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Characters / Citadel Of The Heart The Ultimorian Deities

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From a sealed away universe in space and time, the Ultimorian Multiverse is a Death World meant to serve as a prison for what were formerly considered the most dangerous deities to ever exist. Now that one of their own caused the destruction of the previous incarnation of the greater multiverse, the various Ultimorian Deiies have scattered and either gained more power, or became heavily degraded in power to where they have to re-establish themselves; even the ones who grew stronger still had to re-establish themselves, however. As one of the major driving forces of Citadel of the Heart, the Ultimorian Deities are major characters considered Walking Spoilers in many ways...

General Tropes

  • Alien Arts Are Appreciated: Each of them have different opinions on human holidays and other things related to humankind's work.
    • Ultima and Dragora Galaxia both feel the necessity to appear on Earth during Christmas time to have a meeting with Grandis; it's the one time of year they can afford to visit because they have the ulterior motive of actually enjoying the holiday itself.
      • Ultima specifically likes Christmas the most because he and his late True Love both had their first kiss and wedding on Christmas.
      • Dragora Galaxia specifically "tolerates" Christmas because he can actually have a moment of peace without a need to destroy anything, as the Dragora have all sworn to not destroy anything on Christmas.
      • Grandis especially loves Christmas because Ultimorian Humans had the holiday just like any other human in any other multiverse cluster does, and Grandis at some points has actually worked as a mall Santa before, back when he could still manage to grow a beard capable of serving the role. Sometimes, though, when witnessed in his Phase 3 form close to Christmas, he actually gets mistaken for Krampus by the locals.
      • Minerva doesn't kill anyone the entirety of December because she recalls having been shown gratitude on Christmas by an authority figure whom she still respects and sorely misses to this very day, whether she admits it or not.
    • Ultima is also a huge nutcase when it comes to poultry based meats being served, and Dragora meanwhile is such a dairy fanatic that he specifically orders an "all cheese pizza, emphasis on the all cheese" when it comes to eating out. Minerva, meanwhile, heavily craves seafood to the point of being addicted to it and can easily be swayed by immense offerings of such meats.
  • All-Powerful Bystander: Despite the impressions the two otherwise get, Grandis and KeraKing actually avert this trope, whereas in reality it's every other Ultimorian Deity who plays this straight.
  • Artistic License – Physics: Let's just say you'd be lucky enough to summarize the physics issues they would all have in real-life let alone what each of them individually would suffer. Most of their forms would flat out not obey the Square-Cube Law in real-life, Ultima and Dragora would be nowhere near as fast as they can be, the Z.E.R.0. Materia elements would flat out not exist period, and most of their magic abilities also couldn't be naturally explained by science because that's the entire point about their magical abilities.
  • Badass Crew: Their original incarnations.
  • Evolutionary Levels: The Phase System, which they share with anybody who has Ultimorian DNA or Ultrarian DNA in their system.
  • A Fate Worse Than Death: Whatever fate had befallen Zaalim is the entire cause of the plot at large in the continuity.
  • Lovecraft Lite: All 13 have the potential to be this, but it's immensely downplayed with their Phase 1 forms in which they barely even pose a threat on a supernatural level; played straight the moment they decide to go at least Phase 2 or higher, however, or for any of the individuals whose Phase 1 forms already delve into the supernatural.
  • The Omnipresent: The Ultimorian Deities exist in every different multiverse at once at the exact same time. If one of them somehow dies, their deaths throw off the natural order until their deaths are in some way mitigated from impacting the worlds around them. Grandis is perhaps the biggest offender of this, being the most omnipresent of the entire pantheon, and when he dies in Digimon Re: Tamers, it takes a temporal anomaly like Alphamon to fix the damages caused by it.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Their role in Digimon Re: Adventure unsettles a vast majority of the native cast, who views the Ultimorians as oddities that obviously are not from their world, and function at an entirely different level. As a result, the cast try their best to simply stay out of their way and leave their business to themselves alone. Whatever the Ultimorian Deities are there for, it's for something that is beyond their ability to take in.
  • Our Gods Are Greater: Not usually their purpose, but some of the members with the larger end of their own hubris as to how they think would lead you to believe this. Ultima is the sole Ultimorian Deity who always plays this trope straight because of the fact he's by proxy a Primordial Deity due to being direct siblings with them at the same time.
  • Physical God
  • Sensory Overload: All of them, unless they have a mechanism assisting them, are heavily weak to intense sound, which can either incredibly disorientate them, damage them, or both as well as scaring them half to death.
  • Series Mascot:
    • The Big Three (Ultima, Dragora Galaxia, and Grandis) are this whenever it comes to any major roles by anything from the Ultimorian Multiverse. Despite this, even these three don't have the biggest roles (with a few exceptions, of course).
    • Zaalim can easily qualify considering he's Chronicler and Eidolon's ancestor.
  • Stock Monster Symbolism: All of them share aliens and extraterrestrials in common, considering none of them either originate from the same universe as each other, nor do they originate from the same universe as anyone else for that matter. Their Physical God natures only truly become prevalent once they hit Phase 4 or higher.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: At least on one occasion each of them have been used as an antagonist for a specific plot point at minimum, and some of them are flat out Token Evil Teammates such as Darigus and Minerva. Even when they're in more heroic roles, they're still absurdly dark characters when put into contrast with whatever the base source material was for the fic they first appear in. As of writing, Grandis, Mirror M, and Darigus have all made appearances in the uploaded chapters of Sword Art Online: Special Edition or Reflection Code and then Digimon Re: Tamers respectively, meaning they're thus far the first to showcase this trope in their overall roles.
  • Wham Episode: Any chapter which involves the canon characters of a given work having to fight an Ultimorian Deity automatically becomes this primarily because of the Ultimorian Deity's pre-established natures of being Implacable Men, considering Grandis just won't fucking leave Nobuyuki be until he gets bored, Mirror M literally gives no choice to Yumi but to cross the Moral Event Horizon as herself and others consider it In-Universe to beat, Darigus proves to be nightmarish to face to the point WarGrowlmon, Rapidmon, and Taomon use Trinity Burst against him and still don't even manage to kill him, among other future examples...

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    The Big Three 


Type: Titan

Debut: Digimon Re: Tamers

Voice Actor: Isaiah Mustafa
"Let there be life."

The Creator Deity of the Ultimorian Multiverse, Ultima is the first ever Ultimorian Deity as the lore dictates them to be; the youngest son of the Top God, Invictus Ultrarius, Ultima's closest possible analog would be Zeus... but the comparisons end with the fact Ultima and Zeus are both gods who were born to their pantheon's respective version of Titans. Ultima is a very strict, self-righteous individual who always forces their own beliefs and ideals down everyone's throats in the modern day, and they rarely show up in-person anymore unless it's for the sole reason to spite someone who attempted to be powerful but failed. Typically, however, anybody who has successfully managed to shut up Ultima in an argument earns the respect of the Ultimorian Deity, as it takes absolute courage to stand up to Ultima at all.

Ultima was not always in this particular form, though; they were once was an ordinary, human-like entity with pale, blue skin and navy blue hair, and striking red eyes. They appeared to be an undead humanoid with very elf-like ears, but nobody really seemed to take notice of this factor of Ultima's appearance. Originally a Silent Protagonist of an AU based off of Fantasy Life, at the end of the original story based off of the fic, Ultima ascends to their Ultimorian Deity form and the Creator Deity of the Ultimorian Deities is reborn into the modern Greater Multiverse.

  • A Day in the Limelight: Is the central character of the "Top Brass" mini-arc in Sword Art Online: Special Edition, in which he has a meeting with each of the characters present so far in the fic.
  • A God Am I: Normally not so problematic, considering Ultima literally and figuratively is one. Their ego, on the other hand, gets a little too crazy at times.
  • Above the Gods: While Ultima is a pushover to his older siblings and his even older "father", Ultima, if he so felt like it, could easily shove aside literally every other Ultimorian Deity and do all of their jobs all by himself. The fact of the matter is that Ultima does not care about his responsibility, so he basically auctioned off fragments of his original Deity Rune to other entities to see who would fulfill the individual members of his own pantheon. While Grandis is considered a Puppet King at times, Ultima genuinely seems to consider Grandis to be the true King of the Ultimorian Deities considering Grandis is the only one who has the time to actually dedicate himself to the role. Dragora Galaxia often has to be the one accompanying Ultima to keep him on his feet at certain times, and even then it's often depicted as the other way around because of Dragora Galaxia's Evil Old Folks nature. All of the other members of the Ultimorian Deities aside from Dragora and Grandis, though? Well... there's a reason they're all collectively called the Big Three as opposed to the Big Thirteen...
  • The Ace: Has zero difficulty mastering their Phase 6 form. To the point nobody notices until it's too late that they're in their Phase 6 form by default.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: He utterly demolishes Oberon even considering Oberon's supped up nature giving him the Advantage Ball initially.
  • Badass Armfold: Introduced making one in a Shout-Out to Omegamon's debut in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth.
  • Bara: Ultima's a giant, hulking humanoid with wings. They're not a slender fellow like LordKnightmon is in the slightest.
  • The Big Guy: GOOD LORD, he's at least 500 kilometers tall in terms of sheer size with just his main body alone, as he he summons himself in a portal that's so immense in size it blocks out the sun from reaching the surface below.
  • But Now I Must Go: Very anti-climatically leaves once he's no longer needed to stick around in the climax of the first arc of Sword Art Online: Special Edition.
  • The Cameo: In Chapter 6 of Digimon Re: Tamers alongside Dogma and Zenith.
  • Camp Gay: Speaks in an incredibly low voice despite this, indicating Ultima being more of the Bara type of guy.
  • Caused the Big Bang: "High Arcana Tempestrum", the strongest spell Ultima has access to, is what caused the Big Bang proper. The spell is actually not a creation spell, it's a destruction spell, since it's entire point is to wipe out all opposing forces in one foul swoop a la Galeem.
  • The Comically Serious: He's the only individual to ever take his full name seriously.
  • Conflict Killer: It's kind of delaying the inevitable that Oberon already lost the moment Ultima actually bothered showing up at all.
  • Cue the Flying Pigs: Why Grandis shows up immediately after Ultima just got done talking to Ulrich and giving him his powers, to which Grandis knows that Ultima is normally never one to just suddenly show up like how he did earlier and not want to have a word with Grandis in any way, and Grandis basically showed up to keep Ultima from waiting for too much longer.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype:
    • Of God Mode Sues. Considering Ultima is a legitimate Creator Deity, and the nature in which Ultimorians behave with the Royals Who Actually Do Something card, it would be completely Out of Character for Ultima to not get involved in certain situations to perform a Deus ex Machina. In addition, Ultima does not like the idea of taking suggestions to restrain themselves from a mortal of all people, so any mortal who even remotely tries to tell them to do so will be greeted with the exact opposite in the form of Ultima's wrath. So not only would it be Out of Character for Ultima not to showcase their immense power, but any mortal who tried to tell them not to will only be greeted by an incredibly angered Creator Deity.
    • Another bit as to deconstruct him further, is that while normally him acting to do something would be in-character, he eventually grew bored of answering so many requests that eventually his own sense of pride turned into extreme apathy to the point whenever anything remotely required his assistance he just lazily forced Grandis or Dragora Galaxia to do it for him in his place. All he usually does anymore is just lay down and drink booze endlessly due to how bored he has become of himself and his actions.
  • The Dreaded: Vilgax is a Fearless Fool because he's the only antagonist in Cosmic Ocean to not fear Ultima.
  • Expy: His armored form, aside from the tail and the method the cape is formed, is eerily reminiscent of Forever King Driscoll. This ends up becoming Recursive Canon for Ben 10's planned fic, in which Driscoll designed his armor to match Ultima's own, after having been convinced that Ultima is the only true God to exist.
  • Foreshadowing: How immensely massive he is as a natural Phase 4 gives no surprises as to who his father is.
  • The Ghost: Ultima is the least prone to physical appearances; any of the such are considered Walking Spoilers.
    • His presence is implied in Chapter 17 of Sword Art Online: Special Edition.
  • God: Considering Invictus often takes a backseat to Ultima, Ultima is effectively this in hindsight. The mini-arc in Sword Art Online: Special Edition refers to him as the "Top Brass" as well. Whenever Ultima physically manifests to fight, that's when everyone realizes that nobody is joking when they refer to Ultima as the only true God among the Ultimorian Deities. Also the fact his entire means of existence is a gigantic case of Doing in the Scientist, which is something most of the Ultimorian Deities but him otherwise avoid doing.
  • God for a Day: Something he doesn't do at all according to what Grandis knows of him from past interaction. Exactly the reason why Grandis shows up immediately after Ulrich leaves the building after actually been given Ultima's powers for Grandis to have a word with Ultima on whatever the implications are at play.
  • God Test: Ulrich tries to disprove Ultima's statements that Ultima isn't actually who he claims by asking for very personal information about himself; something that Ulrich perhaps should've thought twice about since Ultima decides to bring up some rather embarrassing bits of history from Ulrich's past.
  • The Gods Must Be Lazy: What he's reduced to by the modern day because of how severe he Took a Level in Cynic.
  • Heroic Build: Looks the part of it at the very least. Hero can be questionable as to what they are though, primarily concerning Ultima's in a more traditional gray area than either Dragora Galaxia or Grandis are.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: With his other siblings against Zenith in the final fight against him in Crazy Carousal.
  • Kaiju: He's gigantic; just like his siblings, the Primordial Deities, tend to be.
  • Knight of Cerebus: His role in Operation R.E.B.O.O.T. in a nutshell has him kickstarting the plot by completely wiping out the Galactic Kids Next Door because they were digging into the fabric of space to invade Ultimoria, which Ultima knew was a stupid idea no matter the intent, and so he destroyed the Galactic Kids Next Door as to make sure nobody ever got anywhere near close to what they almost managed to do.
  • The Maker: The Creator of the Ultimorian Multiverse. It definitely shows with not just their power, but also their attitude. Ultima doesn't seem to comprehend, however, that they are not the Creator of the Non-Ultimorian Multiverses, whom not even their "father" Invictus holds that title alone; from how Ultima words it, though, you'd think that Invictus is the only one of their type to exist.
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!":
    • Nobody is laughing when Ultima actually listens to Nobuyuki and proceeds to summon himself proper to speak for himself.
  • Meaningful Name: By technicality, he's the strongest of the Ultimorian Deities and is also the oldest of them.
  • No One Could Survive That!: Exploited. Ultima casually disregards the wound by the Z.E.R.0. in the aftermath of his fight with Oberon, so he just casually heals it up with his omnipotence as if it wasn't a big deal all the while Mirror M rants about how Ultima could possibly fix his eye problem, but Ultima by this point stopped listening and proceeds to make his leave to the unknown once more.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Oberon and he acknowledge that both of them are Pride driven Deities who both have it against each other in some way. Ultima became incredibly apathetic because his pride grew too big to where he stopped caring entirely, and Oberon's own pride comes from the fact he actually has Ultima fatally injured because of his Z.E.R.0., even though Ultima warns him to not get so cocky just yet. As Ultima uses his omnipotence to summon forth Dragora Galaxia, Oberon doesn't remotely feel scared until Ultima catches him off guard by using Dragora Galaxia's presence alone as a distraction as Ultima forcefully removes the Z.E.R.0. from himself and impales Oberon in the head with it.
  • Nothing Is the Same Anymore: Everyone discusses whether or not Ultima's presence will have this impact on humankind as a whole, considering they all got to witness another world's analog to a Top God, but nothing ever immediately comes of it. The governments across the globe attempt to cover it up, but the damage is already done considering there exist far too many photographs and videos of him to go around to hide him at that point.
  • The Omnipresent: Ultimorian Deities tend to lack a need to traverse between dimensions, with the exception of those who are not considered this trope by default. All of the individual versions of the Ultimorian Deities share the same mind as their specific individual they're meant to be, but while it is possible to encounter their own selves in other universes because they can still traverse worlds freely, almost all of the individual Ultimorian Deities tend to avoid doing so. Unless you're Dragora Galaxia; in his case, it's pretty much mandatory he meets up with his other incarnations considering he's the Hive Queen of the entire bunch, as Dragora's other incarnations are noted to have an absurd level of diversity not seen in the other Ultimorian Deities.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten:
    • Oberon knows too well that Ultima could've easily stopped him from feeling up his daughter, but he didn't react at first until this was pointed out to him. Nobuyuki wants to fight him in his dream and when Ultima simply leaves, he insults Ultima's ego as to how he's too lazy to even bother with his own pride anymore. In the final fight with Oberon, Oberon makes constant remarks as to how Ultima "Could Have Avoided This!" Plot had he bothered to outright give him the warrior's death he desired.
    • Even the other Ultimorian Deities pick up on it once they're in the know, often using it as a Berserk Button to provoke Ultima into action in the aftermath.
  • Oxymoronic Being: Ultima is both a Primordial Deity by virtue of being the youngest of the siblings, and then of course the fact Ultima's the first Ultimorian Deity. Due to this, Ultima is the only Ultimorian Deity who plays the Our Gods Are Greater trope straight without any exceptions to this, whereas others, like Genesis and KeraKing, have some form of limitation on them in doing so.
  • Parody Sue: It's actually not the character himself who the parody part revolves around, considering Ultima's status is Justified since he's the Creator Deity of the Ultimorian Multiverse. It's his full name where this applies to most accurately.note 
  • Pride: Their Fatal Flaw; Ultima is a self-righteous prick who wants to be worshiped by everyone and views everyone remotely in the same role as them in deity hierarchy to be inferior to them. It's All About Me, Glory Hound, and Spotlight-Stealing Squad don't even begin to summarize the type of attention Ultima wants all for themselves.
  • Pronoun Trouble: Normally not an issue; Ultima doesn't give a damn what pronouns you refer to them as, but usually its the other Ultimorian Deities who tend to panic considering Ultima's a very hypermasculine type of camp.
  • The Slow Walk: How he casually shows up in the portal that summons him despite his immense size.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: Can and will summon the likes of Dogma when it comes to striking down the more troublesome opponents who absolutely refuse to die normally. Seeing as Dogma is technically completely invincible, it's surprising not many bat an eye at Ultima for the fact he can easily summon a galaxy cluster sized Eldritch Abomination capable of destroying anybody who royally pisses him off.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: Doesn't like Oberon at all when he tried to molest his daughter and think he could get away with it because Ultima didn't stop him beforehand.
  • Voice of the Legion
  • Voodoo Shark: In-Universe; Ultima is unable to answer people when they ask if Ultima is the one true god, because Ultima knows that every religion's deities both do and don't exist, but at the same time humans are far from the only sentient species that exists so attempting to verify anything only raises even more questions in regards to the other mythologies that exist outside of Earth's own.
  • Wham Episode: His grand entrance in Operation R.E.B.O.O.T. has the KND floored with absolute shock that such a life-form like he even exists; the fact virtually every party tries to analyze Ultima just to figure out what exactly he is ends up being thwarted by a set of lines by Grandis.
    "We already tried to stop Ultima's power from growing; every God to have ever existed tried to annihilate him all with one foul swoop; it was ultimately called the Big Bang."note 
    • That's not the actual reason; the entire Nobody Can Die rule is completely revoked on Ultima's own word, because according to Ultima and from what was already displayed on both sides between the KND and Adult Villains, the Nobody Can Die rule was being abused so badly that made death feel cheap, and thus as punishment since Ultima's preoccupied with other things to simply bombard the planet himself, he's sending down his absolute strongest member of his pantheon to carry it out for him. Ladies and gentlemen, the the storm is coming; the Operation K.E.R.A.S.O.N. multi-parter has just officially begun.
  • Wham Line: "Oh I am." In response to Grandis asking him if he's serious after the former eavesdropped on his entire conversation with Ulrich in which Ultima grants Ulrich his powers for a while to use, in which Grandis realizes pretty quickly the implications of the fact Ultima doing something so O.O.C. Is Serious Business that it isn't even funny at all, are not exactly pleasant for whatever the actual reason Ultima is there.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Capable of magical fusion just like Zaalim is, but he feels bad to resorting to Zaalim's tricks if he tries using it, and decides to opt into using his own inherent omnipotence instead of playing Zaalim's game. This comes to bite him in the ass when Zaalim is easily capable of taking down Ultima's omnipotence by quickly learning how to replicate omnipotence for himself to use against Ultima, and then perform magical fusion with it to leave Ultima for dead.
  • Your Size May Vary: Ultima can freely choose how big he appears as. Considering often times he bluffs his own physical manifestation so he doesn't have to worry about the complications of manifesting for real.


Type: Primal

Debut: Sword Art Online: Special Edition

Voice Actor: Barbara Goodson
"The Destroyer of Many Galaxies"

"Thy name is Dragora, for we are many."

A vicious, remorseless Ultimorian Deity who is known as the "Destroyer of Many Galaxies", Dragora Galaxia is the unconquerable king of the destructive forces in Ultimoria, and is so vast that even the depths of space cannot slay him with their primal forces alone. Dragora Galaxia, the Black Void Entity, is essentially a living black hole contained in place by a mysterious gem called an "Ultima Gem", and takes the form of a very tall, very shiny and radiant humanoid dragon. However, madness takes many forms; this is not Dragora Galaxia's true form, and anybody who remotely attempts to find out what his true form is will be atomized on the spot for succeeding. Cunning and violent all the same, Dragora Galaxia is never to be made a fool, and should always be taken deathly seriously... yesss...

  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: His true form looks much more like his original incarnation, Primordial Deity Kagubot, than it does a dragon at all. Even then nobody knows why he took the dragon form he has and why he kept altering it over the years instead of staying stagnant like he tends to, but needless to say his dragon form is so iconic that entire draconid species were named after him in-universe.
  • Adaptational Badass: His original incarnation as Dragora Galaxia is only as strong as he shows himself to be as his depowered Dragora form.
  • Alien Blood: Much like all of the Dragora, his blood can be used as a crafting material for a highly potent magical energy source. However, what sets the blood of the Dragora differently from most other lifeforms is that it is not a form of fluid; it is a grainy substance comparable to dry sand particles above all else.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: The Zenithians are scared shitless when any member of the Dragora show up. Even Stormcloud, who disowned the heritage of a Dragora, can still frighten them because Stormcloud can, and just like any other Dragora, will eat any Zenithians that happen upon his sights when he's hungry. The Dragora are the Apex Predator to the Zenithians as a whole.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Gives off the vibe with not his personality so much, but rather his design.
  • Artistic License – Physics: Next to nobody truly comprehends how Dragora Galaxia even exists once they learn more about him.
  • Badass Boast: "Thy name is Dragora, for we are many."
  • Bait-and-Switch: His appearance in Chapter 25 of Sword Art Online: Special Edition. The narration hypes up the arrival of one of the other members of the Big Three, but the choice of wording implies it's going to be Ultima that shows up first. It's actually Dragora Galaxia who shows up first.
  • Brown Note: One of the weirder spellings of his name, known as "DREIGORA", is considered so much of this to every other Ultimorian Deities that they go into a blind state of panic and act in completely unpredictable ways. It's implied that not even Dragora itself is immune to this effect...
  • Catchphrase: He's unique in the fact he's the first Ultimorian Deity to even have one all the way since the beginning of his conception; "Thy name is Dragora, for we are many."
  • Cerebus Callback: In conceptual stories demonstrating MF217's past writing, an individual member of the Dragora was actually a Digimon called Dragoramon, who usually never outright fought the other Dragora directly despite being considered their biggest enemy because of his treacherous nature. In Digimon Re: Adventure, we finally see an actual full on Dragora VS Dragora fight, showcasing exactly why the Dragora typically never fight each other directly under most circumstances.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Anybody who gets into a melee fight with him is doomed to perish for the most part. Though admittedly most of this is when you take into consideration just how much mass Dragora Galaxia has crammed into him all at once.
  • Curb Stomp Cushion: He gives Grand Ruler the benefit of the doubt by allowing him and his cohorts to swamp his Dragora form, but he's done toying with them by the time he busts out his wings.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Borders on the Snark Knight territory at times considering his heavy abuse of Not So Above It All antics he does.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: To Villain Sues. In fact, Dragora's examples as to why are basically identical to Ultima's for a good reason; not only are both of them technically siblings due to Dragora being a reincarnation of Ultima's elder brother Kagubot, but also the fact Dragora's power is something even he himself has incredible difficulty restraining. As a result, Dragora's sheer prominence as a villain can basically be summed up as the Balance Between Good and Evil in a sense; Ultima's power is vast, true, but it lacks a proper counterbalance much of the time. As a result, Dragora Galaxia was created to serve as a counterbalance to a Creator Deity tier character. As a result, almost everywhere Ultima goes, Dragora is somewhere else causing havoc on his own accord, and because of Dragora's shared sense of Pride, the idea of Dragora being a Conflict Killer isn't just inevitable; it's guaranteed, lest you force Dragora to be Out of Character as a result of not filling his job.
  • Deus ex Machina: Justified completely; it would be an Out-of-Character Moment if he doesn't show up like this in at least some capacity.
  • Divine Conflict: His entire reason for being present within Digimon Re: Adventure is to deal with one of his own kind whom has him beyond uncharacteristically pissed off, as Flare and Tempest summoned Grandis and Chronicler to ensure the worse doesn't happen for when the two individual Dragora in question ultimately find each other.
  • The Dreaded: He is legitimately the only thing Zenith or Darigus truly fear; Dragora's Astral element proves to be Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth because Dragora is too unstable of a cosmic force of nature for Zenith to possibly handle being next to. Darigus fears him to the point he develops a Thousand-Yard Stare at the sight of seeing Dragora in his Phase 7 form. Chronicler is just as scared of Dragora Galaxia in their first meeting, but his adamance in refusing to give into the fear is what earns him Dragora Galaxia's respect.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Nobody can identify Dragora properly, not even X.A.N.A.; Dragora's body may look like a dragon, but anybody who knows of the dragons that appear in-universe will tell you that "Dragora is no dragon". Chronicler's thought process even refers to his physical appearance as a lie.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Dragora Galaxia doesn't take issue with Chronicler's size; he bows before him on his own volition upon simply a prolonged glare exchange in which Dragora was impressed by how adamant Chronicler was refusing to give into fear while deliberately trying to provoke Dragora Galaxia into striking him down. Chronicler's bravery in the face of anticipating death is what earns him Dragora Galaxia's loyalty, and Chronicler's own reassurance that there's still hope for him after all without Dragora Galaxia even needing to say anything implying such to give him that impression.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Much less prone to being understood with his speech when compared to Ultima in this regard.
  • Everyone Hates Hades: Depending on the context, it's sometimes Played for Laughs whenever it's Not Me This Time. Every time he's suspected for something going wrong, he seems to respond with Stop Being Stereotypical whenever this is remotely implied to be invoked against him.
  • Expy: Dragoramon is one of Thanos. All other incarnations of Dragora are based off of completely separate destruction based Physical God characters.
  • Foil: To Beerus from Dragon Ball Super. Beerus slacked heavily on the job considering he could've easily stopped all of the threats in Z from even happening in an instant. Dragora? He doesn't waste time in showing up out of nowhere to erase such threats considering he doesn't goof off like Beerus.
  • From a Single Cell: Implied, but there's an odd twist to it. The black portions of his body are actually not his actual body parts, so he can regenerate those near instantly without using up any energy on his part. Damages to his chest region or his wings, on the other hand, he doesn't have so much easy luck with.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: Reconstruction with his chronological debut; the narrative absolutely refuses to describe him as any kind of living entity; it instead does what it can to describe Dragora Galaxia as this abomination of space and time capable of warping reality so that it can besiege the mortal world below before he actually descends proper. Averted with later appearances, which do give him a motive; he's bored of being so undefeated that he's actively trying to provoke any possible fighter into attacking him in hopes of finding a Worthy Opponent for his own death wish.
  • Glass Cannon: Something a lot of just about everyone decides to exploit when it comes to his glaring weakness in combat; he can't take as much punishment as he himself is capable of giving.
  • Graceful Loser: Doesn't seem to take issue with losing a battle to Mykan's ponies.
  • The Heavy: Both figuratively and literally.
  • Hidden Depths: There seems to be so much going on regarding his backstory that even Ultima and Grandis note that Dragora shows far more complexity than he otherwise likes to show.
  • I Am Legion: "Thy name is Dragora, for we are many."
  • I Was Just Passing Through:
    • His excuse for why he bothers to do jack shit regarding Mykan's twisted "heroes" from My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic. Despite the fact Dragora is well aware that they technically have too big of a population for him to allow them to live, he notes how so incredibly not worth the effort they are to wipe out that he'd rather them be their own demises instead. When this just flies over their heads, he actually dignifies them a fair fight before he promptly cues the Curb-Stomp Battle he's better known for.
    • His presence in Digimon Re: Adventure has nothing to do with the reason why Grandis and Chronicler were summoned. Dragora came to this world completely on his own will to seek out a treacherous member of the Dragora, whom at first Sam mistook as a Digimon corrupted in Black Digitron, which that substance in particular is why he had previously called Flare and Tempest to the scene. Flare and Tempest, once they learned of Dragora's presence, immediately summoned forth Chronicler and Grandis because they deemed that Dragora has a very big reason for showing up out of nowhere like he did that they both feel only Chronicler and Grandis can assist with beefing up the security around this verse knowing all to well that a storm is brewing because two Destroyer Deity I Am Legion individuals are about to engage each other head on in a brutal, potentially multiverse busting fight.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: Whenever he reveals his wings.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: He doesn't waste time if something requires his power to deal with something that is becoming a threat.
  • No-Sell:
    • Gets his head blown off by the uniforce and appears to be dead... until he casually regenerates it like it was nothing special.
    • Dragoramon has his entire front torso blown up and he regenerates from that like nothing. Even in spite of having a far more fragile Digicore as a kernel sphere due to being a Digimon, the Digicore is completely intact despite how powerful of an attack he just took point blank.
  • No True Scotsman: Dragora Galaxia is out for blood once he learns of a former Dragora present to the Digimon Re: Adventure verse, and this is noteworthy since Stormcloud is also a former Dragora yet he doesn't mind his existence at all. Whomever this particular Dragora is must've done something serious to piss off the Top God of the Dragora as a whole.
  • Not So Above It All: He humors Mykan's ponies a little too much considering he finds flat out destroying them to be too boring to do in comparison.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: His unknown reasoning for entering the Digimon Re: Adventure verse causes Tempest to summon Grandis and Chronicler in a state of panic, after Sam had initially just called Flare and Tempest only among the Ambassadors due to an impending crisis regarding Black Digitron, and Sam mistaking Dragora being spotted as a Digimon who is corrupted by the substance. Grandis responds in that Dragora isn't corrupted, he's out for blood against someone he refers to as "the most treacherous individual wearing the skin of the Dragora".
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Considering his true form is significantly larger than even galaxies alone...
  • Power Floats
  • Purple Is Powerful''
  • Pride: His Fatal Flaw.
  • Rainbow Pimp Gear: How his color palette is noted by others at times; Boring, but Practical, but also incredibly silly at times.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Is colored magenta all over his physical form, unless that body part is pitch black.
  • Shout-Out:
    • "Yesss..."
    • Hell really it's just Barbara Goodson using her Mother Talzin voice and doing a Beast Wars Megatron impersonation at the same time.
    • His infamous "Aftershock" move is based off of galaxy busting tier version of Tabuu's Off Waves, complete with using the wings for it and usually only for this attack alone. Hell Dragora's wings are a Shout-Out to Tabuu any day.
    • He's an Eldritch Abomination taking A Form You Are Comfortable With. Sound familiar?
    • He casually mentions the fact he apparently met Dark Conquest once. Apparently the two used to get along rather well before their conflicting jobs caused them to part ways. Apparently he has a score to settle with Dark Conquest, though, considering apparently Dark Conquest got to drink one of the legendary drinks from Susanoomon's hidden stash of booze and yet he didn't bother to share with Dragora any of it.
    • Dragoramon refers to himself as "inevitable".
    • This exchange between him and Hydriska while battling for dominance over Venus.
      Dragora: Very poor choice of words. *impales him with an energy spear and sends him plummeting to Venus' surface.
  • Shown Their Work:
    • Because his black portions of his body are a self-contained void that consumes everything around it, shading is impossible on Dragora's body because he's so immensely dark in coloration on his natural "skin" that light simply gets absorbed into it and never reflects off of him.
    • His absurd weight makes more sense once you realize his true form is bigger than multiple galaxies combined, so naturally his Ultimorian Deity form he's best known for condenses his true form immensely into a significantly smaller form. This is also what causes Dragora Galaxia to have as much power as he does as well.
  • Time Abyss: He claims to have been older than even Ultima, and yet whenever anybody tries to ask Ultima if Dragora is just lying through his teeth, Ultima becomes incredibly nervous and hesitant to answer that Dragora isn't lying. For context, Ultima is the youngest sibling of the Primordial Deities, and Kagubot, literally Dragora's Phase 8 form by this rate, is the second oldest sibling.
  • Too Awesome to Use: Why he simply can't destroy characters flat out; he doesn't know if he'll regret doing so because he has no idea of knowing of the character will be more important if kept alive for a certain duration.
  • Verbal Tic: Yesss...
  • Victory Is Boring: He's so bored of his job that he outright tries to start conflicts against him in search of a Worthy Opponent.
  • Voice of the Legion: Dragora sounds like the bastard fusion of Mother Talzin and Beast Wars Megatron.
  • Weather Manipulation: He's so massive in his true incarnation that he generates his own field of gravity and emits a radiation field similar to Jovian planets. Just by standing on Earth's surface he can cause immense collateral damages that would effect the entire globe if not even screw up the Moon's orbit as well.
  • Wham Line: From the traitorous renegade Dragora.
    "I am Dragoramon, for I am inevitable."
  • Wham Shot:
    • The renegade Dragora that Dragora Galaxia shows up to deal with has his entire torso blown upon as Raiga and who knows how many other witnesses observe as, just before the renegade regenerates entirely, that he possesses a fucking Digicore for a kernel sphere. Raiga even notes herself that she believes they have now bore witness to the existence of "Dragoramon".
    • Him showing up first in Sword Art Online: Special Edition as opposed to Ultima when the Five-Second Foreshadowing his debut was implying Ultima was going to show first instead.
  • Wicked Cultured: Can actually show some Not So Stoic moments that exaggerate this more than normal if he's too bored with something.
  • Worthy Opponent: His initial motive; he wants somebody who won't be destroyed in a single hit by his attacks to be able to fight as an equal opponent against.


Now has his own page.

    The Troublesome 


Type: Enigmatic


Voice Actor: Christine Marie Cabanos

The one who started this whole mess, Rose is an enigma who defies all known logic. Little is known about who she even is, and whenever the Ultimorian Deities come close to finding her, they always miss her by a wide margin. As a Walking Spoiler, not much information will be revealed on her just yet.

  • Adaptational Badass: Rose always had at least some variation of the powers she uses before she completely hijacks and derails Madoka's verse, but she was never quite one to accomplish such feats as she pulls off her successfully yet alone even so much as having the audacity to make the effort in the first place.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: In her original drafts she was completely a stupid ditz while she was in her sane forms. Heck even in her more insane forms she was completely mentally inept. Come Crazy Carousal she actually exploits this trope by her mind sacrificing all of her ability to actually put up a fair fight with raw power alone and specializing in incredible intelligence that will be required to get her plan accomplished.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Of an O.O.C. Is Serious Business variety, Rose potentially has appeared directly in Digimon Re: Tamers Chapter 11, but something about her seems off, assuming it's even her to begin with. Jeri encounters a small, brown bunny with a white spot on its forehead, which is typical Eastern Cottontail description; the problem comes from the fact that both Eastern Cottontails, while they are present in Washington State, are not the type of disguise Rose would go for normally; she normally disguises herself as a domestic lop rabbit of some kind. The key evidence that this might be Rose is showcased through how uncannily calm a seemingly wild rabbit is behaving and willingly approaching Jeri without any concern for its own safety.
  • Angrish: Her completely psychotic bloody murder screaming she unleashes on a consistent basis from her thoughts, as the Incubators learn the hard way...
  • Attention Whore: Outright seems to be trying to force the attention of the Ultimorian Deities and other entities into the story because of how much her goals ultimately become closer and closer to success whenever she's in the spotlight or the center of attention.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Considering all of the current fics take place after her most prominent role in the story, it's a Foregone Conclusion that anything involved in her debut will ultimately go completely her way as intended. That and the fact not helping matters was the Ultimorian Deities went so berserk during their hunt to find her that everyone who could ultimately oppose her as easily slain before they had a chance to realize what was going on.
  • Berserk Button: It isn't clear what her history with Balaur Macbeth is, but she loathes Balaur to the point of acting extremely recklessly just to try and kill her, which that in and of itself is an otherwise completely out of place behavior from Rose considering she doesn't simply poof Balaur away and wants to flat out maul her to death.
  • The Chessmaster: Knows creepily well how to master the game of Loophole Abuse too much for anyone else's concern.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Knows about how having her wish granted will turn her into a Witch but is otherwise unrestricted in nature? Flat out wishes for the final ingredient of the Z.E.R.0. to reveal itself in this universe and forcefully unlock the Ultimorian Multiverse using it. Is about to transform into a Witch? Breaks a piece of herself off and devours her witch form alive and renders the whole issue null and void. About to allegedly be killed by Homura? Takes over Madoka with her assimilation powers to ensure she's forced into a Sadistic Choice if she decides to go through with it still. Incubator possibly wants to take her over? She eats one and invades their Hive Mind and performs a Hostile Show Takeover that renders her in complete command of the whole species, and uses them to break any future locks on the Ultimorian Multiverse en mass. Is about to face the wrath of the numerous Ultimorian Deities finally finding her? Violently transforms into a corrupted Granjia and dispels all of them at once with Granjia's amorphous and corporeal nature. About to be bombarded with the Z.E.R.0.? Openly anticipates it as she long since took over and corrupted Invictus Ultrarius so that is she perishes by the Z.E.R.0., so does he. Thinks Chronicler nor Eidolon will go through with it? Uses her intent with her wish to force Zenith to use a supercharged Flame That Ends All Life to make sure it happens anyways. Check and mate.
  • Death Seeker
  • The Dreaded: Nobody likes to talk about her lightly.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Whatever the hell she actually looks like is heavily implied to be this. As shown above as of the current design she has by the end of 2017, her incarnation from Crazy Carousal definitely fits the bill by continuing the various Shout-Outs to John Carpenter's The Thing.
  • Fatal Flaw: Her self-centered nature. She more or less condemns everyone for the sake of restoring herself to her original form, and every part of her plan involves anything that can only truly benefit her while also screwing over anybody who could stop her. Even in the aftermath, she's on the Black List of the Ultimorian Deities, Ambassadors, and Embassies because of the fact she's considered far too dangerous to be kept alive, and Rose now has to struggle with the fact while she's getting what she wants at long last, she's about to have it robbed from her so long as the higher ups do not change their mind with killing her on the spot once they find her again.
  • Foregone Conclusion: Her success in Crazy Carousal to the point she herself acknowledges the existence of this trope in her debut, considering she's already aware of the entire fact her plan will never fail by the time Crazy Carousal begins to be written, and uses this information to taunt her opponents more and more.
  • Flaw Exploitation: Takes into account everything wrong with the Witch system in Madoka and exploits the hell out of it beyond what anybody would normally attempt. Also helping her is that her Ultimorian Deity nature gives her an a bonus backup plan in case she needs to get her hands dirty directly.
  • Hidden Buxom: They're what she hides a vast majority of her interior mass within, so not only are they huge, but they're often the first giveaway when she's hiding as an adult human that she's not normal in the slightest.
  • Horrifying the Horror: When she takes over the Hive Mind for the Incubators, she ends up forcing them to experience emotions as a mere side effect of her taking over... but also her thoughts are an endless Angrish bloody murder screaming that they've become scared shitless of her as a result once they realize she's the source of the unending disturbance in their train of thoughts.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Her motive for doing what she does.
  • It's All About Me: How her plan ultimately boils down to just about every major part of her goal ultimately being solely for her own benefit alone, and screwing over anybody who protests in the process.
  • Grand Theft Me: Part of how she secured Madoka's Cessation of Existence is proceeding to assimilate Madoka into herself when she attempted to fight back. After all of the shenanigans involving the rest of the Ultimorian Deities sealing the cessation of existence of Madoka for good, Rose's Ripple-Proof Memory makes it so that she still remembers what Madoka looks like and uses her appearance as her new Shapeshifter Default Form when needing a human body.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Caused the destruction of the prior Greater Multiverse and the creation of the current one.
  • Grey Goo: The best way she can be described in how she functions.
  • Leitmotif: "My Heaven" from Silent Hill.
  • Loophole Abuse: How did she escape into the Madoka verse to begin with when the Ultimorian Multiverse used to be on extreme lock down? She atomized herself and had her individual atoms travel across space and time for eons on end in search of a new host body, in which she had separate groups of her atoms infect a bunny rabbit, and also potentially infected one of the magical girls, very possibly Madoka herself.
  • Min-Maxing: Sacrificed just enough of her raw power to immensely increase her overall intelligence; as she absorbs victims she increases her raw power more slowly than she does intelligence, with a majority of the proteins she eats going straight to intelligence until her mind has determined she no longer needs to become smarter, in which she then spreads her abilities evenly for everything else.
  • Mind Rape: By assimilating an Incubator she hijacked their hive mind which led to two things; the Incubators as a whole gaining emotions, and them being forced to be unable to tune out of Rose screaming unintelligible Angrish on a non-stop basis in her head.
  • Mind Screw: Her origins and her general characterization have many parallels to Donnie Darko.
  • Mood-Swinger
  • Multiple-Choice Past: What leads to her assuming the form of Madoka for so long after she causes Madoka's Cessation of Existence with her wish is a mystery; she's either using Madoka's remnant life-force as a puppet to hide behind, a clone of Madoka with Rose's Body Horror bio-mass as part of her physical composition, or just happens to take on Madoka's form purely to spite the few others who remember her.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Understatement of the year when it comes to any of the particular Ultimorian Deities. While this trope is stupidly obvious with Darigus, Rose's is more of a Surprisingly Creepy Moment because she has appeared in every fic hiding in the background in some way or form, meaning she is actively stalking many of the lead characters from afar.
  • Reality Warper: It's already implied right from the start she already has this ability, meaning she was securing the Incubators into granting her wish regardless of whether they wanted to say no to it or not; she wasn't going to let them refuse her at all costs.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: Shares this quality with every other Ultimorian Deity, but her version of it is much more advanced in comparison. She uses this to her advantage as to effectively cage Homura in a deadlock that causes Homura to constantly get stuck in her "Groundhog Day" Loop by virtue of Rose constantly causing Homura increased trouble by virtue of Rose learning more and more about Homura that leads to her being able to manipulate her mind to no end. Also the fact Rose is very bluntly unaffected by Madoka's Cessation of Existence like how everyone else except a small few otherwise forgot her. To add insult to injury, Rose then proceeds to take on Madoka's very form as her default human form from that point onward, after having already taking on said form to manipulate everyone else into assisting her into Ret Gone-ing Madoka in the first place.
  • Sanity Slippage: Whatever led into her current state resulted in her sanity becoming non-existent.
  • Sanity Strengthening: What her goal amounts to.
  • Significant Double Casting: Her Hypothetical Casting of Christine Marie Cabanos is shared with Madoka Kaname. Guess whom Rose is almost completely consistent with disguising herself as when taking on the form of a human child?note 
  • Shapeshifter Baggage: Reconstructed. Much of Rose's mass is heavily condensed, and when fully unleashed, her actual larger "true" form is all the more apparent of what kind of Starfish Alien she truly is. When in her human form, she's not as heavily condensed, but her breasts become huge due to that being where she stores much of her mass. As a small Holland lop rabbit, she condenses her mass so extraordinarily well that she's been accidentally prone to tank explosives thrown her way and not even experience any kind of recoil yet alone flinch.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Significant Double Casting: She's heavily implied to be a clone of Madoka injected with Ultimorian DNA. Considering her default form, despite her still being called Rose, is basically a normal looking Madoka, it just raises a lot of eyes from her peers as to whatever Rose's true motivations must be considering her borderline obsession with the form...
  • Uncanny Valley Girl:
    • As a bunny, she's so incredibly quiet, calm, and very silent and slow in movement and behavior that she's viewed as a disturbed doe bunny who doesn't seem anywhere near as hyper as the litters she's surrounded in at the pet store.
    • Whenever she disguises herself as any of the canon female characters in Crazy Carousal, even if she imitates them perfectly, nobody interacts with her the same as they would the character she's disguised as.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: Whereas Chronicler and Eidolon's original incarnations had different, but still selfless choices as to what to do with the Z.E.R.0. once they both acquired it, Rose on the other hand had absolutely selfish intentions with it, considering she forces the duo to use the Z.E.R.0. against Invictus Ultrarius when she uses her assimilation on Invictus Ultrarius in which she gives the two a Sadistic Choice; either she destroys the greater multiverse and erases them both from existence, or the duo slay her and thus Invictus with the Z.E.R.0. and have the chance of being reborn in the recreated greater multiverse.
  • Voice of the Legion: Do not remind the Incubators of this fact as once she got stuck in their Hive Mind due to assimilating one of their own, she never stops screaming bloody murder in an unintelligible Angrish mood she's perpetually stuck in from mere thoughts alone.
  • Walking Spoiler: Her existence, yet alone her presence undetected in who knows how many of the fics, is meant to be a mystery that should not be solved unless one wants Ascended Fridge Horror to haunt them.
  • Wham Line: Word of God invokes the audience to be Properly Paranoid by saying Rose has appeared in every fic thus far; she simply hasn't been important enough to address as Rose herself. This means that Rose is hiding in every fic somewhere in a disguised form based off of whatever she could assimilate into her own forms to choose from.



Now has his own page.


Type: Enigmatic

Debut: E.S.W.N.

Voice Actor: N/A



Type: Enigmatic

Debut: Sword Art Online: Special Edition

Voice Actor: ???

Born from the reanimated shell of the Silver Naotolis specimen displaced from space and time, Minerva makes herself known as continuing where she left off not too far from her original identity. Having attempted metamorphosis too early, she maintained semi-stuck between the form she'll ultimately become and her Naotolis remnants. When a Guardian wielding a mallet exposes a vital weakspot in her armor design, vulnerability to raw blunt force, she fully sheds her exterior and makes herself known as who she is know; gone is the Naotolis of her past self, in with her new self as Minerva. However, that is what she wouldn't have hoped for; she did not like how her intelligence was increasing beyond her power now, giving her feelings for emotions she did not have originally, nor does she apparently desire based off of her actions. She believes she is cursed with emotions that never should be a part of her own mind, and she commits many horrible acts in her own name to try and "purge" herself of this.

At the same time, however, she is unable to stop her mind from actually showing remorse for her actions all the same; she's accelerating to a breaking point in her existence in which once she finally snaps, nothing will be the same anymore for her. She will only know why things are seemingly being forced against her desires at some point or another, but until she does, she unofficially takes her ancestor's status as an Ultimorian Deity and invokes her presence as a goddess of wrath and war; currently feeling impossible to atone for her sins just yet, she inspires those before her to either realize what dark path they wandered upon and to turn away, or succumb to the evil in their hearts just by being inspired by her own inner conflict in return. Minerva has no idea if what she is trying to accomplish in this regard, but she can't help but feel like she's being pressured by an unnatural force on the back of her mind into this newfound role of hers, in some way or form so it may be...

  • Achilles' Heel: Powerfully built blunt weapons of virtually any kind so long as they're as sturdy as stone or greater. Even especially strong wood forged weaponry of this type can actually harm her.
  • Afraid of Blood: Kind of an ironic character trait of hers considering her own Blood Lust; the sight of blood on her makes her feel tarnished because she's for the most part so busy admiring how sharp her bladed form is that any traces of blood on her gives her the impressions that her blades have been damaged or dulled to where she needs to sharpen them and clean them yet again.
  • Always Chaotic Evil: Averted; she's a lot kinder in this form, but that's really not saying a whole lot since she's still a Serial Killer.
  • Beneath the Mask: On the surface when she's first introduced in Dinotopia: The Miniseries Retold, Minerva seems to showcase more of an Affably Evil nature not too different from Lee Crabb, only speaking in a more subdued tone while showcasing a sense of nervousness to the main characters; they are curious about what species Minerva is supposed to be, but they scare her off but not before Minerva throws a shed blade in their direction to get them to back off as she wants privacy at the moment. Underneath this exterior she's much more Faux Affably Evil, as a noted Serial Killer who is showcased during a scene in the rainy basin in which she manipulates a pair of Tyrannosaurus into killing an entire group living at an outpost due to her having held their hatchlings as hostages; Minerva not only doesn't give them back until the villagers and other dinosaurs are killed, but once the Tyrannosaurus do what they're told, Minerva kills both the hatchlings and the two adult Tyrannosaurus simply because they had almost blown her cover in the process.
  • Cerebus Retcon: Her original design lacked breasts, because she was originally an Aversion of Non-Mammalian Mammaries. Here, she has actual breasts, if merely because her transformation from Silver Naotolis into Minerva favored her more human-like half over her draconic half. While she keeps many of her draconic traits such as her claws and tail, the rest of her body is much more resembling a human, including a very human-like bust; effectively added symbolism as to how she's becoming more human whether she wants it or not.
  • Character Development: She feels she's being forced to become something and actively attempts to resist becoming anything more than a monstrous killer; she ultimately ends up losing her sanity and her ability to figure out who she even is anymore by her active attempts to try and deny herself of this trope.
  • The Chew Toy: One way to interpret her character.
  • The Comically Serious: Part of how her personality makes her so unorthodox is despite all of her traits that make her incredibly expressive and full of emotion, she is *not* funny on purpose in the slightest.
  • Cosmic Plaything: What she herself personally believes herself to be as her arc progresses.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Her Achilles' Heel when it comes to her combat abilities is that her entire body focuses so heavily on being an incredibly sharp weapon that she can't defend herself from a powerful blunt force of nearly any kind. Considering the numerous relatives of Ankylosaurus she's forced to be around, you can understand why she's as pragmatic as she is; she doesn't mindlessly kill everything because in her case, Kryptonite Is Everywhere.
  • Dark Action Girl
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: Of the idea of a Complete Monster; she desires to be evil like her predecessor, and views her increasing human morality to be a curse that she feels the need to purge herself of. She has no idea, however, that she's undergoing Character Development that is gradually trying to force her into a Heel–Face Turn when she doesn't want that to happen. However, at the same time, when asked about it, she legitimately doesn't know why she wants to go back to how she was. She flat out flees after being put into a humiliating situation which causes her to blindly attack anything in rage without her being able to comprehend what is going in her head that's making her begin to morally question her own actions. She's suffering immensely from Evil Cannot Comprehend Good that her entire Villainous BSoD has her rather pathetic and barely able to put up an actual fight anymore. She fights back her ability to even comprehend being good that her final fight has her breaking down crying at her inability to continue to be what she believes herself to truly be.
  • Deus ex Machina: What exactly the glitch was that created her; she's a literal goddess from the machine by the time she takes her Minerva identity.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: She doesn't take it well at all to learn she's developing a moral conscious to the point she's deliberately trying to tarnish her reputation in hopes of becoming her original self's true nature again.
  • Fatal Flaw: Evil Cannot Comprehend Good. This is the entire foundation of her character at her absolute core, since her mind is gradually developing an increasing sense of intelligence to where not only does she learn what's good and bad, but part of her mind is showing development to make herself better but her exterior persists in wanting to stay the villain til the end. At the climax of her Character Development, she undergoes a Freak Out in which she has no idea what to do with herself anymore and can't evil suicide her way out of the Despair Event Horizon she had brought upon herself.
  • Faux Affably Evil: What extent her Took a Level in Kindness applies to.
  • Foil: To Mirror M. Whereas Mirror M was intelligent enough to determine right from wrong and could actually be reasoned with from the very beginning, Minerva couldn't be reasoned with at all while she was still Silver Naotolis, and even then her development had her worsen by continuing to jump off of the slippery slope, whereas Mirror M adapted to increasingly avoid doing the same. As both characters go through development, Minerva views the mere concept of morality to be a complete weakness that she was cursed with, whereas Mirror M views the concept as his saving grace in life. Also, whereas Mirror M had to be Mind Raped into a Heel–Face Turn because of the effects of his Psycho Serum keeping him from thinking properly, Minerva ends up inflicting Mind Rape on herself because of how her characterization progresses from legitimately thinking she has no redeeming qualities to a mindset who has a major Freak Out when she realizes she's not as evil as she had claimed for so long.
  • Freak Out: What ends up becoming of the climax of her Villainous BSoD because she physically can't overcome the stress of actually beginning to care for others despite everything horrible she had done.
  • Glass Cannon: Emphasis on the glass part considering her metallic frame, while heavily specialized at being incredibly sharp to the touch especially when weaponized, makes her incredibly vulnerable from attacks with strongly made blunt weaponry which can easily shatter her defensive abilities to where she can't even properly block or parry; she has to dodge the attacking outright to avoid getting hurt by it.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Her increasing intelligence from her shell original form is beginning to have her develop a sense of morality as she's feeling she's becoming weakened by her increasing sense of humanity.
  • Good Counterpart: To Silver Naotolis, her original form, to an extent.
  • Hate Sink: She holds children as hostages to force the parents into a Sadistic Choice in which even if they do her bidding, she'll kill em all in the end anyways. The dinosaurs who live in her kingdom aren't treated any better than slaves who work so hard to fish up Minerva's favorite crustaceans to eat, only for Minerva to not even care about them so long as she literally gets her desserts here. She openly admits that she would kill everyone on the entire island even if it wasn't for the fact Ankylosaurid dinosaurs are strong against her defensive abilities; something she no longer fears once she invents a war machine out of an alien race she exploits and becomes their hive queen and gives them the ability to flip over armored animals and impale them in the stomach in slow, agonizing deaths. Oh, and then there's the Cold-Blooded Torture she inflicts upon Will Dennison regarding his daughter and his wife, from which Minerva is only stopped from killing them all because Arthur takes the bullet instead and distracts Minerva long enough for them to escape.
  • Hero Killer: She kills Arthur Dennison to the point she only allows Will and his family to escape just so she can watch Arthur bleed out since she views him as nothing more than the "pest who kept forgiving her even when she long since couldn't be forgiven".
  • Karma Houdini: Any of her behavior, so long as it doesn't involve purely malevolent motivations, is given a free pass by the Dinotopians even though her behavior still ignores the Dinotopian code, but there's nothing they can truly do about it because Minerva is protected by her divine status effectively making it illegal for anyone to harm her or interfere with her under normal conditions.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty:
    • One could say her entire Character Development arc and leave it at that, but on a smaller scale, she kills an Ankylosaurus hatchling out of paranoia and ends up not noticing the mother's tail club colliding with against her backside until its too late, all due to the fact she was too busy noticing a crayfish to grab and eat in the small puddles near the nest. Keep in mind Minerva can't even harm fully grown Ankylosaurus, and their tail clubs are effectively striking Minerva's Achilles' Heel due to her weakness to blunt weapons.
  • Kill the Cutie: Let's just say children are very much so in danger of her Sadistic Blood Lust...
  • Knight of Cerebus: Subverted; while it is true she does have her comical moments at times, she's portrayed as a very twisted and messed up individual who always takes herself and her dialogue completely seriously and is a complete Hate Sink because of how her actual actions underneath the surface have her as an unrepentant Serial Killer Mass Murderer tendencies that have not gone unnoticed; even her stalking entire families and holding children and infants as hostages to manipulate those into doing her bidding, only to kill them once they've outlived their usefulness.
  • Lack of Empathy: What she wishes she still had a true grasp on. She more or less still technically fits the lack of empathy role overall, if her manipulation of the Tyrannosaurus pair are anything to go by considering she doesn't hold up her end of the bargain and only truly uses the pair as a means to an end.
  • Mind Rape: Potentially how her arc ends up happening, but even she denies this despite how it's seemingly thrown against her will. She's not wrong; she shows signs of deliberately hesitating in being evil when she could have an easy chance otherwise.
  • Non-Mammalian Mammaries: Invoked and Justified; her design having them is meant to be symbolic for her becoming more human than she wants to view herself as, hence her body as Minerva over her previous Naotolis body looks more human in every way.
  • Orgasmically Delicious: In a very twisted fashion whenever she feeds on live crayfish at any chance she gets. She basically fulfills her Serial Killer Blood Lust whenever she feeds on them, because she specifically feeds on living crayfish in particular.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Why she doesn't simply be evil on a non-stop issue is because her Crippling Overspecialization causes her to have an incredibly common Achilles' Heel to blunt weaponry of almost every type so long as they're incredibly sturdy and tough in build. Her body focuses so heavily on being incredibly sharp that her defenses are effectively made of glass, meaning as a result, Kryptonite Is Everywhere for her, and thus she has a need to restrain herself for self-preservation purposes. Her Blood Lust is what causes her to hold the Villain Ball at times, because her own Sadist nature causes her to kill people regularly even when she offers the chance for a certain hostage or few to be spared; she'll kill them regardless.
  • Sadist: She's a dork about how she kills pathetically small crayfish as meals for her, but she relishes in burning them alive in boiling water and only killing them when she begins to feast; relishing every moment of the process to prepare her favorite meals.
  • Serial Killer: What her basic instinct is by the end of the day.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: When asked to be someone's date for a dance, she agrees to it and cleans up rather nicely from her prior, covered in blood appearance. Especially more intriguing with how considering all of her outfits are made of metal.
  • Speed Blitz: Not surprising due to her ancestral form being Silver Naotolis.
  • Tele-Frag: "Shining Magnum", which is basically an explosive version of Silver Naotolis' Silver Magnum. Her entire body shines as bright as a star as she accelerates her speed and unsheathes all of her blades; her body becoming incredibly heated as she rushes straight through the opponent with Speed Blitz level quickness, in which the target shatters like exploding glass fragments around her; said fragments will be lethal to anything they touch for that matter as well.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Definitely so since she can actually be reasoned with in this form, whereas her original form was a Blood Knight who wanted nothing more than to kill as much as possible.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Live crayfish.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show:
  • Villain Ball: Because of her Blood Lust, she can't help but relish in her own Sadism when she kills children or infants she uses as hostages as part of a Sadistic Choice.
  • Villainous Breakdown: What can best be summed up as her overall Character Development; she at first behaves as evil as she had long since believed herself to be, but after constant failures brought upon by herself and her own agenda alone, she realizes that she's not as evil as she had been led to believe and has a major Freak Out because of it.
  • Villainous BSoD: A major Freak Out at that as well...
  • Villainous Glutton: A carnivore much like her direct ancestral form, although since Minerva only needs to eat food at least once a month, it's more justified in that whatever meals she has are sizable in nature because whatever it is has to be able to sustain her for a month afterwards.
  • Villains Out Shopping: Implied to be related to medicinal poisoning due to an overdose on health potions in which she's much more willing to be someone's date for a dance. She brought it upon herself; the potions in question were crafted by herself with the intent of using it on herself just to test how she'd react to it. Eventually it's more commonly revealed that most of all of these cases is because Minerva realizes she's surrounded by the very type of weaponry that can kill her effortless if given the chance, so Minerva's just avoiding grabbing the Villain Ball and staying with Pragmatic Villainy as to make sure she doesn't recklessly get herself killed like how her mother Silver Naotolis would have done.
  • Walking Spoiler: Any knowledge of her existence and her former identity immediately begins to raise many questions as to exactly what kind of glitch caused her to become an entirely different being from her conception.
  • What Did I Do Last Night?: Wakes up after the dance scenario feeling incredibly modest and embarrassed since her metallic clothing is incredibly loose and revealing a lot more of her more pristine curvy body underneath.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Part of her means of manipulating others into doing her bidding has her holding children as hostages, only to kill them regardless and both parents as well...
  • You Cannot Fight Fate: Possibly what many consider her entire storyline to be.


Type: Ruiner

Debut: Crazy Carousal

Voice Actor: ???
"Harvest Moon"

As if the Z.E.R.0. was attempting to taunt the new inhabitants of the greater multiverse reborn, it manipulated Invictus Ultrarius' train of thought to introduce an alien species to the multiverse that would be the apex predator to various entities that had plagued the multiverse prior. Introducing the Harvest Dragon, known better by the giant female specimen, "Balaur Macbeth". In the wake of the destruction of the greater multiverse, a prototype Z.E.R.0. was made again to try and finish the job; the Harvest Dragon's scales consist of an Anti-Zeronium property that prevent the Z.E.R.0. weaponry from working by being so much as near them. As the greater multiverse is still young at this point, Balaur and her kind are the rulers of this now primal world. Having originated from an entire planet of beasts roaming freely as the dominant life-forms, Balaur is a strange variation of magical girl in which only bestial forms were originally native to this world that has had magical girls at all. Balaur, alongside her brethren, are known as the "Beast Senshi" for this reason alone.

  • Artificial Zombie: Why she looks as deranged in appearance in both beast and humanoid modes; her head was left heavily disfigured considering the Z.E.R.0. did a rather poor job of recreating it with an Anti-Z.E.R.0. element for obvious reasons. Although to be fair, her original head was confusing since it resembled a Graboid so much, so the Z.E.R.0. might not have fully understood what goes where considering that's already proven to be the case with other character's thoughts on Balaur's head anyways.
  • Brawn Hilda: Her humanoid form can best be described as such; having a very bulky build, albeit a very muscular one rather than obese, and her breasts being near non-existent because of her musculature, and also being around 11 feet tall, there isn't a whole lot of room for more normal female appearance in her humanoid form.
  • Combat Sadomasochist: Hoo boy...
  • Cowboy Cop: She is this to her fellow Ultimorian Deities; very much a loose cannon compared to them, to the point even her would be superiors have a difficult time bossing her around and keeping her in line.
  • The Dreaded: She terrifies just about everyone with her presence, considering how borderline unstoppable she is battlefield.
  • Expy: Of Ridley. Apparently one of Envy as well by accident due to how Balaur's shapeshifting powers work in a near identical fashion to Envy's.
  • Facial Horror: That entire cranium which looks like a normal dragon skull? That isn't her head; her many, nearing twelve tongues she has are her actual heads.
  • Gemstone Assault: One of her attacks has her drooling heavily, before suddenly launching said drool into very rapidly crystallized, incredibly sharp, projectiles.
  • Giant Flyer: 60 feet long, 120 foot wingspan, she is utterly gargantuan in size. Even by her species standards she's massive, and she's already known to be from the biggest of the Apex Predator species of her home world.
  • Hellfire: What she becomes during her Transformation Sequence.
  • Hero Killer:
    • Just when Homura thinks she's won against a Rose's Xanatos Gambit, she overlooked the one thing that the end of the Greater Multiverse would cause; the existence of Balaur Macbeth, and thus she is among the first to witness Balaur going on an unrelenting hunt for other Magical Girls to kill them and end the original Greater Multiverse for good, and only decides to spare Homura to kill her last as means of saying "thanks for freeing me".
    • Underneath her bow is a necklace fashioned using fractured soul gems.
  • Hyperspace Is a Scary Place: What she embodies as an Ultimorian Deity, and has no restrictions against her Dimensional Traveler abilities.
  • Implacable Man: It takes effectively going through hell and back to finally shake her off of Madoka's hide in the newly reborn Greater Multiverse.
  • It's All About Me: Why she does what she does is for her own personal benefit; never does she share a mutual benefit with anyone, as she'll simply kill anyone who thinks they do because of disliking sharing a mutual motive.
  • Knight of Cerebus: As a loose cannon who is Nigh-Invulnerable to just about everything thrown at her, and easily capable of weaponizing said Nigh Invulnerability with her Gemstone Assault saliva, she is next to impossible to predict and properly keep under check; all three of the different Magical Girls that she meets don't possess an immediate counter to her. Kyubey and any other Reality Warper flat out flee the scene when she's present, as they know she's actually one of the very few beings who can ignore their Joker Immunity status upon landing a lethal blow.
  • Lightning Bruiser: What the Sailor Senshi, the Puella Magi, and Sakura learns the absolute hard way...
  • Ludicrous Speed: When traversing Hyperspace she flies faster than light while inside, but she's not as stupidly fast everywhere else.
  • Magical Girl: She is one, although handled a bit weirdly; she originated from a universe where humanoids never existed, so all of the Magical Girls from her homeworld as a direct result take the form of monstrous beasts by default, obviously including Balaur herself.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: Kind of Justified considering she can No-Sell the Z.E.R.0., so that's why she's so insanely durable as a whole. Even the main characters and main villains are very quick to realize that attempting to fight Balaur is a hopeless affair.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: During her Transformation Sequence, her eyes become a soulless red as her beast mode begins to retake her form.
  • The Remnant: She is the sole active Ultimorian Deity at the time of her debut, and one of only a few confirmed survivors of the Greater Multiverse's prior end; in fact, for her it didn't end, she was born right after the end of it.
  • Ret-Gone: Her original incarnation as an Ultimorian Deity is only vaguely referenced, considering while she existed before the destruction of the greater multiverse, her species didn't evolve to be a No-Sell for the Z.E.R.0. originally.
  • Riddle for the Ages: Nobody understands why she was selected by the Z.E.R.0. to be one of the few Ultimorian Deities given an ability to No-Sell the Z.E.R.0.'s properties outright.
  • Running Gag: Whenever a specimen of her species is shown as a fossilized skeleton on display, expect not a single museum to have the exact same restoration of her appearance by virtue of not having any clue what her entire skull is supposed to look like.
  • Sailor Earth: She was this for the Ultimorian Deities when she was first discovered; at the time, there were though to be no more than two female Ultimorian Deities; they ended up only being half-right; not only did Balaur make herself known as female, but Centauri would be discovered eons later as an Ultimorian Deity.
  • Shapeshifter Default Form: Her Beast Mode. Her Sailor Senshi form is actually weaker, because she doesn't have the full capabilities of a humanoid and fights better solely as a Beast.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Spiritual Antithesis: Entirely sums up everything wrong with My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic by simply being everything it's not; a manly Space Dragon Evil Queen who is a Serial Killer of magical girls because she just so happens to be one herself.
  • Story-Breaker Power: Her existence could classify, but considering the other Ultimorian Deities appeared before she did and displayed this for differing reasons, it really goes to show Balaur could've been far worse had her role been given to any of the others instead.
  • Super-Speed: "Hyper Speed Dragon".
    • More specifically, she can fly so incredibly fast that modern aircraft can't outspeed her, and typically are tackled into midflight with Balaur forcefully bringing them down. She also is scorching hot when she's moving fast at that.
  • Transformation Is a Free Action: It's a plot point that if you're not already transformed prior to confronting Balaur, you're dead where you stand.
  • Transformation Sequence: She summons forth Hellfire during her Deconstruction of this trope; her humanoid body becomes incredibly stiff, as her various body parts restructure themselves into the significantly larger, significantly bestial body shape of her dragon form, as anybody who stands too close to her ends up being burned to a crisp.
  • Ultimate Lifeform: Without question the strongest fighter in Crazy Carousal in regards to the Magical Girls, only surpassed by her fellow Ultimorian Deities and the Primordial Deities.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: While she doesn't speak very often, when she's in humanoid form, she's a willing to admit Serial Killer Sadist who enjoys eating people and relishing in their suffering and despair, because she knows if she does, the Incubators are forced to come out and play and continue the cycle of violence that she loves, as their arrival also signals the arrivals of more entertaining battles to be had. She outright kills other Magical Girls for no other reason other than because she enjoys it. She also doesn't have a sefless motive for causing the end of the Greater Multiverse; she wants it to happen because it'll finally free her, which is never made aware of it being a bad thing until after the fact.
  • Wrong Context Magic: Her venom prevents a Witch from forming from any Puella Magi she's killed because the venom kills the Witch before it can take form, by slowing down it temporally until it just shatters like glass in a miniature Time Crash. This basically allows her to kill any of the Puella Magi and not have to worry about their respective Witches. If the Witch is already formed, her venom simply touching it will cause the aforementioned miniature Time Crash and cause them to shatter like glass on a larger visual scale.


Type: Salvation

Debut: TBA

Voice Actor: Tim Curry

  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: His weakest form is an oversized, omnivorous Theropod modeled after 90s depictions of Tyrannosaurus but much larger, and having a very weirdly structured head due to the type of teeth he has.
  • Bait-and-Switch Boss: At first it seems Mirror M is the main antagonist of the first arc of Reflection Code, but once Hydriska awakens because of Anthea stirring him, the entire idea of Mirror M being the True Final Boss goes Off the Rails.
  • Been There, Shaped History: He is the prime inspiration for the mythical Ziz, the unconquerable ruler of the skies, from Jewish Mythology. When Hydriska's terrestrial form reaches the end of its life, it lies dormant in a gigantic cocoon, before exploding in a massive pillar of molten slag as he takes flight and causes a nuclear winter that prevented sunlight from touching the Earth for an entire three month period.
  • Bishōnen Line: In that he ends up significantly more streamlined in appearance rather than humanoid, which in his case fits his own rendition of the trope. Hydriska starts off an ugly rendition of an outdated theropod, but after a lengthy hibernation in a gigantic cocoon, emerges as a regal and majestic, oddly enough scaled avian monstrosity that proceeds to take everything that gazes upon him in awe.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: Of the Prehistoric Monster trope. Hydriska takes the form of a highly outdated rendition of a dinosaur in a size too big to be realistic, yet alone the nature of how he eats just about anything despite whatever form he has the appearance of. His true form is a gigantic, scaly avian whose body temperature is so hot that prolonged time outside of water will effectively burn up the atmosphere.
  • Dinosaurs Are Dragons: His true form can effectively be described as a phoenix with scales instead of feathers.
  • Eldritch Abomination: You could say that. He's first discovered as a living solar object found swimming in the waters of Antarctica, and when he surfaces and takes flight in his true form, his body temperature rapidly escalates to 11,000 kelvin in mere seconds after takeoff.
  • Feathered Fiend: His true form, minus the actual feathers; his body is completely scaled in a fashion similar to feathering, though.
  • Hollywood Evolution: Granted Hydriska is an Ultimorian Deity, but he uses the Insistent Terminology mostly to confuse people about his Phase forms because of the fact Hydriska developed a Loophole Abuse that allows him to have more Phase forms than any other life-form known by causing his entire body to rapidly mutate and adapt a brand new body and form, while completely ditching the old one.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: Is completely unrealistic in appearance to contrast with the realistic renditions of the dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. Even his gigantic avian form only fits the avian bill in that it has much of their anatomy as far as birds of prey go, but the longer tail and having solely scales instead of feathers is where he's more dragon-like in appearance.
  • One-Winged Angel: Hydriska's massive flying form.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: While Dinosaurs Are Dragons a definite with Hydriska, Hydriska's true form is a gigantic, scaled avian which is more comparable to a phoenix than a dragon. While he doesn't breathe fire, his body temperature escalates so quickly outside of water that he's often described as a literal fire bird.
  • Oxymoronic Being: He's a full-blown Deity who more or less believes evolution to be fact. Justified in that he's a Time Abyss who has been there to see it happen himself step by step.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Averted: Hydriska is not resistant to his own solar energy he produces just by staying above water, even though his body naturally produces it en mass. Hydriska feels the pain of his own true form every time he utilizes it, and constantly submerges himself in water to quell his own eternal agony of his own explosive power.
  • Shout-Out: To Tim Curry's legendary take on the Big Bad It in terms of how Hydriska speaks, and then to both King Ghidorah and Rodan from the MonsterVerse to the point of being a bizarre hybridization of both overall concepts in a single entity. Specifically that Hydriska's gigantic flying form heavily resembles Rodan, but with a few key characteristics from King Ghidorah such a significantly longer tail and horns.
  • Story-Breaker Power: His true form in a nutshell; the pain he feels due to his own immeasurable body heat is what keeps him from using it more often, and is often dormant underwater simply to quell his own pain from his own powers.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Inverted with his true form. In his lesser avatar form he can speak just fine, but when he's in his true form in the flesh, he doesn't speak at all.


Type: Ruiner

Debut: ???

Voice Actor: ???

  • Artificial Zombie: Was discovered as a frozen corpse mostly intact to the point all that was needed to revive her was an electrical shock provided by a crap load of augmentations. Later subverted once she learn she had crash landed on the planet via being thrown out of her transport violently and being so heavily dazed from the impact it left her in a coma and was never truly dead; she only says this after the fact she casually lets slip that it had been 300,000 years since this incident occurred.
  • Friend to All Children: Luckily for the KND and I.N.K. she is this.
  • From a Single Cell
  • Gonk: While it doesn't apply to her humanoid form at all, even when compared to Mirror M, her Space Reptile appearance makes even the already Gonkish Mirror M Phase 2 look more pleasant by comparison.
  • Kaiju: Her Phase 2 form which fits much of the tropes under her resume so far generally fits the bill. Phase 3 Mirror M, on the other hand, easily outclasses her in both size and general power, but she's more than enough to take on Phase 2 Mirror M to a standstill. The fact Centauri put up as much of a fight to even make Mirror M go into Phase 3 is an achievement in and of itself.
  • Kicked Upstairs: Her role as an Ultimorian Deity in a nutshell; to be the one to keep Mirror M in check and generally serve as a medic. Other than that, she's not meant to fill any other role considering how much trouble she caused.
  • Love Potion: At first she's trying to kill Mirror M because she can't recognize him as being of the same species as her due to his chimeric DNA. When she and Mirror M both get doused with a Love Potion, rather than fall in love at first sight, they both are awakened in their senses by being able to recognize the other as potential mates of their own kind, but before they can do anything of the sort in terms of bonding, they attracted enough attention already so simply vacate the area together for now.
  • Official Couple: Mated to Mirror M to the point the two are often always next to each other after her debut.
  • Shout-Out: To the Biolizard of Sonic Adventure 2 in regards to her general appearance until she regenerates more of her organic mass and continues with shedding the robotics.
  • Uncanny Valley Girl: While she does have a humanoid form like Mirror M, she so rarely uses it to the point you otherwise think she only has her more bestial, monstrous and carnivorous Phase 2 form.

    Zenith's Spawn 

Zenith is such a primordial force of nature that his own son Darigus warrants his own category, if merely because of the numerous shared infamy the two have with the atrocities they've committed against the entire Greater Multiverse. As the closest thing every story featured within Citadel of the Heart has to a Greater-Scope Villain, Darigus is noteworthy for his position within the Ultimorian Deity Pantheon despite his true allegiances being towards his father Zenith (despite whatever disagreements they may or may not have). Darigus is typically not known by name with a few exceptions, and much of the time when he's only meant to be addressed very vaguely, he's simply referred to as "Zenith's Spawn" as to avoid saying his name aloud.


Type: Zenithian

Debut: Digimon Re: Tamers

Voice Actor: Hugo Weaving
"Herald of Evil"
Cytherean Seraphim Darigus

The son of the Primordial Deity Zenith, and "bestowed" Zenith's original name proper. While Zenith was longtime known to not even have a name, he was temporarily called one other name, which nowadays only is the name of his son; Darigus. Darigus is the son of Zenith and an "unknown celestial goddess", whom while despite the much more down to Earth appearance of his mother, Darigus very distinctly takes on his dad's original "physical" form. Considering much like his father, this form isn't truly physical, Darigus even remotely attempting to emerge in the physical plane can cause a lot of problems. If he stays manifested for too long, the surrounding air becomes contaminated with a dense, red fog from which breathing it in disturbs' the minds with the smell and taste of rotten flesh, blood, and smog. His entire reason for emerging into the physical world isn't solely because of his plans, but because of his hybrid nature, he can't fully survive the toxic atmosphere of the Infernal Void. Due to the fact Darigus is not only an Ultimorian Deity but also by technicality a Zenithian Deity, let's just say Chronicler isn't the only one with a problematic situation because of being a hybrid...

A recent, unexpected development has been occurring in the versions of the Solar System set further in the future; he is constantly showing up on Venus for an originally undefined purpose, but once he shows up and Ultima is actually willing to offer his presence, Darigus transforms and takes on the form of a much more humanoid Seraphim, and everyone else snooping in on the conversation realize that Zenith's wife must still be active for Darigus to be born with a fully intact Seraphim form. Between jealous, entitled ranting, and blind, hormonally charged violent rampages as his muck form, it becomes crystal clear why Darigus would show up on Venus as opposed to his usual stomping grounds of Mars; he is reaching the first mating cycle of his eternal life, and his desire to find a suitable mate is unyielding in strength. Darigus can't seem to separate his own smog form from the pheromones he's smelling all across Venus; whoever this scent belongs to, the source is driving him nuts in hopes he's got a chance to fulfill a lineage of his own separate from Zenith's.

  • A Day in the Limelight: The Month of Darigus event in a nutshell.
  • Adaptational Wimp/Adaptational Badass: Darigus is a Decomposite Character alongside Zenith because both were originally a single entity named Darigus. The original Darigus ended up becoming sealed away in Hell for good, only for things to go horribly wrong when Darigus eats every single demon within Hell and escapes by becoming too massive to contain, and thus he declares himself Zenith in response to having ascended to a Primordial Deity, from which we learn Zenith had been one the entire time, but had no actual body originally, and thus had to work his way to gaining a body equal to his siblings over the course of eons. The current Darigus, as Zenith's son, represents the concepts of the character prior to the ascension to Zenith, meaning in terms of the name Darigus for any given character, he's an Adaptational Wimp; for the original incarnation that becomes Zenith, he's an Adaptational Badass. And eventually he takes serious levels in badass upon proving to be much more like his father than he lets others to believe...
  • Adaptational Villainy: Darigus as Zenith's son was normally a flat out hero but with a darker nature about how he exists, but here Darigus is a flat out villain because of how the recreation of the universe destroyed whatever hope he had for every other multiverse that wasn't Ultimoria after all of the despicable acts he had to endure during his own revival, his own included.
  • Bad Boss: Considers every possible ally he has expendable once he finally has the opportunity to go in for the kill himself against a major target. He'll flat out cannibalize any servants he has at hand if he needs to restore his own vitality, and he tends to view other entities made of dark or light energy as nothing more than a resource for him to feed upon to restore his vitality with.
  • Bat Out of Hell: What Darigus possibly is; Chapter 8 of Digimon Re: Tamers uses a lot of bat comparisons with his descriptions, even outright referring to him as a bat at times.
  • Berserk Button:
    • The sound of an air horn blown through a megaphone. Do not bring this up lightly to him unless the perpetrator is Grandis.
    • His behavior becomes increasingly erratic merely knowing Mirror M is not very far from him, and especially increasingly violent as well.
  • Blob Monster: For whatever reason gives the vibes of this even though he technically isn't one at all; the sludge-like substance he sheds is what causes this illusion, but that's because of the physical realm's atmosphere being toxic to him as well as the substance in question toxic to the physical realm as a whole.
  • Body Horror: His rib cage is described as splitting open and apart to form either arms or wings, with the ribs forming claws in their arm forms. His entire body is apparently the source of the chaotic atmosphere he generates, as the more damage is inflicted to him, the more his mass and fluids scatter and proceed to adversely affect anything in range, and only when Darigus' core is shattered does all of said mass forcefully get sucked back into Darigus' core to repair in, in which one last thing before Darigus flees is to pull off Death Fang on anyone in range.
  • Cold Ham: His tactics of showing up in person more often than Rose is distinctly because he dislikes the idea of being too subtle about things. Borders on Incoming Ham at times with some of his entries in a specific instance.
  • Deus ex Machina: The best way one can describe his "Death Fang", or more infamously known as his "Shadow Grasp" technique.note 
  • The Dreaded: His mere presence alone outright disturbs many who gaze upon him for too long.
  • Eldritch Abomination: His default form for the situation, and he's the most obedient to this trope than his fellow Ultimorian Deities tend to be.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Sure, he has an actual sense of empathy, but at the same time he just uses it to further twist the emotions of his victims in a rather seductive manner.
  • Fire and Brimstone Hell: Seems to either be a fan of this, or just happens to love it because it's the type of atmosphere his body generates around him by default whenever he's in the physical plane. Less fire and more smog if anything, though.
  • Foil: To Titan. Both characters can be considered Generic Doomsday Villains, but Darigus is typically more fleshed out both in backstory and by how his type of evil functions in the present, as well as the fact Darigus will even protect his own enemies if it somehow benefits him to do so and has an actual sense of empathy and Pragmatic Villainy. Titan was a Flat Character who never outgrew his initial Generic Doomsday Villain characterization, and the only way he truly functioned as a villain was as the far less pragmatic Card-Carrying Villain type.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • He flat out attempts to flee when confronted by Taomon boosted in power by the Soul Link. This is meant to signify that the Soul Link is indeed the Achilles' Heel towards Ultimorians, and that its display against Grandis wasn't a fluke in the slightest.
    • The above also showcases that Darigus isn't exactly very strong on his own accord; he relies too heavily in various tactics over raw power any day, as outside of his Perfect Darigus form, he's not built for combat.
    • The fact he survives being stomped on by Grandis, ignoring already being nuked with Trinity Burst and regenerating from it rapidly, Darigus did not actually die to the Hat of Discipline. He more or less quickly realized that trying to continue the fight isn't worth the effort and such vanished back into his own world.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: Played With. Darigus' preference to remain The Quiet One does make it difficult to determine his personality or even his motive, but once you collect the pieces given about his background and his general disposition, he just wants to make his dad proud but at the same time stay on the good side of the other Ultimorian Deities. He's stuck in a Sadistic Choice that constantly has him making difficult decisions because he either has to do something that pleases his dad, or something that pleases the other Ultimorian Deities. There is no middle ground with his decisions 90% of the time, considering he's almost always stuck in a But Thou Must! situation.
  • Get Out!: His first line of dialogue in Digimon Re: Tamers is this.
  • Gratuitous Russian: For a peculiar, unexplained reason, Keiko from Reflection Code and Sword Art Online: Special Edition refers to Darigus as the "droog" out of the Ultimorian Deities.note  The most baffling bit about this is that Darigus' accent isn't even of human origin for that matter, regardless of how deep it actually sounds.
  • He Who Must Not Be Named:
    • The inhabitants of Digimon Re: Tamers' universe only get away with it because of Darigus allowing it because of their naivety towards anything Ultrarian in heritage; any other occasion this trope is Played Straight... unless your name is Mirror M, that is.
    • As Darigus is a relatively unknown figure in the Greater Multiverse, this seems to have a more profound effect to happen when his name is spoken by an Ultrarian, rather than through the typical native to any other universe that isn't Ultimoria.
  • Hell Is That Noise: Whenever enraged, lets loose a hellish bat's scream, and often cackles with the vocalizations of a bat as well; neither of which are any more pleasant than Darigus' mere presence alone.
  • Hostile Terraforming: He can already easily survive on Earth, but most Zenithians can't like how he can. Darigus more or less wants to terraform Earth to fit him. And only him; the atmosphere he intends to create will also be toxic to Zenithians and Ultrarians, but since Darigus is neither at once he can survive it.
  • How Is That Even Possible?: Ruki asks Darigus this due to the fact the last time they had encountered in Chapter 8, she clearly saw Darigus being atomized by Grandis' Hat of Discipline. It was a complete ruse both Darigus and Grandis both knew was nothing short of the Rule of Funny nature of the Hat of Discipline completely exaggerating Darigus' defeat there from what the normal cast would've been able to perceive it as normally in those twos' eyes. Trying to answer Ruki's question does at least end up having Darigus going through a Stunned Silence Beat due to the fact he doesn't know how to explain to her how his viewpoint of the narrative and Grandis' viewpoints are completely different from the normal cast members' viewpoints.
  • Humiliation Conga: It's very clear Grandis is more than familiar with Darigus and seems to treat him as nothing more than a pest; not only does Grandis block Darigus from using his Shadow Grasp on Ruki, but he also gets crushed with the Hat of Discipline for his troubles of what he was causing earlier.
  • Legacy Character: His father, Zenith, one of the Primordial Deities, originally was nameless, then took the name Darigus, and then once he gained a body that could finally be considered one of the Primordial Deities for real, he renamed himself Zenith all the while celebrating the birth of his son by bestowing upon him his prior name of Darigus.
  • Living Shadow: Unlike most of these kinds of being who have a Weaksauce Weakness towards the light, Darigus' first appearance in the fic proves that Darigus lacks the Weakened by the Light aspect that most Living Shadow entities otherwise have. And there's a very good reason for this.
  • Loophole Abuse: He technically does have empathy for others, but he only uses it to twist people's minds and corrupt innocents and is just a Master Manipulator with his overall characterization showcase he actually lacks any for himself. He's a Pragmatic Villain in that he only focuses on the target, completely ignoring the fact he's a Walking Wasteland who threatens to harm just about everything near him just by existing, to which Darigus is fully aware of and just blissfully ignores because they literally have no meaning to him.
  • Mars and Venus Gender Contrast: Why he's obsessed with sticking around Venus; he's looking for a mate, and each time he shows up, he's paranoid, often switching between his more Bishōnen Seraphim form on purpose will often times snapping and reverting back to muck in a blind, hormonally charged rage.
  • Mind Screw: While all of the events of Chapter 8 of Digimon Re: Tamers appears fairly normal for a Darigus appearance, the illusion with Jeri's bedroom makes the least sense out of the illusions Darigus projects while he's there.
  • Muck Monster: He's an Expy of Shadow Blot and Hexxus in his shadowy form which masks his true form for a vast majority of the time, so this is what he's best known as unless he does appear as his true form. The black substance he is made from isn't truly identified, but one would be forgiven for mistaking it for ink if one were to go off of his reference pictures, which exclusively use permanent marker when drawn with traditional methods.
  • Mythology Gag: All of these are spoiler tagged because of a key phrase; "like father, like son."
    • In regards to how his father and himself have their current names, this origin story dates back to long before MF217 ever joined the online community, and before he ultimately decided to canonize the idea; Zenith, for all intents and purposes, had no actual name, and it was always his son in one way or another who bore the name of Darigus. The current incarnations of the characters only differ in that Zenith has an actual name now, but had previously occupied a nameless background.
    • In the original concepts for an X-Antibody form of Cobaldramon, it came to being because of Cobaldramon being possessed by Zenith back when he was known as Darigus. Come Citadel of the Heart, the concept comes full circle with this Darigus possessing Cobaldramon's DigiCore and using its hydra regeneration to recreate Cobaldramon and temporarily give Darigus a physical body.
      • What's better is that both Zenith and Darigus had the exact same reason to possess Cobaldramon in the first place.
    • Darigus having a sudden, unexpected violent outburst from Mirror M upon being sighted is the result that can only boil down to raw instinct; Mirror M's original incarnation was whom Zenith, as Darigus, gained his physical body from until he was forced into an Enemy Without situation. Unlike Zenith, Darigus has no reason to want to fight Mirror M, but as for Mirror M...
    • Zenith's original final form in his original incarnation was a corrupted version of Mirror M's original incarnation's final form. Darigus, while initially not even having a final form yet, absorbs cells from Mirror M and mutates his own rendition of Omega Platinum into his own image as his final form. Both final forms also had the same name; Perfect Darigus.
    • Both characters have been labeled as generically evil by the author himself at one point or another. Zenith eventually became a primal force of nature who Reconstruction the idea, and Darigus evolved further away from the concept by the sheer extremes in which Darigus' Pragmatic Villainy and No-Nonsense Nemesis characterization applies.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: He more or less tanks Trinity Burst and almost is about to kill Ruki until Grandis ends up interfering due to just excusing his entry as just "Darigus being in the middle of the road", when in reality Grandis intervened because he knew what nobody else there did; Darigus couldn't be damaged by anything they could do at the time.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: He's generally the most flat out horrifying of the Ultimorian Deities, outside of Rose's brand of horror focusing on the paranoia aspect. Not that Darigus isn't capable of the same, just that Darigus often doesn't like the subtle approach.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: He's drawn exclusively using ink such as permanent marker in his traditional artwork renditions, something that only a very few times actually applies to Dragora further above; with Darigus it's a complete guarantee he'll be drawn in ink unless it's specifically his Phase 4 form which only has the shadowy form restricted to his right arm at that point.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: When nobody knows why he's there, there's a reason to be afraid of him; his presence alone is all you need to know that serious things are going to happen that would require his presence.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: He will outright flee in fear if any of the Dragora begin to trail him. Considering the Dragora all can make quick light snacks of Zenithians, who could blame him? The Dragora are the Apex Predator in response to the Infernal Void's denizens. However, it is worth noting that Darigus is more than powerful enough to actually fight back against them, even if he spends most of the time hiding said power.
  • Oxymoronic Being: Being composed of genes that make him partially composed of physical realm matter, but also matter of the Infernal Void at the same time. This comes to bite Darigus in the ass considering he can't stay for very long in either realm considering his dual composition requires he stays in both realms partially just to even survive.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Merely existing in the physical plane can cause entire landscapes and cities to become a Fire and Brimstone Hell in which every living organism partially freezes to stone; if he stays around too long, the petrification worsens to the point that upon fully turning to stone, any and all organic life affected will shatter like glass, and the area permanently tainted with the Infernal Void's touch.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Not part of the plan? Then he won't even acknowledge you unless you try and force yourself to be part of the plan anyways.
  • The Quiet One: Darigus does have the ability to speak, but he prefers to not speak much of the time for the most part.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Aside from his bones, he's only comprised of material that's colored black or red with nothing that's in-between other than the aforementioned bones. Eventually we see his Phase 4 form is actually more purple than anything else.
  • Red Sky, Take Warning:
    • If Darigus stays summoned for too long in the physical world, the sky gradually becomes this because of his abnormal physical structure. He's not exactly big on his own as to why, but because he's effectively an incredibly youthful clone of his father, an Eldritch Abomination Kaiju that normally dwells in deep space whenever he's in the physical realm, this can at least be justified as Darigus having Bizarre Alien Biology that causes him to have a smaller scale version of the effects Zenith has when present.
    • According to Chapter 7's narrative of Darigus' appearance? This is actually the result of Darigus' body mass being scattered by sustaining damage and contaminating the area the further his mass is scattered by numerous attacks he's hit with. Only by severely damaging Darigus' normally shielded core does the affects of this Hostile Terraforming completely reverse, in which Darigus' core forcefully pulls back every single bit of shed matter from himself all into one place to restore his core back to normal.
  • Sensory Overload: Exaggerated when used against Darigus' in particular, in that whereas most Ultimorian Deities tend to stay of a sane mental state when their hearing is blasted with a loud sound, Darigus becomes scared shitless as well as the already established weaknesses induced from his Ultrarian heritage.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Sore Loser: He flat out tries to kill Ruki at the last possible second and drag her to Hell had it not been for Grandis' intervention.
  • Unexplained Recovery: Defied; he and Grandis both knew that the Hat of Discipline didn't actually atomize the former like the narrative implied; it was just Rule of Funny in effect in terms of Darigus' exit at the end of Chapter 8.
  • Unlucky Thirteen: Appears in Digimon Re: Adventure in Chapter 13, possessing Cobaldramon's DigiCore and attempting to drag all of Japan into the Infernal Void.
  • Venus: He's obsessed with this planet for some reason; whenever he's not anywhere else, he's always here. Why, though? First contact wouldn't be achieved for another few centuries from modern day Earth, and Darigus apparently suffocates the crews of expeditions while keeping their equipment perfectly neat and tidy and removed from the bodies. He has something planned, but nobody has the slightest clue what these things could be useful for him for considering they're redundant with his own abilities. What does Darigus intend to do?
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: Darigus is flat out considered over the span of many years since his creation to be without a doubt the single-most evil character the author will ever write, and with very good reason. Unlike most villains here who have a Lack of Empathy, Darigus actually has empathetic emotions, but only uses them as a means to an end to manipulate and exploit those around him for his own gain. Darigus is pragmatic in terms of his villainy, but is also so incredibly apathetic towards bystanders that he allows his own Living Wasteland status to kill innocents at random simply by not even acknowledging their presence even though he is more than aware of the issue his body causes in the living world.
  • Voice Changeling: Noted in Chapter 8 of Digimon Re: Tamers because of two different instances Darigus uses the vocalization of a dragon rather than a bat. Considering Devimon's reaction and what we learn later, Darigus is mimicking either Cobaldramon or Brondramon in terms of these particular vocalizations.
  • Walking Spoiler: He's perhaps the most shrouded in mystery of the Ultimorian Deities by being the definitive example of a Token Evil Teammate among them who, at the same time, is commonly the Big Bad of many of the parts of the continuity he appears in, or at the very least the Greater-Scope Villain if he doesn't directly appear.
  • Walking Wasteland: Runs in the family, considering Darigus turns a good chunk of a city into a Hell dimension just by existing and flailing about in a fit of uncontrolled rage against Impmon!Devimon, and he ends up partially turning people nearby to stone and more or less succeeds until it's undone with his defeat. He more or less turns the living world into a complete Hellfire with his shed "skin" and its corrupted atmosphere it generates, and literally the only reason it's even undone at all is because Darigus reabsorbs it all into himself just to heal himself from an otherwise fatal attack to anyone else. The worst part? He can actually choose not to be such considering his Phase Faux form has this Averted altogether; he specifically doesn't want to get rid of it because he enjoys the feeling of it...
  • Wham Episode: The Month of Darigus event on DA begins with the premise; Darigus is seeking a mate, and in doing so constantly heading to Venus because someone is there trying to call out to him whom he currently can't find. After having gone for so long as simply being a solo entity with no real connection to anyone, Darigus is suddenly behaving very violently in hormonal desire like never before, and Darigus appears to be thinking with a mindset of shedding ties with Zenith altogether by siring new life with his soon to be found mate with the intent of purging Zenith's malevolent influence from any possible young he could have.
  • Wham Shot:
    • In The Girl Of My Nightmares it isn't made all that big of a deal out of, but the mere idea of Darigus fully materializing into the real world becomes this when you take into consideration as to why; he's officially crossed the Godzilla Threshold with what he's there to do now, as in, his old tactics are no longer effective for the job. The next time we see Darigus like this, he's immediately engaging Mirror M in a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.
    • In Digimon Re: Tamers Chapter 7, he manifests from a wormhole opened up in the ground, allegedly as what exactly Grandis had been searching for. Turns out to not be the case later on; Darigus was merely the Red Herring for something else, as Grandis treats Darigus as a mere pest more than an actual threat by the end of the chapter.
    • His... abrupt entries in general whenever Darigus overrides the narrative's intent of sparing someone, villain or otherwise, when Darigus ultimately decides to revoke the narrative's chances and just kill whomever was about to be spared and kill them off anyways.
    • The Interface Screw he performs during the final moments of Chapter 16 of Digimon Re: Tamers, in which he swarms all over the narrative text with his own dark mass, more or less going in right for the kill against Grandis, Ryo, and Henry...

    The Mysterious 


Type: Wild

Debut: Operation R.E.B.O.O.T.

Voice Actor: Tara Strong

Click here to see Plio Kenson and Kerason as depicted in Operation R.E.B.O.O.T..
Click here to see KeraMaster as depicted in Operation R.E.B.O.O.T..

  • Adaptational Badass: Out of all of the doppelganger characters in the cast, this particular one is the absolute strongest of the bunch considering how flawlessly he recreates the real deal.
  • The All-American Boy: Caucasian, blond with mostly brunet hair color, and shining blue eyes. General physical appearance fits the bill so hard he falls into Bishōnen: Eagleland edition, primarily because beneath all of Plio's Nervous Wreck of a situation, he's genuinely as innocent and sweet at heart as he comes across to his friends and allies. It's an incredibly jarring notion to believe that he's the most dreaded Ultimorian Deity behind Zaalim, but considering even Zaalim doesn't possess the raw power that Plio does, that should make things rather clear why next to none of the Ultimorian Deities want to remotely interfere with Plio even if he does try and interfere with them.
  • Animal Mecha: As KeraMaster.
  • Animal Motifs: Triceratops.
  • Art Shift: They're drawn in the art style close enough to try and re-imagine them in Codename: Kids Next Door's art style. This is solely to differentiate them from their original incarnation from The Blue Tri, who is drawn in the art style as every other Ultimorian Deity.
  • Artificial Limbs: Has a robotic right arm.
  • Badass Adorable: People have a hard time taking Plio seriously initially because of how absolutely adorable he looks for a teen.
  • Black Gal on White Guy Drama: Apparently it's a rule that Plio's Love Interests are a different race from him, most commonly being at least partially African. Other than that, the trope itself is more or less Averted; people have many other reasons to worry about Plio, but race isn't one of them.
  • Blessed with Suck: When he finally reveals his motivation to be normal, he basically blames his entire Dark and Troubled Past on his own free will when it comes to his own powers; he self-inflicted his own past history with everyone by being a sheltered kid who didn't want to stray far from his mom and dad, but when he tried to partake in public school for the first time upon turning 13, everything that has happened to him over the entire course of Operation R.E.B.O.O.T. is more or less his own fault.
  • Blue Is Heroic: While he's undeniably heroic, the Kids Next Door, teens, and adult villains have no idea of this at all when they first meet him.
  • Cowardly Lion
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Defied; everything that could be considered such ultimately is only actually shown as the story progresses, so this only applies to him regarding stuff that happens in the present. He didn't even have this trope in effect for him at all at first until he began attending public school for the first time.
  • Decomposite Character: He's not the same Plio Kenson from The Blue Tri, but rather a copy created by the real deal to serve in place of his Ultimorian Deity roles.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: Of Black Hole Sues. Plio is a massive Elephant in the Room if he's completely ignored, considering not only is he an Ultimorian Deity, he's also the strongest among them, meaning he has a complete Story-Breaker Power that virtually anybody would want to take advantage of and have a One-Man Army at their disposal. Plio's overwhelming power, whether Plio wants anything to do with anyone else or not, forces him to be the focal point of attention every now and then because he's far beyond the average Story-Breaker Power character in terms of how much raw strength he has to just be ignored, considering he's the absolute biggest immediate threat towards anyone that's so much as near him at all times.
  • Deconstruction: All of the Ultimorian Deities debuts except for this one have been a Lighter and Softer, more idealistic take on how the individual casts they're first introduced to would go, regardless of how they make their presence known as good, evil, or neither. Nobody takes the mere thought of a Physical God living among them clear as day, and everyone is completely thrown out of their natural order because of the fact a Deity had made themselves known in such a Wild Card-notion that nobody is prepared to handle the situation properly. It leads to a mass-scale Enemy Mine which leads to numerous characters having to cross the Godzilla Threshold to try and deal away with Plio.
  • Elephant in the Room: Despite his lack of interest in partaking in the events of the story, the characters find it incredibly difficult to ignore how someone incredibly powerful like Plio can easily interfere against either side.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Him punching out an Adult Villain and leaving a massive several hundred mile wide crater in the aftermath. This is exactly why he's referred to as the "Strongest Ultimorian Deity"; he doesn't even try with his strength.
  • Expy: Of Saitama.
  • Fatal Flaw: Nervous Wreck. He's powerful, true, but he gets scared extremely easily, especially considering he's even afraid of himself simply because of how dangerously strong he is. As best as he tries to hide it behind being an apathetic, Stoic teen, anybody who provokes him into action will learn that so much as cornering him will have him immediately and without thought resort to his powers and arsenal and escalating things quickly just so he can finish off a threat and feel safe again.
  • First-Name Basis: They always refer to everyone by their first name only barring a few exceptions.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Unlike most Ultimorian Deities who have some Foreshadowing before they appear in the story, Plio deliberately has none in-order to make his presence a complete surprise when he first appears.
      • The only obvious hint one can have towards him is the fact Kerason's powers are completely clean energy in function and use, meaning he's not using anything crude in composition and is using extremely futuristic technology.
    • What ultimately has Plio spring into action during Operation K.E.R.A.S.O.N. are all in response to feeling frightened or scared by something going on, or being fearful of his own life or someone else's.
  • The Ghost: Meta-example: Aside from a single piece of artwork of an outdated rendition of the form, KeraKing so far has no updated artwork at all yet.
  • Handicapped Badass: He's missing his right arm as well as a good chunk of his shoulder and upper chest regions, as they're been replaced with robotic prosthetics.
  • Henshin Hero: As Kerason.
  • Hero Antagonist: When he's first introduced.
  • Humongous Mecha: As KeraMaster.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Had it not been for the fact there's no other compatible user of the 13th Ultimorian Deity rune, he wouldn't even bother with wanting the powers that come with it at all. When he finally speaks to Cree, and the first time he speaks at all, he basically details how his own powers basically ostracized himself and all of it was within his own free will at that.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Much of the plot when they're introduced revolves around the fact they can No-Sell just about everything thrown at them, and that the biggest reason for concern is that while many know how strong they are defensively, nobody knows how strong they are on the offensive side of things.
  • Nice Guy: He gives off an incredibly friendly, gentle vibe, which is part of what has Cree shocked when Plio saves her.
  • Nobody Can Die: Since Operation R.E.B.O.O.T. has this an Enforced trope, it can get pretty ridiculous that none of Plio's battles end in any fatalities.
  • Olympus Mons: Their Ultimorian Deity Rune is a supercharged variation powered by the Primordial Deity Dogma in Dogma's efforts to place a cap on how many Ultimorian Deities exist. He's also called the "Strongest Ultimorian Deity" by many among the same pantheon, to the point even Mirror M un-ironically refers to him as such.
  • One-Man Army
  • Parody Sue: Played for Drama. Abnormal power for an Ultimorian Deity put into the mind and body of a 13 year old boy who is scarred mentally because of how absurdly powerful he is and what type of role he is forced into playing, and due to the fact Plio is a Nervous Wreck to the extreme, he tends to utilize these powers of his for extremely ballistic self-defense purposes that ultimately make him a bigger threat than anyone else nearby could ever present initially. With everyone's focus turned on Plio and the fact he's a ticking time bomb waiting to blow, the cast have to figure out a plan to defeat Plio and try and talk some sense into him as to prevent him from being their own destroyer.
  • The Quiet One: His dialogue is minimal to the point that, like Misty from Truth and Ideals, he can be mistaken for being a Cute Mute. When he finally does speak, it's after one too many Berserk Button pressing happens against him that leads to him having a huge, pent up tangent against Cree during a situation of Chained Heat between the two.
  • Shock and Awe
  • Shout-Out: To Tokusatsu media as a whole. More specifically...
    • Transforming into KeraMaster serves as one to Magiranger, due to the Sentai team that season transforming into their respective mecha.
    • His overall aesthetic of choice, that being a blue Triceratops themed ranger, is directly modeled after Zyuranger and Abaranger, while throwing in Dino Thunder to the mix in regards to Plio's Made of Iron durability reflecting Ethan's civilian powers.
      • KeraMaster's ability to fight on its own and use its own finisher reflects Guardian Beast Tyrannosaurus and a few other select individual mecha from Super Sentai.
      • Just how utterly difficult of a foe Kerason starts as towards everyone else reflects just how problematic the likes of DragonRanger, AbareKiller, and Zyuoh the World were for their respective teams when they all started as villainous.
    • While not directly pinpointed towards Tokusatsu media, Kerason's overall design is one to Geo Stelar as Mega Man. KeraBeast is not only directly based off of Omega-Xis, but even has the same Hypothetical Casting voice actor as him!
  • Story-Breaker Power
  • Sufficiently Advanced Alien: While there's no denying he's an Ultimorian Deity, he does fit the trope by being an off-worlder who possesses technology that far eclipses 2x4 technology any day. Justified since none of Plio's powers are based around magic other types of energy one would expect from a stereotypical Deity.
  • Token Heroic Orc: To the teenagers in Operation R.E.B.O.O.T.. He's flat out confirmed to have never been in the KND at all, and has no prior record with them. Admittedly while his Ultimorian Deity nature can make it so he's prevented from ever joining officially, he had remained an enigma towards them up until his debut in Operation R.E.B.O.O.T..
  • Tomato in the Mirror: He's not the real Plio Kenson but he's so much like him he's close enough for the role regardless.
  • Unlucky Thirteen: Depends on the situation and context, but regardless he's the 13th Ultimorian Deity.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: Hero Antagonist anyways, but the severe power scaling of Kerason compared to virtually every other canon Codename: Kids Next Door character in existence is so problematic that the characters have to pull a mass-scale Enemy Mine and cross the Godzilla Threshold multiple times just to be even remotely capable of defeating Kerason at all. When it's mentioned he's the absolute strongest Ultimorian Deity, nobody is ever joking when they call him that. The kicker? The real Plio Kenson created this version of himself because he was scared of his own incomprehensible power as an Ultimorian Deity, so this incarnation of Plio solely exists so that the real Plio doesn't ever need to live up to his birthright of an Ultimorian Deity, and the narrative heavily implies the entire plan went horrifyingly wrong. Not to mention the fact during his entire introduction arc, he never goes full power on everyone in the slightest.
  • Walking Spoiler
  • Wham Episode: The Operation K.E.R.A.S.O.N. multi-parter arc of Operation R.E.B.O.O.T. is considered this, considering each chapter just showcases why this guy is legendary among the Ultimorian Deities for being the absolute strongest of them.
  • Wham Line: "It was never about leaving myself scared about who I am or what others think of me; all I wanted was to blend in and nothing more. I just wanted to be accepted in a world so hostile but feared what the consequences of me joining anyone's side would be. I don't want to kill anyone with this indomitable power I've shown to you long by now; I just feel mentally defenseless against a world where everything functions so... off, compared to my own grasp on logic. Nothing makes sense to me here, but that doesn't seem to bug you; nothing about me, on the other hand, makes sense to you."



Type: Enigmatic

Debut: Sword Art Online: Special Edition

Voice Actor: Liam Neeson

As if things couldn't look any more horrifying for what kind of entity Zaalim is, his incarnation in You Have Entered The Uninvited World isn't making him any more pleasant. A patron example of the reality of the Greek God Zeus, Zaalim in this world is a hormone crazed wizard who wants to have as many offspring as possible to try and create the most powerful master of arcane through sheer genetics alone. Having kidnapped and enslaved multiple women from many different universes in his attempts, he finds himself enraged knowing something is amiss with his plans, so he broadens his search results to the depraved; he begins immediately seeking out underage slaves, in hopes the conception will lead to a significant genetic mutation in part due to their youth. His first and so far only surviving result is none other than a son forever known as Chronicler, and when Zaalim's madness is increasing tenfold to try and plan to usurp the Ultimorian Deities to take away every women's privelage to have him submit to him and answer to him alone, he will stop at nothing to see the offspring of supreme power he so mindlessly obssesses over; when a new toy shows up in this world, Chronicler backstabs Zaalim and intercepts the signal, in hopes that at least one of these women can be saved from Zaalim's madness and be taken back home; this particular woman is known as Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière.

  • A God Am I: Was banished from the Greater Multiverse because of his insufferable ego compared to all of the other Ultimorian Deities, who he adamantly refused to call Grandis his king nor did he acknowledge the others as worthy of breathing what he believed to be his air. The whole banishment bit was ultimately undone once the prior Greater Multiverse was no more.
  • The Ace: Mastered and practically invented so many arcane arts while a fledgling Ultimorian Deity that everyone was completely taken aback by him mastering chronokinesis and not even making a big deal about it. To put this into perspective, not even Ultima has mastered chronokinesis. He also invented the Soul Link, and in extension to that, learned how to form magic-based Combination Attacks that one only needs themselves to be able to pull off and at least two hands to utilize it with, including being able to pull off significantly stronger spells through this method as well. By the end of the day, Zaalim had become such a powerful master of the arcane that Ultima's paranoia grew regarding exactly why Zaalim would go out of his way to learn and/or invent so many different advanced magical capabilities...
  • Arc Words: "..."
  • Ax-Crazy: Wanting to carelessly destroy the entire Greater Multiverse just to witness how creation works from nothing to something is definitely not a very healthy mentality even for a deity such as him. He's even willing to throw away any care for anyone else that isn't him and completely refuses to acknowledge anyone else's concerns in his plans.
  • Badass Fingersnap: Ultimorian Deities, especially of Ultima and Grandis' lineages, tend to literally use their hands when it comes to actually utilizing the arcane arts, with Ultima making the biggest deal out of it. Even in spite of Zaalim's lineage being unknown, even his lineage is no exception from the Ultimorian Deities who utilize magic from the hands. When Zaalim utilizes this same technique of hand-based magic himself, though, Zaalim's the only member of the Ultimorian Deities who has managed to effortless pull off advanced tier magic using a fingersnap in both repeated succession and in record timing. Ultima, who constantly looks for ways to improve even in spite of being the Top God of the bunch, would more than likely ask how Zaalim does so if it wasn't for the fact Ultima's constantly having to keep his focus on imprisoning Zaalim every time they're in the same plane of existence.
  • Can't Live Without You:
    • Needs Dragora the Dark to continue to exist for a yet undefined purpose.
    • Deconstructed with a certain chain of events that kickstart because of this. Zaalim needed Grandis alive to continue on after Digimon Re: Tamers, to which Grandis inexplicably dying to Brondramon threw a major hitch in his plans. He revives Grandis and renders it so that it would've appeared that Grandis had only been put through a simulation by observers, to which Jiang-yu, Henry, and Kazu were witnesses of. However, all of them were quick to notice something didn't quite feel right with the way the circumstances had unfolded. In an attempt to cover up his necessity in reviving Grandis, Zaalim's alterations wind up supercharging Renamon, Guilmon, and Terriermon in regards to their Soul Link energies shared with their respective Tamers. Not only doe all three Digimon in question achieve Mega Level in only a few days afterwards, but all three of them are packing the Soul Link in their Mega Level forms; the very bane of the Ultimorian Deities, which then proceeds to wake up Rose and Darigus into action. The latter two having noticed the circumstances appearing fishy, both of them confront Grandis with the attempts of striking a truce even if it means Grandis will literally just be a glorified meat shield for Darigus and Rose as all three of them strike into the nether from which to forcefully summon Zaalim out into the open, and thus expose his role as the Game Master of the entire Series Fic.
  • The Comically Serious: Befitting one other meaning of his name, but trying to make jokes in his vicinity only throws him into a violent, incredibly hostile rage.
  • Doing in the Scientist: His nature of existence is that of an actual divine entity, rather than the more conventional Cosmic Horror Story nature of all of the other divine entities which technically also count at this, but not in the very traditional sense of this trope as Zaalim does. Zaalim is completely supernatural in nature and being, and only a few parts about him make sense scientifically, but even those bits that do are Justified by very mundane logic alone.
  • Double Standard: Rape, Divine on Mortal: You Have Entered The Uninvited World only: Zaalim kidnaps women across all of space and time to knock them up with children to try and perfect a superhuman offspring who'll successfully inherit the entirety of his own unstoppable magic prowess. After about 47 failures, he begins to broaden his search to include underage women, and Grandis rallies the Ultimorian Deities sided with him to intervene; this backfires, leading to Zaalim imprisoning Ultima and Grandis, but otherwise forcing Dragora Galaxia and the others into his loyalty. Chronicler is born as a result of an underage mother being raped by Zaalim, but when Zaalim gets increasingly more obsessed and depraved, Chronicler intercepts one of the kidnappings and arranges it so that she'll arrive in a spot within Ultimoria that only he'll know about. It appears, that in Zaalim's efforts to create a powerful offspring, he created a trechorous son in the form of Chronicler who will stop at nothing to end Zaalim's reign of madness.
  • The Dreaded:
  • Establishing Character Moment: Him manifesting his own signature in the air to tell everyone present who exactly he is, basically summing up his ego considering the blatant abuse of his power in a world where his powerset is completely alien.
  • Everybody Loves Zeus: Chronicler as his son in You Have Entered The Uninvited World showcases what utter hell Zaalim had degraded as a rapist obsessed with siring the perfect offspring, as Chronicler in many ways emphasizes spades of Zaalim's character even though he is a victim of Zaalim's actions due to having been born to an underaged mother who perished having him, and basically being ostracized by Zaalim for not being a female as if to sink himself deeper with his desire. When Louise meets Chronicler and tries to ask him where he came from in regards to how Ultimoria functions, Chronicler fabricates all sorts of lies about Zaalim to sugarcoat who he is to her for her own sanity; if he had told her the truth this soon, she would lose her mind and possibly suffer A Fate Worse Than Death.
  • Fatal Flaw: Desire, with a good heaping amount of Pride to go along with it. Zaalim's desire for knowledge on the origins of everything having originated from nothing is such an obsession of his that he will stop at nothing to destroy the entire Greater Multiverse if it means he can finally witness how everything came to be from nothing after having been denied the chance of seeing it happen once before, which his overbearing Pride refuses to allow him to see his fellow Ultimorian Deities as potential allies anymore and now he views them as enemies towards his own agenda.
  • Forbidden Fruit: He wants to witness everything come into existence from nothing just because he so badly wants to know how it occurred originally, but was denied the chance the first time around by Ultima due to him being banished from the Greater Multiverse. Now that he's back, his logical conclusion to achieve his desire to witness creation happen before his very eyes from nothing is to restore the Z.E.R.0. to its original peak state, remedy the error of it being incapable of destroying Invictus, and then destroy everything just so he can finally witness everything begin from nothing.
  • Game Master: A few glitches in the matrix occurring too many times causes Grandis, Darigus, and Rose to make a truce with each other under the pretenses that somebody is rigging entire situations to happen their way and their way alone. Darigus and Rose promptly free Grandis of the telekinetic restraints keeping him in line, to where almost immediately Grandis works with both of them to forcefully drag Zaalim out of hiding from the nether and force him out into the open.
  • The Ghost:
    • Up until Dragora the Dark's resurrection, none of the Ultimorian Deities in the present day even knew he existed yet alone the fact he even still existed from the prior era at all. He's a figure shrouded so heavily in mystery that even the ancestors of the Primordial Deities know next to nothing about him, and Ultima flat out states that he "did not create him" and disowns ever having any sort of such connection to him.
    • While Meta-wise he had older designs that were never updated, a gemstone on his face ultimately became his insignia to represent himself with, and as of May 21st, 2019, his design is fully revealed for Citadel of the Heart.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: As the driving force behind why the Z.E.R.0. is being recreated in the modern Greater Multiverse, and his desire to destroy the Greater Multiverse just to see creation take place from nothing, he's the biggest threat to everything or everyone in the entire Greater Multiverse combined.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The fact all of the other Ultimorian Deities unanimously allowed Ultima to banish him, which is something they must do for Ultima to be able to do that in the first place to someone as to truly Ret-Gone them, and the fact Zaalim himself doesn't even consider it a setback but rather more fuel to the fire for his plans only shows how damn unfettered he is at what he wants his way or the highway.
  • Lack of Empathy: He doesn't even remotely care for anyone but himself; he shows zero care towards anything that doesn't in any way or form benefit his own agenda.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall/The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: His speech given along just below his picture here demonstrates some grasp of Medium Awareness, which actually is consistent with the fact he sometimes spies on Grandis during his usual internal monologuing narration and completely unsettles him at that.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is Arabic for "Cruel".
  • Non-Standard Character Design: Not really; it's more so the fact that he's not watermarked or given a signature by the author himself in his design, rather Zaalim himself provides his own signature instead. This particular picture marks one of the very, very few times that MF217 did not use his own signature or one of his custom watermarks placed onto it.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: Outside of designs that no longer are considered canonical, he lacks any sort of face to his form if he even has a physical form anymore. Typically anybody who has spotted him in some capacity is greeted with "..." as a direct result of Zaalim keeping quiet and pretending like he wasn't noticed. He was actively discomforting Grandis while the subject of Kizmel was active during Chapter 10 of Sword Art Online: Special Edition.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: What part of his end goal requires him to pull off.
  • Outside-Context Problem: His presence, or rather, the lack thereof, normally doesn't pose too much of a problem for virtually anyone else except Chronicler and Eidolon... except for the fact both of those two have control over a very, very dangerous weapon because of him and both have fragments of his deity runes within them.
  • Outside-Genre Foe: The Digimon Tamers learn the hard way just how much of a powerhouse Zaalim is compared to the combined forces of three Ultimorian Deities retrieving him from the nether as to validate their suspicions that somebody is rigging the events happening so far as though they're a Game Master. Even Grandis did not anticipate to encounter Ultimorian Deity Zaalim as being said Game Master.
  • Pride: A little stupidly obvious with him, especially considering he takes the time to write his signature in the air to introduce himself. While not precisely his Fatal Flaw, that has more to do with Forbidden Fruit than anything else, it's the most obvious thing about him personality wise that one can easily recall considering how in your face he is about it to everyone he sees.
  • Sadist: He wants to delay how long it'll take for him to eventually decide to recreate the Z.E.R.0. just to see how everyone suffers in their newfound, altered existences in the modern incarnation of the multiverse, and he wants to ensure everyone has a chance to develop themselves enough as people before he decides wiping them out with the Z.E.R.0. will have any remote form of satisfaction to him. He believes that if the characters who exist all across the multiverse don't develop and flesh themselves out more, than destroying them with the Z.E.R.0. in the end will not be as "fun" as he would prefer it to be.
  • Smug Super: Apparently he's where Chronicler Prime got this trait from, and it's nowhere near as bad as what Zaalim himself displays about it...
  • The Sociopath: There is nothing funny about Zaalim; any attempts to make him funny only leads to angering him and directly assaulting the offender with cold-blooded, No Holds Barred Beatdowns, to which Zaalim doesn't even dignify as having any regard for the well-being of the victims of his wrath.
  • The Quiet One: Goes without saying.
  • Shout-Out: Zaalim manifesting his own signature in the air in his introduction is very much a direct Shout-Out to AbareKiller doing the same in his own introduction.
  • Time Master:
    • From how he managed to bring back Dragora the Dark from the dead is via rewinding his death by not the consequences of it. This is the subject of the third arc of Sword Art Online: Special Edition for Chronicler, and especially Eidolon, is for that both of them are to learn to acquire Zaalim's own powers.
    • Zaalim's mastery over time magic is actually a very big sin in Ultimorian culture. Time magic in their world is so chaotic in nature that it's not bound by the usual limitations of time magic as seen in other universes. A direct consequence of this has it so that the Ultimorians do their damnedest to make sure time magic stays a lost art, but so long as Zaalim exists, that won't be possible until Zaalim is finally dead for good.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: He is the unprecedented master of this; due to the fact he intends to recreate the Z.E.R.0., with the fixed flaw it had originally of failing to kill Invictus, just so he can witness creation happen from nothing just to see how it happened, and not even giving the slightest damn about what everyone or everything else thinks about his plans, not even so much as flinching when he's banished and eventually returns, and acts as though nothing wrong ever happened with his plan even despite what otherwise happens, he's a seriously messed up Ultimorian Deity with a major superiority complex whose sheer evil cannot be matched by any other character within Citadel of the Heart as a Series Fic combined.
  • Villains Out Shopping: Considering how patient he is about accomplishing his end goal, he's not exactly in a hurry to complete his plan. As a result, he's often seen in the presence of other universes just simply on a break from his plans, but it doesn't make him any less monstrous of a being to interact with since practically every other aspect of his characterization is kept unchanged while he's on breaks. He's often especially noted to be witnessed as existing in the Pokémon multiverse as an utterly tenacious Pokémon trainer.
  • Voodoo Shark: Discussed: He believes this happens when people try and tell him that the Greater Multiverse came into being because of the various creator deities. He simply asks in return where did these creator deities come from, and if someone says Invictus, than where did Invictus come from? He's clearly inclined that everything first originated from nothing, and he's more than convinced he isn't going to allow himself to accept the idea of the creator deities as being where everything came from. After all, he's right; where exactly did the creator deities themselves first come from?
  • Walking Spoiler: The fact he even exists is a testament to how much of an enigma this guy is to even his fellow Ultimorian Deities.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Choke holds Akuma Homura and throws her across the room, before stomping her down with his boot to pin her. He tells her that she'll thank him later for this, as he proceeds to destroy every single timeline which leads into the existence or contains the existence of the events of the Rebellion movie, immediately upon snapping his fingers.
  • Wrong Context Magic: His power transfer towards a separate Necrozma he owns from the major reoccurring showcases not only can he use the Z-Move for it without exhausting himself, but he can also cause Necrozma to successfully use Ultra Burst as a regular Necrozma and not requiring the Dawn Wings or Dusk Mane Formes of it. Also noteworthy is the fact he uses the exact pose as he does for Ultra Necrozma's Z-Move for literally every other Z-Move that exists, which is mentioned as actually being possible, but is under normal circumstances incredibly dangerous to pull off; as Zaalim is a Physical God, this danger does not apply to him.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: His usage of magical fusion surpasses most other Ultimorians capable of using hand-magic, as he can execute advanced tier spells in perfect fusion with each other. The average Ultimorian mage is only going to be typically using basic bolts of magic to pull this off, and Ultima can't comprehend how to do it himself without inevitably comparing himself to Zaalim's usage of it and making him feel down as a result.

    Special Cases 

The Unofficial Ultimorian Deities

All of the specific works in the Series Fic have a unique Ultimorian Deity that appears, with the sole exception thus far being Truth and Ideals, but that's more so due to Early-Installment Weirdness. These particular Ultimorian Deities are typically not seen as official, as they're often the result of a Godhood Seeker type of antagonist or perhaps something even worse. Their origins, however, are distinctly identical to any other Ultimorian Deity; they originate from Ultimoria, and display many of the same powerhouse capabilities and even the exact same Achilles' Heel to sound.


Type: Jovial

Debut: Operation: R.E.B.O.O.T.

The very scourge of teenagers or above in Operation: R.E.B.O.O.T., in which it is an unknown, robotic entity sealed deep below the ground on Earth. When it awakens, it initiates a purge of every human ages 13 or older, as to deal with what it's programming perceives as an Overpopulation Crisis. Is Prota an abandoned super-weapon by the Galactic Kids Next Door gone horribly astray? Or does Prota live up to it's Ultimorian Deity origins more so than most active Ultimorian Deities in the world?

  • Affably Evil: It is serene and polite, even when faced with the very things it is programmed to destroy every untold amount of years. It has an odd charm, as to how much it can smooth talk so casually how it will destroy all teenagers and adults when it's programming is fully activated, in which it doesn't understand why the KND view it as the biggest possible threat to the natural order of things.
  • Dissonant Serenity: It is absolutely, unbreakingly calm regarding just about everything around it, and everything it says, even with the implied malice behind it's tone. It is by no means oblivious to the fact it's goal is genocide, as it relishes the fact that so many people are going to die all according to schedule - all of this, without so much as breaking out of an eerily calm state.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The most prominant entrance to where it's being kept is located underneath Lake Toba, one of the most deadliest supervolcanoes responsible for quite possibly the almost complete annihilation of mankind.
  • Double-Meaning Title: Of the many things the title for the fic stands for, could it possibly refer to Prota's operating systems being rebooted and beginning to initialize it's goals proper? The idea of the fic proper is that of a Codename: Kids Next Door AU reboot, and Prota was a very late addition to the script at that.
  • Kill Sat: The lower section of it's body is this, which currently lies dormant inside the moon, meaning simply activating this portion of it's body will not only destroy the Moon Base in the process, but will also have a fully charged laser storm ready to fire on every human ages 13 and up on the entire planet once it's fully unsealed.
  • Mysterious Past: Nobody has a remote clue as to where this thing came from or why; it's status as an Ultimorian Deity gives some individuals clues, but what exactly caused it's behavior to be so in line with something native to the C:KND verses is unclear.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: Would've just normally been a Sadist had it not been for just how eerily calm it is by absolute default, and even when faced with the very people it's designed to slaughter everyone ages 13 or older.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: With every other non-C:KND character toned down in terms of power in Operation: R.E.B.O.O.T., and considering Prota is an outright Omnicidal Maniac in its goal, something which next to no canon C:KND villain has in their resume as a direct part of their intents.


Type: Primal

Debut: Sword Art Online: Special Edition

See here.


Type: Enigmatic

Debut: ???


Type: ???

Debut: ???

  • The Spook: Nothing is known about it aside from what is possibly it's name, and even then that isn't helping a whole lot. Where it is located thus far is also unknown...
