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Characters / Captain Earth

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An organization dedicated to protecting Earth from the libido-eating Kiltgangs. In order to protect Earth from the Kiltgangs, they utilize giant robots called Earth Engines, piloted by specially chosen teenagers. These teenagers eventually form a team called the Midsummer's Knights. They monitor space for Kiltgang activity from the Tanegashima Base and from Tenkaido, a space station where thousands of skilled individuals await in stasis in the event that Earth falls and humanity needs to repopulate.

Daichi Manatsu
Earth Engine Ordinary
Earth Engine Impactor
Voiced by: Miyu Irino

An Ordinary High-School Student that finds himself drawn into a war between Earth and the Kiltgangs. He is the only one who can use the Tanegashima Livlaster, a pistol-like object required for piloting the Earth Engine Impacter. As a child, he befriended Teppei and woke Hana.

  • Battle Boomerang: Carries a boomerang around with him.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Daichi's normally pretty nice, but when you threaten his friends, watch out.
    • Episode 21 shows that he's willing to kill Teppei if it means protecting Earth.
  • The Captain: He's Captain Earth, the leader of the Midsummer's Knights.
    • Running Gag: He doesn't like his nickname very much. Unfortunately for him, everybody keeps calling him that.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: He claims that his impressive agility, endurance, and reflexes come from him being a part of his high school track team before summer started.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: His father Taiyou sacrificed his life fighting the Kiltgangs.
    • His mother Umi is never seen, but is briefly mentioned. In episode 18, Daichi reveals that she died when he was very young, and he barely remembers her.
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: Prior to discovering the Earth Engine, Daichi didn't really have a goal in life.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric.
  • Hand Cannon: His Livlaster has incredible range and destructive capability.
  • Hero Protagonist: He's the protagonist and the main heroic force.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: His close friendship with Teppei is shown repeatedly throughout the show.
  • Humble Hero: He doesn't believe he's a hero or a savior; he's just doing what needs to be done.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: The reason that he's so good at piloting the Earth Engine despite never undergoing formal training is because of his skill at an arcade game.
  • Implacable Man: From being on the track team!
  • The Leader: As the "Captain" of the Globe's Midsummer's Knights, he's the one who makes the groups decisions on the field.
  • Nice Guy: He's a very stand-up guy who is friendly with anybody who isn't overly hostile towards him or his friends.
  • Not Afraid to Die: A rather exemplary trait given how almost everyone else on both sides of the conflict desperately want to survive no matter the cost.
  • Official Couple: He and Hana are effectively together as of Episode 15.
  • A Real Man Is a Killer: Despite his best efforts, he ultimately has to agree with this mindset.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: He'll try to reason with his adversaries, but will fall back on this trope if they prove to be incredibly uncooperative or utterly wretched.
  • "Shut Up" Kiss: Uses this on Hana in order to bring her back when Puck possesses her.
  • You Killed My Father: Amara murdered his father several years ago, but his motivations for fighting him and the other Planetary Gears is borne more out of wanting to preserve the worth of that sacrifice rather than desiring retribution.

Teppei Arashi/Albion
Nebula Engine Ordinary
Nebula Engine Impactor
Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya

A member of Globe and one of Daichi's childhood friends. He met Daichi as a child when he summoned a giant ringed rainbow at the Tanegashima Space Center. He is actually the Kiltgang Type-3 robot Albion.

  • Barrier Warrior: His Livlaster can create powerful Orgone shields, which are also used on the Nebula Engine.
    • Albion boasts a gigantic rainbow-colored shield as well, named Arcus.
  • BFS: The swords he uses in the show are enormous.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Saves Daichi's bacon more than once.
  • Celibate Hero: Though he initially seems like a Chaste Hero, it turns out he has his reasons for not returning the interest of the multitudes of girls that are interested in him. Since he's a Kiltgang and Designer Child, he's afraid of what would happen if he kissed someone he loved and they came into contact with hundreds of thousands of years worth of memories of his life as a soul-devouring Eldritch Abomination.
  • Chick Magnet: Both Mia and Rena, the 26 year-old operators aboard the Tenkaido, make multiple attempts to make him their boyfriend. What Daichi really called him (but it was mistranslated as "pretty boy") was "lady killer."
  • Disappeared Dad: For most of his life, Teppei wasn't even aware that he had a father. Understandable given that his genetic donor was in cryogenic sleep for most of Teppei's life.
  • Defector from Decadence: Sides with humanity, turning on the other Kiltgangs.
  • Discard and Draw: Allows his Ego Block to be destroyed, sacrificing his Singularity and Kiltgang powers. In exchange, he gets his own Livlaster.
  • Dual Wielding: The Nebula Engine can wield two immense blades of energy at the same time.
  • Everything's Better with Rainbows: He can produce a circular rainbow at will. It's his singularity, which vanishes after he destroys his Egoblock.
    • Albion is also heavily associated with rainbows, mostly via his sword and shield.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Melancholic.
  • Freakiness Shame: As a child, he used to be proud of his rainbow creation ability, but as he grew up, he realized it's unnatural and started to pretend he couldn't do it anymore.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: His strong bond with Daichi is showcased quite bit througout the series.
  • Human Alien: He's actually a Kiltgang.
  • It's All My Fault: He blames himself when Akari was kidnapped in episode 9.
  • The Lancer: He's Daichi's closest friend who serves as his Foil when on missions.
  • Mr. Exposition: Becomes the Midsummer's Knights' main source of information about the Kiltgangs' names, abilities, social structures etc after his Kiltgang memories are restored and he turns on the other Planetary Gears, siding with Globe.
  • The Paragon Always Rebels: Once was one of the mightiest and most beloved of the Kiltgang until he decided to switch sides.
  • Pretty Boy: Daichi outright uses the term to describe him.
  • Super Prototype: The Nebula Engine.
  • You're Not My Father: Says this to Eiji.

Hana Mutou
Flare Engine Ordinary
Flare Engine Impactor
Voiced by: Ai Kayano

A mysterious girl found in the Tanegashima Space Center basement, enclosed in an energy field and clutching the Tanegashima Livlaster. She has a connection to a ship named Blume, which is located somewhere on Tanegashima. Hana is also able to empower a Machine Goodfellow unit with a song.

  • Action Girl: She starts participating in battle after obtaining her own Livlaster. Also, as of Episode 16, she has her own mech.
  • Ambiguously Brown: She has noticeably darker skin than the rest of the cast, but it's not known if this is supposed to be tied to an ethnicity, given her status as an Artificial Human.
  • Ambiguously Human: Considering that Daichi found her floating in a blue energy field and that she possesses an organelle that humans don't, it's questionable whether or not Hana is human. Turns out that Hana was created by the Planetary Gears, although she isn't a Kiltgang. She was made to use the Livlaster, which the Kiltgang's can't utilize.
  • Anguished Declaration of Love: Tearfully confesses her feelings for Daichi before running off.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: As sweet as she is, she's not to be messed with, as Ai found out in Episode 16
  • Brainwashed: Puck installs himself into Hana, turning her and the Blume into the massive Robin Goodfellow.
  • Bound and Gagged: She's taken hostage, bound and tape gagged in episode 21 by Salty Dog.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: Her large chest is met with envy from Akari.
  • Damsel in Distress: She's kidnapped or taken hostage a few times in the story.
  • Evil Costume Switch: Her hair turns white, and she gets a very Stripperific KTG outfit when she becomes Robin Goodfellow.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic.
  • Gone Horribly Right: She was created by the Kiltgang so that she could fire her Livlaster and provide a limitless supply of Orgone Energy for them. They didn't quite anticipate that she'd end up aiming it at them and joining their enemies.
  • Grand Theft Me: Gets possessed by Puck.
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: She doesn't seem to understand that exposing her underwear or her naked body in front of other people might not be a good idea.
  • Leitmotif: "Mugen no Hana"
  • Long Hair Is Feminine: Her black hair almost reaches her knees, and she's the Girly Girl to Akari's Tomboy.
  • Magic Kiss: Like the Kiltgang, Hana can also read memories through kissing.
  • Magic Music: Her song can power up a Machine Goodfellow.
  • Meaningful Name: "Hana" means flower, just like "Blume" does.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She has a voluptuous figure, and is seen in a bikini in one episode.
  • Naked First Impression: To Daichi back when they were children. He didn't think much of it at the time.
  • Nice Girl: She's a kind and caring girl, without a malicious bone in her body.
  • Official Couple: She expresses her love for Daichi, and he accepts them.
  • Oracular Urchin: Hana can predict approximately when and where a surge of Orgone energy will appear. She says, however, that Pitz is the one making the predictions. She just translates.
  • Pink Is Feminine: Her jumpsuit is pink, as are the beams from her Livlaster.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Her blue squirrel-like companion, Pitz.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: She fled to Earth to stop the Planetary Gears from exploiting her powers.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Her feelings for Daichi indicate this.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: She can understand what Pitz tells her.
  • Team Pet: She keeps a squirrel named Pitz with her.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Several levels. First she gets her own Livlaster, then she gets her own mech and proves she's very capable with it, as she apparently underwent the same training as Teppei, and ranked higher than him, and finally she re-enters the Blume and takes control of it in order to take the fight to the Kiltgang.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: She's more traditionally feminine than Akari.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: She was created as a tool for the Planetary Gears, only for her become their enemy.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Her normally black hair turns white when she becomes Robin Goodfellow.

Akari Yomatsuri
Voiced by: Rina Hidaka

A cheerful and enthusiastic self-styled Magical Girl. She is an incredibly skilled hacker, capable of effortlessly entering any government system and doing as she sees fit inside.

    The Planetary Gears 
A group of Human Aliens called Kiltgangs residing on the dark side of the moon. They feed on Orgone energy, which comes from the libido of advanced species. They want to drain Earth of its Orgone energy, resulting in the end of humanity. The Kiltgangs have two forms: their Designer's Children body and their giant robot forms. The Designer's Children bodies are genetically engineered, human-like bodies. Their robot bodies can be accessed by a stationary cockpit-like machine called 'Machine Goodfellow'. Their true consciousness is stored in Ego Blocks.

General Tropes

  • Action Bomb: Puck turns their Ego Blocks into bombs since they're infinitely more useful and cooperative as high-yield explosives. Siren, Bugbear and Malkin do blow up their own Ego Blocks in order to damage Robin Goodfellow.
  • And I Must Scream: Their ship is out of fuel and stuck orbiting Uranus. If they fail to get enough Orgone Energy in time, not only will they be marooned in the Solar System, but they themselves will enter into a very unpleasant stasis.
  • Attack Its Weakpoint: Destroying their Ego Blocks will permanently neutralize their Kiltgang bodies and rob them of their immortality. Unfortunately, they can only be destroyed if the Kiltgang themselves choose to do so. However, there was a roundabout of this. If their bodies were hijacked while in Kiltgang forms, as Puck in this case, they could be reverted to their Ego Block and then being used as bombs.
  • Body Surf: The Designer Children were originally supposed to be vessels for other people to install their consciousnesses into younger bodies, allowing them to prolong their lives. Their unique genetic structure made them perfect hosts for the minds of the Planetary Gears.
  • Brought Down to Normal: At the end of the final episode, their Ego Blocks have all been destroyed, leaving them just as mortal as the rest of humanity.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Harassing, pursuing, and attacking Hana only made her even more powerful.
  • Can't Catch Up: Their Machine Goodfellows get a Mid-Season Upgrade that lets them maneuver better. Hana quickly gains access to the Blossom, whose homing projectiles make this new feature useless.
  • Color-Coded Characters/Rainbow Motif: All of their character colors are reflected by their general colors when in Kiltgang form and Gig Mode, their clothes after the Evil Costume Switch (which are all combined with black), Egoblocks and hair colors. One slight exception is Teppei, whose hair is rather purple than white and whose Kiltgang form also incorporates Everything's Better with Rainbows.
    • Amarok: dark blue
    • Malkin: pink
    • Albion: white
    • Lieban: light blue
    • Aiatar: yellow / gold
    • Zimbalt: red
    • Bugbear: green
    • Siren: purple
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: The unawakened members tend to feel like there's something missing in their lives, leaving them feeling unsatisfied and adrift.
  • Evil Costume Switch: The newly awakened members all get a costume change.
  • Evil Feels Good: Piloting their robots is extremely pleasurable for them.
  • Fantastic Racism: Against anyone that isn't a Planetary Gear basically.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Amara sacrifices his Ego Block to save Moco from Robin Goodfellow. Shortly thereafter, Moco, Baku and Setsuna destroy their Ego Blocks to damage Puck.
  • Human Alien: They look human in their Designer Child bodies, save for some unusual hair colors.
  • Humongous Mecha: They are the giant robots, although they spend most of their time in human form.
  • Immortals Fear Death: As well as stasis.
  • Immortal Immaturity: Despite having supposedly lived for who-knows-how-long, they generally act just as childish as their appearance would imply.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: They used Puck as a tool for their own benefit, only to be used by him in return.
  • Magic Kiss: They can read memories with a kiss. They can also transfer them if it's between two of them.
  • Manchurian Agent: There are numerous latent Kiltgang members scattered about Earth. Most are unaware of their true identities and lead ordinary lives as humans. However, Amara and Moco are in the process of tracking them down and awakening their Kiltgang powers.
  • Meaningful Name: The Kiltgangs have names derived from different myths or folklore, more or less going in line with the characters in question, which also goes for their avatar names. See here for details.
  • The Right of a Superior Species: Seems to think they're justified in preying on humans, as they view themselves as the superior species.
  • Smug Snake: While formidable, none of them are as powerful or clever as they like to think they are.
    • Reaches the peak of this trope as they try to talk down to the heroes during the finale, but are completely helpless when Puck takes over.
  • Soul Jar: The Ego Blocks contain a digitized form of their consciousness. So long as the Ego Block remains intact, the Kiltgangs are theoretically immortal.
  • Stripperiffic: Their piloting forms, called Gig Mode, don't leave much to the audience's imagination. Considering they're aliens, it's questionable they're actually wearing anything.
  • Teens Are Monsters: Despite their vast ages, they have the temperament and emotional maturity of teenagers and not the Wise Beyond Their Years sort either.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Constantly.
    • Their contempt for humanity is ultimately their undoing as they are continuously thwarted by the Intercept Faction and are all but enslaved by Puck due to him using a HUMAN invention.
  • We ARE Struggling Together: Moco and Amara seem to be the only ones that like spending time with one another and the rest are only united under the tenuous fealty to Siren and their desire to not end up in stasis for lack of Orgone Energy.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: The group considers non-immortals to not be "real people", but Daichi points out that they themselves don't have a clear definition as to what a "real person" is.

Machine Goodfellow Tenrousei
Voiced by: Kenichi Suzumura

The Type-1 Kiltgang robot, Amarok. His Designer's Children form is known as Amara. He was responsible for the death of Taiyo Manatsu and the huge crystal covering most of the moon.

  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Perhaps the most arrogant of the Planetary Gears. Naturally this often works to his disadvantage.
  • Berserk Button: Albion's "madness," and by extension, Daichi for causing it.
  • Blood Knight: Really gets excited when fighting.
  • The Heavy: He's the one causing most of the havoc throughout the show.
  • Jerkass: Perhaps the biggest one in the show.
  • The Leader: While he technically serves Setsuna like the other Planetary Gears, in practice, he's the one leading them in their schemes.
  • Love Epiphany: He finally realizes how Malkin feels about him and how much he loves her in the finale.
  • Love Redeems: Immediately after his Love Epiphany, he sacrifices his Ego Block to protect Malkin from Robin Goodfellow.
  • Oblivious to Love: Completely fails to comprehend Malkin's advances and flirtations, at least until the final episode.
  • "Stop Having Fun" Guys: In-universe, he's very much frustrated that the other Planetary Gears don't completely abandon their previous identities as Designer Children and contribute more directly to their mission.
  • Stripperiffic: He's not wearing much when piloting the Amarok.


Machine Goodfellow Moukouto
Voiced by: Maaya Sakamoto

The Type-2 Kiltgang mech known as Malkin and Amara's second-in-command.

  • All Love Is Unrequited: She cares about Amarok a lot more than she does the other Gears or even their invasion plan. Not that he understands, until the finale.
  • Pink Is Feminine: Her hair is pink and her outfit is a mix of pink and black. Her mech is also pink.
  • Playful Hacker: Not at Akari's level of skill, but still good enough to hack Globe's computers.
  • Ms. Fanservice: With her big boobs and Stripperific outfit, she's the biggest provider of Fanservice in the show.
  • Stripperiffic: Her typical outfit includes a revealing tube top, hot pants, garters and stockings.
  • The Vamp: Tries to be this, but her outlandish appearance and mannerisms make it difficult to seduce anyone.

Voiced by: Haruka Kudō

A leader of the Planetary Gears on Earth and a member of the Kiltgang Royal Family.

  • Active Royalty: The other Planetary Gears are totally subservient to her, and she is stated to be a member of the Royal Family.
  • A Child Shall Lead Them: Subverted; Setsuna looks like a little girl commanding a bunch of teenagers, but she's actually the same age as them.
  • Cheerful Child: At least, until she learns the reason why Doctor Mao was taking good care of her...
  • The Leader: She is the true leader of the Planetary Gears.
  • Magic Music: Her singing drains the Orgone energy from humans in a large area around her.
  • Mirroring Factions: Is disturbed that the exploitation that she and the other Planetary Gears suffered at the hands of humans isn't all too different from what the Kiltgang intends to do to them, possibly making them just as bad as their oppressors.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: She has a pink squirrel companion named Lappa. Unlike Hana, she does not speak squirrel. In episode 15, when her memories are unlocked, Lappa mysteriously vanishes. Lappa returns after her Ego Block is destroyed.
  • Verbal Tic: Ends all of her sentences with "nano desu".
  • The Worf Effect: Her Kiltgang form has the power to resurrect the other Planetary Gears as long as their Avatars are alive and drives the Midsummer Knights into a corner, yet is ultimately utterly helpless when Puck attempts to kill her.
  • Younger Than They Look: She appears to be noticeably younger than others, but is 17 like the rest of them.


Machine Goodfellow Jingaikyo
Voiced by: Kōki Uchiyama

A young dealer working in a casino in Odaiba. He's the Type-6 Kiltgang Zimbalt.

  • Ax-Crazy: Once he awakens, he becomes more interested in just killing humanity and hurting others than actually consuming their libidos.
  • Badass Longcoat: His preferred attire after regaining his memories. His Kiltgang form also has long armor plates that resemble a long coat.
  • BFS: Jingaikyo wields a very long beam cannon in battle.
  • Evil Laugh: Indulges in some good old-fashioned maniacal laughter while attacking Daichi.
  • Hiding Behind Your Bangs: The entire left side of his face is covered, which first indicated his withdrawn personality.


Machine Goodfellow Hebihanabi
Voiced by: Nozomi Yamamoto

An Idol Singer who's not happy with her career. She's the Type-5 Kiltgang Aiatar.

  • Friendly Sniper: Villainous variant, she blows kisses and winks playfully as she shoots.
  • Glacier Waif:
    • Her Machine Goodfellow seems to lack maneuverability, but makes up for it with firepower. In her fight with Daichi, her mech remained stationary while attacking.
    • Similarly, her Kiltgang form is extremely slow bordering on immobile, yet makes up for it with extreme range and incredibly powerful shields that absorb the energy of incoming attacks.
  • High-Class Gloves: A part of her default uniform.
  • Idol Singer: Before her memories were restored, she was a singer in the idol industry.
  • Navel-Deep Neckline: Her black outfit has a neckline that reaches her navel.
  • No Kill like Overkill: When she borrows Zimbalt's Singularity. A few dozen chunks of debris would have been more than enough =to destroy the Tenkaidou. She flings a little over five hundred.


Machine Goodfellow Ningyohime
Voiced by: Megumi Han

A lone biker with an obsession for speed. She's revealed to be a Kiltgang and the pilot of the Lieban.

  • Animal Motifs: Mermaids.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Downplayed; she's the only awakened Planetary Gear to survive in her Machine Goodfellow and go to her Kiltgang form, but she still loses to Teppei in the Nebular Gear Impactor before she can reach Earth.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Among the Planetary Gears, she's the one that becomes the most unhinged after learning her true nature.
  • Irony: She claims that "Real people don't die," during the Lotus-Eater Machine sequence in Episode 23, but is the first one to get blown up by Puck in the following episode.
  • Put on a Bus: Save for a brief appearance when all the Gears are reunited, she disappears after her Kiltgang form is defeated and does not contribute to invasion.
  • Super-Speed: While her Machine Goodfellow, Ningyohime, was already fast, her Kiltgang form can barely be seen when it gets going.
  • Transforming Mecha: Ningyohime can go from speedy underwater craft to a more humanoid mech form.



A slave for the Yakuza who fights in their underground arena. He's the Type-7 Kiltgang Bugbear.

  • Always Save the Girl
  • Animal Motifs: Bears.
  • Anti-Villain: While the other Planetary Gears are eager to consume humanity and get their ship fueled up, Baku cooperates because he has absolutely nothing else left.
  • Death Seeker: Daichi senses that Baku isn't putting as much effort into fighting, almost like Baku wants to die.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Hits this hard after Kumiko dies for real.
  • Friendly Rivalry: Implied; Amara acts as though the two were amicable rivals before getting their current avatars.
  • Healing Hands: Kind of. His Singularity allows him to fix broken things, including but not limited to shredded playing cards, a ripped up photo, an entire yacht and people. He can "revive" the dead by creating a facsimile of them, but they are not truly alive.
  • Heartbroken Badass: While he was by no means in an ideal situation as a Designer Child, Baku was at least content to serve Kumiko as a guardian and prize fighter. All that is taken away when his memories are restored and Kumiko dies.
  • Put on a Bus: Like Lin, he does not contribute directly to the Gear's invasion plans and makes virtually no appearances after his initial introduction.
  • Straw Nihilist: He only contributes to the Gears' invasion plan because he feels that human life is fragile, fleeting, meaningless and void of anything but pain.
  • The Stoic: Even his rage is empty of conviction.
  • Super-Strength: Baku regularly took on opponents twice his size in the ring, and beat them without a sweat every time.
  • Token Good Teammate: He seems shaping this way. Even Daichi points out he's different from the rest.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds

    The Ark Faction 
An organization opposing the Intercept Faction, which Globe is a part of. The Ark Faction believes that fighting the Kiltgangs is futile and actually wants to help the aliens conquer Earth.

Masaki Kube

Voiced by: Yūya Uchida

The leader of the Ark Faction. He works closely with Amara and Moco, not realizing they are Planetary Gears. Kube has access to a supercomputer named P.A.C. (pronounced Puck), which provides predictions for Kube.

  • Les Collaborateurs: Actively interferes with Globe's effort to repel the Kiltgangs and assists the aliens in their endeavors.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: P.A.C/Puck is the actual Big Bad and Final Boss, with Kube having only been used the whole time.
  • Godhood Seeker: He wants to rebuild the world with a chosen few after the Kiltgang obliterate the rest of humanity.
  • Grand Theft Me: Puck steals control of his body.
  • The Heavy: Kube is positioned as the main antagonist of the series despite ultimately being outdone by Puck, the story's true Big Bad.
  • Out-Gambitted: Puck has essentially been using him the whole time.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Although he supports the Ark Faction and hopes the Kiltgang reach Earth, he has absolutely no idea that Amara and Moco are Planetary Gears and that they're using the Machine Goodfellows to activate their Kiltgang forms.
  • Smug Snake: Kube thinks that he's in control, but in reality he's being played by both Puck and the Kiltgangs.

Voiced by: Hiroki Shimowada

A super-advanced AI hidden within the Ark Faction HQ. P.A.C., or Puck, provides Kube with analyses and predictions to ensure the Ark Faction's success.

  • A God Am I: As Robin Goodfellow, he declares himself a god.
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Puck isn't evil, per se, but he isn't working for Kube. His true masters are Moco and Amara. Or so he wants them to think.
    • Played totally straight when he turns on Kube AND the Gears and decides to take over the Universe.
  • Assimilation Plot: His goal after perfecting the research of Doctor Mao.
  • Beam-O-War: He engages in one of these with Daichi in the penultimate episode. He loses, but also wins.
  • Big Bad: Puck is revealed to be the true most major antagonistic force in the story by the finale.
  • Catchphrase: "Puck does not lie."
  • The Chessmaster: He's pulling everyone's strings, both Kube and the Planetary Gears.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Hana, as he was also an artificial being created to serve the Planetary Gears that ultimately turned against them. Likewise, they both found form and purpose on Earth.
  • Evil Knock Off: While the Kiltgang are far and away from what you could consider good, his Ego Block is a gigantic and grotesque parody of the ones they possess.
  • Final Boss: Becomes the final threat to be dealt with after pulling a Grand Theft Me on Hana.
  • Grand Theft Me: Pulls one on Kube. And then also on Hana in the Grand Finale.
  • The Hedonist: The very first thing he does after gaining a human body is seduce Kube's secretary. He then preceedes to hit on or sleep with every woman in Macbeth Enterprises.
  • Hidden Depths: While Puck answers to both Kube and the Kiltgang, he actually seems to be manipulating both sides, as well as others.
  • Humongous Mecha: As Robin Goodfellow.
  • The Matchmaker: Puck tries to hook Kube up with his secretary, but he has ignored it so far.
    • Once he gains control over Kube's body, he goes and hits on her. With success. Of course, she dumps him when he starts sleeping around with other female employees.
  • The Mole: He's the Auberon's artificial intelligence, sent to Earth to sabotage the humans' efforts to stop the Kiltgang. He had other ideas.
  • Shoot the Medic First: The Kiltgang member that he tries to take out first? Siren, who has the ability to revive fallen Planetary Gears.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: To Kube, who was never really his master and eventually to his true taskmasters, the Kiltgang, who he proceeds to enslave.

Salty Dog

A group working closely with Globe. They are ostensibly working with the Intercept Faction to protect Earth from the Kiltgangs, but their actions hint at a far more shady goal.

Mister Bau

Voiced by: Atsushi Ono


Voiced by: Kaya Matsutani

Sir Doggy/Professor Canis

Voiced by: Shiro Go

The man responsible for developing the Kivotos Plan.

  • Evil Old Folks
  • Faux Affably Evil: When he introduces himself to Daichi, he does act polite, but quickly reveals his true nature after they embark back down to Earth.
  • Insane Troll Logic: His final line in the series is "don't stop us from saving the Earth!" as the Midsummer Knights go off to fight the Kiltgang for the last time while his faction actively tries to stop them, by any means necessary. Considering that his plan is actually handing Earth to the Kiltgang on a silver platter and launching Hana, locked up in the control capsule of her ship, with no way to get out, to parts of space unknown, holding a cargo of, from all lines in the series, a group of genetically engineered children, all boys, with the knowledge that the Kiltgang can sense and pursue Hana wherever she goes after they're done feeding on Earth's libido, turning the planet to a giant crystal coffin, like they did with the Moon, one has to wonder what his definition of "save" is.

Hirosue Reito/"Pointer"

Voiced by: Takeshi Kusao

The first member of Salty Dog stationed at Tanegashima. He was responsible for keeping control of Hana.

  • Easily Forgiven: Despite outfitting Teppei, Hana and Daichi with lead gears, attempting to kidnap Hana (twice), holding Daichi at gunpoint with the intent to kill him and threatening to destroy the Tenkaidou, Daichi still forgives him.
  • Four Eyes, Zero Soul: He's an Jerkass who's always seen wearing glasses
  • A Real Man Is a Killer: Mocks Daichi for refusing to shoot him when he holds Hana at gunpoint, claiming that someone like Daichi is too weak to protect Earth. In fact, the only reason he's able to entrust the fate of humanity into Daichi's hands was because the latter was willing to kill Teppei if it meant saving the planet.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: As much of a bastard as he is, he genuinely does want to protect Earth, especially his father and little brother.
  • Would Hit a Girl: More like "Would Shoot a Girl." It later turns out that he was bluffing in this instance, as killing Hana would completely ruin the Ark Faction's plan. But he is willing to blow up the Tenkaidou Space Station with everyone on board.

    Other Characters 

Doctor Mao Marimura

Voiced by: Sanae Kobayashi

A research scientist who worked for Macbeth and was partially responsible for the Designer Children project.

Kumiko Asanoda
Voiced by: Asami Seto

  • Arranged Marriage: Her father Kazuya has her set to marry one of his top men, Haruhiko Kariya. It's clear that, even if Baku wasn't around, she'd completely against it.
  • Dead All Along: She and her father's entire yakuza group died before the show started, with the people we see being illusions made by Baku's Singularity.
  • Driven to Suicide: She set off bombs knowing that she'd get killed in the explosion.
  • The Gwen Stacy: Her death is what drove Baku to despair, causing him to go fully on-board with the Planetary Gears' plans to kill humanity.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Twice: the first time was before the story began, as she was killed setting off a bomb to kill her father and his gang so as to make sure they can no longer commit any more atrocities. The second time was in Episode 13, where she shields Baku from gunfire.
  • Insecure Love Interest: It's clear that Kumiko loves Baku, but her own self-loathing meant that she would likely never act on these feelings.
  • My Greatest Failure: "Buying" Baku back when they were both children has left her with an incredible amount of self-hatred, as she thinks it makes her no different than her father.
  • Past Experience Nightmare: She always had the same nightmare about the Magus Incident, which involved a sinking yacht. Except it actually happened; she detonated a bomb that was on the yacht, killing everyone (including herself) involved in her father's child trafficking ring. She and everyone involved were only alive because of Baku's Singularity.
  • Taking You with Me: She detonates bombs on her father's boat while she herself was on it, showing that she was fully intending to die with the rest of them.
  • Yakuza Princess: Her father is an amoral and ruthless yakuza boss, and she isn't thrilled about taking over the family business.
