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Awesome Music / New Media

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     Welcome to Night Vale 
With a musical Weather segment every episode of Welcome to Night Vale, there are bound to be a few of these:

  • "Super Mario vs. Sonic The Hedgehog - Video Game Rap Battle", representing the greatest rivalry of video gaming with intensely epic synths (as emphasized by the instrumental version) and rather creative lyrics from each side.
  • The surreal YouTuber Jack Stauber has a ton of songs to choose from, but Mona Lisa takes the cake. From Jack's excellent vocals to the strangely beautiful background music, this song is the meaning of "Short, but Sweet".
  • "「Alice in N.Y.」Ver. XYZ", a bombastic cover of the original "Alice in N.Y.", replaces the mix of ten VOICALOIDs with a sensual all-boys utaite group and distinguishes itself by way of nqrse adding an original rap number right after the second chorus.
    From Fashion to Microphone, to snatch the prize
    "Aim for the top" are for those who dare break their limits
    This opportunity is too perfect, don't be shy
    Stand on the stage, break the chains
    + The form now is the Runaway
    Gone in the dark, Special Person A IN THE SHOW (Yeah!)
    More and More media arrive creating mass disturbance
    Every season launches a new type of makeup
    Look everywhere to see high fashion accessories, the star gets more famous every time
    "Is it street style?" ("Wrong! It's punk.")
    Dress in a sense of attraction (Step by step in a glorious night)
    Leaping into and creating a new experience that is beautiful as magic and breaks the limits
