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     In-story examples 
  • Over the years Riot have released numerous animations to promote the game, and every single one of them has been lauded for their high creativity and quality.
    • At the start of Season 1, Riot released a complete CG animated trailer showing off the action of a full match. Kayle vs Morgana! A colossal Cho'Gath demolishing a tower then being bullrushed out of Ryze's way by Alistar! Master Yi dueling Katarina, then teaming up with Ryze and Ashe to take down Warwick! Ryze's Big Damn Heroes moment to save Kayle from Nasus! This is the video that undoubtedly persuaded many, many players to give this game a go.
    • Unknown to many, Riot actually made an even better CG cinematic for the release of Dominion, but ultimately decided not to release it for reasons unknown. Nevertheless, it has come to light! Jarvan, Irelia, Teemo, Lux and Ryze vs Swain, Mordekaiser, Miss Fortune, Cassiopeia and Malphite. Give thanks.
    • A more sedate, yet still awesome, example of LoL CG is the Mac version trailer. Packed with more fanservice than you can shake a stick at, it's guaranteed to make even fans who don't give a damn about the Mac version Squee with delight.
    • Riot raised the bar even further with "A Twist of Fate". The animation quality has improved to such incredible levels that the human champions are almost possible to mistake for real people and the action is indescribably awesome, especially the sudden and unexpected appearance of Baron Nashor at the end.
    • The Road to the Cup video, to promote the Season 3 Championship, is their first 2D-animated video, featuring animated renditions of the pro-gamer competitors performing moves from their favourite champions. While it's heavy on the Narm Charm, it's still undeniably awesome, especially when Dyrus smashes his way out from inside the cup tower with Jayce's Mercury Hammer. Even better when you learn the animation was done by none other than Studio Mir.
    • Jinx is the first champion to get her own fully animated music video, 'Get Jinxed' in the lead-up to her release. Featuring a beautiful mix of 2D and 3D animation, it's incredible.
    • Riot has released yet another amazing, and surprisingly brutal cinematic in the form of "A New Dawn". Featuring an entirely new cast of champions, outside of Katarina who makes her return from "A Twist Of Fate." Especially awesome is the use of Nautilus, who's outright colossal compared to the other, human sized champions, and Rengar, whose fuzzy appearance is masterfully rendered.
    • How much do Riot love cool videos? Even the latest legendary skin release is a good enough excuse for an awesome half-animated video.
    • Speaking of new skins, DJ Sona's Ultimate Concert. Fans had been clamoring for a DJ Sona skin for literal years and the result not only did not disappoint, it smashed expectations.
    • Bard has an AWESOME piece of animation as part of his introduction, done again by Studio Mir. The animations are ridiculously fluid and the video makes you hungry to learn more about Bard's backstory.
    • The video reveal for the latest champion, Ekko, the Boy Who Shattered Time- Ekko: Seconds. You'd be hard-pressed to find a better representation of the abilities of a Time Master as scrappy young punk Ekko clashes against a giant cybernetic monster armed with a massive Power Fist using the power of Save Scumming.
    • PROJECT: OVERDRIVE, the video release to promote the PROJECT series of high-tech skins for Yi, Lucian, Leona, Fiora and Zed (adding to the already released PROJECT: Yasuo skin) turns LoL into a full-blown Cyberpunk action-adventure, as Fiora and Lucian rescue Yi from a secret laboratory and Yi struggles to overcome his brainwashing in time to defend himself from an attack by Zed. Reminiscent of Karas meets Ghost in the Shell, it's STUNNING.
    • To promote the second Pentakill album, Riot released the first full-blown MUSIC VIDEO for the band, with "Mortal Reminder."
    • "The Climb", a cinematic to kickstart the 2018 Season, depicting the trials and tribulations of various champions from all across Runeterra. Undeniably Cutscene Power to the Max, but also undeniably spine-tingling, blood-pumping, and utterly gorgeous the entire way through.
    • Ryze: Call Of Power shows the badassitutde of Runeterra's resident rune collector. With the added bonus of fighting alongside champs like Miss Fortune, Nasus and Sona.
    • "Awaken" is packed with awesomeness. From Riven and Draven throwing down in gladiatorial combat, Camille on the hunt for Jhin and a bevy of Ionian champs banding together to fight Sion.
    • Warriors is chock full of badass moments.
      • Vi proving she doesn't need her gauntlets when she pops Urgot right in the chops barehanded.
      • Kai'Sa making her cinematic debut, saving Ezreal from a horde of voidlings. Ezreal is about to flee, but his better nature wins out and he goes back to help her.
      • On the brink of defeat from Sylas, Lux grabs a staff from a fallen freljord warrior and wins the day by summoning Galio.
    • The Call is a glorious montage of champions in combat- Sejuani leading Olaf and her tribesmen against Volibear and the Ursine, Taliyah and Kai'Sa fighting Xer'Sai in the desert, leading to a clash against the gigantic Rek'Sai, Pantheon smashing through the Solari to duel against Leona, while the cinematic opens and closes on Ornn calmly forging Infinity Edge.
    • The 2024 cinematic, "Still Here" is chock full of awesome moments from Runeterra's past, present and future.
      • In the past, we get an epic throwdown, as Morgana and Kayle team up to fight Aatrox. Ending with Morgana binding the mammoth Darkin, and Kayle absolutely obliterating him with a blast of Aspect fire.
      • In the future, an old warrior defends a village from an attack by bandits. When his hat is knocked off, said old warrior is revealed to be Yasuo, who even in his old age cuts through the bandits like tissue paper.
      • The present segment, and real standout of the cinematic, Tryndamere. Who duels Kindred (AKA the Runeterran Grim Reaper) and winsnote . Fending off Lamb's arrows, Wolf's jaws and comes within an inch of taking Lamb's head off. Even Lamb herself is momentarily stunned to see a mortal fighting that hard against death.
  • Maokai made the first HEXAKILL in LoL history when he became sentient in the middle of a 3v3 and killed everyone.
  • Swain's successful ascent to the position of Grand General of Noxus.
  • Udyr actually defeats the Ice Witch in his new lore.
  • Kassadin deserves a mention for staring into the Void... and retaining his humanity (just his human form), resolving to protect Runeterra from the terrors of the Void. The heroic Void-based champion before the arrival of his daughter, Kai'Sa.
  • Shurima: Rise of the Ascended features gorgeous visuals and breathtaking landscape shots. It's truly a step-up in art and cinematography compared to the usual lore overhauls that we tend to see.
  • In act 3 of Bilgewater: Burning Tides, in which Miss Fortune pulls an impressive Batman Gambit against Gangplank involving Twisted Fate and Graves, destroys his ship and apparently kills Gangplank in front of the entire city-state. At this point, you'll never see MF as merely just your average 'Stripperiffic big-breasted Pirate Girl' again.
    • Not far behind is the long-delayed reconciliation of Graves and Twisted Fate, accomplished through two back-to-back heroic sacrifices which neither of them expected to survive.
    • Continuing this is Shadow and Fortune where Miss Fortune, after a little epiphany that maybe throwing Bilgewater into chaos isn't such a bright idea, held one her own against the Harrowing with just her crews (while last time, she had to resort to an Enemy Mine with Gangplank), and also surprise Big Damn Heroes featuring Lucian. But the one that steals the cake is practically Olaf, who just does what he does best and is like "Oh, doggone it, gimme my glorious death already!"
  • In A Good Death, the Kindred tell the young actress Magga that they enjoy her acting during a chance meeting. Afterwards, she went on to become famous for being the greatest portrayal of Lamb and Wolf.
  • Taric stands between a force of Noxians and Demacians, making both sides stand still in fear of him, all so that he could save a single flower.
  • Braum can't get through a mountain gate in a backstory. So what does he do? Punch through the mountain instead! Then, once on the other side, he lifts the massive gate off its hinges to use as a shield. Because if it can stand up to him punching it, it's Made of Indestructium.
  • When a warrior lays her True Ice axe at Ornn's feet during "The Voice From The Hearth", it melts. Such is Ornn's heat, he melts true ice.
    • Also, both Braum and Ornn get another moment. The "gate" that Braum wields? Ornn made it, and no one could ever get through it for centuries, since, as mentioned before, its Made of Indestructium. Braum not only went through it, but he also wields it now.
  • One-Legged Lars, the storyteller from Bilgewater. A regular sailor who survived an attack by Nautilus, pestering by Fizz and ruin by the hands of Tahm Kench.
  • Rengar's backstory. After being exiled for being The Runt at the End, he molded himself into one of the fiercest hunters in Runeterra. When he returned to his village, his father still refused to accept him. But upon noticing that his revered fathers trophies are old and dusty, Rengar does what you'd expect: Gut him from stem to stern, tells the others to screw off when they try granting him the position of chieftain, and leaves.
  • The final spoken line of "Silence For The Damned". When Udyr fearlessly mouths off to Volibear while taking the form of a Ram, the symbol of his brother and mortal enemy, Ornn.
    Udyr: You will not take her.
  • "What Once Sailed Free" has Xin Zhao, freed from Noxian service and offered freedom by Jarvan III, ask to join the kings elite guard. When Jarvan asks him to prove himself, he does so by stomping his gathered guards, including Garen's aunt, the then head of the Dauntless Vanguard. Jarvan offers him a spot then and there.
  • In Pantheon's updated lore, he was challenged to a fight with Aatrox. He lost and was killed... but Atreus, the mortal warrior he possessed, survived and escaped with his weapon. Then, when the two met again, Atreus' sheer force of will reawakened full might of Pantheon's spear, and allowed him to cut off Aatrox's sword arm with a single blow!
  • The reveal trailer for Senna, Lucian's wife. After six years of attempting to get his vengeance against Thresh, his quick thinking allowed him to break open the warden's lantern. Not long after the souls begin to spill out, Senna forces herself back into the world from the swirling maelstrom, pulls out her weapon, a gigantic runic railgun, and proceeds to send Thresh packing by turning his own attack back onto himself. Though she's still undead, she's one of the few champions who hasn't suffered any psychological corruption.
  • As shown in the page image, Camille has Jhin dead to rights as their section in the "Awaken" cinematic closes. But issues 5 of the "Zed" comic reveals he managed to somehow escape her grasp at the last moment.
  • Fear has Darius trudging alone through the perilous Freljord. When surrounded by a pack of wolves, he reaches back...and produces a canteen to calmly take a drink. The wolves promptly run like Hell.
  • In Dead in the Water Miss Fortune watches Nautilus emerge from the ocean. He uses his anchor to pull himself onto the ship she's currently on, the sheer weight of him tilting the ship onto its side as he climbs aboard. Then Nautilus dooms the mighty ship he boarded with a single mighty blow from his anchor, sinking it to the bottom of the sea.

     Gameplay examples 
  • PENTAKILL! Even more so when it's happening by the Pros in the LCS. The background shouting and the commentators going apeshit adds a whole new level to the awesome.
  • Using Pantheon's ultimate, Grand Skyfall, and literally dropping in on a fight. Bonus points if you kill someone on impact.
  • Using Shen's ultimate on a low-health ally to save them, then appearing at their side to reverse the situation. The shield and the "incoming ninja" sound that it makes can cause a Mass "Oh, Crap!" as bad as anything Pantheon does.
  • The best way to mop up a weakened enemy team? Have Karthus sing them the song of his people.
    Karthus (casting Requiem): SING WITH YOUR FINAL BREATH!
  • Any time you escape from a gank. Bonus awesome if it was against a champion who could change your positioning, like Singed or Blitzcrank. More bonus points if post ganking, you escaped a global ult that would've killed you (such as Ashe's, Draven's or Jinx's).
  • Every single summoner (yes, that includes you) will have a crowning moment in game. It could be your first Pentakill, it could be an amazing game-saving play you made up on the fly, it doesn't matter. Some had 5 of them last week, some will get theirs years after starting. But at some point or another, you WILL feel like a legend. Which, in and of itself, is a Moment of Awesome- A game that makes you feel exactly how it says it will.
  • The newest graphical rework for Garen gives his ultimate attack an impressive effect on a successful execution. And by impressive, we mean a gigantic shockwave that ripples almost an entire screen's worth of area. As if using it the right way wasn't satisfactory enough.
  • Doom Bots of Doom. This game mode grants a twist to the Coop Vs AI gameplay for people who say it is too easy. After picking your champions and entering the loading screen, you see that all bots have selected the same icon, which is Ziggs with a supervillianesque look. You then enter the game into a darker Summoners Rift, where the music got replaced with the Twisted Treeline Theme. Did we mention that every champion bot has gotten a gimmick that no normal champ has? Lux's abilities are split up in multiple projectiles, including her Ultimate, Karthus gains invulnerability randomly even when he is not dead and Ziggs bombs home in on you. Additionally,they can get Bonus Dooms that grant them small bonuses like Anivia's Rebirth or Garen suddenly being in nearby bushes. However The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard does not apply fully, as they still are limited in vision and intelligence as their normal counterparts, what grants for an extreme satisfaction should you take them down. However, The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard is slightly mitigated by this mode being Nintendo Hard. And, as many players have noticed, most of the Doom Bots are Ability Power champions. As such, some players believe playing Veigar or Kassadin are good ideas. And then you run into a Doom Veigar, and watch in terror as his Primordial Burst one-shots the Kassadin or Veigar on your team, and then he proceeds to rain down a Kill Sat level Dark Matter on you and the rest of your team.
  • Regardless about how one may have felt about Mordekaiser's rework, it cannot be denied that being able to enslave the Dragon was nothing short of awesome. Nothing beat securing dragon with your jungler then using its ghost to siege a tower with impunity.
