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Awesome / The Alamo (1960)

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  • When Crockett gives Travis a much needed and deserved verbal smack-down during their first meeting.
    Crockett: Step down off your high horse, Mister! Ya don't get lard less'n you boil a hog.
  • Crockett handles himself well in his first encounter with Emil (the Santa Anna sympathizer). And even boldly offers his services to Flaca in helping to put a stop Emil's harassing.
    Crockett: Ma'am, it is possible that I'm mistaken, but it seems you find this gentleman's company distasteful.
    • He does it again later once he's learned what Emil really plans for Flaca and her property.
    Crockett: It rankles me when somebody tries to force somebody to do something. You haven't seen me before tonight, but I am offering my services. If that fella is making you to stay in Bexar, I'm ready willing and able to provide you with transport to wherever you want to go. And on the other hand, if you choice to stay in Bexar, I'm ready willing and able to see that he don't bother you.
    • If that isn't true chivalry, I don't know what is.
  • The raid on Emil's hidden gunpowder stores. Just as the defenders appear caught by Emil and his thugs, the Parson and Beekeeper manage to turn the tide.
    Parson: Not the boy, he's too young to die! THE GATES OF HEAVEN SWING NOT AJAR FOR SLAYER OF YOUTH!
    Beekeeper: [lowers his torch ominously over an open barrel of gunpowder] We're all going to the same place! Or at least we'll start together!
  • While one of Santa Anna's messenger's prattles on, Travis sets off one of the wall cannons. The man isn't hurt but gets Travis's drift and scampers off.
  • The scenes showing the full scope of Santa Anna's army are sobering and impressive.
  • The Tennesseans' nighttime commando-style raid to steal Santa Anna's cattle may be an example of Artistic License – History, but it's audacious, well-choreographed, and entirely successful.
  • As the Mexicans come charging after the stolen cattle and the gate is being closed, Colonel Travis pauses to calmly fire a single pistol shot that takes out a pursuer before ducking inside. Even Travis's rival Bowie is impressed.
  • Travis defeats two Mexican officers at once in a saber duel right before being shot, then defiantly breaks his sword in half so the enemy can't claim it before dropping dead.
  • Bowie spends his last moments firing at various Mexican soldiers from his sickbed with several pre-loaded guns and even manages to cut one final one down with his knife.
  • One Alamo defender is stabbed in the stomach with a sword as two Mexicans pin his arms. As his last act, he kicks the swordsman in the chest and then clings onto the men pinning his arms as he falls off the wall, dragging them down with him.
  • While Travis and Bowie do go down fighting, Crockett surpasses them by blowing some of the enemy soldiers up when he sets fire to some of the stored munitions.
