his cute animal of choice to get rid of Vene's kindness. It is the most disgusting part of the game.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: His reason for raising Vene to be emotionless is so her emotions don't make her sway from her duty to save the world. However, he knowingly allowed Er to remain and hid her existence simply for his own amusement, to the point where he designed an elaborate security program to protect her information.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: This is an understatement, considering that he treats child-raising and saving the world as a game.
  • Secret-Keeper: A villainous example. He knows Er is Made of Evil, but keeps this a secret for his own sick amusement.
  • The Unfought: Despite how much the players may want to give him his just desserts, he's not aligned with Ende and never gets turned into a Gaia Cancer.
  • Token Evil Teammate: He's technically on the side opposing Ende, but he's undoubtedly as notorious as those who support the Gaia Cancers.
  • Villainous Legacy: He's partially responsible for Er's manifestation and his influence on Vene nearly keeps her from saving the world. Benedicta and Katherine outright state that he did more damage to Seraphic Blue's cause than Ende. Of the three main human Hate Sinks, his abusive parenting had the most direct influence on Er's nihilistic ideology.

Georg Roseburg
The CEO of Roseburg Enterprises and Syria's father. He was selected to help CMGC spread a drug to help with their plan to birth Seraphic Blue, but he later ended up siding with Ende.
  • Abusive Parent: Georg treats his daughter like a trophy and when she loses her virginity, he threatens to kick her in the womb.
  • Animal Motifs: Portrays himself as a black lion.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: While he's more competent than Morgan, Georg is a pawn to Ende all the same.
  • Bad Boss: He fed countless employees to his Neo-Devil army, including many previous versions of Virginie despite their faithful service.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: He wants to be known as the one who ruins the planet, simply because it'll make him look powerful.
  • Create Your Own Villain: The Fezzite IAO (Internal Affairs Office) had no idea that giving him so much power and knowledge was a bad idea.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: As the CEO, His company started out focusing on medicine, but as he grew more ambitious, he started projects for controlling demons and building state-of-the-art military weapons.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: The moment Syria starts a relationship with Ewan, Georg devotes his resources to killing off Ewan and his own grandson. Not to mention he leaves Syria to die in childbirth.
  • Drunk On Power: Making it big turned him from a humble pharmacist to one of the most malicious human beings on Gaia.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: His definition of "gratitude" is to fire Virginie rather than dispose of her like her clone sisters. He's actually surprised that she decides to use her newfound freedom to oppose him and he never seemed to realize that despite her loyalty, she secretly despised his actions.
  • Evil Is Petty: He's willing to sabotage Seraphic Blue if it means reclaiming Syria and killing Ewan and Lake.
  • Evil Old Folks: He's actually Lake's maternal grandfather and seeks to eliminate both his grandson and Ewan.
  • Fantastic Racism: To Sera-Humans, and he believes that they are using the Ground as a "dump for Devils". Due to his belief, he starts the War of Liberation under Er's influence.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Originally a Pharmacist from Turku until he caught the eye of the Fezzite IAO, they gave him the formula for the Tranquil-G line and their technologies which lead to his massive success so he could act as a representative of Fezzite on the Surface.
  • Hate Sink: His deplorable actions against his family (especially his daughter), disregard for civilian casualties on both sides of the war, and pride to the point of ripping the world apart make him one of the most hated characters, in and out of universe. He only gets worse when he willingly transforms into a Gaia Cancer and forces Lake to pull a Heroic Sacrifice.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: He dismissed Virginie after Vene was captured saying that she wouldn't be compatible with Syria's Kernel Soul. This set her off and allowed her to defect to the side of the protagonists out of anger. She winds up turning on him. Even Ende goads about it when Georg was defeated by the protagonists; saying that Virginie was the thread holding a sword above him.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Ewan thought Georg would at least have the decency to provide medical support for his pregnant daughter, only to be proven wrong when Syria is flat out threatened and abandoned.
  • Loving a Shadow: He loves his daughter, but only if she devotes herself to him. The moment she forms a relationship with Ewan and gets pregnant, Georg turns on her.
  • A Million Is a Statistic: If enacting a false flag bombing of one of his own ships wasn't enough, he also orders the LAJ to launch without bothering to evacuate the people of Juwess because he wants to attack Fezzite before they realize what's happening.
  • Necromantic: Georg created multiple Virginies and wants to kidnap Vene in order to revive his daughter.
  • Never My Fault: Despite obsessing over his daughter, he seems to ignore the fact that he's mostly responsible for her death in the first place.
  • Obnoxious In-Laws: Exaggerated. He constantly sends assassins to kill Ewan for starting a relationship with his daughter.
  • One-Winged Angel: Georg willingly becomes the Gaia Cancer, Gertraud, so he can take out his hated grandson.
  • Pet the Dog: Downplayed, but firing Virginie instead of killing her like all the other clones is probably the closest thing to kindness that he's ever shown onscreen.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: When one of his employees protests blowing up Juwess, Georg calmly describes how he'll be drowned and fed alive to sea life if he disobeys.
  • Straw Hypocrite: He records the party's battle with Virginie in order to frame his war with Fezzite as one of self-defense, but he's really a bloodthirsty conqueror on an ego trip.
  • Taking You with Me: He uses the last of his strength to try to destroy the Blue Wing and the party with it, though Lake ensures that only the two of them die.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: He ordered the deaths of several previous Virginies despite their loyalty to him. Once he gains enough power, he proceeds to declare war on Fezzite despite all the power and knowledge they gave him.
  • Villainous Friendship: Subverted, since Ende sees him as a pawn rather than a true friend. Despite that, the fact that Georg has a lot of common ground with a world-ending abomination speaks volumes for his insanity.
  • Villainous Legacy: If he didn't mistreat and abandon Syria to die, she probably wouldn't have reincarnated into Vene/Er. Additionally, it's implied his treatment of Syria partially influenced Vene and Er's nihilistic views.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: For a while, he manages to convince the citizens of the Ground to go to war with Fezzite under his command. Less so in his hometown of Turku, where everyone notes that he's completely changed for the worse.
  • You Have Failed Me: He executes any of his hitmen who lose their emblem. He also killed previous versions of Virginie for not being a perfect match for Syria.

Morgan Douglas
A Fezzite executive who leads the Faction of Dominance and later enacts a coup against Queen Minerva.
  • The Bully: He enjoys tormenting those weaker than him, but cowers in front of those with strength and authority.
  • Deal with the Devil: He thought that if he helped Ende for some time, Ende would uphold his promise to not destroy the world. Predictably, Ende had no intention of fulfilling that deal.
  • Dirty Coward: According to Daisy, he has a habit of lording his status over those below him while cowering in front of greater authorities. Later on, Yangtze calls him out on wanting to torture Doris first instead of herself, simply because he's afraid of messing with a much physically stronger woman. Despite technically holding them prisoner, Morgan screams and runs out of the room.
  • Evil Versus Evil: His main reason for waging war on the Ground is because he doesn't want a human like Georg to upstage him.
  • Evil Versus Oblivion: His only slightly redeeming quality is that he doesn't want to go as far as destroying Gaia. That said, he's perfectly willing to kill off the three members of Seraphic Blue out of petty revenge, thus dooming the world anyways.
  • Fantastic Racism: He sees humans as primitives and weak.
  • Hate Sink: He doesn't have as much on-screen villainy as Siegbert and Georg, but he still manages to be extremely vile by starting a pointless coup and war for his own ego, as well as endorsing Siegbert's treatment of Vene. He's also far more pathetic than either when he tries to torture Doris For the Evulz, but backs out when Yangtze scares him off. Despite realizing he was completely played by Ende, he attempts to take the party with him out of pure spite and embraces his newfound existence as a Gaia Cancer, pretty much eliminating any chance of sympathy for him.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: For some reason, he thought that working with Ende would somehow prevent him from destroying the Gaia, even though this is the sole purpose of all Gaia Cancers.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: He is defined by his need to feel superior to everyone, causing him to start a coup against the queen.
  • It's Personal: Ewan's rescue of Vene in the opening cutscene actually cost Morgan his job as CMGC chairman. Needless to say, he's still smarting over that loss.
  • Nepotism: He only got to his position of power because his father was one of the heads of the CMGC and Morgan inherited that position of power after he died.
  • One-Winged Angel: He becomes the Gaia Cancer, Barbara, in order to exact his revenge on Ewan.
  • Taking You with Me: Despite becoming a Gaia Cancer, he's still somehow able to control the CMGC headquarters' computer systems and blow the place up, though Ewan forcibly fuses with him to stall him.
  • Villainous Legacy: He greenlit Siegbert's abusive experiments on Vene, which means he's partially responsible for Er existing in the first place.
