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Awesome / Another Eden

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  • Defeating any of the Superbosses whose level exceeds the player's own is one for the player. This includes the Otherlands' own end bosses.
  • Unlocking the full power of a Manifest Weapon is incredibly gratifying. The corresponding unit will now enjoy a massive surge in power, and it's sometimes enough to let you take down another Superboss — like a different Manifest Weapon, for instance!
  • Galliard's boss battle. The guy chases you down on a freakin' motorcycle!
  • When Aldo returns to Barouki after traveling through the Spacetime Rift, the player can have a sidequest where the Mayor trains Aldo outside of town. It starts off by the Mayor provoking Aldo to strike him with a sword. Aldo obliges, the screen fades to black as sparks appear in the center, and Aldo is shown falling to his knees. When the young man is surprised at how his grandfather was able to counter-attack him, the Mayor says that it's all just his "reflexes" kicking in.
  • When the Riftbreaker is falling from the sky, Helena, with a little inspiration from Galliard, HOLDS IT AND KEEPS IT FROM CRASHING BY HERSELF.
  • Fighting a DRAGON so Aldo can get his 5-star board!
  • From IDA Part 2, Claude using his legendary magical bow to shoot down a clock tower is awesome enough. But Saki gets her shining moment here, gaining control of her power, summoning the Absolute Zero Chain to freeze the nigh-unstoppable Dream Isuka.
  • During Helena's Side Episode, she gets taken away with LeA-BAK and the party is confronted by Deus Ex, which is impervious due to a special shield. Cue the revived Galliard charging in on his motorcycle, breaking the shield with his Origin Lance.
    • At the end of the same Side Episode, Leo taunts the party by unveiling that the chapter boss Deus Ex is just one of many mass-produced units, and intends to ship them out to cause havoc in other worlds. He turns to Sebastia to see her response. She says nothing... only because she was busy triggering the self-destruct function of the Deus Ex units — ALL of them.
  • The end of the Persona 5 crossover has Cyrus, Morgana, Joker, and Aldo all working together to destroy a crystal the Phantom has been drawing power from. With the Phantom weakened, Aldo and Joker then proceed to finish him off with an All-Out Attack.
  • At the end of the questline that unlocks his Another Style, Gariyu claims some of the Magic Ember Dragon's power as his own and finishes it off in an exchange of blows. This includes tossing his staff in the air like a baton, launch a black fireball at it, and still having the time to catch it.
  • After besting KMS Eastern Division's security, the party gets caught in Delamair's trap which threatens to microwave the whole party. The one to save the day... is none other than the Synth Hydra battleship, which just busted through the wall.
  • The climactic showdown at the Burning Beast King's Castle Throne Room has Knight Commander Anabel unleash the power of her Deliverance Sword on the party. Radias unveils the wrapped sword on her back — parallel Guildna's Crimson Sword, and used it to parry the blow. This all plays out with two BFSes duking it out in a spectacular cutscene.
  • The Chrono Clan's performance at Satellite Stadium already involves a lot of impressive music and visual effects, including a boss fight backed by an impressive vocal track. When the after-effects of that boss fight causes the Stadium to start falling, Kamlanage combines his ESP with the performance and the audience's excitement to keep the stadium afloat.
  • Doubles as heartwarming - in Chapter 4 of "Song of Sword and Wings of Lost Paradise" Mythos, Mistrare, despite already losing half of her wing from shielding Seze from the punishment of the village's "great grandmother", is still so hell-bent on freeing everyone in the village from the curse binding them. This culminates in her jumping off of a cliff to save Seze despite the person nearly killing the "great grandmother" and many other people in the village because Mistrare sympathizes with her as well. It all paid off in the end - as this act culminates in the curse of the village finally broken at last, and both of their wings are restored afterwards. Girl got serious guts.
  • At the climax of the Goddess of Time Part III, the Phantom summons the God of Darkness, and its defeat ushers in the embodiment of Chaos that threatens to erase and rewrite all of history. It's so much of a threat that even Ogre Rancorem, which has been acting selfishly all the while, urges Feinne to channel her powers to try and stabilize the continuum. To this end, she combines Kamlanage's resonance with her innate geo power to unleash a massive call to aid that spans time and space, summoning King Miglance, King Palsifal, and the Thunder King to combine the might of their Sacred Blades to re-seal it. This keeps things stable enough for the party to confront Chaos itself, ending in one of the most spectacular final boss fights to date.
  • While it can be said that all of the Symphonies are awesome on their own for their ability to faithfully include elements from their original series, the Chrono Cross crossover added in December 2021 update deserves special mention, being the most ambitious crossover to date. For starters, the opening animation alone features a beautiful fully 3D-rendered movie that pays homage to the original series' own MV. Not only Aldo, Feinne, and Cyrus look stunning in the 3D model, but so do Serge, Kid, and Harle in the upgraded model while they are adapted well to AE's own art style.
