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YMMV / X-Men Red (2022)

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  • Catharsis Factor: Magneto effortlessly defeating and killing Tarn the Uncaring was quite a sight to see after all the things the sadistic asshole did in S.W.O.R.D. (2020) and Hellions.
  • Funny Moments:
    • Issue #9's infopage, written for Roberto's eyes only. It's him at his nuttiest, chessmaster-iest heights.
    Roberto accomplished.
    • Issue #16 begins with The Prince of Power trying, and spectacularly failing, to reassure Loola and her brother.
    Prince: My planet was likewise annihilated in a battle with a fearsome villain. Granted, it was I who did the annihilating... but they say "'tis the thought that counts"! And as I'd given it no thought at all, it therefore doesn't count.
  • Heartwarming Moments:
    • Roberto and Magneto's meeting in issue 1, with them falling right back into the student & teacher / parent & disreputable son routine.
    • Visiting astronaut Craig Marshall preparing to sacrifice his life for a pair of Arakki children in issue #6, and being embraced as "of Arakko" in response.
    • Issue #10 has 2, from Cable's report on the events of the issue
      • He playfully chastises Roberto by reminding him he was his headmaster too and Roberto is told to remember who told him about the parable of the scorpion and the frog and to find him when he figures out which one he is.
      • Although Cable acknowledges that it is strange, he notes that he would be "loath" to hand Vulcan over to the Shi'ar for trial after his defeat. Why? Because Vulcan is his uncle. And Cable also mentions he's glad Vulcan is safe (albeit in a stasis cell and that others are safe from him).
  • Like You Would Really Do It: In Issue #4 Magneto opts out of Cerebro backups, rendering him mortal, and in Issue #5 he gets his heart ripped out by Uranos. But considering that he's one of the most notable X-Men characters, it's barely a surprise when Magneto is revealed to have survived this injury using his powers at the end of the issue. Issue #7 has him supposedly dying once more, but given this is Magneto, chances of it sticking for long are... pretty slim.
  • Love to Hate: Brand. The duplicitous traitor, who plans to take over Sol at the expense of mutant kind, mostly because her 0% Approval Rating is Played for Laughs.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The sheer devastation that Uranos unleashes on Arakko. He crushes Omega-Level mutants like Magneto and Cable, seemingly defeats Legion in under a minute (he didn't; it was basically a draw), and slaughters almost every living thing in a 50-mile radius.
    • The end of issue #8 reveals just what Abigail's plans are, and how long they've been going on for. They've been going on since the very beginning of the Dawn of X era. Oh, and the aliens that revived Vulcan, implanting him with a second personality? That was her. Luckily it doesn't last, because Sunspot and Storm ruin her plans.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • Magneto's discovery that Anya was not a mutant, and cannot be brought back.
    • The beginning of issue 7. All of it. Even if it's Magneto, who will almost certainly be back sooner or later, it's still a poignant moment as he dies in Storm's arms, telling her to watch out for Charles, who will not almost certainly unleash some disaster through poorly thought-out good intentions, and starts seeing Anya as he goes.
    • Related is issue #11, which deals with Charles finally reacting to that, after the events of Sins of Sinister. While his behavior is appalling, it also isn't hard to feel some sympathy for the man mourning the loss of his best friend. Especially when Storm corrects him on his proper name. Ororo also makes it clear that Xavier is absolutely no longer her friend.
