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Awesome / El Chapulín Colorado

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  • Not the character, but the actor. In one scene El Chapulín faints after seeing a ghost, later someone wakes him abruptly, when he wakes up, he says each and all of his catchphrases (and are a lot for a single character).
  • "La función debe continuar", a six-episode series about an old man that worked at a filming studio that was going to be demolished to build houses and asks El Chapulín to be toured all over the filming sets for the man to finally have a reason to see them again before it's too late. It's basically a giant homage to several famous films and series (Including a cartoon where Ramón Valdéz incarnates The Pink Panther) where the entire cast shows off on a variety of roles. The ending really drives that point home - that no matter how much you destroy the physically remains of a film, what it did will not be forgotten.
