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Awesome / Super Robot Wars BX

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  • Many of the crossover attacks are sights to behold in Super Robot Wars BX, but the Shin Mazinger and Mazinkaiser SKL "Dynamic Combination" is a brutal onslaught of awesome, starting with a Big Bang Punch WITH SKL RIDING IT, SKL following it up with Thor Hammer Breaker and then both finishing off with a Photon Beam and InfernoBlaster Beam Clash. Both Mazingers then finish off with a Badass Pose and then proceed with an incredible Badass Boast.
    Kouji: We are...
    All three HELL!
  • To give Gai Shishioh enough time to activate Final Fusion, Akito Tenkawa forces a Boson Jump while latching onto a Jovian mech with his Aestivalis.
  • 00 Qan[T]'s Quantum Sword animation finally answers the question of how much damage would it have done on the ELS planetoid had they not used split up and used the GN Field beneath its surface: It leaves a massive melted scar with size, length and depth that could erase entire countries away, followed by a similar-sized explosion at the middle of it! And that's not even considering the damage that the plasma spread done in the area surrounding it!
