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Bilingual Bonus / The Pieces Lie Where They Fell

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  • Bilingual Bonus: Multiple characters have a tendency to slip into their native language - Spanish/Burroñeso, Greek, and on one occasion, German/Hosstrian (plus a few bits of Latin). Translations are here, by chapter (and may also be found at the end of the chapters on Archive of Our Own):

    The Pieces Lie Where They Fell 
  • Chapter 7:
    Xvital: "¡Ay dios mîo, no otro de esa gente!" Translation: "Oh gods, not another of those people."
  • Chapter 11:
    Xvital: "¡Así que para mantener nuestras pieles enteras, creo que deberíamos salir muy rápidamente mientras todavía podemos!" Translation: "So to keep our skins whole, I think we should depart very quickly while we still can!"
  • Chapter 12:
    Xvital: "And that should have been a advertencia para que te callaras y te alejes de aquí ahora que nos va a cazar el gobierno!!" Translation: "And that should have been a red flag for you to shut up and stay out of sight as we are going to be chased by the government!"
    Rex: "Además, Xvital, tengo que saber si este mercado negro en el que estas tiene negocios con Dragones Manechurianos ya que estaría muy inconfortable con eso." Translation: "Also Xvital, I must know if this black market you are in deals with Manechurian Dragons as I would be very uncomfortable with that."
    Xvital: "Que-no!" Translation: "What, no!"
    Xvital: "No soy tan estúpido para involucrarme con esas criaturas, Rex." Translation: "I am not stupid enough to get involved with those creatures, Rex."
    Rex: "Solo me aseguro," Translation: "Just making sure,"
  • Chapter 13:
    Xvital: "OH SI!!" Translation: "YEAH!"
    Xvital: "En tu cara!!" Translation: "In your face!"
    Hosstrian pony: "Verdammte bekloppte Dschungelkatze," Translation: Damn crazy jungle cat,"
    Hosstrian pony: "Dafür, dass du kein Erdponnie bist, bist du sehr stark... und ich kann gar nicht verstehen was du sagst." Translation: You are very strong for not being an earth pony and... I can’t even understand what you are saying."
    Xvital: "Que?" Translation: "What?"
    Xvital: "Pero que estas diciendo? Te estas queja-oh hola Wind Bre- sorry, Wind Breaker," Translation: "What are you even saying? Are you complain-oh hey Wind Bre- sorry, Wind Breaker,"
    Xvital: "cincuenta a setenta mil Lunas!!" Translation: "fifty to seventy thousand Lunas!!"
  • Chapter 14:
    Sigil left by Blazen Sun's teleportation: Equestria pro rege, defendimus finem Translation: For Equestria and king, we defend to the end
  • Chapter 16:
    Xvital: “Santo dios, como carajos agarras esto con una mano‽” Translation: "Sweet hell, how the fuck do you hold this with one hand?”
  • Chapter 17:
    Xvital: “Una ballesta? En serio? Translation: "A crossbow, really?"
    Xvital: “Siquiera puedes usar una ballesta- I mean, can you even use that thing?” Translation: "Can you even use a crossbow - I mean, can you even use that thing?”
  • Chapter 21:
    Vix-Lei: γαμημένος Τάρταρος ζωντανός είναι αλήθεια‽ Translation: fucking Tartarus alive is true‽"
  • The same chapter uses Latin for the names of certain medical conditions:
    • Thaumatic Moratis ("magic delayed", those with this condition don't develop their magic properly until into adulthood);
    • Thaumatic Viduatus ("magic bereft"; those with this condition are colloquially referred to as "hollow ponies" and have no magic);
    • Brevis Soluti ("short burst"; colloquially referred to as "flare ponies", they peak really early before burning out their magic ability);
    • Dum Soluti ("long burst"; these are "flare ponies" who don't burn out and only continue to get stronger over time).
  • Chapter 23:
    Vix-Lei: "ΓΑΜΩ!" "Fuck!" or "Bugger!"
    Vix-Lei: “Wind, Δώσε μου το ποτό σου τώρα! “Wind, give me your booze, now!
  • Chapter 30:
    Xvital: “Tu no puedes cambiar de lados asi de repente! Tengo que aguantarlos a ustedes dos idiotas pelando todo el puto tiempo y tu no puedes saltar en su defensa asi como asi!” Translation: "You do not get to switch sides all of a sudden! I had to deal with you two idiots fighting all the fucking time and you cannot jump to his defense now!”
    Xvital: “Dios mio, ¿qué he hecho?” Translation: "My god, what have I done?"
    • Vix-Lei's "ΓΑΜΩ!" gets a second appearance.
  • Chapter 31:
    Xvital: "mierda, eso dolió," Translation: "fuck, that hurt,"
  • Chapter 38:
    Xvital: “Le pusiste suficiente salsa picante para quemar varios muros,” Translation: “You put enough hot sauce on it to burn through several walls,”
    Xvital: “Justo ahora, ya no me importa, Rex,” Translation: “At this point, I don’t really care Rex,”
    Xvital: “He tenido que lidiar con tantos niños que no podían siquiera hablar el lenguaje, y creían que eran tan inteligentes que yo no podría escucharlos hablar de lo sensual que soy.” Translation: “I had to deal with so many kids that couldn’t even speak the language and thought they were so clever that I wouldn’t hear them talk about how hot I am.”
  • Chapter 43 is loaded with people speaking in Spanish/Burroñeso:
    Xvital: "Esta viva, Esta viva, Esta viva,” trandlation: “She’s alive, she’s alive, she’s alive,”
    Rex: “Xvital, calmate,” "Xvital, calm yourself,”
    Rex: “Soy yo, Rex.” "It is me, Rex.”
    Xvital: “Oh gracias a los dioses Rex,” “Oh thank the gods Rex,”
    Xvital: “Rex, ella está viva! "Rex, she’s alive!
    Rex: “Si, lo se,” "Yes, I know,"
    Rex: “Y tu al fin despertaste.” "And you are awake at long last.”
    Xvital: “Gracias, Rex.” "Thank you, Rex.”
    Xvital: “Despierta? De que hablas?” "Awake? What are you talking about?”
    Rex: “Has dormido por dos semanas, Xvital,” "You have been asleep for two weeks, Xvital,”
    Xvital: “Dos semanas‽ “Two weeks‽
    Xvital: “Aire! Necesito aire! "Air! I need air!"
    Xvital: “Esta bien, esta bien,” "It’s okay, it’s okay,”
    Xvital: “Yo- "I-"
    Xvital: “Necesito aire! Muy apretado!” "I need air! Too tight!”
    Xvital: “G-Gracias, Night,” "Th-thanks, Night,”
    Xvital: "Que-" “What’-”
    Xvital: “Perd-” "Sorr-”
    Xvital: “No no no, mierda, yo no puedo estar aquí.” No no no, shit shit shit, I can’t be here,”
    Xvital: “Me importa una puta mierda,” “I don’t fucking care,”
    Xvital: “No puedo estar aqui y-” "I can't be here and-"
    Xvital: “Escucharon eso?” "Did you hear that?"
    Xvital: “Xolo, bajate de mí, tu gran leño,” "Xolo, get off of me, you big lug,”
    Xvital: “Vamos, dejame levantarme chica,” "Come on, let me up girl,”
    Xvital: “Asi que por que estas aqui, chica?” “So why are you here, girl?”
    Xvital: “Oh mierda, si tu estas aqui, entonces el esta-” “Oh shit, if you’re here, then that must mean he is he-”
    Tizoc: “Xolo, donde fuiste? “Xolo, where did you go?
    Tizoc: “Xvital… Eres tu? “Xvital… is that you?
    Xvital: "Hola Tizoc." "Hi Tizoc."
    Tizoc: “Si, lo soy, joven Blade,” “Yes, I am, young Blade,”
    Tizoc: “No puedo creer que seas tu...” “I cannot believe it is you…”
    Tizoc: “Antes de continuar, debo saber; principalmente por que! “Before we go on, I must know; namely why!
    Xvital: “Puedo explicarlo, lo prometo,” “I can explain, I promise,”
    Xvital: “Bien, escucha, mientras nos encontrabamos en Equestria, habia esta cosa espiritosa que-” "Look, while we were in Equestria, there was this spirit thing that-”
    Tizoc: “No me refiero a tu recompenza internazional, Xvital,” "I am not talking about your international bounty, Xvital,"
    Tizoc: “Tu ya sabes de que hablo,” "You know what I am talking about,”
    Xvital: “Eso es muy complicado; quiero decir, hay mucho de mi que no conoces.” "It’s very complicated; I mean, there’s a lot of me you don’t know about.”
    Tizoc: “Xy, nunca me importó tu pasado,” "Xy, your past has never bothered me,”
    Tizoc: “Nunca me importó que fueras ladrona, solo quiero saber porq-” "I never cared that you were a thief, I just want to know wh-”
    Xvital: “Espera, que dijiste?” "Wait, what did you say?”
    Xvital: “Tu sabías?! "You knew‽
    Tizoc: “Pues si, yo sabía sobre tu pasado, Xy,” "Well, yes, I knew about your past, Xy,”
    Tizoc: “Nunca fuiste tan buena escondiendo secretos y-” "You were never that good at hiding stuff and-”
    Xvital: “Lo supiste todo el tiempo y nunca dijiste nada, maldito imbecil‽” "You knew the entire time and you never said anything, you freaking asshole‽”
    Xvital: “Sabes lo estresante que era pretender ser así, siempre preocupándome que tu descubrieras mi pasado y tu siempre supiste‽ "Do you know how stressful it was to pretend to be like that, always dreading you would find out about my past and you knew the entire time‽”
    Xvital: “POR QUE nunca dijiste nada‽ "Why did you not say anything‽
    Tizoc: “Creía que era como la biblioteca, Xy, pero creí que habías aprendido esta vez,” "I thought it was like the library all over again, Xy, only that you learned from it this time,”
    Xvital: “Nunca lo vas a olvidar, verdad? "You’ll never let that go, will you?”
    Tizoc: “Jamas, Xy,” Never Xy,”
    Tizoc: “Entonces me dirás por que te fuiste?” "So will you tell me why you left?”
    Xvital: “Mira tizoc, esto es muy complicado y te juro que si sigues traduciendo lo que decimos Rex te JURO que te opero las bolas con una cuchara.” "Look Tizoc, it’s very complicated I guess and I swear if you keep translating what we’re saying Rex I swear I will neuter you with a spoon.”
    Tizoc: “Por favor, Xy, Necesito saber la raz-” "Please, Xy, I need to know why you lef-”
    Xvital: “Fue Chantico, vale?” "It was Chantico, okay?”
    Tizoc: “Siempre sospeché que ella había tenido que ver con eso pero ambos sabemos que ella nunca admitiría nada.” "I always expected she had something to do with it but as you know as well as I do she’d never admit to anything.”
    Xvital: “Si, ella siempre pue una gran perrr-” "Yeah, she was always kinda of a bii-”
    Tizoc: “Xy, puedes llamar perra a mi mama. Confia en mi, la conozco mas que tu,” "Xy, it’s okay to call my mom a bitch. Trust me, I’ve known her a lot longer than you have,”
    Tizoc: “Entonces me dejarás y me vas a presentar a tus compañeros?” "So will you let me up now and introduce me to your companions?”
    Xvital: “Oh si, lo siento,” "Oh right, sorry,”
    Xvital: “Gracias,” “Thanks,”
    Xvital: “Tizoc, ellos son Wind Breaker, Rex, Night Blade, Page Turner and Vix-Lei," “Tizoc, this is Wind Breaker, Rex, Night Blade, Page Turner and Vix-Lei,”
    Xvital: “Chicos, el es-” “Guys, this is-”
    Xvital: “Tonto alagador,Stupid flatterer,”
    Tizoc:“Y me amas por eso, Xy,” “You love me for it, Xy,”
    Xvital: “Espera, que?” “Wait, what?”
    Xvital: “A que te refieres?” “What do you mean by that?”
  • Chapter 44:
    King Well Banded: “Saludos, Principe-Rey Tizoc,” “Greetings Prince-King Tizoc,”
    Guard: "¡Señora, tienes que correr!" “Ma’am, you have to run!”
    Xvital: "A la mierda; necesito ayudar a Tizoc!" “Fuck that; I need to help Tizoc!”
    Guard: "Nos ordenó que nos aseguráramos de que está a salvo, señora," “He ordered us to make sure you are safe, ma’am,”
    Guard: "¡Ahora corre! ¡Corre para que puedas luchar otro día! ¡Equestria no se saldrá con esto!" “Now run! Run so you can fight another day! Equestria will not get away with this!”

    Picking Up the Pieces 
  • Chapter 5:
    Maitre'd: “Bonjour, madame, est-ce que vous avez une invitation?” "Good day," ... "Does the lady have an invitation?"
    Xvital: “Oui,” ... “Pour Monsieur Blade et Madame Xvital.” "Yes," ... "For Lord Blade and Madame Xvital."
    Maitre'd: “Ah! Venez avec moi, madame. “Ah, come this way, madame.”
    Maitre'd: “Allez-vous tout à fait bien, madame?" “Is the mademe well?”
    Xvital: "Oui, oui," "Yes, yes,"
  • Chapter 12:
    Tizoc: "Xolo, atras!" "Xolo, heel!"
  • Chapter 18:
    • Vix-Lei: "Τάρταρος όχι," Translation: "Tartarus no,"
