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Alternative Character Interpretation / Star Wars: The Clone Wars

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars features characters that have been subjected to different character interpretations made by the fans.

  • Almec's claim that Jango Fett is not a real Mandalorian.
    • With The Mandalorian revealing Jango to be a Mandalorian Foundling, is Almec simply unaware of Jango's status? Or does he know and lied about it either out of political convenience or out of snooty elitism towards Foundlings? The latter interpretation would be befitting the canon's depiction of some Mandalorians feeling more deserving of the label over others given their infighting over their cultural identity.
    • It could also be that pulling a Chuundar and allowing himself to be cloned for a slave army using Mandalorian training methods, thus perverting his culture's traditions for profit and making slaves of most of his sons, would have at least a few of his brethren disgusted enough to land Jango in dar'manda territory.
    • It doesn't hurt that Almec proves himself in later appearances to be a deceptive Smug Snake with no qualms about lying to suit his agenda, making his claim (which flies in the face of Jango still canonically being from the Mandalorian world of Concord Dawn) even more suspect.
  • Does Savage Opress become evil of his own free will? Or are his evil actions the product of the Nightsisters' brainwashing? Or some combination of the two? Savage's death scene in "The Lawless" only serves to further muddy the issue since it has him reverting back into his pre-Dark Side self.
  • Is Darth Maul a Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds who acts the way he does because of all of the hardships that he has endured throughout his life and, for all of his evil, genuinely cares about his brother Savage Opress? Or is he an utterly unsympathetic villain whose obsession with Obi-Wan has turned him into a revenge-fueled psychopath that treats Savage (who he began referring to solely as "apprentice") as a minion and an investment? There are arguments that can be made for both interpretations. Maul's reaction to Savage's death shows that he did truly care about his brother, albeit in a cold and detached Jerk with a Heart of Gold sort of way.
  • Is 99's Senseless Sacrifice a genuine moment of him being out of his depth and desperate to help, an attempt to die a soldier since he knew he'd likely never get another chance, or an attempt to be reunited with his friend Hevy?
  • When Darth Maul begs Sidious to have mercy, is he begging for his life or a quick death (since Sidious is the sadistic type)?
  • Barriss Offee has been subjected to multiple character interpretations by fans as a result of the events that occurred during the Fugitive arc in season five:
    • Is Barriss a misguided but genuinely Well-Intentioned Extremist who is ultimately proven right about her views on the Jedi and their role in the galaxy? Or is she a hypocritical, self-righteous Knight Templar who is in denial of her own turn to the Dark Side? Again, arguments have been made for both interpretations.
    • In a similar vein, her mourning for one of the Jedi who were killed in the bombing of the Jedi Temple hangar. Is she merely acting? Or is she showing some genuine remorse for carrying out the bombing? Likewise, is her conversation with Ahsoka after the memorial service manipulation? Or is she having doubts about her choices? The look of sorrow and guilt on her face as Ahsoka walks away suggests the latter, but her later actions imply the former. In the end, it's most likely both as Barriss is actively manipulating Ahsoka, but she still feels remorseful about having to do it, which is reinforced by the sad look she gives Ahsoka after being exposed and arrested towards the end of the story arc.
    • Her comment that she feels Ventress' lightsabers suit her muddies the waters even more. Only Sith use red lightsabers after all.
  • Ahsoka's decision to leave the Jedi Order. Does Ahsoka leave the Jedi Order because she realized that Barriss had a point about the growing corruption of Order's values and morals? Or is she simply too hurt by the way she had been betrayed by Barriss and being mistrusted by the Council?
  • Is Anakin letting Rush Clovis fall to his death in "Crisis at the Heart" a simple case of Forgot About His Powers? Or does he let Clovis fall?
  • A comment made by a Dark Side shadow of Yoda implies that Yoda may have experimented with the Dark Side in the past.
    Dark Yoda: Yoda plays not with me anymore. Yoda thinks me not worthy.
  • Crosshair saying Echo was "another reg" in the finished version of "A Distant Echo". Is he really displaying a lack of sympathy towards Echo and treating him as an inconsequential Expendable Clone, or is he being coldly facetious towards Rex given "The Reason You Suck" Speech he gave for leaving Echo behind in the first place and needlessly leading everyone else into a potential trap to absolve Rex of his own Survivor Guilt? Further muddying the waters is that in the original animatic (where Crosshair and Hunter brought up the idea that Echo might have betrayed them), the statement that gets Crosshair punched is that he wouldn't remain loyal if he was left for dead like Echo was either, which hints at a bit of sympathy towards Echo's potential mistreatment by the Republic. Additionally, in both the animatic and finished version of "On the Wings of Keeradaks", Echo is shown to have earned some respect from Crosshair while defending the Poletec village.
  • Maul wants to kill Anakin in order to thwart his old master's plans, but what if it's also another opportunity for him to stick it to Obi-Wan?
