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Awesome / The Greatest Showman

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This is the greatest show!
  • All of "This Is Me". Barnum locks the circus folks out of the ball room after Jenny's American debut. In response, Lettie and the others decide to own who they are, and proudly march through the hall and into the streets and back to the Barnum museum, singing that they are not ashamed or afraid to be true to themselves. Better yet, the audience joins them in singing, and fully embraces them. To sum it up, everything about this song is pretty much a Moment of Awesome both in-universe and in real life.
  • Phillip standing up to his parents after they disrespect Anne and refusing to want anything to do with them.
  • The brawl between the circus performers and the rioters. Particularly Phillip and Anne's brother fighting together.
  • Just try and watch "Never Enough" and not cheer in glee!
  • The ending of the film. Barnum claims they don't need a building — what they need is a tent. Cut to an epic reprise of the opening song.
  • Barnum running into a burning building to save Philip. Doubles as Tear Jerker.
  • An example from production: during the process to get the movie greenlit, Hugh Jackman was under doctor's orders not to sing due to a recent surgery. During "From Now On", Hugh obviously realizing how applicable the lyrics were to that situation couldn't resist any longer and started belting it out with the rest of the cast.
  • During "Come Alive", watch the actors playing Cheng and Eng as they manage to do backflips and dance despite having to play Siamese twins.
