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Awesome / BattleTech (2018)

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  • Battletech's campaign allows you to make your own little mark on the history of the setting as hired mercenaries for Kamea Arano's Restoration movement. Running an elite unit with access to Star League technology, the player turns the tide of the war while getting considerably rich in the process. Even though it's a small conflict by Battletech standards, it ends with the destruction of a Taurian Fortress dropship and its accompanying army at the hands of a single Lance.
  • The end of the Heavy Metal mini-campaign allows your scrappy team of mercenaries to pick a fight with the command lance of Black Widow Company note  and The Bounty Hunter with Associates — at the same time. Granted, it's a bit undercut by the fact that they'll mostly attack each other due to a mutual blood feud, but it's still a really cool setting for an Optional Boss for fans of the tabletop game.
    • Even better, when Natasha calls up to tell you to take a hike and leave the Dobrev to her, you can challenge her to a fight: your lance against hers, winner takes all. Since Natasha Kerensky is a Warrior of Clan Wolf, you've basically just issued a batchall for a Trial of Possession for the Dobrev. Little wonder the Black Widow doesn't even hesitate to accept.
  • The game had the events of it canonized with a tabletop rulebook, even if it is seen as Broad Strokes. A sector of space that had, for the longest time, been seen as "that mostly empty space between the Taurians and Canopus" has now become an actually established portion of true canon, all because Hairbrained Schemes took it and did something great with it.
