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Characters / Ready Jet Go!
aka: Ready Jet Go Space Camp

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And Jet isn't even in this picture!note 

The characters on Ready Jet Go! include:

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  • Cast Herd: The show has three groups in which the characters are split. The main cast consists of Jet, his immediate family, and his closest friends. The Bortronians include Jet's extended family from Bortron 7. The Earthies are recurring friends/family of the main cast who are from Earth.
  • Close-Knit Community: Boxwood Terrace, WA is a small, semi-mythical, science-based Quirky Town where all the residents are close to each other, and they're made even closer when Jet arrives. You can find almost all of the characters at town events like kart races, cooking contests, pumpkin growing competitions, Christmas pageants, Earth Day shows, watching the solar eclipse, going to the Open House at the DSA, mini-golf tournaments, and more.
  • Color-Coded Characters:
    • Red - Mitchell.
    • Orange - Mindy, Sunspot, Face 9001, and Dr. Bergs.
    • Yellow - Mr. Peterson and Uncle Zucchini.
    • Green - Eggplant, Zerk, and Sean.
    • Blue - Jet, Carrot, Celery, Moonbeam, Face 9000, Dr. Rafferty, and Dr. Skelley.
    • Grey - Sydney.
    • Pink/Purple - Lillian.
  • Color Motifs: Character types are sorted by color.
    • Jet and his family all wear blue because of their heroism and optimism/serenity in dire situations.
    • Enthusiastic and kind characters, like Mindy, Bergs, and Sunspot wear orange.
    • Sean's green shirt emphasizes his connection and love for Planet Earth (and his nausea, since he gets nauseous in space).
    • Yellow is used for bombastic Large Hams like Zucchini and Mr. Peterson because of how bright yellow is as a color.
    • Sydney's grey shirt emphasizes her serenity and peace-keeping demeanor.
    • Finally, Mitchell's red jacket helps him stand out from the crowd and has an interesting multi-faceted meaning. Red is a color associated with anger, and Mitchell is The Napoleon. But it's also associated with passion, and Mitchell is very passionate and dedicated to his amateur detective work. Finally, Red Is Heroic, and Mitchell is a trusted ally to Team Propulsion by the end of the series.
  • Eccentric Townsfolk: While the Propulsion family is obviously a Quirky Household, the people living in Boxwood Terrace are all eccentric in their own ways. We've got:
    • A perfectionist Child Prodigy who idolizes Neil Armstrong and fears going to space.
    • A science-fiction geek who is obsessed with Commander Cressida and writes fanfiction.
    • A geeky little kid who tries to be a detective.
    • A girly Asian Airhead.
    • A DSA scientist whose past is very mysterious, but she says that she felt like an alien when she was younger, hinting at this.
    • Another DSA scientist with an obsession with coffee.
    • A robotics engineer who still loves Commander Cressida.
    • Another scientist who always speaks very bombastically, is the judge/referee of every single contest in the neighborhood, and is somewhat of an Extreme Doormat. He also treats mini-golf as Serious Business.
  • Everytown, America: Boxwood Terrace, a fictional town located in Washington state. It is quite the Quirky Town.
  • Geodesic Cast: For the older kids, there's Jet, the upbeat leader, Sydney, the levelheaded nice one, and Sean, the anxious intelligent one. The younger kids directly mirror them: Mindy is the upbeat leader, Lillian is the nice girl, and Mitchell is the smart guy with many emotional issues. The DSA scientists also mirror these dynamics: Dr. Skelley is levelheaded, Bergs is energetic, and Rafferty is a Nervous Wreck.
  • Quirky Town: Boxwood Terrace. A small, semi-mythical neighborhood full of eccentric, but loving people, all of which work at at a JPL Expy. Never mind that there are actual aliens living there, unbeknownst to most of the townspeople.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Everyone in the show loves donuts, and pretty much every character has been shown snacking on a donut at one point.
  • Weirdness Censor: Nobody in Boxwood Terrace (save for Mitchell), acknowledges the alien behaviors of the Propulsions, or notices their minivan turning into a flying saucer. To be fair, everyone in town is a Cloudcuckoolander in some shape or form whether they realize it or not, so the Propulsions fit right in.

Alternative Title(s): Ready Jet Go Space Camp
