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Awesome / The Unexplored Summon://Blood-Sign

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  • The very first summoning battle in the series, which introduces the reader to its basic concepts. In just a few lines, it's clear that the system of magic is monstrously complex, effectively making every single battle a Moment of Awesome for all involved. But that's not all. The viewpoint characters, Renge and Higan, manage to defeat an opponent who's already defeated many other summoners. When they're cornered, Renge throws her Incense Grenade upwards, hitting the underside of a passing monorail and pulling the two of them to it. If it weren't for an Unexplored-Class destroying the monorail, they would have been able to escape.
  • Kyousuke's first summoning battle in Volume 1. On the enemy side are four elite summoner-vessel pairs, as well as many soldiers in Repliglass suits. On his side, there's just himself and Higan. Despite this, it ends up being a complete Curb-Stomp Battle, with all of the enemies incapacitated and none killed.
    • The very first summoner has his Incense Grenade knocked away like a baseball, causing him to be dragged away with it.
    • The second is blinded by a military light Kyousuke "borrows" from a soldier, then has her nose broken by his Incense Grenade.
    • The third is rendered unable to summon when Kyousuke forces their protective circles together. While this doesn't harm either of them, Kyousuke is able to use his Blood Sign behind his back, allowing him to build up a more powerful Material than his opponent.
    • The soldiers are all knocked out by an Original Green, among the three weakest Materials.
  • In the final battle of Volume 1, the White Queen has been successfully summoned by Guard of Honor. She's vastly more powerful than even other Unexplored-Class, and simply can't be beaten in a straight fight. What does Kyousuke do? He transforms his own Material into the Black Maw that Swallows All, knowing that the Queen would fight it to keep him alive (and because it's another facet of her, and she's unwilling to share. The Queen is destroyed by the Black Maw, though the latter is damaged to the point of losing all four limbs. Before it can eat him, Kyousuke then knocks one last Petal into a Spot, transforming it into another Material (this also stops Higan from having her mind destroyed). This incident is notable as it's seen as a Moment of Awesome in-universe, with the Queen giving him the Award "White Slayer".
  • The end of Volume 5 has one of these for the White Queen, of all people. An army of summoners, including at least one with Award greater than 1000, has called together hundreds of Unexplored-Class to defeat her. By her side is the unconscious Kyousuke, who would be instantly killed if a single attack so much as grazed him. Since he didn't summon her with the Blood Sign-based method, she can't give him a protective circle. So to protect him, the Queen singlehandedly defeats all of the Unexplored-Class and kills all of the attacking summoners. Due to the former, she also manages to gain control over the fundamental laws of the universe.
  • The legendary summoner, Elvast Toydream, was The Dreaded to everyone in the summoning community. He'd reached Award 1000, and was so skilled that he could summon the White Queen on his very first move, a feat that no other summoner has even come close to replicating. How did he die? Because of a surprise attack by Lu Niang Lan, who managed to pull it off despite having lost a summoning battle. She'd honed her combat instincts to the point that she would attempt to kill Elvast even subconsciously.
  • The battle between the White Queen and the Colorless Little Girl, for both sides:
    • The White Queen shows off her full power, making it clear that until now, she hasn't even been remotely trying. She shoots lasers that are described as being capable of destroying countless gods or devils. She cycles through a huge number of alternate forms, each incredibly powerful in its own way, and regenerates from all injuries each time she transforms. She even attempts to compress the entire universe, which would destroy everything in it.
    • But it's an even bigger Moment of Awesome for the Colorless Little Girl, who maintains the upper hand the entire time. She calmly dodges the aforementioned lasers, and fires back even more powerful ones. She unleashes a bombardment of weapons that manages to pulverize the Queen's seemingly-invincible body. When the Queen begins transforming, the Girl comes up with a counter for every single form (like attacking the indestructible body's weak point, or using decoys to avoid powerful attacks). Even the Queen's attempt to crush the universe is stopped, with the Girl putting up a barrier that prevents it happening again. Finally, the Girl erases all of the Queen's influence from the entire universe, allowing her to kill the Queen.
  • In volume 8, Aika Toydream reminds her warmongering family that her voice isn't lost, even if her identity was. And- which is more- that she is an elite summoner in her own right.
  • Shigara chastising the Queen, her killer, like a wayward child. It is the only time the Queen has ever asked anyone for advice, even if rhetorically.
    <I am not afraid of you right now.>
