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North Africa

    French National State
Flag of the French Republic
Flag of the Kingdom of France
Flag of the French Empire
Flag of the French Social Republic
Flag of the Legionary Order of France
Flag of the French Republic (De Gaulle)
Flag of the French National State (Pétain)
Flag of the French National Republic
Official Name: French National State, French Republic (Constitution Restored), Kingdom of France (Monarchy Restored), French Empire (Under Emperor Napoléon VI), French Social Republic (Under de La Rocque), Legionary Order of France (Under Darnand), French National Republic (Darlan)
Ruling Party: Gouvernement Militaire Provisoirenote 
Ideology: Military Juntanote 

  • Arch-Enemy: To the Commune of France, since the very existence of one of these states is a challenge to the legitimacy of the other.
  • Book Ends: If the French come to victory over their old Arch-Enemy, the Kaiser Reich, a treaty will be signed destroying the German Empire in the same place it began, the Palace of Versailles.
  • Demoted to Extra: Henri Mordacq, the integral figure in the return of democracy to National France in the original KR, is not even a general (let alone head of state) here, as his career had already collapsed after his patron Georges Clemenceau's government lost the First World War. Shortly after the game starts, he will either flee or be murdered by La Cagoule, a secretive far-right terrorist group.
  • Government in Exile: The French National State is the exiled Government of the French Third Republic, which was overthrown in the French Revolution of 1919. They escaped to their colonial possession of Algeria, and still claims all of metropolitan France, slowly preparing their Liberation of the Mainland from their colonial exile.
  • History Repeats: In real life, President Félix Faure died of a heart attack while having an oral sexual act done to him. In KX, history repeats whenever whoever is elected President of France after democracy is restored will have a heart attack while having the same oral sexual act done to them, with the French Press pointing out the similarities to Faure's untimely demise. Unlike Faure however, the President survives this incident, living to see another day.
  • The Remnant: National France is the remnant of the French Third Republic founded in 1870 that was overthrown by the Syndicalist Revolution in 1919 after their defeat in the Great War. Despite this, they fled to their colonies in Northern Africa and still claim to be the rightful French Government to this day.
  • Rightful King Returns: The exiled claimant to the French throne, Prince Jean d'Orléans can be restored as the King of France by the Action Française movement, led by Charles Maurras, if Pétain aligns with them. In addition to this, the heir to the long defunct French Empire, Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte can be crowned as Emperor by Pétain in an attempt to counteract AF influence.

Philippe Pétain
Army Uniform New Photo Pétain
Civilian Suit Pétain
Big Hat Fancy Uniform Pétain
Great War Uniform Pétain
Hatless Pétain
Sunglasses Pétain
Role: Field Marshal, Presidentnote 
Party: Gouvernement Militaire Provisoirenote 
Ideology: Military Juntanote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Allohistorical Allusion: In real life, Philippe Pétain was a Maréchal of France and World War 1 hero, turned leader of the a Nazi Collaborationist Government headed out of the city of Vichy in Southern France, basically becoming the epitome of The Quisling. In KX, he is the leader of the French National State, and if he holds onto full power he will begin implementing his Révolution Nationale ideology much as he did in real life.
  • Authority in Name Only: If Pétain chooses to ally somebody instead of taking full power for himself, he will effectively become a puppet of them, especially if he allies Louis Marin's Democrats or François de la Rocque's Croix de Feu, the latter of which will perform a soft coup against him to take the Presidency for himself.
  • Cincinnatus: In the path where Pétain forms a republican cabinet under Louis Marin, he will continue to lead France throughout the Liberation War until the Métropole has been reclaimed, at which point liberal democracy is restored and Pétain retires to civilian life.
  • Cult of Personality: As part of his Révolution Nationale program, Pétain will begin to foster a grand cult of personality around his image, calling back to his accomplishments during the Weltkrieg and the Battle of Verdun and painting himself as the ideal of French patriotism and faith.
  • Evil Reactionary: One of the major points of the Révolution Nationale policy is returning France to her traditional values, which Pétain sees as having been lost to the era of "decadent parliamentarism".
  • The Generalissimo: Marshal Pétain rules as a military dictator over National France, a government exiled to the colony of Algeria, by militarizing society in an effort to prepare them for the Liberation.
  • It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time: After the Liberation of the Métropole, Pétain can reinstate the Constitution of France and restore a mostly democracy Government under him. After doing this, he can choose to entirely abandon the Révolution Nationale ideology, admitting it was "against our ideals".
  • President for Life: After the Liberation of the Mainland, if Pétain promises Marin that the Constitution would be restored he can do so, forming a Government with him. However, Pétain is still firmly cemented as the President of France for rest of his life, for who is more deserving of the title than the Lion of the Verdun, and the Savior of France?
  • Significant Wardrobe Shift: Depending on what path Pétain goes down, his outfit will change accordingly. If he decides to ally the Democrats and liberalize the dictatorship, he will begin wearing a suit and tie. If he allies Charles Maurras and abandons the Republic, becoming Regent of the Kingdom, he will wear a fancy uniform fitting for such a role. If he allies the Veterans of François de la Rocque's Croix de Feu, he will wear the same uniform he wore during the great war, calling back to the times of Verdun.

Maurice Janin
Role: Premiernote 
Party: Gouvernement Militaire Provisoirenote 
Ideology: Military Juntanote 

  • Corrupt Politician: Janin is responsible for corruption within the French regime. With him accepting bribes, creating disturbing threats, and encouraging other politicians to engage in corrupt practices just to gain support within the government. This can blow up in his face if his corruption is exposed and his reputation goes out the window, leading him to resign.

François de La Rocque
Role: Presidentnote  (Constitution adopted - La Rocque becomes President)
Party: Croix-de-Feunote 
Ideology: Rocquismenote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show
In-Game Biography: (Dictator) Click to Show

  • Patriotic Fervor: The Croix-de-Feu are incredibly patriotic towards France, promoting it with rallies, their newspaper and various other means.
  • Pet the Dog: De la Rocque, despite being generally traditionalist and conservative, supports female suffrage, improved working conditions and unlike most of the French right, can crack down on antisemitism within the CDF. This can also been seen as a case of Pragmatic Villainy.
  • People's Republic of Tyranny: A minor example, De la Rocque creates the French Social Republic and despite the fact the word social is usually associated with Socialism, his regime is corporatist, nationalistic and opposed to any form of Socialism.
  • President for Life: De la Rocque creates a new constitution for the French Republic, transforming it into the French Social Republic, with him as President for Life.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: After isolating him from his allies, Prime Minister de la Rocque will replace Pétain as president, with Pétain have little say in the matter.

Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte
Smug Napoléon
Beard Napoléon
Army Uniform
Royal Uniform
Napoléon I Outfit
Alternate Napoléon I
Fancy Emperor Napoléon
Emperor Napoléon
German Napoléon
British Napoléon
Spanish Napoleon
Role: Presidentnote  (First Presidential Election - Bonaparte elected)
Party: Parti Républicain-Socialistenote , Parti Radicalnote , Alliance Démocratiquenote , Fédération Républicainnote , Gouvernement Militaire Provisoirenote , Croix-de-Feunote , Action Françaisenote 
Ideology: Social Democracy, Radical Liberalismnote , Liberal Conservatismnote , National Conservatismnote , Authoritarian Democracy, Rocqueismnote , Maurrassismenote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Historical Badass Upgrade: In real life, Prince Louis-Napoléon was a member of the French Foreign Legion and fought during World War II as part of the Resistance. Here, he can take control of the French Republic and rebuild it into the French Empire as Napoléon I once did.
  • History Repeats: Napoléon I took control of a weak republic in crisis, reformed it into an Empire and fought Germany. Napoléon III took control of a weak republic in crisis, reformed it into an Empire and fought Germany. Napoléon VI takes control of a weak republic in crisis, reforms it into an empire and usually starts a war against Germany.
  • Puppet State: Napoléon VI establishes puppet states on the territories of the countries conquered by his Empire.
  • Young Conqueror: Despite his young age (he was born in 1914, making him 22 at game start), Napoléon VI can launch a series of conquests to recreate the borders of France as it used to be under Napoléon I.

West Africa

Flag of the Kingdom of Liberia
Flag of the Socialist Republic of Liberia
Flag of National Populist Liberia
Official Name: Republic of Liberia
Ruling Party: True Whig Party (Charles D. B. King)
Ideology: True Whiggismnote 

Charles D. B. King
Role: Presidentnote 
Party: True Whig Party (Charles D. B. King)
Ideology: True Whiggismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • 0% Approval Rating: Due to King's authoritarian and corrupt actions, King's reputation as a reformer plummeted, and now the majority of Liberia hates him.
  • Corrupt Politician: King gets into scandal after scandal, winning rigged elections to keep himself in power for a dictator, and even uses slavery and forced labour.

Harvey Firestone Jr.
Role: Presidentnote  (Firestone Sr. dies - Firestone Jr. succeeds)
Party: Firestone Directorate
Ideology: Corporatocracynote 

  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Firestone is more than willing to employ slavery in the name of profit.
  • Evil Colonialist: Firestone's plan to deal with Black Monday in German West Africa involves causing the natives to 'disappear' en masse.
  • Evil Reactionary: Firestone models Liberia after the original United States, a republic without any of the 'trappings' that 'destroyed' the America of yesterday, namely democracy (a 'socialistic' concept not mentioned in the original constitution).
  • Human Trafficking: Firestone pays handsomely for a yearly quotum of labourers for his rubber plantations. When asked what kind of labourers they were looking for, a representative of Firestone slips his Mittelafrikan contacts some American dollars and requests them to not inquire further on the matter.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Even after taking control of Liberia, Firestone doesn't assume any formal position, but simply leaves the Liberian political machine running as it has always done, while he rules from the shadows.
  • President for Life: Firestone's Liberia is a republic without democracy, where elections are still held, but the outcome is already decided beforehand.
  • Private Military Contractors: Firestone employs soldiers of fortune to bolster the weak, corrupt and unprofessional Liberian Frontier Force.

Herbert Hoover
Imposter Hoover portrait
Role: Presidentnote  (Exiled Hoover takes control from Firestone)
Party: True Republican Party (Moderate)
Ideology: Oligarchismnote 

See his entry under the United States of America folder in the USA subpage.

Momulu Massaquoi
Role: Presidentnote  (Massaquoi Family takes power)
Party: Deutscher Liberian Bund (Massaquoi family)note 
Ideology: Prussian Constitutionalismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Foreign Culture Fetish: As consul general to Germany, Momulu Massaquoi has grown fond of the German system. As King of Liberia, he seeks to emulate the Kaiserreich by championing Protestant moral values, German ideas on governance like Prussian Constitutionalism, and an emphasis on preservation of native African culture and sovereignty.
  • Reluctant Ruler: Momulu Massaquoi prefers to stay in Germany and let his daughter lead Liberia, but the Germans can ignore his wishes and crown him anyway if they don't want to put a woman in charge.


Flag of the Dominion of West Africa
Flag of the Westafrikan Freistaat
Flag of the West African Free State
Flag of the Republic of West Africa
Official Name: Deutsch-Westafrika, British South West Africa
Party: Deutsche Kolonialgeselleschaft West-Afrikasnote 
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

  • Corrupt Politician: The German administration regularly embezzles funds from the colony to empower the interest of private businesses, particularly Harvey Firestone's rubber company.
  • The Federation: Although Westafrika is under the nominal control of the German Empire, the old colonial structures of the United Kingdom and France still exist and function under German command. This has created a delicate balance of power between the British, French and Germans.
  • Obstructive Bureaucrat: Westafrika's administration is plagued by a bureaucratic mess that strangles any possibility of efficiency.
  • Private Military Contractors: Mercenaries fill in the gaps made by the Westafrikan Army, and play a vital part in the defence of the colony.

Hans Georg von Doering
Role: Gourvernuer-Generalnote 
Party: Deutsche Kolonialgeselleschaft West-Afrikasnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 

  • Feudal Overlord: Doering's German administrators govern British and French condominiums within territories, and together they rule over the natives, through a system which resembles feudalism.

Louis Wiechardt
Role: Governor-Generalnote  (Weichardt takes control)
Party: Deutsche Kolonialgeselleschaft West-Afrikasnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 

  • Richard Nixon, the Used Car Salesman: Wiechardt in our timeline, was a South African who started the Nazi movement in his country and attempted to take over South Africa but failed. Here in Kaiserredux, since there's no Nazis, he sides with the German Afrikan governments and can return to Namibia to retire Doering to take his place as Governor.

Arnold Hodson
Role: Governor-Generalnote  (British gain control over Westafrika)
Party: British Delegation for the Tripartite Government
Ideology: Social Liberalism

  • Red Scare: Hodson despite being British hates syndicalism, so much so in fact that he's willing to work with foreign governments and the tripartite alliance of the Brits, French, and Germans in West Africa to stop it.
  • Technology Uplift: Hodson seeks to enhance West Afrika's technological output, by building radio towers over Ghana, and by advocating for the usage of radios, mechanized devices, and electrical devices in the underdeveloped African land.

Jules Brévié
Role: Governor-Generalnote  (French gain control over Westafrika)
Party: French Delegation for the Tripartite Government
Ideology: Social Democracy

  • Bread and Circuses: Brévié is a colonialist who prefers to keep the natives happy with colonial rule instead of ruling with an iron fist, but only because doing so will lead to less bloodshed and make the government more efficient.
  • Internal Reformist: Brévié seeks to reform Westafika into a modern welfare state based on equality and fairness between the natives and colonials, where everyone has some say in their governance.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: Compared to his rival colonialists in Westafrika, Brévié is much less repressive and actually seeks to keep the natives content with colonial rule.
  • Red Scare: Brévié employs a propaganda campaign against the Commune of France and syndicalists in general to dissuade his workers from socialism.
  • The Starscream: When Mittelafrika collapses, Brévié can seize the opportunity to betray the Germans and join his fellow Frenchmen in Algeria to reclaim France's old colonies.

Flag of German Togoland
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

Sylvanus Olympio
Ideology: Market Liberalism

  • Cincinnatus: Olympio, after 'buying out' Togo in the aftermath of Westafrika's collapse, has the choice to hold free elections.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: If he loses to the Northern Alliance in the first elections, Olympio and his family will be exiled from Togo for the crimes of greed and corruption.

Kléber Dadjo
Ideology: Paternal Autocracy

  • The Generalissimo: President Dadjo's Togo is a military 'republic' whose apparatus of state is dominated entirely by the Togolesische Garde.
  • Military Coup: If the military thinks that Sylvanus Olympio is too ambitious, treacherous and greedy to make good on his promises, Dadjo will take control over Lomé and seize the apparatus of state.
  • State Sec: Dadjo turns the Togolesische Garde from an extra security force and legal militia to an official branch of the Armed Forces, removing the obstacles to their potential powers and allowing them to distribute justice as they see fit.


    Nigerian Free State
Official Name: Nigerian Free State
Party: United Party of Nigeria
Ideology: Conservative Colonial Governmentnote 

  • Balkanize Me: In order to deal with the Hausa people's demands for autonomy, Nigeria can adopt a two-state solution, granting independence to Hausaland.
  • La Résistance: The Muslim Hausa people in Northern Nigeria have long been a thorn in the side of the Free State's administration. If Mittelafrika collapses, the Hausa will officially secede and declare war on the Nigerian Free State.

Hugh Clifford
Role: Gouvernor-Generalnote 
Party: United Party of Nigeria
Ideology: Conservative Colonial Governmentnote 

  • A Lighter Shade of Black: Clifford is still the governor of Nigeria as the colonial leader lording over Nigeria as a repressive figure. But Clifford is reposnsible for bringing a newly reformed constitution that introduces representational democracy for colonials. Not fully democratic, but not fully dictatorial.
  • Internal Reformist: Clifford is reponsible as the Governor of Nigeria, to introduce reforms within the constitution to increase democratic reforms for represenatative democracy for colonials. He also advocated education for every child within the country, building primary schools throughout the land, as well as training colleges and a royal college.

Edward Twining
Role: Gouvernor-Generalnote  (3rd Nigerian Parliament Election - Twining elected)
Party: United Party of Nigeria
Ideology: Conservative Colonial Governmentnote 

  • Internal Reformist: Twining will liberalise the economy, reform the outdated judicial system, and grant rights to the natives should he win the 1936 elections.

Bernard Henry Bourdillon
Role: Gouvernor-Generalnote  (3rd Nigerian Parliament Election - Bourdillon elected)
Party: Nigerian National Democratic Party
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

  • The Quisling: Bourdillon is an Englishman who leads the pro-German National Front Party, who seeks to curb British influence and draw Nigeria closer towards Germany.

Nnamdi Azikiwe
Role: National Fathernote  (3rd Nigerian Parliament Election - Azikiwe elected)
Party: National Front Party, National Council of Nigeria (Azikiwe moves Nigeria away from Market Liberalism)
Ideology: Republican Pan-Africanismnote , Republican Pan-Africanismnote , Right Pan-Africanismnote , Right Pan-Africanismnote  (Azikiwe chooses direction of Nigeria)

  • Affectionate Nickname: Azikiwe is referred to as 'Zik' by the people.
  • Dark Horse Victory: Azikiwe is definitely the dark horse candidate in the election, very few expected a native of Nigeria to actually win an election where only colonials were allowed to vote in.
  • President for Life: After winning the election, Azikiwe has the choice to clamp down on democracy in order to ensure Nigeria's lasting independence.
  • Velvet Revolution: Azikiwe is the leader of the Nigerian National Party, and seeks to free his country from colonial rule through reforms after winning an election.

Central Africa


Flag of the African Federation
Official Name: Deutsch-Mittelafrika
Party: Deutsche Kolonialgeselleschaftnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 

  • Private Military Contractors: Since the Schutztruppen are insufficient to secure the entirety of Mittelafrika, the administration has to fill the gaps with mercenaries, who serve as an auxiliary police force for exorbitant salaries.

Wilhelm Solf
Role: Staathalternote 
Party: Deutsche Kolonialgeselleschaftnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Internal Reformist: Solf is a very important figure within the German colonial sphere, being a fantastic governor mediating tensions with the natives, introducing economic and agricultural programs, and creating massive positive change for the administration.
  • King On His Death Bed: It won't take long for Solf to die at the start of the game due to his old age, slowly taking his life throughout his later years.
  • Old Soldier: Has been in service for the German Empire since his early adult years to his elderly age. He's very decorated as a colonial figure, and one of the most respected soldiers within the Empire.

Heinrich Schnee
Role: Staathalternote  (Solf dies - Schnee succeeds)
Party: Deutsche Kolonialgeselleschaftnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: By game start, Schnee has been planning his retirement for a number of years. After Black Monday, the instability in both Germany and Mittelafrika gives Schnee the last push towards formal resignation as Staathalter.

Hermann von Göring
Field Marshal Göring
Governor Göring
Role: Field Marshal, Staathalternote  (Göring overrules arrest warrant)
Party: Souveränistennote 
Ideology: Chauvinistic Colonial Governmentnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show
In-Game Biography: (Warlord) Click to Show

  • Allohistorical Allusion: In real life, Göring developed an addiction to morphine after being hit by a bullet during the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch. Here, he developed an addiction to morphine after suffering an accident in 1923.
  • Bad Boss: In an event, Göring invites his advisors to a meeting in the middle of the night. When one of them drifts off to sleep, Göring shoots the man three times in the torso.
  • Battle Trophy: In the aftermath of Mittelafrika's collapse, when Göring defats a rival warlord, he cuts off their head and mounts them on the walls of his office.
  • Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: In one of Goeringia's events, Göring invites a representative from Krupp Industries to a hunt, during which the latter witnesses the former killing an African man.
  • President for Life: If he takes over the German government after killing Kurt von Schleicher, Göring indefinitely suspends all elections.
  • Recovered Addict: Some time after Mittelafrika collapses, Göring swears off morphine. After three painful days of withdrawal, he starts feeling himself as a truly free man.
  • Sore Loser: When participating in Carl Gustaf von Rosen's air race, upon learning that he lost to Rosen, Göring flies back to his home in Dar es Salaam, frothing at the mouth in a rage over his loss.
  • The Starscream: If Reichskanzler Kurt von Schleicher makes a deal with Göring's Alldeutscher Verband and appoints him Vizekanzler, the power-hungry Göring, who cannot be satisfied with being Vizekanzler, will eventually try to assassinate Schleicher to make himself Reichskanzler.

Alexander Douala Manga-Bell
Role: General, Staathalternote 
Party: Reformgruppe (Right)note 
Ideology: Tribal Paternalismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • The Quisling: If Douala-Bell (an African monarch) becomes Statthalter of Mittelafrika, he'll turn it into the Afrikanisches Kaiserreich, with the Kaiser of Germany as its first monarch, so all Africans can feel the reach and guidance of the Kaiser's civilising and holy radiance.

Jomo Kenyatta
Role: Staathalternote 
Party: Reformgruppe (Left)note 
Ideology: Republican Pan-Africanismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Good Old Ways: Kenyatta is a believer in African independence, the renewal of traditional culture, and moderate progressivism made of education drives and economic regulation.
  • The Quisling: The Mau-Mau regard Kenyatta as a traitor for working with the imperialists, even though Kenyatta himself claims that he's only finding a peaceful way for all African peoples to be free.
  • Velvet Revolution: Kenyatta is a Pan-Africanist anti-colonialist who seeks to turn German Central Africa into an independent African Federation through elections, without having to spill blood.

Mittelafrika Dissolution

Flag of French Equatorial Africa
Flag of the Republic of Equatorial Africa
Flag of the Republic of Equatorial Africa (M'ba)
Flag of the People's Republic of Equatorial Africa
Official Name: Gabon
Ruling Party: Bloc Démocratique Gabonaisnote 
Ideology: Moderate Authoritarianismnote 

  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: A democratic Gabon has the choice to rejoin the Entente, even though France was once their colonial overlord and later supported the dictatorial Hyperprésident M'ba, if they feel that French aid is necessary for their survival.

Léon M'ba
Dictator M'ba
Role: Presidentnote 
Party: Bloc Démocratique Gabonaisnote 
Ideology: Moderate Authoritarianismnote , Oligarchismnote  (Hyperprésident)
In-Game Biography: Click to Show
In-Game Biography: (Dictator) Click to Show

  • Corrupt Politician: In his ambition to become the richest man in Africa, M'ba turns Gabon into a true and pure kleptocracy that entirely benefits himself above all others.
  • President for Life: Initially, M'ba maintains an air of legitimacy and democracy over his rule. After thwarting Charles N'Tchoréré's coup, he declares himself the first Hyperprésident du Gabon, a dictator in all but name.
  • The Purge: If the coup against him fails, M'ba cleanses the entire Gabonese military from the bottom-up.
  • The Quisling: A massive sycophant to the French, M'ba truly only wishes to rule to make both himself and his French allies rich.

Charles N'Tchoréré
Role: Field Marshal, Presidentnote 
Party: Armée de Terre Gabonaisenote 
Ideology: Military Juntanote 

  • Cincinnatus: N'Tchoréré has no political ambitions himself, and steps down once the first democratic elections are done.
  • Military Coup: As President M'ba's authoritarianism becomes more and more obvious with each passing day, Marshal N'Tchoréré leads a band of separatists on Libreville to overthrow him and restore democracy.

René-Paul Sousatte
Role: Presidentnote  (Free Election - Sousatte elected)
Party: Parti de l'Unité Nationale Gabonaise - Groupe Afro-Marxistenote 
Ideology: Agrarian Socialismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

Jean-Hilaire Aubame
Role: Presidentnote  (Free Election - Aubame elected)
Party: Union Démocratique et Sociale Gabonaise - Chrétiens Sociauxnote 
Ideology: Christian Democracynote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

Paul Marie Indjendjet Gondjout
Role: Presidentnote  (Free Election - Gondjout elected)
Party: Parti Démocratique Gabonais - Laïcsnote 
Ideology: National Liberalismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

Flag of the Central African Empire
Flag of the United States of Latin Africa
Flag of the People's Republic of Ubangi-Shari
Official Name: Ubangi-Shari, Central African Empire (Bokassa I), United States of Latin America (Boganda), People's Republic of Ubangi-Shari (Darlan brothers)
Ruling Party: Mouvement pour l'Évolution Sociale de l'Afrique Noirenote 
Ideology: Military Dictatorshipnote 

Jean-Bédel Bokassa
Bokassa I Portrait
Mittelafrika reclaimed Portrait
Frederick III Portrait
Napoleon IV Portrait
Charlemagne II Portrait
Role: General, Presidentnote , Emperornote  (Bokassa coronated)
Party: Mouvement pour l'Évolution Sociale de l'Afrique Noirenote , House of Bokassa (Bokassa I)
Ideology: Military Dictatorshipnote , Absolute Monarchynote  (Bokassa I), Colonial Governmentnote  (Mittelafrika reclaimed), Bonapartismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show
In-Game Biography: (Emperor) Click to Show
In-Game Biography: (Napoleon) Click to Show
In-Game Biography: (Charlemagne) Click to Show

  • Awesome Anachronistic Apparel: Bokassa has quite a few historical figures he can dress up as if he decides to go into a specific direction of praising the French or German kings of the past.
  • Eat the Rich: This will be what happened if Bokassa fully embraces and promotes cannibalism IN PUBLIC, thus starting a hunt against other warlords rose after Mittleafrika collapsed and bringing their corpses to kitchen for a large feast.
  • Improbable Age: Bokassa was born in 1921, and is not even 20 years old when he seizes power as Emperor of Ubangi-Shari (in real life, he only became leader of the Central African Republic in 1966).
  • Red Baron: Known as "The Mad King" when he starts his empire, and rightfully so.
  • The Caligula: Bokassa is an absolute lunatic, a sadistic man-child of a king. Coronating himself as the Emperor of Ubangi-Shari for his own amusement, celebrating cannibalism with royal feasts of dead enemy soldiers, opposition leaders and foreign heads of state, high off of illicit drugs from his cornucopias, and creating an absolute cult-of-personality around himself as the new Barbarossa or Napoleon if he celebrates Central Africa's French or German roots.
  • The Usurper: If he manages to defeat the right-wing French exiles in Algeria, Bokassa can usurp the French throne, proclaim himself Emperor Napoléon IV, and from there try to conquer metropolitan France.

Barthélemy Boganda
Role: Presidentnote  (Boganda exposes Bokassa, army overthrows Bokassa)
Party: Mouvement pour l'Évolution Sociale de l'Afrique Noirenote 
Ideology: Christian Democracynote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Good Shepherd: Throughout his life as a Priest, Boganda has attempted to help people wherever he could through baptisms, missionary activies, and even overthrowing his crazed nephew for the people's sake. As the leader of Central Africa, he seeks to bring the people out of his nephew's driven madness, and into the light of God.
  • The Coup: Boganda exposes that the meat Bokassa has been supplying to his people and his soldiers is not from animals, but instead from humans. Disgusted by this so much, the army coups Bokassa and deposes him, letting Boganda in charge.

David Dacko
Role: Presidentnote  (Boganda dies in a plane crash)
Party: Mouvement pour l'Évolution Sociale de l'Afrique Noirenote 
Ideology: Christian Democracynote 

  • The Apprentice: Dacko is Boganda's protege, who was temporarly governing the nation in his absence. However this changed when Boganda gets in an airplane crash while on a tour throughout the country, if Boganda does not return and is presumed dead, then Dacko has his hands tied to run the nation on his own.

Jürgen Darlan
Role: General, Chairmannote  (Darlan brothers overthrow Bokassa - Jürgen leads)
Party: Rassemblement Démocratique Africainnote 
Ideology: Revisionist Marxismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Sibling Team: Jürgen works with his older brother Antoine to create a Socialist Ubangi-Shari that cares for its people. Although he differs on his brother's vision, as he wants to create a more culturally progressive and more moderate country based on the German SDAP than his brother.

Antoine Darlan
General Darlan
Role: General, Chairmannote  (Darlan brothers overthrow Bokassa - Antoine leads)
Party: Rassemblement Démocratique Africainnote 
Ideology: African Syndicalismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Chummy Commies: Darlan practices a form Syndicalism based in Africa. Where he seeks to use the Trade Unionist line of though to create an agricultural and traditionalist styled socialist government that is focused on resource extraction instead of overindustrialization based from the Europeans, as he wants to adopt the idea of a centralized syndicalist government that brings equality and unity, and fraternity to African conditions.
  • Sibling Team: Antoine works with his younger brother Jürgen to create a Ubangi-Shari for the people. Antoine is more radical than his brother, as he wants to revert back to the tribalistic and conservative roots of Africa's culture, and seeks to create a more revolutionary government that radically changes the economic system of Ubangi-Shari.

Jane Vialle
Role: General, Chairwomannote  (Darlan allows Vialle to be leader)
Party: Verein für die Entwicklung von Schwarzafrikanote 
Ideology: Socialist Feminismnote  (Jürgen succession), Socialist Feminismnote  (Antoine succession)

  • Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Vialle can become Ubangi-Shari's first female leader.
  • Foreign Correspondent: Vialle served as this for Ubangi-Shari to the Communards. With her studying their ideology and became quite a radical under them, with her returning to Ubangi-Shari as the country turned socialist from the Darlans she is praised greatly enough to potentially become the new leader of the country.

Kamoun Mohamed al-Senoussi
Role: General, Sultannote  (Bokassa overthrown - Sultan takes power)
Party: Sultan Loyalists
Ideology: Tribal Paternalismnote , Islamismnote  (al-Senoussi follows Islamism), Indigenous Communitarianismnote  (al-Senoussi follows Socialism)

  • The Good King: If Senoussi embraces socialism, he'll allow his people to organize in anarchist-like structuring and keep their decentralized tribalist natures alive and be autonomous as individual tribes that govern themselves independently under communitarian egalitarianism.
  • The Fundamentalist: Senoussi is an Islamic Fundamentalist, he seeks to drive Central Africa away from it's previous cult obsessed with Bokassa, and instead move it towards Islam.

Official Name: Kamerun
Ruling Party: Deutsche Kolonialgeselleschaftnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 

  • The Remnant: Kamerun is one of the last corners of German rule that hold on after Mittelafrika collapses.

Carl Heinrich Zimmerman
Role: Gouvenor-Generalnote 
Party: Deutsche Kolonialgeselleschaftnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 

Karl Ebermaier
Role: Gouvenor-Generalnote  (Kamerun defeats Adamawa clique, Zimmerman retires - Ebermaier succeeds)
Party: Deutsche Kolonialgeselleschaftnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 

Karl Atangana
Role: Gouvenor-Generalnote  (Kamerun defeats Adamawa clique, Zimmerman retires - Atangana succeeds)
Party: Deutsche Kolonialgeselleschaftnote 
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

Alexander Douala Manga-Bell
Role: Gouvenor-Generalnote  (Kamerun defeats Adamawa clique, Zimmerman retires - Bell succeeds)
Party: Deutsche Kolonialgeselleschaftnote 
Ideology: Tribal Paternalismnote 

See his entry in the Mittelafrika folder above.

    Adamawa Clique
Official Name: Adamawa Clique, People's Republic of Cameroon (Victory in civil-war), Kamerun (Liberals win Election)
Ruling Party: Union der Völker Kamerunsnote 
Ideology: Syndicalism

  • Civil War: Is in a civil-war against Kamerun, hoping to get rid of the German colonial government away from the Cammeronian people and turn Cameroon into a revolutionary government to get it on its feet.
  • Emergency Authority: Due to the people of Cameroon not having any idea what socialism is, the Zentralkomitee für die Kamerunische Revolution forms to see what Cameroon can do about it.

Ruben Um Nyobé
Role: Chairmannote 
Party: Union der Völker Kamerunsnote 
Ideology: Syndicalism

Joseph Bile
Role: Chairmannote  (Socialist Election - Bile elected)
Party: Union der Völker Kamerunsnote 
Ideology: Communismnote 

Salomon Tandeng Muna
Role: Presidentnote  (Democratic Election - KDV elected)
Party: Kameruns Demokratische Volksbewegungnote 
Ideology: National Liberalismnote 

Alexander Douala Manga-Bell
Role: Presidentnote  (Democratic Election - Monarchists elected)
Party: Bell Loyalists
Ideology: Tribal Paternalismnote 

See his entry in the Mittelafrika folder above.

Official Name: Goeringia
Ruling Party: Goering Loyalists
Ideology: Goeringst Nationalismnote 

  • Egopolis: Hermann Göring's fiefdom after the collapse of Mittelafrika is named after himself.
  • Supervillain Lair: A monstrous fortress, towering above even the tallest of tree canopies in the jungles of Goeringia, serves as Hermann Göring's home.

Hermann von Göring
Hermann I
Role: Gouvenor-Generalnote 
Party: Goering Loyalists
Ideology: Goeringst Nationalismnote 

See his entry in the Mittelafrika folder above.

Belgian Congo

Flag of the Belgian government-in-exile
Flag of Deutsch-Zentralafrika
Flag of Deutsch-Mittelafrika
Flag of the Holy African Empire
Official Name: Congo-Vrijstaat
Ruling Party: Gouvernement du Gouverneur Général Pierre Ryckmansnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 

  • Civil War: If Mittelafrika collapses, Belgian Congo can fall into a civil war between Ryckmans' government, the Force Publique in Léopoldville and the Union Minière du Haut-Katanga, while the mercenaries and natives also seize the opportunity to rebel.
  • Government in Exile: If the Congo Crisis does not happen or is won by Ryckmans' government, it can declare itself to be the Kingdom of Belgium in exile.
  • Private Military Contractors: In the aftermath of Mittelafrika's collapse, the Belgians might resort to hiring soldiers of fortune who are willing to do jungle work in exchange for cash.

Pierre Ryckmans
Despair-filled Ryckmans
Role: Gouverneur-Généralnote 
Party: Gouvernement du Gouverneur Général Pierre Ryckmansnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

Léon Pétillon
Ideology: Social Conservatism

  • Emperor Scientist: Pétillon embraces technocratic principles, filling his government with educated, experienced, knowledgeable men and massively industrialising and modernising the colony.

Franz Ritter von Epp
Kaiser Franz I portrait
Ideology: Paternal Autocracy

  • Evil Colonialist: Epp cracks down on the rights of natives, believing that whites are the masters of Africa and seeking to teach this fact to every single Congolese. They may live here, but the Congo belongs to white settlers.
  • Foreign Ruling Class: Epp entices German settlers to migrate to the Congo, following the example of the Ostsiedlung, and curtails the rights of the natives.
  • The Starscream: Epp's loyalty to the Kaiser falters during the Congo Crisis. If he wins the Congo Crisis, he can blame the Kaiser and the naïveté and greed of the Kaiserreich for Mittelafrika's collapse, and set out to reclaim the continent not for Kaiser Wilhelm II, but for himself, Kaiser Franz I of the Holy African Empire.

Civil-War Factions

    Mercénaires du Congo Ouest
Flag of the Congolese Soldier's Republic
Flag of Outer Heaven
Flag of l'Ordre des Chevaliers Congolais
Ideology: Paternal Autocracy

  • We ARE Struggling Together: Though the mercenaries fight together for their own independent state, their various cliques and groups are far from a united front. From the lowliest grunts to the leading figures, all jockey for influence and power over the others.

Carl Gustaf von Rosen
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

  • Ace Pilot: Rosen is an airman at heart, and makes it a habit to take at least one short flight a day in his trusty SAAB 17, even after becoming Consul of the Congo. In an event, he announces to all ace pilots in the world that an air race is to be held in the Congo in one month, and that any and all are welcome to partake.
  • Foreign Culture Fetish: Drawing upon its idealism and meritocratic beliefs, Rosen (a Swede) models his Soldier's Republic after the old Roman Republic.

Gustaf Hallström
Ideology: National Populism

  • Richard Nixon, the Used Car Salesman: In real life, Hallström was an archaeologist and photograph. Here, he joined his brother Thord Ivar (who was an actual mercenary in real life), and can lead a mercenary state in what was once Belgian Congo.
  • Shout-Out: If Hallström becomes leader of the mercenaries, he names his 'country' Outer Heaven, after a mercenary-led country in Metal Gear, and uses a flag with a skull emblem heavily based on the emblem of the Militaires Sans Frontières.

Jacques Massu
Dauphin Massu portrait
Ideology: Paternal Autocracy

  • Awesome Anachronistic Apparel: After proclaiming himself Dauphin of the Congo, Massu grows accustomed to wearing typical medieval clothing, sometimes even donning full plate imported directly from France.
  • Exposed to the Elements: Inverted. Massu's men often wonder how on earth he manages to endure the heat of the Congo while dressed in full plate.
  • Feudal Overlord: Massu transforms the Congo into a medieval feudal kingdom based on a system of vassals where the local lords are his faithful mercenaries.

    Union Minière
Flag of the State of Katanga
Flag of Garanganze
Flag of the State of Katanga (Hoare)
Ideology: Market Liberalism

  • Les Collaborateurs: Figures such as Moïse Tshombe and Godefroid Munongo, among many others, are given seats on the UMHK's Board of Directors while lesser figures are given less important roles, sprinkling enough diversity hires around enough to appease the masses.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: The Belgians barely manage to keep their native workers from going on strike with a combination of minor benefits, rights and incentives, and the fear of reprisal from the Force Publique and mercenaries.
  • Evil Colonialist: The UMHK's workforce consists mostly of natives, with elevated positions being held by White settlers and mercenaries, who keep them pacified by drip-feeding them rights and keeping them in line with the Force Publique and mercenaries.
  • MegaCorp: The UMHK is a massive monopoly, the largest company in the Congo.
  • One Nation Under Copyright: The Union Minière du Haut-Katanga is a massive mining concern whose 'state' has only one priority: profit.

Edgar Sengier
Ideology: Market Liberalism

  • Pragmatic Villainy: In order to avoid being overthrown by the Congolese workers, Sengier is willing to keep them happy, pass some minor regulations, adopt a new pragmatic attitude towards the native policy, and grant token positions within the administration to prominent Africans.

Kitanika Mabumba Mushalila
Ideology: Paternal Autocracy

  • Occupiers Out of Our Country: The Mwami's goal is to kick out the colonialist dogs that have long infected the Congo, and bring freedom back to the Bayeke people of Katanga.
  • La Résistance: The Mwami and his loyalists have long been fighting a guerrilla war against the Congo Free State and later the Union Minière in an effort to free his people.
  • Rightful King Returns: The Mwami is the son of Msiri, the founder and only monarch of the Yeke Kingdom. If he successfully topples the UMHK and takes over Katanga, he re-establishes his father's kingdom with himself as Mwenda III.

Mike Hoare
Ideology: National Populism

  • Empty Quiver: Somehow, despite living in one of the wildest regions on Earth and entirely disconnected from the wider outside world, Mad Mike and the UMHK will apparently be able to requisition a working nuclear device. No outside sources have been able to corroborate this claim and many nuclear experts across the globe have decried this as nothing but an impossible bluff, but Hoare claims he and his men have harnessed the powers of God himself, and shall smite any foe foolish or daring enough to try to take his new fiefdom from him.
  • Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: Hoare sends the forces of Commando 5 to hunt down all enemies of the state: Mwami separatists, Simba revolutionaries, exiled Askari, disgruntled tribesmen, or whatever else.

Flag of the Congo-Vrijstaat
Flag of the Congo-Vrijstaat (Kanza)
Flag of the Spiritual Realm of the Congo
Ideology: Social Conservatism

  • Citadel City: During the Congo Crisis, Léopoldville is transformed into an imposing and unassailable bastion. Walls are raised, bunkers and pillboxes constructed, and barbed wire and mines placed across the perimeter.
  • Police State: The area surrounding Léopoldville exists under a strict regime and atmosphere of martial law under the Force Publique. These soldiers and militias enforce a sense of order and calm, creating a placid oasis of relative peace in the chaotic Congo at the expense of civil liberty.

Armand Huyghé
Huyghé Suit
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

  • Conscription: As Governor-General of the Congo, Huyghé scales up black conscription in order to ensure that the army has enough able-bodied men.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: In order to entrench the Belgians' position and ensure the continuation of imperialism, Huyghé is willing to make certain concessions like granting autonomy to tribes, holding 'fair and free' elections, and allowing natives to serve in the lower ranks within the bureaucratic hierarchy and within local government systems.

Émile Janssens
Ideology: Paternal Autocracy

  • The Dreaded: Janssens has a reputation as being an iron-fisted authoritarian and a fierce nationalist, unwaveringly dedicated to the ideas and methods of the late Leopold II, and is one of the most feared men in the Congo.
  • Evil Colonialist: Janssens, a vocal and virulent advocate for colonial rule and true disciple of Leopold II, seeks to 'civilise' the Congo at all costs by inviting Belgian settlers, crushing nationalist movements, and enforces a segregation system modelled after the United States' Jim Crow laws, South Africa's apartheid system, and the polices of Deutsch-Südwestafrika.
  • Red Baron: If he becomes Governor-General of the Congo, Janssens becomes better known as the Little Maniac, instead of his real name.

Daniel Kanza
Ideology: Social Conservatism

  • Internal Reformist: If Kanza becomes Governor-General, he'll give the Congo a taste of self-determination and democracy as it slowly, securely and peacefully marches towards independence.

Simon Kimbangu
Ideology: National Populism, Paternal Autocracy, Social Conservatism, Radical Socialism (depending on choice)

  • Great Escape: When the Congo Crisis erupts, Kimbangu escapes from the Élisabethville Detention Camp and comes back to Léopoldville to rally his followers.
  • Illegal Religion: Kimbangu can declare other faiths heretical, and offer their followers a choice—be excommunicated and shunned from society, or embrace the One True Faith of Ngunzism.
  • Interfaith Smoothie: Kimbangu builds a new, uniquely African strain of Christian dogma, known as Ngunzism or Kimbanguism, which incorporates local beliefs from Bantu-speaking groups.
  • Moral Guardians: Kimbangu burns all stockpiles of alcohol and drugs, and bans gambling, smoking, dancing, expressive singing, nudity, indecency, and more, so the people will not fall into vice.
  • The Mutiny: If Huyghé appoints Janssens as Deputy Governor-General and doesn't reprimand him when he kills a native conscript and states his intention to never allow Blacks within the commissioned Officer Corps of the FP, the native members of the FP will launch a mutiny and put Kimbangu in charge of the Congo.
  • Non-Nude Bathing: Only bathing when clothed is allowed in Kimbangu's Congo.

    Kivu Clique
Flag of the Republic of the Congo
Flag of the Popular Republic of the Congo
Flag of the State of Nzere
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

  • Balkanize Me: If the Republic of the Congo is defeated by Katanga rebels, they can carve it into five states (Kinshasa Province, Kivu Province, Orientale Province, Équateur Province and State of Kasai).
  • Civil War: If the Kivu clique emerges victorious in the Congo Crisis, the newborn Republic of the Congo can fall into yet another civil war between the government and Simba rebels.
  • Improbable Age: All of the Republic of the Congo's potential leaders are extremely young: the oldest, Jean Bolikango (born 1909) is only 27 at game start, and the youngest, Joseph Iléo, is only 15, having been born in 1921. In real life, all of them only came into political prominence long after the game's timeframe.
  • Occupiers Out of Our Country: The Kivu clique is a group of Askari officers who mutinied against their German masters and now seek to free the Congo from colonialism.

Louis de Gonzague Bobozo
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

  • Cincinnatus: After leading the Kivu clique to victory in the Congo Crisis, Bobozo has the choice to step down and hold democratic elections.
  • Historical In-Joke: Louis de Gonzague Bobozo renames himself Bobozo Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga, in the same way that Joseph-Désiré Mobutu renamed himself Mobutu Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga in real life.
  • Illegal Religion: Bobozo bans most religions within the Congo, with the exception of the Catholic Church in Congo, the Orthodox Church of the Congo, the Church of Christ in Congo, and the Kimbanguist Church. Native Congolese religions and spiritual forms are allowed to stay in practice, but their practitioners are encouraged to join the Kimbanguist Church instead.
  • Meaningful Rename: In an effort to remove all colonial influences from the Congo, Bobozo replaces all French toponyms with native ones, and makes an example by getting rid of his own given name Louis and christening himself Bobozo Sese Seko Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga (Bobozo the all-powerful warrior, who because of his endurance and inflexible will to win, goes from conquest to conquest leaving fire in his wake).
  • Military Coup: After taking over the Congo and handing power to the civilian government, Bobozo might lead the ANC in a coup against them if they fail to deal with the Simba rebellion.

Jean Bolikango
Ideology: Social Conservatism

  • Affectionate Nickname: Bolikango is often called the Elder Statesman due to his age and role in educating a number of ministers and congressmen that now serve as his own political allies and rivals.
  • Due to the Dead: Bolikango creates a new public holiday to commemorate the sacrifices given in the fight to free the Congo, and builds two new national cemeteries, one outside Kinshasa and one near Boyoma Falls, where the heroes slain in the Congo Crisis may be laid to a final, well-earned rest.

Joseph Kasa-Vubu
General Kasa-Vubu
Ideology: Social Liberalism

  • Awesome Anachronistic Apparel: Long an avid historian, particularly finding interest in the Kongo Kingdom of old, Kasa-Vubu declares himself the new Manikongo, even wearing a new outfit that could be described as a mix between traditional Kongo monarchy robes and military outfit, drawing looks of both respect and mockery from his colleagues.

Moïse Tshombe
Ideology: Market Liberalism

  • Corrupt Politician: Tshombe's primary objective is his own personal enrichment and that of the country's new dominant political caste made of wealthy Évolués.
  • Meet the New Boss: Although Tshombe praises the positive effects of his policies, these changes are hardly visible in the daily life of the average Congolese worker; a huge part of the Congo's economy remains in the hands of Western companies. Many see no difference between this new life and the one under the colonial administration, and wonder what good it did fighting for the Kivu clique during the war.
  • The Quisling: Tshombe turns the Congo into a neo-colony, with a huge part of the economy still in the hands of Western investors, most notably Edgar Sengier's Union Minière, which controls more than 70% of the national economy.

Isaac Kalonji
Ideology: Social Democracy (no Simba rebellion), Radical Socialism (Simba rebellion)

  • Good Old Ways: Kalonji publicly endorses the traditional religious beliefs of the Baluba, angering many of his Christian allies but giving him far more support among the conservative tribes.
  • The Purge: If he leads the Simba rebellion to victory, Kalonji bans all capitalist parties except his own and Jean Bolikango's PUC, which has become too diminished to stand a chance to win the coming election.

Cyrille Adoula
Ideology: Syndicalism

  • Not in This for Your Revolution: Adoula is no fan of radicals or the former colonists, whatever their new governments may claim to be. If he comes into power, he'll play his country off as more radical and committed to the Internationale cause than he actually is in order to curry their favour, and more importantly, empty their coffers.

Joseph Iléo
Ideology: Radical Socialism

  • President for Life: Iléo believes that the collective judgement of the masses is not so often of sound logic, and secretly controls the democratic process, ensuring that he and his supporters win election after election.

Eastern Africa


    Kenyan-Ugandan Free State
Official Name: Kenyan-Ugandan Free State
Party: Deutsche Ostafrikagesellschaftnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 

  • Balkanize Me: If Mittelafrika collapses, Kenya-Uganda can also shatter, allowing an independent Uganda to break free under the Rothschilds.
  • Young and in Charge: The Leakey brothers were born from 1913 to 1915, and are among the youngest leaders in the world by the time one of them could succeed Richard Meinertzhagen as governor of Kenya-Uganda.

Richard Meinertzhagen
Role: Gouvernor-Generalnote 
Party: Deutsche Ostafrikagesellschaftnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 

Bob Leakey
Ideology: Authoritarian Democracy

  • State Sec: Following Boris Savinkov's example, Bob Leakey forms his own Yunarmiya to cut off the heads of leftist traitors.

Rea Leakey
Ideology: Market Liberalism

  • Privately Owned Society: Under Rea Leakey, Kenya-Uganda becomes a corporatocracy where power is concentrated in the hands of private corporations.
  • State Sec: Rea Leakey allows corporations to employ their own private militia forces to suppress revolts.

Flag of the People's Totalist State of Africa
Official Name: Mau-Mau
Party: Kenya Land and Freedom Army (Hardliners)
Ideology: Obamaismnote 

  • The Bus Came Back: The Mau-Mau are designed to quickly lose to Kenya-Uganda, whose political tree is locked until they have defeated the Mau-Mau, only to pop out again (with proper political paths this time) after Mittelafrika collapses.

Mzee Onyango Obama
Obama post-Mittelafrika collapse portrait
Role: Field Marshal, Marshalnote 
Party: Kenya Land and Freedom Army (Hardliners)
Ideology: Obamaismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show
In-Game Biography: (Punished) Click to Show

  • Glorious Leader: Obama, the Great Mountain of the Mau-Mau, stands above all, guiding the Mau-Mau as a lighthouse guides ships at sea. He is the sole hope of Afrika, and it is Only Obama, with a wisdom far surpassing that of King Solomon, who can free not just Kenya, but all of Afrika.
  • God-Emperor: If he successfully liberates Kenya (and Africa as a whole), the Grand Mzee becomes the soul of Africa who stands over the people of Kenya, and of Africa, a near-mythical demigod of anti-imperialism and Totalism itself, channelling the hate that has accumulated throughout long centuries of oppression into a physical and effective political and cultural movement.
  • Historical In-Joke: Two of the final focuses in Obama's initial tree grant 2008 and 2012 political power. In real life, his grandson won the 2008 and 2012 United States presidential elections.
  • Not Quite Dead: Obama vanishes and is believed to be dead when the Mau-Mau rebellion is defeated, only to show up again and lead a second rebellion when Mittelafrika collapses.
  • Occupiers Out of Our Country: Obama is determined to cleanse Kenya of all foreign taint, whether they be white colonists or the Somalis who took over the Jubba Valley.
  • Rebel Leader: Obama leads the African Liberation Army, who have bitterly fought the German colonists since 1925.

Stanley Mathenge
Role: Field Marshal, Marshalnote  (Obama assassinated - Mathenge takes charge)
Party: The Kikuyu Rebel Forces (Mathenge)
Ideology: Mathengeismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • The Gulag: Believing non-Bantu peoples to be no better than leeches, Mathenge has the compliant and useful sent off to labour camps, while any troublemakers are dealt with in a more straightforward way.
  • Master Race: Mathenge ensures that the clearly superior Kikuyu language, religion and culture all become standard across the nation, even if that means other, lesser cultures must be squashed to make room for the Kikuyu's rightful dominance.
  • The Starscream: After the Mau-Mau's initial defeat, Mathenge starts to secure his power base during Mzee Obama's absence, as Dedan Kimathi lacks Obama's charisma and natural leadership. When Mittelafrika collapses and Obama returns, Mathenge initially falls in line, but as Kenya is liberated, he'll make his move, attempting a coup against Obama so he could turn the country from the Mzee's pan-Africanism toward Bantu supremacism.

Dedan Kimathi
Role: Field Marshal, Marshalnote  (Obama assassinated, Kimathi takes down Mathenge, Kimathi leads)
Party: Kenya Land and Freedom Army (Moderates)
Ideology: Moderate Obamaismnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Chummy Commies: Kimathi wishes to build Kenya as a strong, unified socialist state with local democracy, where all people are equal and have a voice in politics.
  • Cooperation Gambit: Kimathi's new initiative to propel Kenya into a new era involves establishing diplomatic ties with the Commune of France. Although the KLFA hardliners condemn this decision as a betrayal of Obama's vision of a Kenya truly free of the Europeans, Kimathi states that Kenya has nothing to lose from collaborating with the Commune and her allies, especially as they fight the same struggle against the imperialists.
  • The Coup: If Stanley Mathenge successfully kills Obama and takes over Kenya, Kimathi will attempt his own putsch against Mathenge to return Kenya to the late Mzee's image.
  • Parental Substitute: In the aftermath of Hussein Onyango Obama's disappearance, Kimathi raises his young son Baraka as his own until the elder Obama's reappearance.
  • Young and in Charge: Kimathi was born in 1920, and is only around 20 by the time he could take control of Kenya from Stanley Mathenge.

Southern Africa


Flag of German Northern Rhodesia
Flag of the Crown Colony of Africa
Official Name: Nordrhodesien, Zambia (Baring)
Party: Kollaborative Regierung von Nordrhodesiennote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 

Hans Hüttig
Role: General, Gouvenor-Generalnote 
Party: Kollaborative Regierung von Nordrhodesiennote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Evil Colonialist: Hüttig promotes white supremacy and universal segregation in Northern Rhodesia, and works many natives to exhaustion in order to 'bring civilisation'.
  • The Gulag: If Hüttig manages to retain power, he'll throw those who show disloyalty to him into punishment camps to be rehabilitated.
  • Richard Nixon, the Used Car Salesman: In real life, after Germany lost World War I, Hüttig returned to Germany, eventually joining the SS and becoming a concentration camp commandant during World War II. Since Germany won World War I and kept its African colonies in this timeline, Hüttig stayed in Africa and became the administrator of Northern Rhodesia, which Germany seized from the United Kingdom after the latter fell to the 1925 syndicalist revolution.

Ernst Jünger
Role: General, Gouvenor-Generalnote 
Party: Kollaborative Regierung von Nordrhodesiennote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Internal Reformist: Jünger conducts numerous reforms, from reining in the Schutztruppen to promoting intellectualism, improving the bureaucracy and partially restoring democracy, in order to ensure Northern Rhodesia's prosperity.

Evelyn Baring
Role: General, Gouvenor-Generalnote 
Party: United Empire League (Baring)
Ideology: Chauvinistic Colonial Governmentnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • The Coup: Following the issuing of Hüttig's arrest warrant, Baring can lead his forces in a march into Lusaka, dealing a decisive blow to the German administration and returning Northern Rhodesia to the British fold.
  • Evil Colonialist: Baring secures the British Empire's hold on Northern Rhodesia by forcing the native people to choose between the 'burning light of civilisation' and the searing heat of lead.
  • Evil Reactionary: Baring views Southern Africa as rightful British territory, and seeks to bring back the glorious British Empire of old, starting with replacing the German jackboot on Northern Rhodesia with the British jackboot. After 'pacifying' Africa, he declares that the Crown Colony's mission is not yet over, and that he will not rest until the Union Jack flies proudly once more over London.
  • Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: Baring's 'hunting parties' find and exterminate every last separatist and rabble rouser they could aim their rifle at.


Flag of Israel-Madagascar
Flag of the French State
Official Name: Deutsch-Madagaskar
Party: Deutsch-Fransözischer Kolonial-Gesammtschaftnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 

Reinhard Heydrich
Role: Admiral, Field Marshal, Gouvenor-Generalnote 
Party: Deutsch-Fransözischer Kolonial-Gesammtschaftnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show

  • Evil Colonialist: As his 'projects' get more and more expensive and destructive, Heydrich works more and more people to death, causing the population of Madagascar to significantly decline.
  • Red Baron: Heydrich is affectionately known among the Malagasy as the Blonde Beast.
  • Richard Nixon, the Used Car Salesman: In real life, Heydrich joined the SS after being discharged from the navy, eventually becoming one of the foremost architects of the Holocaust. In KX, he rose to the rank of Admiral, eventually becoming administrator of Madagascar, a colony seized by Germany from France after the Weltkrieg.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Should Mittelafrika collapses, if Heydrich doesn't want to deal with the ensuing mess, he'll flee Madagascar, leaving the island to its fate.

Emil Maurice
Role: General, Gouvenor-Generalnote 
Party: Deutsch-Fransözischer Kolonial-Gesammtschaftnote , Parti Chrétien-Democratique de Madagascarnote 
Ideology: Colonial Governmentnote , Conservative Colonial Governmentnote 
In-Game Biography: Click to Show
In-Game Biography: (Conservative Maurice) Click to Show

  • Reluctant Ruler: After Heydrich flees Madagascar, Maurice, the highest-ranking German official on the island, finds himself in a job which he never willingly chose: that of Madagascar's new governor.
  • Richard Nixon, the Used Car Salesman: The real Maurice was a co-founder of the SS and briefly served as Hitler's chauffeur. In this timeline, where the Nazi Party doesn't exist, he instead becomes Heydrich's chauffeur and potentially governor of German Madagascar.

Marie-Louise Razafinkeriefo
Role: Monarchnote 
Party: Action Malgachenote 
Ideology: Maurrassismenote 

  • Rightful King Returns: Princess Marie-Louise is the heir apparent to the throne of Madagascar, which was abolished by the French colonists. If the natives seize control over Madagascar following Heydrich's disappearance, they'll eventually invite her back home and crown her Queen Razafinkeriefo I.
